Why isn't this EventEmitter pubsub singleton interface working in node.js? - node.js

I am trying to separate publisher and subscriber in node.js to be able to send data to each other through a shared EventEmitter instance as bus.
My bus follows the singleton method discussed [HERE][1]
bus.js file
// https://derickbailey.com/2016/03/09/creating-a-true-singleton-in-node-js-with-es6-symbols/
// create a unique, global symbol name
// -----------------------------------
const FOO_KEY = Symbol.for("test.exchanges.bus");
const EventEmitter = require("events");
// check if the global object has this symbol
// add it if it does not have the symbol, yet
// ------------------------------------------
var globalSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(global);
var hasFoo = (globalSymbols.indexOf(FOO_KEY) > -1);
if (!hasFoo){
global[FOO_KEY] = {
foo: new EventEmitter()
// define the singleton API
// ------------------------
var singleton = {};
Object.defineProperty(singleton, "instance", {
get: function(){
return global[FOO_KEY];
// ensure the API is never changed
// -------------------------------
// export the singleton API only
// -----------------------------
module.exports = singleton;
My understanding is that when I require this file in different modules, the same foo Object should be made available. Isn't that the purpose of having a singleton?
pub.js file
const bus = require("./bus");
class Publisher {
constructor(emitter) {
this.emitter = emitter;
test() {
setInterval(() => {
this.emitter.emit("test", Date.now());
}, 1000);
module.exports = Publisher;
sub.js file
const bus = require("./bus");
class Subscriber {
constructor(emitter) {
this.emitter = emitter;
this.emitter.on("test", this.handleTest);
handleTest(data) {
console.log("handling test", data);
module.exports = Subscriber;
When I run pub.js and sub.js on 2 separate terminal windows, sub.js finished executing immediately as if publisher is not pushing the messages to it. Could anyone kindly point how to separate the publisher and subscriber to work with the same event bus?

You may consider re-designing your bus module. I recommend creating it as a class which extends EventEmitter and then returning an instantiated instance of this class.
Now when this file is loaded the first time, the class code will run and an object will be instantiated and then exported back. require will cache this instance and next time when this file is loaded, it will get the same object back. this makes it a singleton and you can now use this as a common bus.
here is some code to demonstrate this point:
const {EventEmitter} = require('events');
class Bus extends EventEmitter {
setTimeout(() => this.emit('foo', (new Date()).getTime()), 1000);
module.exports = new Bus();
const bus1 = require('../src/util/bus');
const bus2 = require('../src/util/bus');
describe('bus', () => {
it('is the same object', () => {
expect(bus1 === bus2).toEqual(true);
it('calls the event handler on bus2 when event is emitted on bus1', done => {
bus2.on('chocolate', flavor => {
bus1.emit('chocolate', 'dark');
}, 20)


How test listener on my custom event emitter in node typescript

I'm trying to test a service that has a listener of the a custom Event Emitter in node with typescript and mocha, sinon.
My custom emmiter;
class PublishEmitter extends EventEmitter {
publish(id: string) {
this.emit('publish', id);
My service use case:
export default class PublishVehicle {
private findVehicle: FindVehicle, // Service that contains find methods on repository
private updateVehicle: UpdateVehicle, // Service that contains update methods on repository
private logger: ILogger,
) {
this.producer = producer;
this.logger = logger;
listen() {
this.logger.log('debug', 'Creating listener on PublishEmitter');
this.publishListener = this.publishListener.bind(this);
pubsub.on('publish', this.publishListener);
* Listener on PublishEmitter.
* #param event
async publishListener(event: string) {
try {
const vehicle = await this.findVehicle.findById(event);
if (vehicle?.state === State.PENDING_PUBLISH) {
const input = { state: State.PUBLISH };
await this.updateVehicle.update(vehicle.id, input);
this.logger.log('debug', `Message sent at ${Date.now() - now} ms`);
this.logger.log('debug', `End Vehicle's Publish Event: ${event}`);
} catch (error) {
this.logger.log('error', {
message: `publishListener: ${event}`,
stackTrace: error,
and in my test file:
import chai from 'chai';
const { expect } = chai;
import sinon from 'sinon';
import { StubbedInstance, stubInterface } from 'ts-sinon';
import pubsub from './PublishEmitter';
describe('Use Case - Publish Vehicle', function () {
let mockRepository: MockVehicleRepository;
let publishVehicle: PublishVehicle;
let findVehicleUseCase: FindVehicle;
let updateVehicleUseCase: UpdateVehicle;
before(() => {
const logger = Logger.getInstance();
mockRepository = new MockVehicleRepository();
findVehicleUseCase = new FindVehicle(mockRepository, logger);
updateVehicleUseCase = new UpdateVehicle(mockRepository);
publishVehicle = new PublishVehicle(
afterEach(() => {
// Restore the default sandbox here
it('Should emit event to publish vehicle', async () => {
const vehicle = { ... }; // dummy data
const stubFindById = sinon
.stub(mockRepository, 'findById')
const stubUpdate = sinon
.stub(mockRepository, 'update')
const spy = sinon.spy(publishVehicle, 'publishListener');
expect(spy.calledOnce).to.be.true; // OK
expect(stubFindById.calledOnce).to.be.true; // Error (0 call)
expect(stubUpdate.calledOnce).to.be.true; // Error (0 call)
When I debug this test, indeed the methods are called but they seem to be executed after it has gone through the last expect lines.
The output:
1 failing
1) Use Case - Publish Vehicle
Should emit event to publish vehicle:
AssertionError: expected false to be true
+ expected - actual
Finally I was be able to solve my problem wrapping expect lines in setTimeout.
setTimeout(() => {
expect(spy.calledOnce).to.be.true; // OK
expect(stubFindById.calledOnce).to.be.true; // OK
expect(stubUpdate.calledOnce).to.be.true; // OK
}, 0);

Node.js +Vue App +Websockets, updating list of connected elements

I'm trying to make this app based on node+socket.io+Vue.js.
Referring to the back end I set the server connected to socket io and all referring to the different emitters :
Class Server
const express = require("express");
const cors = require("cors");
const corsObject = {
origin: ["http://localhost:8100"],
methods: ["GET", "POST", "DELETE", "PUT", "PATCH"],
allowedHeaders: ["Content-Type", "Authorization","token-response"],
credentials: true,
const { conectToMongo } = require("../database/database");
const {
} = require("../sockets-controllers/socket-controller");
class Server {
constructor() {
this.allowedOrigins = "http://localhost:8100";
this.app = express();
this.port = process.env.PORT; arranque
this.server = require("http").createServer(this.app);
this.io = require("socket.io")(this.server, {
cors: corsObject,
middlewares() {
this.app.use(express.json()); //lectura y parsoin del body a fomato json
this.app.use(express.static("public")); //directorio fornt
this.app.use(cors({ credentials: true, origin: "http://localhost:8100" })); //cors
this.app.get("/", (request, response, next) => {
ok: true,
message: "request correct",
routes() {
this.app.use("/user", require("../routes/user-routes"));
this.app.use("/auth", require("../routes/user-login"));
// this.app.use(this.usuariosPath,require('../routes/user-routes'))
async connectingdatabase() {
await conectToMongo();
connectionSocketClient() {
this.io.on("connection",(socket)=> socketController(socket,this.io));
portListener() {
this.server.listen(this.port, () => {
console.log(`server running on port : ${this.port}`);
module.exports = Server; //Exportando la clase interface creada para su uso en los demas modulos
In order to initialize the controllers i first set a class which might be used on controllers in a easier way importing its instance
class Message {
constructor(userId, userMessage, message) {
this.userId = userId;
this.userMessage = userMessage;
this.message = message;
} //Class and its constructor Message
class ChatMessage {
constructor() {
this.messages = [];
this.usersOnConnection = {};
//constructor of this class with two components , first a array of message
//and second a object that would be stacking the connected users
get usersConnected() {
return Object.values(this.usersOnConnection);
//This getter would retrieve the object of users connected converting it to
//an array
addUserToChat(user) {
this.usersOnConnection[user.id] = user
//this method would add a user to a chat i this case adding the new consumer
//to the object of users connected usersOnConnection(HERE problem too)
//Class and its constructor Message
module.exports = { Message, ChatMessage };
Then the socket controller on charge of set the logic would be like this
const { Socket } = require("socket.io");
const { ChatMessage, Message } = require("../models/chat-model");//Interfaces imported
const socketController = async (socket = new Socket(), io) => {
const user = await jwtValidatorRenew(
if (!user || user == undefined) {
console.log("user disconnected");
return socket.disconnect();
//if for some reason the user requested thorugh a token i retrieve is null
//or some like , the controller ends here with a disconnection to the socket
const chatMessage =await new ChatMessage(); //creating new isntance of class ChatMessage
//first i do create a new instance of the class Chatmessage in order to access from here
chatMessage.addUserToChat(user); //adding user to the chat (HERE )
//then any time the browser is recharged or user inits session , this user
//would be added, using the method addUserToChat from the class instance
io.emit("active-users", chatMessage.usersConnected); //sending users connected
//once the user is added i do proceed to emit through io , the state of all connected
//consumers aiming to the flag "active-users", accesing the getter usersConnected
//from the instance
socket.on("disconnect", () => {
console.log("Client DisconectedConected", socket.id); // desconexion
//diconnecting user
io.emit("active-users", chatMessage.usersConnected);
//On disconnection the instance of chatmessage class is called in order to disconnect
//user according to its id. Also accession io from socket I do emit for all consumers
//a new state under the flag "active-users", passing ass method the getter usersConnected
//from the instance chatMessage(but only receive one user)
module.exports = { socketController };
Then on my front after setting socket io client i set this on my Vue state manangement(vuex ) for the socket connection, being this action dispatched any time i need.
conectingSocket() {
const socket= io("localhost:3006", {
extraHeaders: {
"token-response": localStorage.getItem("token"),
console.log("socket online");
//flag on connection
console.log("socket offline");
//flag on discconnection
//Here i log the users connected updated once the back emit on this flag a action . But always
//brings me the user of the browser that I recharge not updating the other ones
Then any time i initialize my app this method on front is triggered in order to retrieve the users
connected, thus for that simply call the method and set it also in my mounted Vue life cycle:
export default {
name: "AllUsersComponent",
components: { IonCard, IonContent, IonItem, IonInput, IonButton, IonLabel },
// components: { IonLabel, IonInput, IonItem },
data() {
return {
allUsersFinal: [],
message: "",
state: false,
socket: io(process.env.VUE_APP_BACK_URL),
//client socket and its connection
methods: {
...mapActions(["getAllUsers", "validateToken", "conectingSocket"]),
socketConection() {
...some methods
computed: {
...some computed methods
mounted() {
created() {
...some methods
But keeps showing me only the user of the browser I do recharge. For this purpose i initialize on the app two users from different browsers(Firefox and Chrome)
Any help on this would be amazing!!!!!

How to test setInterval on a method?

I have a class
class Dummy {
constructor() {
this.prop1 = null;
this.prop2 = null;
this.prop3 = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
method1() {
// Method logic
var dummyObject = new Dummy();
module.exports = dummyObject;
I'd like to write tests to verify that method1 is being invoked after every 1s.
Following is the test code
const dummyObject = require('./dummy.js');
describe("Test setInterval", function () {
it("Test setInterval", function () {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
const spy = sinon.spy(dummyObject, 'method1');
When I run the tests however, I get an error 'Expected false to equal to true' and on further digging I realized I am not able to spy on the method which is being called via setInterval.
Please share any thoughts on what I can do to test this scenario?
This is not going to work the way you want it to, because the method (method1) is already called when you require the module and hence there is no chance to spy it afterwards in your test.
I recommend to refactor your Module to export the class, not the instance like:
module.exports = class Dummy {
constructor() {
this.prop1 = null;
this.prop2 = null;
this.prop3 = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
method1() {
// Method logic
Then in you test, require the class and spy on the method before you instantiate it:
const sinon = require('sinon');
const Dummy = require('./dummy.js');
describe("Test setInterval", function () {
it("Test setInterval", function () {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
// Spy on the method using the class' prototype
const spy = sinon.spy(Dummy.prototype, 'method1');
// Initialize the class and make sure its `constructor` is called after you spied on the method
new Dummy();

Receive Nodejs events in React

I am working on a project that will use React as my client and Nodejs as my server. My design is that the Nodejs server will listen to some external data streams, process the data, save the data in MongoDB and then emit some events to React. The server-side code is like
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const myEmitter = new EventEmitter();
const ws = new WebSocket('wss://someurl');
ws.on('message', (data) => {
preprocess and do the mongodb stuff
myEmitter.emit('someevent', data)});
My question is, how can I listen for such an event in my React client? If I stick with this approach, do I need to pass in myEmitter to my React components?
I am new to React so please let me know if there is any better way to solve the problem.
do I need to pass in myEmitter to my React components?
no... your client side and serverside code should be separate. You can use a client-side SocketIO app like socket.io.
if you're going to be listening for a bunch of different events in different components, consider using an enhancer style wrapper
function withSocket (event?, onEvent?) { // note: this is TS
return (Component) => {
class WithSocketEvent extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.socket = io.connect(SOCKET_ENDPOINT)
componentDidMount () {
if (event && onEvent) {
this.socket.on(event, onEvent)
componentWillUnmount () {
this.socket && this.socket.close()
render () {
return (
{ ...this.props }
socket={ this.socket }
return WithSocketEvent
// usage
class HasSocketEvent extends Component {
componentDidMount () {
// handle the event in the component
this.props.socket.on("someEvent", this.onSocketEvent)
onSocketEvent = (event) => {
render () {
// handle the event outside the component
export default withSocket("someEvent", function () {
// so something
// or
export default withSocket()(HasSocketEvent)

How to pass data to next middleware function in NodeJS

I'm writing my own implementation of middleware for a socket system. I've read through the source code of Laravel's middleware and some documentation on ExpressJS's implementation for inspiration.
However, I'm getting stuck on passing the data from one middleware handler to another.
I wrote a very basic example below. The output should be 4 but I don't know how to pass the output from one handler to the other. I'm guessing by setting a temporary variable, but I'm not sure how performant that is.
let each = require('lodash/each')
class Middleware {
constructor() {
this.handlers = [
function (data) {return data + 1},
function (data) {return data + 2}
class Router {
constructor() {
this.middleware = new Middleware
route(data) {
each(this.middleware.handlers, function(handler) {
handler(data) // no idea what to do here
class Socket {
constructor() {
this.router = new Router
write(data) {
return this.router.route(data)
let router = new Router
console.log(socket.write(1)) // should be 4
Change the route function inside Router class as following and the result of socket.write(1) will be 4:
class Router {
constructor() {
this.middleware = new Middleware
route(data) {
each(this.middleware.handlers, function (handler) {
data = handler(data)
return data
