Unix & Linux ksh shell: How to use eval in CASE expression when variable is derived from a string plus another variable? [duplicate] - linux

How can I retrieve a bash variable value if I have the variable name as string? var1="this is the real value"
Do something to get value of var1 just using variable a.
I have some AMI's (Amazon Machine Image) and I want to fire up a few instances of each AMI. As soon as they finish booting, I want to setup each instance according to its AMI type. I don't want to bake lots of scripts or secret keys inside any AMI so I prepared a generalized startup script and I put it on S3 with a publicly accessible link. In rc.local I put small piece of code which fetches the startup script and executes it. This is all I have in the AMIs. Then each AMI accesses a common configuration script which is applicable to all AMIs and special setup scripts for each. These scripts are private and require a signed URL to access them.
So now, when I fire an instance of an AMI (my_private_ami_1), I pass a signed URL for one more file presented on S3 which contains signed URL for all private scripts in terms of key/value pair.config_url="http://s3.amazo.../config?signature"
When the startup script runs, it downloads the above file and source's it. Then it checks for its AMI type and picks the correct setup script for itself.
ami\_type=GET AMI TYPE #ex: sets ami\_type to my\_private\_ami\_1
setup\_url=GET THE SETUP FILE URL BASED ON AMI\_TYPE # this is where this problem arises
So now I can have a generic code which can fire instances irrespective of their AMI types and instances can take care of themselves.

You can use ${!a}:
var1="this is the real value"
echo "${!a}" # outputs 'this is the real value'
This is an example of indirect parameter expansion:
The basic form of parameter expansion is ${parameter}. The value of
parameter is substituted.
If the first character of parameter is an exclamation point (!), it
introduces a level of variable indirection. Bash uses the value of the
variable formed from the rest of parameter as the name of the
variable; this variable is then expanded and that value is used in the
rest of the substitution, rather than the value of parameter itself.

eval "Z=\$$Y"
sets Z to foo.

For my fellow zsh users, the way to accomplish the same thing as the accepted answer is to use:
echo ${(P)a} # outputs 'this is the real value'
It is appropriately called Parameter name replacement
This forces the value of the parameter name to be interpreted as a
further parameter name, whose value will be used where appropriate.
Note that flags set with one of the typeset family of commands (in
particular case transformations) are not applied to the value of name
used in this fashion.
If used with a nested parameter or command substitution, the result of
that will be taken as a parameter name in the same way. For example,
if you have ‘foo=bar’ and ‘bar=baz’, the strings ${(P)foo},
${(P)${foo}}, and ${(P)$(echo bar)} will be expanded to ‘baz’.
Likewise, if the reference is itself nested, the expression with the
flag is treated as if it were directly replaced by the parameter name.
It is an error if this nested substitution produces an array with more
than one word. For example, if ‘name=assoc’ where the parameter assoc
is an associative array, then ‘${${(P)name}[elt]}’ refers to the
element of the associative subscripted ‘elt’.

Modified my search keywords and Got it :). eval a=\$$a Thanks for your time.

In bash 4.3+, you can use declare -n:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
var="this is the real value"
declare -n var_ref=$var_name
echo "${var_ref}"

Had the same issue with arrays, here is how to do it if you're manipulating arrays too :
ARRAY_NAME=("Val0" "Val1" "Val2")
echo "ARRAY=${ARRAY}"
echo "ARRAY=${ARRAY[#]}"
echo "ARRAY[0]=${ARRAY[0]}"
echo "ARRAY[1]=${ARRAY[1]}"
echo "ARRAY[2]=${ARRAY[2]}"
This will output :
ARRAY=Val0 Val1 Val2

In bash 4.3, the '-v' test for set variables was introduced. At the same time, 'nameref' declaration was added. These two features together with the indirection operator (!) enable a simplified version of the previous example:
declare -n var_name=$1
if [[ -v var_name ]]
echo "${var_name}"
echo "variable with name <${!var_name}> is not set"
get_value test
test="\$(echo \"something nasty\")"
get_value test
$(echo "something nasty")
unset test
get_value test
variable with name <test> is not set
As this approach eliminates the need for 'eval', it is safer.
This code checked under bash 5.0.3(1).

modern shells already support arrays( and even associative arrays). So please do use them, and use less of eval.
var1="this is the real value"
# or array[0]="$var1"
then when you want to call it , echo ${array[0]}

Based on the answer: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/111627
# Summary: Returns the value of a variable given it's name as a string.
# Required Positional Argument:
# variable_name - The name of the variable to return the value of
# Returns: The value if variable exists; otherwise, empty string ("").
if set | grep -q "^$variable_name="; then
eval variable_value="\$$variable_name"
echo "$variable_value"
get_value_of test
# 123
test="\$(echo \"something nasty\")"
get_value_of test
# $(echo "something nasty")

VALUE=$(eval "echo \$$SOME_VAR_NAME")


How to Read a variable in defined in terminal to a bash script

I am new to shell scripting. I have a very basic question about how we read variables defined in our terminal as input to a shell scirpt.
let us say i defined this variable in my terminal
if i do echo $a it gives 22 as output in my terminal.
I wanted to pass this variable as a parameter to a script named input.sh
echo "Enter variable name:"
read Input
echo $Input
I ran the scirpt as ./input.sh It popped up the message as
Enter variable name:$a
But in the output i have $a as output not 22. I wanted 22 as output. Is there a way to do this?
You are mixing several things here. Where to start...
The usual way to pass values to a script is through positional parameters.
Suppose you have this script, called s1 :
echo "First two args are: $1 $2"
If you execute it like this :
./s1 Arg1 Arg2
You will see the following output :
First two args are: Arg1 Arg2
If you want to pass a variable name to the script, and have that script output the value of this variable, then you must do two things. First, initialize the variable and export it so that it can be seen by the children processes (including the script you will call, which is a separate process unless called with source or .).
VAR="Some value"
export VAR
You can also do both in a single statement:
export VAR="Some value"
Then, adapt the script to perform an indirect access to the variable :
echo "Value of variable named $1 : ${!1}"
Please note that while $1 means "the content of variable 1", ${!1} means "the content of the variable that is named $1". This is the indirect part.
Now, if you want to take it a step further, and allow the script to interactively read user input (not an argument) and use the value read as a variable name to expand, you would do something like this :
echo "Please enter a variable name"
echo "Value of variable named $VARNAME : ${!VARNAME}"
Using positional parameters makes the script easier to reuse in non-interactive scenarios, so reading user input should be limited to cases where it is necessary.
The above is to help understand the basics. If you move beyond toy scripts, you will need to understand the security implications of indirect access (especially if you allow user input). You will also need to validate positional parameters or user input are valid for your purpose (i.e. contains a valid variable name) so that you may have your script react appropriately. Well, you would probably need to check if positional parameters were even provided to begin with. All of this is doable in shell scripting, but is beyond the scope of a single question. In any case, checking input (and also errors) will be required if you intend to have robust scripts in situations where reliability is expected.
To use the variables defined in the terminal in your bash script -
Change last line of your script so that it looks like -
echo "Enter variable name:"
read Input
echo ${!Input}
Run your script input.sh on the terminal as -
. input.sh
And finally, when you input the variable name, do not use $ sign. For e.g. -
6c4008a16b7c:~ z001lg8$ . input.sh
Enter variable name:
6c4008a16b7c:~ z001lg8$
Voila, you can now use the variables defined in the terminal in your script.
Explanation -
In your script, $Input is changed to ${!Input} so that the content of the user input(which is variable name) is echoed and not the variable name itself.
As explained by #Fred - $1 means "the content of variable 1", ${!1} means "the content of the variable that is named $1".
When script is run as . input.sh , it means that you are sourcing the script contents on the terminal. The . symbol is used for sourcing a command/script.
The $ sign is not required when the variable name is entered in terminal because ${!Input} format already takes into account that the value in Input variable is a variable name.

How to create a bash variable like $RANDOM

I'm interest in some thing : every time I echo $RANDOM , the show value difference . I guess the RANDOM is special (When I read it , it may call a function , set a variable flag and return the RANDOM number . ) . I want to create a variable like this , how I can do it ? Every answer will be helpful .
The special behavior of $RANDOM is a built-in feature of bash. There is no mechanism for defining your own special variables.
You can write a function that prints a different value each time it's called, and then invoke it as $(func). For example:
now() {
date +%s
echo $(now)
Or you can set $PROMPT_COMMAND to a command that updates a specified variable. It runs just before printing each prompt.
This doesn't work in a script (since no prompt is printed), and it imposes an overhead whether you refer to the variable or not.
If you are BASH scripting there is a $RANDOM variable already internal to BASH.
This post explains the random variable $RANDOM:
It generates a number from 0 - 32767.
If you want to do different things then something like this:
case $RANDOM in
Message="All is quiet."
Message="Start thinking about cleaning out some stuff. There's a partition that is $space % full."
Message="Better hurry with that new disk... One partition is $space % full."
I stumbled on this question a while ago and wasn't satisfied by the accepted answer: He wanted to create a variable just like $RANDOM (a variable with a dynamic value), thus I've wondered if we can do it without modifying bash itself.
Variables like $RANDOM are defined internally by bash using the dynamic_value field of the struct variable. If we don't want to patch bash to add our custom "dynamic values" variables, we still have few other alternatives.
An obscure feature of bash is loadable builtins (shell builtins loaded at runtime), providing a convenient way to dynamically load new symbols via the enable function:
$ enable --help|grep '\-f'
enable: enable [-a] [-dnps] [-f filename] [name ...]
-f Load builtin NAME from shared object FILENAME
-d Remove a builtin loaded with -f
We now have to write a loadable builtin providing the functions (written in C) that we want use as dynamic_value for our variables, then setting the dynamic_value field of our variables with a pointer to the chosen functions.
The production-ready way of doing this is using an another loadable builtin crafted on purpose to do the heavy-lifting, but one may abuse gdb if the ptrace call is available to do the same.
I've made a little demo using gdb, answering "How to create a bash variable like $RANDOM?":
$ ./bashful RANDOM dynamic head -c 8 /dev/urandom > /dev/null
$ echo $RANDOM

Part of name of a variable to be a variable

Let's suppose I have following two variables:
Now, I want to able to do something like:
echo ${'count' . $arg1} #which should give me "test" but its returning bad-substitution error
i.e. can part of a variable can be set as variable in bash?
Okay, got it working via indirect variable reference introduced in Bash v2 as:
echo ${!my_var}

Bash, Concatenating 2 strings to reference a 3rd variable

I have a bash script I am having some issues with concatenating 2 variables to call a 3rd.
Here is a simplification of the script, but the syntax is eluding me after reading the docs.
server_list_all="server1 server2 server3";
var1 = "server";
var2 = "all";
echo $(($var1_list_$var2));
This is about as close as I get to the right answer, it acknowledges the string and tosses an error on tokenization.
syntax error in expression (error token is "server1 server2 server3....
Not really seeing anything in the docs for this, but it should be doable.
EDIT: Cleaned up a bit
The Bash Reference Manual explains how you can use a neat feature of parameter expansion to do some indirection. In your case, you're interested in finding the contents of a variable whose name is defined by two other variables:
server_list_all="server1 server2 server3"
echo ${!combined}
The exclamation mark when referring to combined means "use the variable whose name is defined by the contents of combined"
The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide has the answer for you (http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ivr.html). You have two options, the first is classic shell:
server_list_all="server1 server2 server3";
eval servers=\$$server_var;
echo $servers
Alternatively you can use the bash shortcut ${!var}
server_list_all="server1 server2 server3";
echo ${!server_var}
Either approach works.

How to get a variable value if variable name is stored as string?

How can I retrieve a bash variable value if I have the variable name as string? var1="this is the real value"
Do something to get value of var1 just using variable a.
I have some AMI's (Amazon Machine Image) and I want to fire up a few instances of each AMI. As soon as they finish booting, I want to setup each instance according to its AMI type. I don't want to bake lots of scripts or secret keys inside any AMI so I prepared a generalized startup script and I put it on S3 with a publicly accessible link. In rc.local I put small piece of code which fetches the startup script and executes it. This is all I have in the AMIs. Then each AMI accesses a common configuration script which is applicable to all AMIs and special setup scripts for each. These scripts are private and require a signed URL to access them.
So now, when I fire an instance of an AMI (my_private_ami_1), I pass a signed URL for one more file presented on S3 which contains signed URL for all private scripts in terms of key/value pair.config_url="http://s3.amazo.../config?signature"
When the startup script runs, it downloads the above file and source's it. Then it checks for its AMI type and picks the correct setup script for itself.
ami\_type=GET AMI TYPE #ex: sets ami\_type to my\_private\_ami\_1
setup\_url=GET THE SETUP FILE URL BASED ON AMI\_TYPE # this is where this problem arises
So now I can have a generic code which can fire instances irrespective of their AMI types and instances can take care of themselves.
You can use ${!a}:
var1="this is the real value"
echo "${!a}" # outputs 'this is the real value'
This is an example of indirect parameter expansion:
The basic form of parameter expansion is ${parameter}. The value of
parameter is substituted.
If the first character of parameter is an exclamation point (!), it
introduces a level of variable indirection. Bash uses the value of the
variable formed from the rest of parameter as the name of the
variable; this variable is then expanded and that value is used in the
rest of the substitution, rather than the value of parameter itself.
eval "Z=\$$Y"
sets Z to foo.
For my fellow zsh users, the way to accomplish the same thing as the accepted answer is to use:
echo ${(P)a} # outputs 'this is the real value'
It is appropriately called Parameter name replacement
This forces the value of the parameter name to be interpreted as a
further parameter name, whose value will be used where appropriate.
Note that flags set with one of the typeset family of commands (in
particular case transformations) are not applied to the value of name
used in this fashion.
If used with a nested parameter or command substitution, the result of
that will be taken as a parameter name in the same way. For example,
if you have ‘foo=bar’ and ‘bar=baz’, the strings ${(P)foo},
${(P)${foo}}, and ${(P)$(echo bar)} will be expanded to ‘baz’.
Likewise, if the reference is itself nested, the expression with the
flag is treated as if it were directly replaced by the parameter name.
It is an error if this nested substitution produces an array with more
than one word. For example, if ‘name=assoc’ where the parameter assoc
is an associative array, then ‘${${(P)name}[elt]}’ refers to the
element of the associative subscripted ‘elt’.
Modified my search keywords and Got it :). eval a=\$$a Thanks for your time.
In bash 4.3+, you can use declare -n:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
var="this is the real value"
declare -n var_ref=$var_name
echo "${var_ref}"
Had the same issue with arrays, here is how to do it if you're manipulating arrays too :
ARRAY_NAME=("Val0" "Val1" "Val2")
echo "ARRAY=${ARRAY}"
echo "ARRAY=${ARRAY[#]}"
echo "ARRAY[0]=${ARRAY[0]}"
echo "ARRAY[1]=${ARRAY[1]}"
echo "ARRAY[2]=${ARRAY[2]}"
This will output :
ARRAY=Val0 Val1 Val2
In bash 4.3, the '-v' test for set variables was introduced. At the same time, 'nameref' declaration was added. These two features together with the indirection operator (!) enable a simplified version of the previous example:
declare -n var_name=$1
if [[ -v var_name ]]
echo "${var_name}"
echo "variable with name <${!var_name}> is not set"
get_value test
test="\$(echo \"something nasty\")"
get_value test
$(echo "something nasty")
unset test
get_value test
variable with name <test> is not set
As this approach eliminates the need for 'eval', it is safer.
This code checked under bash 5.0.3(1).
modern shells already support arrays( and even associative arrays). So please do use them, and use less of eval.
var1="this is the real value"
# or array[0]="$var1"
then when you want to call it , echo ${array[0]}
Based on the answer: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/111627
# Summary: Returns the value of a variable given it's name as a string.
# Required Positional Argument:
# variable_name - The name of the variable to return the value of
# Returns: The value if variable exists; otherwise, empty string ("").
if set | grep -q "^$variable_name="; then
eval variable_value="\$$variable_name"
echo "$variable_value"
get_value_of test
# 123
test="\$(echo \"something nasty\")"
get_value_of test
# $(echo "something nasty")
VALUE=$(eval "echo \$$SOME_VAR_NAME")
