Rename filter values - excel

I have a macro that is supposed to change the "WEEK"-filter on 5 pivot tables on the sheet "veckorapport".
This macro somehow changes "name" on the weeks to the number/text i put in the input box. See first picture, this numbers should be in descending order.
My code:
Sub Veckorapport_filter()
Dim num As String
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = Sheets("Veckorapport")
num = InputBox(Prompt:="Vecka", Title:="ENTER WEEK")
sht.PivotTables("PivotTable1") _
.PivotFields("WEEK").CurrentPage = num
sht.PivotTables("PivotTable2") _
.PivotFields("WEEK").CurrentPage = num
sht.PivotTables("PivotTable3") _
.PivotFields("WEEK").CurrentPage = num
sht.PivotTables("PivotTable4") _
.PivotFields("WEEK").CurrentPage = num
sht.PivotTables("PivotTable5") _
.PivotFields("WEEK").CurrentPage = num
End Sub
I need help with two things: How can i write this code so it doesn't change "name" on the Weeks in the filter?
And 2nd: How can i change back the names to the proper names in the filter-list?
Link to picture:
EDIT: Picture how it should look:
EDIT 2: Those two weeks have switched places. It should be in descending order:

If you change the .CurrentPage to something that does not exist, then it will instead rename the currently selected page/item. (If you do this manually, instead of via VBA, then you will get a confirmation box, "No item of this name exists in the PivotTable report. Rename 'Old_Name' to 'New_Name'?" with an "OK" and "Cancel" button)
You can partially prevent this by ensuring that "Show Items without Data" is turned on for that field, and/or you can use WorksheetFunction.CountIf to check if that value exists before changing the .CurrentPage
As for resetting the items: Set the .Name, .Value or .Caption of the PivotItem back to the SourceName:
Dim piTMP AS PivotItem, pfTMP AS PivotField
Set pfTMP = sht.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("WEEK")
For Each piTMP In pfTMP.PivotItems
piTMP.Name = piTMP.SourceName
Next piTMP
If the names have been switched for 2 items, you will run into an issue (the same name cannot exist twice), so you either need to check for the name being in use, or to just brute-force it with 2 loops - which is probably the simpler solution to write:
Dim piTMP AS PivotItem, pfTMP AS PivotField
Set pfTMP = sht.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("WEEK")
'Once through
For Each piTMP In pfTMP.PivotItems
piTMP.Name = piTMP.SourceName & "_AndSomeTextThatYouNeverUse"
Next piTMP
'Twice through
For Each piTMP In pfTMP.PivotItems
piTMP.Name = piTMP.SourceName
Next piTMP

To loop through all pivot tables on the sheet:
Sub Veckorapport_filter()
Dim num As String
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = Sheets("Veckorapport")
num = InputBox(Prompt:="Vecka", Title:="ENTER WEEK")
If len(num) <> 0 then
dim pt as pivottable
for each pt in sht.pivottables
with pt.PivotFields("WEEK")
.CurrentPage = num
end with
next pt
end if
End Sub


Get Value and Position of Checkbox in Word Table to Copy Entire Table to Excel

I have a Word file with approximately 10 pages and 20 tables. Some of these tables have checkboxes. I want to copy these tables into an Excel file.
The following code copies all tables from my Word file into my Excel file:
Sub Import()
Option Explicit
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim lzeile As Integer
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set sh = wb.ActiveSheet
Set sheet = wb.Worksheets("Tabelle1")
Dim Btxt As Object
Set Btxt = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Btxt.Visible = True
Btxt.documents.Open "C:\Users\*.doc" '*=path
lzeile = 0
For i = 1 To 20
Application.Goto sheet.Cells(1 + lzeile, 1)
sheet.PasteSpecial Format:="HTML", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False
lzeile = sheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lzeile = lzeile + 1
sheet.Cells(lzeile, 1) = "Tabelle" & i
Next i
Set Btxt = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set sh = Nothing
End Sub
It does not copy checkboxes or the value (0 = not checked / 1 = checked) of the checkbox.
I can write the value of a checkbox into a cell in my excel sheet with this line:
sheet.Cells(j, 10) = Btxt.ActiveDocument.Tables(i).FormFields.Item("Kontrollkästchen" & j).Result
With a loop j over all "Kontrollkästchen" (german translation of contentcontrol or formfield item) so basically the name of all formfield items in this Word file.
How can I get the position of these formfield items or identify which formfield item / ContentControl is in which table?
I tried to go through all rows and columns in each table because none of them are larger than 10x10. But I can´t find a way to check if a checkbox is maybe in table 3 on column 5 row 5 and then read the name of this checkbox to a safe the value (0 / 1) in the Excel cell on the same position in my copied table.
The solution depends on whether they're formfields or content controls.
Assuming they're formfields:
Sub Demo()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, Rng As Range
With ActiveDocument
For i = .FormFields.Count To 1 Step -1
With .FormFields(i)
If .Type = wdFieldFormCheckBox Then
j = Abs(.CheckBox.Value)
Set Rng = .Range
Rng.Text = j
End If
End With
End With
End Sub
Assuming they're content controls:
Sub Demo()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, Rng As Range
With ActiveDocument
For i = .ContentControls.Count To 1 Step -1
With .ContentControls(i)
If .Type = wdContentControlCheckBox Then
j = Abs(.Checked)
Set Rng = .Range
Rng.Text = j
End If
End With
End With
End Sub
For the sake of simplicity and clarity, the sample code below leaves out the parts having to do with Excel, as well as creating the instance of the Word Application. It shows only how to access the Word document's checkboxes and convert those to static values.
At the end, also, the document is closed without saving changes, which means forms protection and the checkboxes should be left intact - the macro will not have affected them.
Note: You should have Option Explicit at the top of the code page, not inside a "Sub".
How it works
The document to be processed is opened and at that moment set to an object (doc). Use this instead of ActiveDocument as it will be much clearer and, in case the user would try to do something, won't affect macro execution.
If the document has forms protection, this must be turned off in order to delete the checkboxes and insert static values.
Then all the form fields are looped. If they are checkboxes, the value is determined, the checkbox removed and the value assigned to the range the checkbox occupied.
After this has completed comes the code to transfer data to Excel. Then the document is closed without saving changes.
Sub ConvertCheckBoxesToValues()
Dim ff As Object ' Word.FormField
Dim doc As Object ' Word.Document
Dim cbValue As String
Dim rngFF As Object ' Word.Range
Set doc = Btxt.Documents.Open("C:\Users\*.doc") '*=path
If doc.ProtectionType <> -1 Then 'wdNoProtection
End If
For Each ff In doc.FormFields
If ff.Type = 71 Then 'wdFieldFormCheckBox
If ff.CheckBox.value = True Then
cbValue = "1"
cbValue = "0"
End If
Set rngFF = ff.Range
rngFF = cbValue
End If
'Transfer the information to Excel, then
doc.Close 0 'wdDoNotSaveChanges
End Sub

Pivottable' s content format

In this pivottable I'm working on, the source data has money values and quantities. I have a filter in my pivottable in order to choose what type of data I want to see in my pivottable, whether is "V" or "Q".
My problem is that I need to format the contents of the pivottable accordingly to the type of information I'm seeing: for money values, I need to see the contents in "# ###.00 €" format; for quantity values, in "#,##0".
I already tried to use a DataRange property for the pivotfields (as you can see in the code) and even tried using NumberFormat directly on the pivotfields, but none of these worked.
Do you suggest anything to solve this?
Dim vp As Workbook
Dim type_qv As String
Dim chart_pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Set vp = ThisWorkbook
Set chart_pt = vp.Sheets("Chart").PivotTables("VP_table")
'this detects what type of data is being used
type_qv = vp.Sheets("Chart").Range("B2").Value
If type_qv = "Q" Then
For Each pf In chart_pt.RowFields
pf.DataRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0"
End If
If type_qv = "V" Then
For Each pf In chart_pt.RowFields
pf.DataRange.NumberFormat = "# ###.00 €"
End If
It's "Sum of Q" but you don't want to look at the description because they can change it and they can move the table and they can show both fields.
Dim chart_pt As PivotTable, df As PivotField
Set chart_pt = ActiveSheet.Range("A3").PivotTable
For Each df In chart_pt.DataFields
Select Case True
Case df.Name Like "*Q"
df.DataRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0"
Case df.Name Like "*V"
df.DataRange.NumberFormat = "# ###.00 €"
Case Else
df.DataRange.NumberFormat = "# ###.00"
End Select

How to Filter Pivot Table and then Count Visible Lines

I am developing a userform that filters a pivot table and then counts how many visible lines there are after filtering to show available items.
I have gotten it to filter properly, but sometimes it keeps a previously filtered alias/chooses a random one to add on. I really can't figure out why it's doing this, and I've tried adding some things to prevent it.
The other problem is that when showing the total in the userform, it either shows 0 for the count, or the total number of values. From what I've seen online, I think I'm doing this step correct, and I'm not sure where to go from here. It needs to show the exact number of lines that are visible in the pivot table.
Album of Screenshots
Private Sub txtLot1_Change()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pf2 As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim strPF As String
Dim strPF2 As String
Dim strPI As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim Available As Integer
Dim OrderMacro As Workbook
Dim SampleSum As Worksheet
Set OrderMacro = ActiveWorkbook
Set SampleSum = OrderMacro.Worksheets("PF Sampling Summary")
'strPromptPF = Alias
'strPromptPI = txtLot1
If Len(txtLot1) >= 2 Then
Set pt = SampleSum.PivotTables(1)
strPF = "Alias"
strPI = txtLot1
Set pf = pt.PivotFields(strPF)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With pf
.PivotItems(strPI).Visible = True
.AutoSort xlAscending, .SourceName
.AutoSort xlManual, .SourceName
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
pi.Visible = False
Next pi
.PivotItems(strPI).Visible = True
.AutoSort xlAscending, .SourceName
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set pf2 = pt.PivotFields("Box #")
Available = pf2.VisibleItems.Count
txtAvail1.Value = Available
Debug.Print txtAvail1
End If
End Sub
End result I need to happen is the following:
User enters in characters to the userform.
When the userform sees that it's two characters or more, it filters the pivot table "Alias" field to equal the entry.
Userform shows the count of lines for the chosen Alias that do not have an entry in the "Finished?" field.
End results that are actually happening:
Entry works fine
The command to wait until there are two characters works, it filters the alias, but sometimes shows more than one value in the filter.
Does not count correctly, gives either 0 or the total of all items.
Give this a shot instead - show all items in your pivot table, then hide the ones that aren't strPi:
With pf
.ShowAllItems = True
.AutoSort xlAscending, .SourceName
.AutoSort xlManual, .SourceName
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi <> strPi Then pi.Visible = False
Next pi
.PivotItems(strPi).Visible = True
.AutoSort xlAscending, .SourceName
End With

Macro does not work in a duplicate worksheet

Good morning. I have a Microsoft Excel Macro Enabled Workbook with two worksheets: let's say Sheet1 and Sheet2. In Sheet2 I have a combo box (form control) that works as a table sorter. This table will be also in Sheet2. The combo uses the following code:
Option Explicit
Sub DropDown4_Change()
Dim comboValue As String
Dim Key1ColumnIndex As Integer
Dim Key2ColumnIndex As Integer
'You can get the name by doing something like this in the immediate window: "? ActiveSheet.Shapes(1).OLEFormat.Object.Name"
comboValue = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Drop Down 4").ControlFormat.List(ActiveSheet.Shapes("Drop Down 4").ControlFormat.ListIndex)
Select Case comboValue
Case "By Keyphrase"
Key1ColumnIndex = 18
Key2ColumnIndex = 19
Case "By Region"
Key1ColumnIndex = 19
Key2ColumnIndex = 18
Case "Default"
Key1ColumnIndex = 1
Key2ColumnIndex = 1
End Select
Range("DataValues").sort Key1:=Range("DataValues").Cells(1, Key1ColumnIndex), _
Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
Key2:=Range("DataValues").Cells(1, Key2ColumnIndex), order2:=xlDescending
End Sub
This code works like charm in this worksheet.
I'm using Aspose Cells for Java to use this Excel Workbook as a template to generate new workbooks with multiple datasheets based in Sheet2 copies (which contains my combo) but the problem is that when I do this, the combo doesn't work anymore as it did in the template.
In this line:
comboValue = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Drop Down 4").ControlFormat.List(ActiveSheet.Shapes("Drop Down 4").ControlFormat.ListIndex)
I get this error:
Run-time error '438' Object doesn't support this property or method
It looks like ControlFormat is not being recognized as a valid method for the combo shape.
This happens whether you use the combo name or the combo index (in this case is always 6).
"Drop Down 4" is the right name. I have alerted the name several times in each worksheet and both the index and the name are right.
So I hope you guys can help me out. Thank you for your patience and sorry if my English is not clear enough. Feel free to ask questions.
I figured it out by myself that hard coding the combo name (in this case "Drop Down 4") is a terrible way to do this since Excel assigns new names every time a copy of Sheet2 is added. Although Excel does this, combo names always starts with the word "Drop" (from Drop Down).
I modified a little bit the code and made it work:
Option Explicit
Sub DropDown4_Change()
Dim comboValue As String
Dim Key1ColumnIndex As Integer
Dim Key2ColumnIndex As Integer
Dim Index As Integer
Dim comboName As String
Dim comboName2 As String
Dim comboID As Integer
'You can get the name by doing something like this in the immediate window: "? Sheet1.Shapes(1).OLEFormat.Object.Name"
For Index = 1 To ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count
comboName = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Index).OLEFormat.Object.Name
If InStr(comboName, "Drop") > 0 Then
'MsgBox InStr(comboName, "Drop")
comboName2 = comboName
comboID = Index
End If
comboValue = ActiveSheet.Shapes(comboID).ControlFormat.List(ActiveSheet.Shapes(comboID).ControlFormat.ListIndex)
Select Case comboValue
Case "By Keyphrase"
Key1ColumnIndex = 18
Key2ColumnIndex = 19
Case "By Region"
Key1ColumnIndex = 19
Key2ColumnIndex = 18
Case "Default"
Key1ColumnIndex = 1
Key2ColumnIndex = 1
End Select
Range("DataValues").sort Key1:=Range("DataValues").Cells(1, Key1ColumnIndex), _
Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
Key2:=Range("DataValues").Cells(1, Key2ColumnIndex), order2:=xlAscending
End Sub
Where is your code located?
This worked for me (in a general module)...
Sub DoSorting()
Dim dd, val
Set dd = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller)
val = dd.ControlFormat.List(dd.ControlFormat.ListIndex)
MsgBox val
End Sub
Copying the sheet did not break it.

Excel listing named range in a worksheet and get the value

How to obtain a list of named range exist in a specific worksheet that start with particular string (for example all named range that start with total) and grab the value? I am trying to do Sub Total and Grand Total of accommodation cost based on the date. I will assign an unique name for each Sub Total based on the Date group. Then, I have a button that need to be clicked when it finishes to calculate the Grand Total based on the Named Range that I've assigned uniquely to each Sub Total.
Below is the code I wrote to do the Grand Total:
Sub btnTotal()
Dim Total, LastRowNo As Long
LastRowNo = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row + ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Total = 0
For Each N In ActiveWorkbook.Names
Total = Total + IntFlight.Range(N.Name).Value
Next N
IntFlight.Range("$P" & LastRowNo).Select
Selection.NumberFormat = "$* #,##0.00;$* (#,##0.00);$* ""-""??;#"
With Selection
.Font.Bold = True
End With
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Total
End Sub
Note: the IntFlight from "Total = Total + IntFlight.Range(N.Name).Value" is the name of my worksheet.
The only problem with above code, it will looking all named range exist in the workbook. I just need to find named range exist in one particular worksheet, which start with given string and the row number (total26: means Sub Total from row 26) and then grab the value to be sum-ed as Grand Total.
Any ideas how to do this? Been spending 2 days to find the answer.
Thanks heaps in advance.
EDIT 1 (Solution Provided by Charles Williams with help from belisarius):
This is what I have done with the code from Charles Williams:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Sub btnIntFlightsGrandTotal()
Dim Total, LastRowNo As Long
LastRowNo = FindLastRowNo("International Flights")
Dim oNM As Name
Dim oSht As Worksheet
Dim strStartString As String
strStartString = "IntFlightsTotal"
Set oSht = Worksheets("International Flights")
For Each oNM In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If oNM.Name Like strStartString & "*" Then
If IsNameRefertoSheet(oSht, oNM) Then
Total = Total + Worksheets("International Flights").Range(oNM.Name).Value
End If
End If
Next oNM
IntFlights.Range("$P" & LastRowNo).Select
Selection.NumberFormat = "$* #,##0.00;$* (#,##0.00);$* ""-""??;#"
With Selection
.Font.Bold = True
End With
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Total
End Sub
Function FindLastRowNo(SheetName As String) As Long
Dim oSheet As Worksheet
Set oSheet = Worksheets(SheetName)
FindLastRowNo = oSheet.UsedRange.Row + oSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Function
Thank you all for your help. Now, I need to come up with my own version for this script.
Here is some code that checks if a Defined Name starts with a string and refers to a range within the used range of a given worksheet and workbook.
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Sub FindNames()
Dim oNM As Name
Dim oSht As Worksheet
Dim strStartString As String
strStartString = "Total"
Set oSht = Worksheets("TestSheet")
For Each oNM In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If oNM.Name Like strStartString & "*" Then
If IsNameRefertoSheet(oSht, oNM) Then
MsgBox oNM.Name
End If
End If
Next oNM
End Sub
Function IsNameRefertoSheet(oSht As Worksheet, oNM As Name) As Boolean
Dim oSheetRange As Range
IsNameRefertoSheet = False
On Error GoTo GoExit
If Not oSht Is Nothing Then
If Range(oNM.Name).Parent.Name = oSht.Name And _
Range(oNM.Name).Parent.Parent.Name = oSht.Parent.Name Then
Set oSheetRange = oSht.Range("A1").Resize(oSht.UsedRange.Row + oSht.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1, oSht.UsedRange.Column + oSht.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1)
If Not Intersect(Range(oNM.Name), oSheetRange) Is Nothing Then IsNameRefertoSheet = True
Set oSheetRange = Nothing
End If
End If
Exit Function
End Function
The following function will output all the names and their totals in your Workbook.
I think it is the basic block you need to get your code running.
Sub btnTotal()
For Each N In ActiveWorkbook.Names
MsgBox N.Name + " " + CStr(Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(N)))
Next N
End Sub
Answering your comment:
Define your names in this way:
Then (and only then) the following code works:
Sub btnTotal()
For Each N In ActiveSheet.Names
If (InStr(N.Name, "!Total") <> 0) Then
MsgBox N.Name + " " + CStr(Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(N)))
End If
Next N
End Sub
If you do not define the scope of the names correctly you need a lot of extra work in your code.
As you forgot to mention that you are still working with Excel 2003, here you will find an addin to manage name scoping in that version. See screen cap below
