Loop over tensor dimension 0 (NoneType) with second tensor values - python-3.x

I have a tensor a, I'd like to loop over the rows and index values based on another tensor l. i.e. l suggests the length of the vector I need.
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
a = tf.constant(np.random.rand(3,4)) # shape=(3,4)
array([[0.35879311, 0.35347166, 0.31525201, 0.24089784],
[0.47296348, 0.96773956, 0.61336239, 0.6093023 ],
[0.42492552, 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.86679779]])
l = tf.constant(np.array([3,2,4])) # shape=(3,)
array([3, 2, 4])
Expected output:
[array([0.35879311, 0.35347166, 0.31525201]),
array([0.47296348, 0.96773956]),
array([0.42492552, 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.86679779])]
The tricky part is the fact that a could have None as first dimension since it's what is usually defined as batch size through placeholder.
I can not just use mask and condition as below since I need to compute the variance of each row individually.
condition = tf.sequence_mask(l, tf.reduce_max(l))
a_true = tf.boolean_mask(a, condition)
array([0.35879311, 0.35347166, 0.31525201, 0.47296348, 0.96773956,
0.42492552, 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.86679779])
I also tried to use tf.map_fn but can't get it to work.
elems = (a, l)
tf.map_fn(lambda x: x[0][:x[1]], elems)
Any help will be highly appreciated!

TensorArray object can store tensors of different shapes. However, it is still not that simple. Take a look at this example that does what you want using tf.while_loop() with tf.TensorArray and tf.slice() function:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
batch_data = np.array([[0.35879311, 0.35347166, 0.31525201, 0.24089784],
[0.47296348, 0.96773956, 0.61336239, 0.6093023 ],
[0.42492552, 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.86679779]])
batch_idx = np.array([3, 2, 4]).reshape(-1, 1)
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 4))
idx = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None, 1))
n_items = tf.shape(x)[0]
init_ary = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32,
def _first_n(i, ta):
ta = ta.write(i, tf.slice(input_=x[i],
begin=tf.convert_to_tensor([0], tf.int32),
return i+1, ta
_, first_n = tf.while_loop(lambda i, ta: i < n_items,
[0, init_ary])
first_n = [first_n.read(i) # <-- extracts the tensors
for i in range(batch_data.shape[0])] # that you're looking for
with tf.Session() as sess:
res = sess.run(first_n, feed_dict={x:batch_data, idx:batch_idx})
# [array([0.3587931 , 0.35347167, 0.315252 ], dtype=float32),
# array([0.47296348, 0.9677396 ], dtype=float32),
# array([0.4249255 , 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.8667978 ], dtype=float32)]
We still had to use batch_size to extract elements one by one from first_n TensorArray using read() method. We can't use any other method that returns Tensor because we have rows of different sizes (except TensorArray.concat method but it will return all elements stacked in one dimension).
If TensorArray will have less elements than index you pass to TensorArray.read(index) you will get InvalidArgumentError.
You can't use tf.map_fn because it returns a tensor that must have all elements of the same shape.
The task is simpler if you only need to compute variances of the first n elements of each row (without actually gather elements of different sizes together). In this case we could directly compute variance of sliced tensor, put it to TensorArray and then stack it to tensor:
n_items = tf.shape(x)[0]
init_ary = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32,
def _variances(i, ta, begin=tf.convert_to_tensor([0], tf.int32)):
mean, varian = tf.nn.moments(
tf.slice(input_=x[i], begin=begin, size=idx[i]),
axes=[0]) # <-- compute variance
ta = ta.write(i, varian) # <-- write variance of each row to `TensorArray`
return i+1, ta
_, variances = tf.while_loop(lambda i, ta: i < n_items,
[ 0, init_ary])
variances = variances.stack() # <-- read from `TensorArray` to `Tensor`
with tf.Session() as sess:
res = sess.run(variances, feed_dict={x:batch_data, idx:batch_idx})
print(res) # [0.0003761 0.06120085 0.07217039]


Slice pytorch tensor using coordinates tensor without loop

I have a tensor T with dimension (d1 x d2 x d3 x ... dk) and a tensor I with dimension (p x q). Here, I contains coordinates of T but q < k, each column of I corresponds to a dimension of T. I have another tensor V of dimension p x di x ...dj where sum([di, ..., dj]) = k - q. (di, .., dj) corresponds to missing dimensions from I. I need to perform T[I] = V
A specific example of such problem using numpy array posted here[1].
The solution[2] uses fancy indexing[3] which relies on numpy.index_exp. In case of pytorch such option is not available. Is there any alternative way to mimic this in pytorch without using loops or casting tensors to numpy array?
Below is a demo:
import torch
t = torch.randn((32, 16, 60, 64)) # tensor
i0 = torch.randint(0, 32, (10, 1)).to(dtype=torch.long) # indexes for dim=0
i2 = torch.randint(0, 60, (10, 1)).to(dtype=torch.long) # indexes for dim=2
i = torch.cat((i0, i2), 1) # indexes
v = torch.randn((10, 16, 64)) # to be assigned
# t[i0, :, i2, :] = v ?? Obviously this does not work
[1] Slice numpy array using list of coordinates
[2] https://stackoverflow.com/a/42538465/6422069
[3] https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.s_.html
After some discussion in the comments, we arrived at the following solution:
import torch
t = torch.randn((32, 16, 60, 64)) # tensor
# indices
i0 = torch.randint(0, 32, (10,)).to(dtype=torch.long) # indexes for dim=0
i2 = torch.randint(0, 60, (10,)).to(dtype=torch.long) # indexes for dim=2
v = torch.randn((10, 16, 64)) # to be assigned
t[(i0, slice(None), i2, slice(None))] = v

Try to concatenate tensors of inconsistent batch size in tensorflow2

I trie to concatenate 2 tensors of different batch size within a function decorated with #tf.function. I tried 2 methods and the first one is listed as below:
import tensorflow as tf
#tf.function # indispensable
def fun1(tensors, indices):
results = []
for i in tf.range(2): # batch size = 2
pos = tf.where(indices==i)
emb = tf.gather_nd(tensors, pos)
# do something to emb, but do nothing here for simplicity.
results += [emb]
results = tf.concat(results, axis=0)
return results
tensors = tf.random.uniform((5, 2))
fun1(tensors, indices=[0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
But it raises errors as following:
TypeError: 'results' does not have the same nested structure after one iteration.
The two structures don't have the same nested structure.
First structure: type=list str=[]
Second structure: type=list str=[<tf.Tensor 'while/GatherNd:0' shape=(None, 2) dtype=float32>]
More specifically: The two structures don't have the same number of elements. First structure: type=list str=[]. Second structure: type=list str=[<tf.Tensor 'while/GatherNd:0' shape=(None, 2) dtype=float32>]
Entire first structure:
Entire second structure:
So I tried the second method:
import tensorflow as tf
#tf.function # indispensable
def fun2(tensors, indices):
results = tf.reshape(tf.constant([], dtype=tf.float32), (0, 2)) # make empty tensors
for i in tf.range(2): # batch size = 2
pos = tf.where(indices==i)
emb = tf.gather_nd(tensors, pos)
# do something to emb, but do nothing here for simplicity
results = tf.concat([results, emb], axis=0)
return results
tensors = tf.random.uniform((5, 2))
fun2(tensors, indices=[0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
But it raises errors:
ValueError: 'results' has shape (0, 2) before the loop, but shape (None, 2) after one iteration. Use tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options to set shape invariants.
How should I resolve the problems? Thanks
I found I could achieve it by adding one line of codes to the second method as following:
def fun2(tensors, indices):
results = tf.reshape(tf.constant([], dtype=tf.float32), (0, 2)) # make empty tensors
for i in tf.range(2): # batch size = 2
tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options(shape_invariants=[(results, tf.TensorShape([None, 2]))])
pos = tf.where(indices==i)
emb = tf.gather_nd(tensors, pos)
# do something to emb, but do nothing here for simplicity
results = tf.concat([results, emb], axis=0)
return results

How to find the mean and the covariance of a 2d activation map (pytorch)

I have a tensor of shape [h, w], which consists of a normalized, 2-dimensional activation map. Considering this to be some distribution, I want to find the mean and the covariance within this activation map in pytorch. Is there an efficient way to do that?
You can use the following code, where activation_map is a tensor of shape (h,w), with non-negative elements, and is normalised (activation_map.sum() is 1):
activation_map = torch.tensor(
[[0.2, 0.1, 0.0],
[0.1, 0.2, 0.4]])
h, w = activation_map.shape
range_h = torch.arange(h)
range_w = torch.arange(w)
idxs = torch.stack([
range_w[None].repeat(h, 1),
range_h[:, None].repeat(1, w)
map_flat = activation_map.view(-1)
idxs_flat = idxs.reshape(2, -1).T
mean = (map_flat[:, None] * idxs_flat).sum(0)
mats = idxs_flat[:, :, None] # idxs_flat[:, None, :]
second_moments = (map_flat[:, None, None] * mats).sum(0)
covariance = second_moments - mean[:, None] # mean[None]
# mean:
# tensor([1.1000, 0.7000])
# covariance:
# tensor([[0.6900, 0.2300],
# [0.2300, 0.2100]])
One way for the covariance matrix:
h,w = 3,5
def cov(X):
X = X/np.sqrt(X.size(0) - 1)
return X.T # X
x = torch.randn(h,w)
c = cov(x)
tensor([[-1.5029e-01, -2.0626e-01, -7.7845e-01, -1.6811e+00, 5.0312e-01],
[ 4.4658e-01, -1.8570e+00, -6.2250e-01, -1.0989e+00, 1.6159e+00],
[ 6.8612e-01, -4.2650e-02, -9.5685e-01, -1.7947e-03, 2.1187e-01]])
tensor([[ 0.3464, -0.4138, -0.4088, -0.1197, 0.3957],
[-0.4138, 1.7464, 0.6787, 1.1938, -1.5568],
[-0.4088, 0.6787, 0.9545, 0.9972, -0.8001],
[-0.1197, 1.1938, 0.9972, 2.0169, -1.3110],
[ 0.3957, -1.5568, -0.8001, -1.3110, 1.4546]])
The mean() should be trivial just refer the documentation.

How to min_max normalize data

In the context of K-Nearest Neighbors classification I needed to min-max normalize multiple values in a dictionary. I did it by taking the values, splitting them in separate lists, run the min-max normalize function on these lists and zipped the lists together again. See below. I guess there are smarter ways to do it ?
dataset = {'a':[1, 200], 'b':[1.5, 180], 'c':[0.8, 80], 'd':[1.2, 150]}
values = dataset.values()
value_1 = [i[0] for i in values]
value_2 = [i[1] for i in values]
def min_max_normalize(lst):
minimum = min(lst)
maximum = max(lst)
normalized = []
for i in range(len(dataset)):
normalized_value = (lst[i] - minimum)/(maximum - minimum)
return normalized
value_1_normalized = min_max_normalize(value_1)
value_2_normalized = min_max_normalize(value_2)
values_normalized = zip(value_1_normalized, value_2_normalized)
Why not use a MinMaxScaler from scikit-learn?
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
dataset = {'a':[1, 200], 'b':[1.5, 180], 'c':[0.8, 80], 'd':[1.2, 150]}
vals = list(dataset.values())
scl = MinMaxScaler().fit(vals)
# array([[0.28571429, 1. ],
# [1. , 0.83333333],
# [0. , 0. ],
# [0.57142857, 0.58333333]])
Remember to only fit your train set, and then you can apply the scl.transform to your test set.

What would be the equivalent of keras.layers.Masking in pytorch?

I have time-series sequences which I needed to keep the length of sequences fixed to a number by padding zeroes into matrix and using keras.layers.Masking in keras I could neglect those padded zeros for further computations, I am wondering how could it be done in Pytorch?
Either I need to do the padding in pytroch and pytorch can't handle the sequences with varying lengths what is the equivalent to Masking layer of keras in pytorch, or if pytorch handles the sequences with varying lengths, how could it be done?
You can use PackedSequence class as equivalent to keras masking. you can find more features at torch.nn.utils.rnn
Here putting example from packing for variable-length sequence inputs for rnn
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
batch_size = 3
max_length = 3
hidden_size = 2
n_layers =1
# container
batch_in = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, max_length))
vec_1 = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 2, 3]])
vec_2 = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 2, 0]])
vec_3 = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 0, 0]])
batch_in[0] = vec_1
batch_in[1] = vec_2
batch_in[2] = vec_3
batch_in = Variable(batch_in)
seq_lengths = [3,2,1] # list of integers holding information about the batch size at each sequence step
# pack it
pack = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(batch_in, seq_lengths, batch_first=True)
>>> pack
PackedSequence(data=Variable containing:
1 2 3
1 2 0
1 0 0
[torch.FloatTensor of size 3x3]
, batch_sizes=[3])
# initialize
rnn = nn.RNN(max_length, hidden_size, n_layers, batch_first=True)
h0 = Variable(torch.randn(n_layers, batch_size, hidden_size))
out, _ = rnn(pack, h0)
# unpack
unpacked, unpacked_len = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(out)
>>> unpacked
Variable containing:
(0 ,.,.) =
-0.7883 -0.7972
0.3367 -0.6102
0.1502 -0.4654
[torch.FloatTensor of size 1x3x2]
more you would find this article useful. [Jum to Title - "How the PackedSequence object works"] - link
You can use a packed sequence to mask a timestep in the sequence dimension:
batch_mask = ... # boolean mask e.g. (seq x batch)
# move `padding` at right place then it will be cut when packing
compact_seq = torch.zeros_like(x)
for i, seq_len in enumerate(batch_mask.sum(0)):
compact_seq[:seq_len, i] = x[batch_mask[:,i],i]
# pack in sequence dimension (the number of agents)
packed_x = pack_padded_sequence(compact_seq, batch_mask.sum(0).cpu().numpy(), enforce_sorted=False)
packed_scores, rnn_hxs = nn.GRU(packed_x, rnn_hxs)
# restore sequence dimension
scores, _ = pad_packed_sequence(packed_scores)
# restore order, moving padding in its place
scores = torch.zeros((*batch_mask.shape,scores.size(-1))).to(scores.device).masked_scatter(batch_mask.unsqueeze(-1), scores)
instead use a mask select/scatter to mask in the batch dimension:
batch_mask = torch.any(x, -1).unsqueeze(-1) # boolean mask (batch,1)
batch_x = torch.masked_select(x, batch_mask).reshape(-1, x.size(-1))
batch_rnn_hxs = torch.masked_select(rnn_hxs, batch_mask).reshape(-1, rnn_hxs.size(-1))
batch_rnn_hxs = nn.GRUCell(batch_x, batch_rnn_hxs)
rnn_hxs = rnn_hxs.masked_scatter(batch_mask, batch_rnn_hxs) # restore batch
Note that using scatter function is safe for gradient backpropagation
