Use file command to get the correct type for an incomplete file [closed] - linux

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Suppose I just don't have the whole file, I just download the first part and it contains all the file signature/magic bytes. Can I use file command in Linux to get its type? I think this command detect the file signature at the beginning, but I am not sure if they have more validation of the rest of the files.

file(1) will look by default at the first 1Mb of the file.
If you're using it as a library (libmagic) from your own program, you can change that with magic_setparam(MAGIC_PARAM_BYTES_MAX), see its manpage.


What is the "1" in this column "drwxr-xr-x 1 bash bash 4.0K Dec ..." [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I read that "1" is the number of hard links to the specific file, but what exactly are hard links?
In computing, a hard link is a directory entry that associates a name
with a file on a file system. All directory-based file systems must
have at least one hard link giving the original name for each file.
The term “hard link” is usually only used in file systems that allow
more than one hard link for the same file.

how can i create a file in Linux, without using any program/command? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a question if I want to create a file without using command or programming?
I know mkdir hi.txt, but is there any way to make without using these?
The touch PATH program will create an empty file at the location entered for PATH.
Example: touch /var/tmp/file.txt will create an empty file at /var/tmp/file.txt
If you want to create a file in Linux, without using any program/command,
you can use > this sign
like > hi.txt it will create a file

Is there an argument for the "top" command to get a permanent result? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The top command is live and constantly updating, not generating a permanent result. Can we add an argument for a permanent result (if it exists), or use a different command resulting in a definite and final response?
top -n1
should do the job. If you want to store the output in a file, you should add the -b option for batch mode.
Note that this is just a sample of usage at one time, not anything like a final answers as all the numbers in top vary over time even on the stablest of systems.

How to change text file extension type in Linux? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Using gedit, I want to create a config.env file, how do I change the extension as simply naming it config.env doesn't work.
THanks in advance
It really doesn't matter what the file extension is, as long as it is in a linux machine.
Just execute file <filename> to know the file type.
However you could try this:
Save the file as it is like config.txt or other and execute the below command
mv config.txt config.env

Is there 'strings' command for utf-8? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The linux command strings looks for ASCII strings in a binary file.
Are there any command line tools to show UTF-8 strings in a binary file?
The strings command supports the --encoding option. Check the man page.
But however, I failed to extract UTF-8 strings using any possible option value. Currently searching their mailing list. will update this if I find more help
