How can we autoscale the pricing tier of Azure SQL database? - azure

As similar to app service plan, can we autoscale pricing tier of azure SQL database? Currently, my database is in standard S2 tier and I want scale out it's tier in S3 when CPU utilization reached up 80% and similarly want to scale in when it's down to 60% to S2.
I was going through many links and found this is old question/answer but wanted to check if we have any options available for the same.
Autoscaling Azure SQL Database

Single Azure SQL Database supports manual dynamic scalability, but not autoscale. For a more automatic experience, consider using elastic pools, which allow databases to share resources in a pool based on individual database needs. However, there are scripts that can help automate scalability for a single Azure SQL Database. For an example, see Use PowerShell to monitor and scale a single SQL Database.


What does the Create Web App + Database option offer in portal azure

I'm looking at creating a web app in portal azure but I came across this option. Create Web App + Database.
My question is if I select the DB engine to be SQL Azure. How big is the database?
Also, what's the difference between the Basic and Standard hosting plans?
Thanks in advance.
How big is the database?
The SQLAzure option refers to the Serverless Azure SQL Database offering. Source
Like most of Azure's managed SQL offerings, it scales up based on how much data you throw at it over time, but it appears the limit for storage is 2TB. Source
Also, what's the difference between the Basic and Standard hosting plans?
This is pretty explicitly addressed on the App Service Pricing page. Among other differences, the Standard plan comes with more disk space for your app and supports auto-scaling of the underlying resources.

Azure Synapse with SSIS package

I have used several Azure services to upload data from on-premises to Azure SQL DW for Power BI.
SQL Server (On Perm) -> Azure Data Factory (SSIS IR, SSIS in Azure SQL Database) -> Azure SQL Database<br/>
2 Azure services used
However, we find that the data size is growing much bigger than design the platform.
We are planning to change to Azure Synapse.
But based on Microsoft Documentation, it seems the Data Factory (Preview) did not come with SSIS IR.
Here is what come up on my mind:
SQL Server (On Perm) -> Azure Data Factory (SSIS IR, SSIS in Azure SQL Database) -> Azure Synapse<br/>
3 Azure services used
I wonder does it have a better way for Synapse with SSIS.
Many thanks.
Azure SQL database now has a Hyperscale service tier.
The Hyperscale service tier in Azure SQL Database provides the following additional capabilities:
Support for up to 100 TB of database size
Nearly instantaneous database backups (based on file snapshots stored
in Azure Blob storage) regardless of size with no IO impact on
compute resources
Fast database restores (based on file snapshots) in minutes rather
than hours or days (not a size of data operation)
Higher overall performance due to higher log throughput and faster
transaction commit times regardless of data volumes
Rapid scale out - you can provision one or more read-only nodes for
offloading your read workload and for use as hot-standbys
Rapid Scale up - you can, in constant time, scale up your compute
resources to accommodate heavy workloads when needed, and then scale
the compute resources back down when not needed.
Since the Azure Synapse Analytics is not supported with SSIS IR, I think scale up the Azure SQL Database service tier is good choice for you.

"Turn off" an Azure App Service and Azure SQL Server to reduce cost

I have a client with a web app running in Azure App Services and a SQL Azure database that the web app uses.
This client will not be using these for the foreseeable future and would like to minimize costs. I know I can "turn off" the app service, but I'm not sure what impact that has on pricing. Also I'm not sure if there are similar options for the SQL Azure database.
Is there a way to reduce the costs for these services (hopefully to zero) without deleting them from the Azure subscription?
For Azure SQL Database (DTU-model) you can scale down the database service tier to Basic (if the database has less than 2 GB in size) which cost USD$5 a month or to S0 if the database has 256 GB or less) which cost USD$15 a month.
You can also export the Azure SQL Database (as bacpac) to an Azure Storage Account and then delete the database. If you need the database in the future, you just import the database from the storage account.
To spend less with App Service you can lower pricing tier for the App Service Plan and apply it as shown on the image below:

What is the difference between Azure SQL Database Elastic Pools and Azure SQL Database Managed Instance?

Azure SQL Database has two similar flavors - Managed Instance and Elastic pools. Both flavors enables placing multiple databases that share the same resources and in both cases can be changed cpu/storage for entire group of database within the instance/pool. What is the difference between them?
Azure SQL Database Elastic Pool is a shared resource model for Single Azure SQL PaaS databases to achieve higher resource utilization efficiency, and all the databases within an elastic pool share predefined resources within the same elastic pool. The emphasis of this offering is on a simplified database-scoped programming model for multi-tenant SaaS apps where the workload pattern is well defined and delivers high cost-effectiveness when serving many tenants.
SQL Database Managed Instance offers a simplified instance-scoped programming model that is like an on-premises SQL Server instance. The databases in Managed Instance share the resources allocated to the Managed Instance, and the Managed Instance also represents the management grouping for these databases. The emphasis of this offering is on high compatibility with the programming model of on-premises SQL Server and out-of-box support for the large majority of SQL Server features and accompanying tools/services.
Some high-level guidelines might be:
Use Elastic pools if you need to group a large number of single
database that don't need all instance Transact-SQL functionalities
that exist in SQL Server.
Use Managed Instance if you want to migrate
a large number of SQL Server database that heavily use instance level
features such as CLR, Service Broker, SQL Agent, etc.
See more info in Azure SQL IaaS vs PaaS Comparison Table

For Azure Cosmos DB, is it possible to change from single region write to multi region write?

As Cosmos DB cost extra for multi-region write, is it possible to start with single region write and upgrade to multi-region write at a later stage or will that require a database migration?
From the pricing information it looks like the multi-region write pricing kicks in even if you don't have any geo redundancy configured. So it looks like you either have to go with a high cost from the start, or choose to pay the price through a migration at a later stage. Is this a correct observation?
Multi-region write functionality can be enable after a single region account has been created. This can be done via the Azure Portal or via Powershell: Set up Azure Cosmos DB global distribution using the SQL API
This applies to the SQL(Core) API.
Powershell example: Replicate an Azure Cosmos DB database account in multiple regions and configure failover priorities using PowerShell
