Azure Backup Retention strategy - azure

I'm trying to wrap my head around Azure Backup retention points & want to know if the retention policy I'm choosing is optimal. With reference to the Azure pricing calculator, if I take 30 Daily RPs (Recovery Points) & 5 Yearly RPs, won't my VM data be adequately covered.
screenshot from Azure pricing calculator about RPs
What will I miss if I ignore Weekly & Monthly RPs? What scenarios would need Weekly & Monthly RPs?

If churn happens at a consistent rate daily, then having only daily is also fine
If you see some unexpected churn take an adhoc backup and then give higher retention for that, If you observe that churn is possible mostly during month ends (say for finance applications), then having a monthly point might make sense


How often Azure calculates the forecast and actual billing?

As per Microsoft
Estimated charges for the current billing period are updated six times per day.
but it does say how often it calculates the forecast vs actual billing?
Cost & usage data is typically available within 8 ~ 24 hours. And the cost analysis is just a tool to visualize the accumulated data, the interval at which the information are updated might be dependent to several factors as described Here

Does azure charge only for new storage every month

Let's suppose I keep adding 5 GB of data every month. I understand that the first month cost will be based on capacity of 5GB and operations performed on that data. But now if next month I add, say 5GB more, would I be charged for a capacity of 10GB or only the new storage (5GB)?
As per my understanding cost of operations (read/write/tier-change) are on the size of data but what confuses me is the storage capacity, if I am billed for the cumulative capacity or just the new storage.
Please suggest and thanks in advance!!
(Note: I am already planning to apply tier level automation on the unused data, above query is out of curiosity and confusion on the billing specs mentioned here:
You’re charged for the cumulative space.
Taking your example, for the first month you’ll not be charged anything as you’ve only stored 5GB data.
In the 2nd month you added 5GB more so the total data stored is 10GB. Considering first 5GB is free, you’ll only be charged for 5GB.
To answer your additional questions
So lets suppose the storage for the first month is over the free tier,
say 5TB and 5TB more the next month, now the capacity cost next month
is on 10TB or just the 5TB?
Storage costs are calculated on the total amount of data stored. In this case you will be charged for 10TB as the total amount of data stored in that month is 10TB (5TB from previous month + 5TB in the current month).
if I keep storing 5TB every month, it would be significantly more than
the case where I keep archiving the old 5TB every month, is that so
That is correct. I am assuming that by archiving you mean that you will be moving the data in archive access tier. Please note that you will still be charged for the data that is there in the archive access tier. It's just that you will be charged lesser for the data that's there in that tier but you will be charged as Azure Storage is storing that data for you.
To stop paying for the data storage costs, you will need to delete the data.

get top spending resources with azure api

I am a daily user of Azure and quite familiar with Logic Apps and other Azure tools.
I have 2 requirements,
1. To get an email everyday consisting list of top 25 resources which consumed the most credit amount on the previous day.
2. Get total spent amount of the previous day by all the resources in my subscription.
I achieved part 2 by setting up a budget and got daily spent from it through budgets API.
I want to achieve the same with part 1 of my requirement using any API provided by azure.
Please help or drop any questions. I'll be happy to explain.a
I think you are looking for Usage Details API, see here
Its List operation allow you to get the usage details where you can filter by date (startDate and endDate in headers). There is a $top parameters to limit the number of results, but it looks like they are not ordered by amount so you may have to do you own sort to limit to the 25 highest costs

Azure Devops Query to find Daily hours spent on Work item

I have to find out time spend by a resource on a Task.
let say,
There are 3 Task (Task-A,Task-B,Task-C)
There are 3 User (User-A,User-B,User-C)
All the Task have Original estimate of 8 hours
on Day 1 All the User have work 2 hours on their respective tasks
So I should get a result of 2
I am using Azure Work Item query to calculate and display the results.
I am not understanding what should be done to calculate the daily work done on a task.
For this issue , you can add Completed Work and Remaining work column to the query.This can show the hours the tasks has spent and remaining work hours in the query.
Based on these two fields, you can calculate the daily hours spent on work item.
Azure Devops Query to find Daily hours spent on Work item
AFAIK, Azure devops does not focus on micromanaging and focus on low value metrics.
So, Azure devops doesn't track the time spent on a per day basis. It keeps track of the total time spent. If you want a per person per day value, you'll have to go through the iterations/workitem history and calculate the running difference.
If you really looking for a TimeReporting for the work items of per person, I suggest that you take a look at a third party yool like Timetracker:
New to version 5.0.! Individual, team, and custom reports powered by
version 3 of the REST-based reporting API. 7+ customizable widget
types that let you see data that you need, how you need it. In
addition to the six default reports in Reporting, users can create
custom reports for individuals or teams.
Hope this helps.
You can Analinics Views and Power BI. For example, you can add your custom view:
Then use it in Power BI:

Calculating Azure pricing

The price calculator Azure does not show option for us we inform the number of hours that we use his service. Is the price calculator Windows Azure calculating 24 hours of use per day during the month?
How can I calculate the amount I pay if I access the Windows Azure services for two hours for day throughout the month?
1. The calculator shows both prices per hour and per month. Yet, the monthly price is estimated on average of (fully consumed) 744 hours per month.
2. You're paying for the resources you consume, not for the resources you accessed. That means that even if nobody visited your website/webrole for the entire month, you would still have to pay the compute cost (the bandwidth cost will be $0 though).
