Where is the home for virtualenv script? - python-3.x

I noticed that
$ pip3 install virtualenv
installed the script into
~/Documents/bitbucket-python-scripts/.env35/bin though virtual
environment .env35 (created earlier) was not active at the time of
issuing the command.
From ~/.profile
export WORKON_HOME=~/Documents/bitbucket-python-scripts/.env35
what is the correct place (dir) where virtualenv is installed? I would
think that virualenv script should not depend on whether I have created
virtual environments or not. Is this correct?
Please also clarify the following. Each created (by virtualenv)
virtual environment has bin and site-packages subdirs. ~/.local also
does. I understand that when I use
(.env35) $ pip3 install aiohttp
a package is installed into the active virtual environment.
When ~/.local is used? Should I setup something additionally?
Python 3.5.3;
Debian GNU/Linux 9.8 (stretch)
Through experiment found that if no virtual environments found in the PATH variable, pip3 installs virtualenv script into ~/.local/bin


How to work seamlessly on a virtualenv on different computers?

I have a virtualenv folder on google drive that I'd like to work on with computer1 and computer2.
However I'm finding that the virtualenv is almost set up for computer1 only. When I CD to the folder with my virtualenv on computer2, activate the virtualenv, and then run the command
python --version
I get the error:
No Python at 'C:\Users\computer1_user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe'
Which is a folder on computer1, not computer2.
Additionally, when going through some of the files in venv/Scripts such as the activate.txt file, it has lines such as:
Which is a folder on computer1.
Basically, how do I set up a virtualenv that can be accessed, changed, and saved from multiple machines? It seems the setup I have now has too many connections to computer1.
If you share a project with others, use a build system, or plan to copy the project to any other location where you need to restore an environment, you need to specify the external packages that the project requires. The recommended approach is to use a requirements.txt file that contains a list of commands for pip that installs the required versions of dependent packages. The most common command is
pip freeze > requirements.txt, which records an environment's current package list into requirements.txt.
for more information go to pip freeze
If you want to install the dependencies in a virtual environment, create and activate that environment first, then use the Install from requirements.txt command. For more information on creating a virtual environment, see Use virtual environments.

Cannot see the name of the current virtual environment in terminal

I'm using Python 3 on Linux
When I open a new terminal, the name of virtual environment is not shown.
I can install python packages in this (unknown) environment with pip install
What is the name of this current virtual environment ?
How can I get the repository which this virtual environment uses to install packages (via pip) ?
When I open a new terminal, the name of virtual environment is not shown.
The name cannot be shown, because in order to see the name you must first activate the virtual environment. You have to
create a virtual env in a folder
cd into that folder
run sh bin/activate
Then, the name will be shown.
Without an active virtual environment, pip will install the packages into
/usr/lib/python3 when run with admin rights (e.g. using sudo)
$HOME/.local/lib/python3 when run without admin rights
And the repository the packages will be downloaded from should normally be pypi.org.

why (miniconda) pip install in .local

pip install is installing packages in my user's .local directory, a behaviour that I would like to avoid. Here is my setup:
(base) MYUSER#MYMACHINE:~$ which pip
(base) MYUSER#MYMACHINE:~$ which python
An example trying to install bottleneck:
(base) MYUSER#MYMACHINE:~$ pip install bottleneck -v
Installing collected packages: numpy, bottleneck
changing mode of /home/MYUSER/.local/bin/f2py to 775
changing mode of /home/MYUSER/.local/bin/f2py3 to 775
changing mode of /home/MYUSER/.local/bin/f2py3.6 to 775
Successfully installed bottleneck-1.3.2 numpy-1.19.0
Cleaning up...
Although I expect bottlneck to be installed in /home/MYUSER/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages, it actually gets installed in .local instead:
(base) MYUSER#MYMACHINE:~$ ls ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bottleneck/
benchmark nonreduce_axis.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so _pytesttester.py src
__init__.py nonreduce.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so reduce.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so tests
move.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so __pycache__ slow _version.py
I hope I have provided enough information to debug this.
A crucial piece of information that I thought was irrelevant is that I am executing these commands in a VNC session. It was brought to my attention that the environment variables when a new terminal is launched within the VNC session are inherited from the terminal that created the VNC session.
For more information:
In my case, the environment variables (i.e. PATH, PYTHONPATH) were messed up due to the above reason. Solved now

virtualenv not found in path

For some reason virtualenv is not in my path after installing with pip3. I have a fresh install of ubuntu 16.04.
sudo apt-get install pip3
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv # command not found!!!
edit: I also installed jupyter notebook with pip3 and its not in the path either.
Python executables are placed in ~/.local/bin/ on Ubuntu 16.04.
This location is not in $PATH so edit your .bashrc to append it there.
# .bashrc file
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
This is Ubuntu only (didn't check other distros)
TL;DR (if you used pip to install pkg) run following command
$ source ~/.profile
If you examine .profile there is a script looks like following.
(18 version. 16 version has something different)
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then
which means everything under ~/.local/bin will be added to PATH.
So, if you used pip to install pkg and try to run from prompt. As long as pip created file under the folder it will let you run commands without full path.
You can restart the session too. Whichever you feel comfortable with.

-bash: /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh: No such file or directory

I can't figure out where the shell is trying to run /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh upon server login. I want virtualenvwrapper permanently uninstalled, not just removed from the shell instance. I thought I uninstalled it with pip uninstall virtualenvwrapper, but every time I log into the server I get the error -bash: /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh: No such file or directory, as if there is some sort of leftover artifact. Yesterday I did a lot of tinkering and I can't remember all the changes I made or how I made this happen. Where is it executing the search for virtualenvwrapper.sh?
$ echo $PATH
$ sudo vim ~/.bashrc
1 # .bashrc
3 # Source global definitions
4 if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
5 . /etc/bashrc
6 fi
8 # User specific aliases and functions
on ubuntu 12.04 LTS, installing through pip, it is installed to
And if you are using Ubuntu 16.04 or later, it is installed to
Setting up a Virtual Environment
Now open your terminal in the home directory by right clicking and choosing the option “Open in Terminal”. You can also press the CTRL, ALT, and T keys on your keyboard at the same time to open the Terminal application automatically.
You first need to create a special directory that will hold all of your virtual environments. So proceed with creating a new hidden directory called virtualenv.
$ mkdir .virtualenv
Now you should install pip for Python3.
$ sudo apt install python3-pip
Confirm the pip3 installation.
$ pip3 --version
Now install virtualenv via pip3.
$ pip3 install virtualenv
To find where your virtualenv was installed, type:
$ which virtualenv
Install virtualenvwrapper via pip3:
$ pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
We are going to modify your .bashrc file by adding a row that will adjust every new virtual environment to use Python 3. We will point virtual environments to the directory we created above (.virtualenv) and we will also point to the locations of the virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper.
Now open the .bashrc file using Vim editor.
$ vim .bashrc
If you still haven’t used the Vim editor or you don’t have it installed on your computer you should install it now. It is a widely used Linux editor, and for good reason.
$ sudo apt install vim
After you've installed Vim open the file .bashrc file by typing the vim .bashrc command in your terminal. Navigate to the bottom of the .bashrc file, press the letter i to enter the insert mode of Vim, and add these rows:
#Virtualenvwrapper settings:
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV=/home/your_username/.local/bin/virtualenv
source ~/.local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
After you are done, press the esc key. Then type :wq and press enter. This command will save and exit the Vim editor. Close and reopen your terminal when you’re done.
To create a virtual environment in Python3 and activate it immediately, use this command in your terminal:
$ mkvirtualenv name_of_your_env
You should confirm that this environment is set up for Python3:
$ Python -V
To deactivate the environment use the deactivate command.
$ deactivate
To list all available virtual environments use the command workon or lsvirtualenv (same result as workon but shown in a fancy way) in your terminal:
$ workon
$ lsvirtualenv
To activate one specific environment use workon + name of your environment:
$ workon name_of_your_env
There are several useful command you might need to use someday:
Rmvirtualenv will remove a specific virtual environment located in your .virtualenv directory.
$ rmvirtualenv name_of_your_env
Cpvirtualenv will copy the existing virtual environment to a new virtual environment and activate it.
$ cpvirtualenv old_virtual_env new_virtual_env
Well done! You have now created your first isolated Python 3 environment.
There are a number of files that might be run when you login to your terminal if you are using the bash shell.
You should check ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login and ~/.profile for "/usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh".
Likely one of those files is being run on login and contains the missing script which you uninstalled.
It can be that you python packages are installed somewhere else. So try:
$ which python
$ which virtualenvwrapper.sh
To check the location of python installation. In my case I was using miniconda, therefore system was not able to find the location mentioned in the documentation.
If the above location is not /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
then now use :
source /home/tesla/miniconda3/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
Should work.
UPDATE Nov-2022:
I would recommend using pipenv (official docs) for creating and managing virtual environments.
For anyone finding this in the future. The virtualenvwrapper.sh script is/was now located at /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (at least for me in my VM).
(Sadly i can't just comment on the above post mentioning the locations so it would all be together, because new user reputation)
sudo -H pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
i ran into to similar problem where installation could not suceed because ~/.cache/pip and ~/.cache/pip/http is not owned by the current user. installing with -H or --set-home option solved my problem.
Confirmed for Ubuntu 18 , as already answered by #Tarique . The shell script virtualenvwrapper.sh for the wrapper is within - ~/.local/bin/
(base) dhankar#dhankar-1:~/opencv_cuda$ cd ~/.local/bin/
(base) dhankar#dhankar-1:~/.local/bin$ ls -ltr
total 100
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dhankar dhankar 41703 Jul 23 20:56 virtualenvwrapper.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dhankar dhankar 2210 Jul 23 20:56 virtualenvwrapper_lazy.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dhankar dhankar 259 Jul 23 20:56 virtualenv
I also confronted the same problem, but this worked for me: -
Create a directory to hold the virtual environments.mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs
Add a line like export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvsto your
Add a line like source /path/to/this/file/virtualenvwrapper.sh
to your .bashrc.
Run: source ~/.bashrc
Run: mkvirtualenv temp
This time, the "temp" environment is included.
Run: workon temp
The virtual environment is activated.
If you are on Ubuntu 20 then use the code given below in ~/.bashrc
export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV=~/.local/bin/virtualenv
source ~/.local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
In my case on Ubuntu 20, I found this script in:
