Looping through array for Tabulator - tabulator

I have an array that I am attempting to push into a table using tabulator...
My dataTable line reads as followed..
var tableData = [<?php $array = print json_readable_encode ( pulseProxyStatus ( $uri, $authtoken ));?>];
This presents me with an empty table. However, If I specify a specific record from the json array, it will show me that one record, but I cannot see the entire result.
var tableData = [<?php $array = print json_readable_encode ( pulseProxyStatus ( $uri, $authtoken )[8]);?>];
How can I get this table to show the entire result of the JSON array. Do I need to loop through somehow?

Once you have all the data available loop over it and create an array as in the image below and set it using table.setData(tableData) as in documentation


Use value from a column as paramater for json request and combine the table

I am using power query to load some json data in a table (matches). I want to use a specific part of that data (fixture_id) as a parameter for another json request in another query (predictions), and then combine that output in my main (matches) table. Anyone can point me in the right direction on how to do this ?
So here is my matches table:
And then in my fixtures table i can maybe i have:
apiKey = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="ApiKey"]}[Content]{0}[Column1],
fixtureID = "?",
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://v2.api-football.com/predictions/" & fixtureID, [Headers=[#"X-RapidAPI-Key"=apiKey]])),
If i hardcode the fixtureID, i get this output:
But i want to calculate it dynamically, and then merge the output to the matches table.
The first step is to turn your request into a function that accepts parameters. Put your request on a new blank query:
fnGetData = (fixtureID as text) =>
apiKey = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="ApiKey"]}[Content]{0}[Column1],
fixtureID = "?",
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://v2.api-football.com/predictions/"
& fixtureID, [Headers=[#"X-RapidAPI-Key"=apiKey]]))
Rename it to fnGetData.
Then, go to your table and click on Add Column/Add Custom Function. Select fnGetData and the input parameter is your fixtureID column. This should make all the requests and you'll just have to expand the new column results.

Unable to retrieve custom list value from saved search in netsuite

Creating saved search in suitescript using nlapiSearchRecord. All the column value returns except one column which is type is custom list.
How could I get value of custom list?
To get the value I'm using code lines below.
columns[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn( 'customlist' );
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord( 'customrecord', null, filters, columns );
To get the column value
var listValue = searchresult.getListValue( 'customlist' );
I assume you've simplified your code in trying to be clear or confidential but there will never be fields or records with those ids.
from a search you would do:
var searchResult = searchResults[0];
searchResult.getValue(fieldId, joinName, summary)
// or in your case
searchResult.getValue('customlist'); //returns id of list value or simple result of non-list/record fields
or (and I think this is the one you want)
searchResult.getText('customlist'); // returns the display value of the list/record field.

Is there any way i can get handle on value from views Column header?

Is there any way i can get handle on value from views Column header??
I have one view and i have to display only selected column values inside a table with respect to the selected column header.
var colNames = new Array(); var Title=sessionScope.dbTitle;
var vwName = sessionScope.vwTitle;
print ("view name"+ vwName);
if ((vwName != null) & (vwName != "Select")) { //var vwName="vwDbConfig";
print (vwName);
var dbpath=#DbLookup("","vwDbConfig",Title,3);
var serName=#DbLookup("","vwDbConfig",Title,2);
var ArchDb:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase(serName,dbpath);
//var ArchDb:NotesDatabase= database;
var Archvw:NotesView = ArchDb.getView(vwName);
var names:java.util.Vector = Archvw.getColumnNames();
Answer is: two repeats. Outermost repeat will iterate through view entries of binded view data source, variable "row". Inner repeat will iterate through collection of numbers - each represents index of selected column, variable "column". Repeat will render inside <td> tag computed text with binding row.getColumnValues().get(column). Adopt it to proper data type if necessary. Don't forget to add proper tags for header and rows.

Pass table name a parameter to the Data Context method using LINQ to SQL in C#

I have created a method which delete data from the database by joining a db column with a csv file, I have a list of tables in a Data Context which I need to iterate, i means that I need to change the table name by passing it as parameter to the method.
Basically I need to use this method for all the table present in the Data Context
Current hard coded Table name in a GetTable method: dw_Job
DataContext Object: job
Here is my code
var query = from line in File.ReadAllLines(file, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252))
//let jobrecord = line.Split(',')
join j in job.GetTable<dw_Job>() on
equals j.JobID
select j;
foreach (var deletejob in query)
I can able to provide if you need any further details of my code. Please correct me on this
Thanks in advance

Creating an associative array using a while loop for select list?

I am dynamically generating a selectlist in Drupal and I want to create an associative array to populate the node ID as the value, and the title of the node as the option.
By default, it makes the value for each option the index of the select list. This is no good because the select list is dynamic, meaning the values won't be in the same order.
I used drupal_map_assoc to make the value the same as the option, but I have queries based on the value stored in this field, so if someone updates the value stored, the queries won't match.
<option value="Addison Reserve Country Club Inc.">Addison Reserve Country Club Inc.</option>
I want to replace the value with the Node ID also pulled with the query.
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT title, nid FROM {node} WHERE type = \'accounts\' ';
$result = db_query($sql);
while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$return[] = $row['title'];
//Trying to do something like 'Addison Reserve Country Club' => '2033' - where 2033 is the nid
$return = drupal_map_assoc($return);
I think you just want to do this inside the loop:
$return[$row['nid']] = $row['title'];
Based on your comment, you would also want to do an array_flip() right after the loop, but I think your comment may just have it backwards.
