Moving Unique Count Calculation Pandas DataFrame - python-3.x

I am defining a function that is being applied to every row in my Data Frame that counts unique codes in a the column "Code" for every id in the set. The code I have works, but it is incredibly slow and I am using a large data set. I am looking for a different approach that speed up the operation.
from datetime import timedelta as td
import pandas as pd
df['Trailing_12M'] = df['Date'] - td(365) #current date - 1 year as new column
def Unique_Count(row):
"""Creating a new df for each id and returning unique count to every row in original df"""
temp1 = np.array(df['ID'] == row['ID'])
temp2 = np.array(df['Date'] <= row['Date'])
temp3 = np.array(df['Date'] >= row['Trailing_12M'])
temp4 = np.array(temp1 & temp2 & temp3)
df_Unique_Code_Count = np.array(df[temp4].Code.nunique())
return df_Unique_Code_Count
df['Unique_Code_Count'] = df.apply(Unique_Count, axis=1)


Python Pandas Writing Value to a Specific Row & Column in the data frame

I have a Pandas df of Stock Tickers with specific dates, I want to add the adjusted close for that date using yahoo finance. I iterate through the dataframe, do the yahoo call for that Ticker and Date, and the correct information is returned. However, I am not able to add that information back to the original df. I have tried various loc, iloc, and join methods, and none of them are working for me. The df shows the initialized zero values instead of the new value.
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
from datetime import timedelta
# Build the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'Ticker':['BGFV','META','WIRE','UG'],
# Change the Date to Datetime
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df.Date)
# initialize the adjusted close
df['Adj_Close'] = 0.00 # You'll get a column of all 0s
# iterate through the rows of the df and retrieve the Adjusted Close from Yahoo
for i in range(len(df)):
ticker = df.iloc[i]['Ticker']
start = df.iloc[i]['Date']
end = start + timedelta(days=1)
# YF call
data =, start=start, end=end)
# Get just the adjusted close
adj_close = data['Adj Close']
# Write the acjusted close to the dataframe on the correct row
df.iloc[i]['Adj_Close'] = adj_close
print(f'i value is {i} and adjusted close value is {adj_close} \n')
The simplest way to do is to use loc as below-
# change this line
df.loc[i,'Adj_Close'] = adj_close.values[0]
You can use:
def get_adj_close(x):
# You needn't specify end param because period is already set to 1 day
df = df =['Ticker'], start=x['Date'], progress=False)
return df['Adj Close'][0].squeeze()
df['Adj_Close'] = df.apply(get_adj_close, axis=1)
>>> df
Ticker Date Adj_Close
0 BGFV 2021-05-18 27.808811
1 META 2021-05-18 315.459991
2 WIRE 2022-04-12 104.320045
3 UG 2019-06-03 16.746983

Pandas - how to create a new dataframe from the columns and values of an old dataframe?

I have a CSV file in which I have tweets with the following column names: File, User, Date 1, month, day, Tweet, Permalink, Retweet count, Likes count, Tweet value, Language, Location.
I want to create a new data frame with tweets from certain cities. I can do it but only for the last city on my list (Girona). So it doesn't add all the rows. Here is my code:
import pandas as pd
import os
path_to_file = "populismo_merge.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(path_to_file, encoding='utf-8', sep=',')
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("A Coruña",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Alava",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Albacete",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Alicante",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Almería",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Asturias",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Avila",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Badajoz",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Barcelona",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Burgos",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Cáceres",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Cádiz",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Cantabria",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Castellón",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Ceuta",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Ciudad Real",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Córdoba",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Cuenca",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Formentera",na=False)]
values = df[df['Location'].str.contains("Girona",na=False)]
values.to_csv(r'populismo_ciudad.csv', index = False)
Many thanks!!!
Use isin:
import pandas as pd
import os
path_to_file = "populismo_merge.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(path_to_file, encoding='utf-8', sep=',')
cities = ['A Coruña', 'Alava', 'Albacete', 'Alicante', 'Almería',
'Asturias', 'Avila', 'Badajoz', 'Barcelona', 'Burgos',
'Cáceres', 'Cádiz', 'Cantabria', 'Castellón', 'Ceuta',
'Ciudad Real', 'Córdoba', 'Cuenca', 'Formentera', 'Girona']
values = df[df['Location'].isin(cities)]
values.to_csv(r'populismo_ciudad.csv', index = False)
You are overwriting the values variable each time. A more concise answer would be along the lines of.
values= df[df['LocationName'].isin(["A Coruña", "Alava", ......)]

How to verify if Ids are present in each day within a period of x days?

The problem is the dataset has variable data rates per ID, I would like to filter out the IDs that do not have at least one data point per day.
I have a dataframe with IDs, dates, and data, in which I counted the daily sampling rate for each ID.
dfcounted = df.reset_index().groupby(['id', pd.Grouper(key='datetime', freq='D')]).count().reset_index()
Now, i have taken the first and last date of the dataframe, and created a dataframe of each day between the starting and ending dates:
# take dates
sdate = df['datetime'].min() # start date
edate = df['datetime'].max() # end date
# interval
delta = edate - sdate # as timedelta
# empty list
dates = []
# store each date in list
for i in range(delta.days + 1):
day = sdate + timedelta(days=i)
# convert to dataframe
dates = pd.DataFrame(data = dates, columns=["date"])
From here, I am lost on how to proceed. I have created a sample dataframe
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import random
import string
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
ids = random.choices(letters,k=100)
date_today =
days = pd.date_range(date_today, date_today + timedelta(99), freq='D')
data = np.random.randint(1, high=100, size=len(days))
df = pd.DataFrame({'date': days,'ids': ids, 'data': data})
df = df.set_index('date')
With the sample df, i would expect to create a "results" df with only the ids that have data in each date.

How to write from loop to dataframe

I'am trying to calculate 33 stock betas and write them to dataframe.
Unfortunately, I have an error in my code:
cannot concatenate object of type ""; only pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, and pd.Panel (deprecated) objs are vali
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
stock1=pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\Кир\Desktop\Uni\Master\Nasdaq\Financials 11.05\Nasdaq last\clean data\01.xlsx", '1') #read second sheet of excel file
stock2=pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\Кир\Desktop\Uni\Master\Nasdaq\Financials 11.05\Nasdaq last\clean data\01.xlsx", '2') #read second sheet of excel file
stock2['stockreturn']=np.log(stock2.AdjCloseStock / stock2.AdjCloseStock.shift(1)) #stock ln return
stock2['SP500return']=np.log(stock2.AdjCloseSP500 / stock2.AdjCloseSP500.shift(1)) #SP500 ln return
stock2 = stock2.iloc[1:] #delete first row in dataframe
betas = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(0,(len(stock2.AdjCloseStock)//52)-1):
betas = betas.append(stock2.stockreturn.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52].cov(stock2.SP500return.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52])/stock2.SP500return.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52].cov(stock2.SP500return.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52]))
My data looks like weekly stock and S&P index return for 33 years. So the output should have 33 betas.
I tried simplifying your code and creating an example. I think the problem is that your calculation returns a float. You want to make it a pd.Series. DataFrame.append takes:
DataFrame or Series/dict-like object, or list of these
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(33*53, 2),
columns=['a', 'b'])
betas = pd.DataFrame()
for year in range(len(df['a'])//52 -1):
# Take some data
in_slice = pd.IndexSlice[year*52:(year+1)*52]
numerator = df['a'].iloc[in_slice].cov(df['b'].iloc[in_slice])
denominator = df['b'].iloc[in_slice].cov(df['b'].iloc[in_slice])
# Do some calculations and create a pd.Series from the result
data = pd.Series(numerator / denominator, name = year)
# Append to the DataFrame
betas = betas.append(data) = 'years'
betas.columns = ['beta']
0 0.107669
1 -0.009302
2 -0.063200
3 0.025681
4 -0.000813

Python3, with pandas.dataframe, how to select certain data by some rules to show

I have a pandas.dataframe, and I want to select certain data by some rules.
The following codes generate the dataframe
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
today =
dates = list()
for k in range(10):
a_day = today - datetime.timedelta(days=k)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(100, size=(10, 3)),
columns=('other1', 'actual', 'other2'),
index=['{}'.format(i) for i in range(10)])
df.insert(0, 'dates', dates)
df['err_m'] = np.random.rand(10, 1)*0.1
df['std'] = np.random.rand(10, 1)*0.05
df['gain'] = np.random.rand(10, 1)
Now, I want select by the following rules:
1. compute the sum of 'err_m' and 'std', then sort the df so that the sum is descending
2. from the result of step 1, select the part where 'actual' is > 50
Create a new column and then sort by this one:
df['errsum'] = df['err_m'] + df['std']
# Return a sorted dataframe
df_sorted = df.sort('errsum', ascending = False)
Select the lines you want
# Create an array with True where the condition is met
selector = df_sorted['errsum'] > 50
# Return a view of sorted_dataframe with only the lines you want
