How to attach a base64 png image in the slack bot's response? [duplicate] - base64

I have integrated Slack API using cURL in my project.
I want to send an image as my attachment. It works while sending full image path in image_url. But when I convert that image to base64 string and then pass it with image_url it doesn't go as attachment.
So basically I want to post base64 string as my image attachment. Because I don't want to store the image on my server.
"fallback": "Required text summary of the attachment that is shown by clients that understand attachments but choose not to show them.",

You can not submit a full image as attachments, only URLs to an image.
If you want to upload an image to Slack you can do so by using files.upload. Here is a curl example for uploading a GIF image from the Slack documentation:
curl -F file=#dramacat.gif -F channels=C024BE91L,#general -F token=xxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx
An alternative is to use an image hoster (e.g. to upload and store your image (through their API). Then you can include the image URL in your attachment.
I personally prefer the second option, since its more flexible to include image URLs in messages and images then do not reduce your precious storage space on Slack.


Add sample image in template header in whatsapp cloud API

I am doing a project using WhatsApp cloud API. I need to create a template with a media header. I have created a template with a media header without a sample image and it gets rejected. So I want to create a template with a sample image in Node JS.
Template with a media header
Add sample image for a template
curl -X POST "{whatsapp-business-account-ID}/message_templates
I want to add a sample image using Node JS (Not manually like the second picture).
header_handle requires a encrypted file upload provided by facebook.
This can be done by calling 2 apis.
We have to create a session for the file to be uploaded.
For creating session refer this
After creating session, we will get session id to upload the original file to it.Response will look something like this:
Second,We have to upload the file to{above_id}
This will give a response something similar to
Should be added during the request to create template.
It worked for me.
See this for better understanding on how to do it.
The answer Provided by Aravindh is correct, you can follow This document from Meta to upload the Image you want.
Just make sure you use a supported type by WhatsApp API ( For WhatsApp Business Platform Cloud API , For WhatsApp Business Platform On-Premises API ) and the upload end point (file-type — The file's MIME type. Valid values are: image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png, and video/mp4
Double Check if you are following exacly the types supported, for example in case of png, you need to set "file_type" to "image/png" no just "png" when creating the upload session.
I have tested it and it works for me.
Hope this helps

where to save images uploaded via POST and how to send that image via GET

My problem seems common but with a variety of use cases, I couldn't find the exact answer
the idea:
user will upload an image from front-end, every upload should create a json entry in database like:
id: number,
description: string,
image_url: string //important, this should be the image url
where do I save these images such that I can have an image_url so whenever someone puts the url in browser that image is seen
You can save your images in a folder and then serve its files using something like this:
app.use('/images', express.static('images'))
and image links would be like
you can read more here

How to upload an mp4 (or other video) to Imgur using the API?

I am using the Imgur API to upload images to albums, as part of a Reddit bot. However, when I try to upload MP4 files I get an error: "File type invalid (1)". Uploading the exact same MP4 file using the website works just fine.
I am using this endpoint to upload the file: POST
The above comment is no longer correct -- You can indeed upload an MP4 using Imgur API
import requests
url = ""
payload = {'album': 'ALBUMID',
'type': 'file',
'disable_audio': '0'}
files = [
('video', open('/path/to/Video.mp4','rb'))
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer BEARERTOKENHERE'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data = payload, files = files)
The above works for me and uploads successfully. Something to note though, I have not figured out how to make the upload tied to my account, or within a specific album. It seems to be ignoring the album_id field. In other words, despite using the Bearer token, it appears to be navigating the API "anonymously".
From the imgur Help site, located here and last updated 2 months ago:
File Types
If you need help learning how to upload on Imgur, check out this help
article. You can upload any of the following files: JPEG, PNG, GIF, APNG, TIFF, MOV (desktop website only), MP4 (desktop website
Imgur doesn't currently support uploads in the following
formats: WEBM GIFV
Explicitly, MP4s are only currently supported as uploaded manually via the website directly.
Unfortunately, that means imgur does not support MP4 types through any method other than the Desktop site at this current time.
I agree with a comment above. Now it is works great. Even you can upload the video without authorization. Just using a POST method Pass a video file in body with image key. That's all.
Example in Postman

How can I send an error image if the image can't be found in cloudinary (default image?)

I want to send an image that might say something like "Image coming soon".
In gridFS I can find out if an image exists and if it exist send the image if not I could tell it to send an error image.
Is there a place in cloudinary that has a sort of default image to send if it can't find the image requested like via the img src tag.
I would like something better than a broken image.
I use nodejs
When generating the image src URL with Cloudinary Node.js SDK, you can specify the default_image parameter:
cloudinary.image("non_existing_id.png", {default_image: "avatar.png"})
Or directly in the URL:
You can read more about this here.

Slack bot send an image

I am developing a bot for slack. I am implementing a notification functionality, where it will send a notification for every one hour. Currently, I am sending normal text in notification, but I need to send an image along with text. Is it possible to send an image?
You can send images as part of the attachments of a message. That can be either a full image or a thumbnail.
Just add the image_url property for full images or the thumb_url property for a thumbnail image with a url to an image to your attachment and it will be displayed under your message. You can also send multiple images through adding multiple attachments.
Example attachment: (based on official Slack documentation example)
"attachments": [
"fallback": "Required plain-text summary of the attachment.",
"text": "Optional text that appears within the attachment",
"image_url": "",
"thumb_url": ""
This works with all approaches for sending message, e.g. API method, Incoming webhook, response to slash commands etc.
See here for the official Slack documentation for attachments.
