Haskell: Chaining State Monad - haskell

If I have a function that shuffles a "deck of cards", how do I use the State Monad to iterate through a defined set number of shuffles and then return a result?
For example I have the following function that will do 1 shuffle of the deck then return a specific card:
step :: State [String] String
step = do
modify shuffle
deck <- get
pure $ bestCard deck
What I would like to be able to do is iterate through the state changes 5 times before I return the value.
What I have tried is this:
steps :: Int -> State [String] String
steps n = case n of
0 -> do
deck <- get
pure $ bestCard deck
_ -> do
modify shuffle
steps (n - 1)
but that looks far from being the correct way of doing it, even though it works.
NB. I am aware this can be done without using State Monad but I am trying to use this example to learn how to use State.
Thanks to #Koterpillar, I can use replicateM to get what I want.
evalState (replicateM n $ modify shuffle >> get >>= pure . bestCard)

The most succinct way to do it is replicateM_, which repeats a monadic action a specified number of times and discards the result:
replicateM_ 5 $ modify shuffle
Because State is a monad, you only have to care about repeating an action, not specifically working with State. I found the above function by searching Hoogle for the signature of the function I wanted:
Monad m => Int -> m a -> m ()
Note that the result doesn't even require a monad, just an applicative:
replicateM_ :: Applicative m => Int -> m a -> m ()


Haskell: Replace mapM in a monad transformer stack to achieve lazy evaluation (no space leaks)

It has already been discussed that mapM is inherently not lazy, e.g. here and here. Now I'm struggling with a variation of this problem where the mapM in question is deep inside a monad transformer stack.
Here's a function taken from a concrete, working (but space-leaking) example using LevelDB that I put on gist.github.com:
-- read keys [1..n] from db at DirName and check that the values are correct
doRead :: FilePath -> Int -> IO ()
doRead dirName n = do
success <- runResourceT $ do
db <- open dirName defaultOptions{ cacheSize= 2048 }
let check' = check db def in -- is an Int -> ResourceT IO Bool
and <$> mapM check' [1..n] -- space leak !!!
putStrLn $ if success then "OK" else "Fail"
This function reads the values corresponding to keys [1..n] and checks that they are all correct. The troublesome line inside the ResourceT IO a monad is
and <$> mapM check' [1..n]
One solution would be to use streaming libraries such as pipes, conduit, etc. But these seem rather heavy and I'm not at all sure how to use them in this situation.
Another path I looked into is ListT as suggested here. But the type signatures of ListT.fromFoldable :: [Bool]->ListT Bool and ListT.fold :: (r -> a -> m r) -> r -> t m a -> mr (where m=IO and a,r=Bool) do not match the problem at hand.
What is a 'nice' way to get rid of the space leak?
Update: Note that this problem has nothing to do with monad transformer stacks! Here's a summary of the proposed solutions:
1) Using Streaming:
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
S.all_ id (S.mapM check' (S.each [1..n]))
2) Using Control.Monad.foldM:
foldM (\a i-> do {b<-check' i; return $! a && b}) True [1..n]
3) Using Control.Monad.Loops.allM
allM check' [1..n]
I know you mention you don't want to use streaming libraries, but your problem seems pretty easy to solve with streaming without changing the code too much.
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
We use each [1..n] instead of [1..n] to get a stream of elements:
each :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => f a -> Stream (Of a) m ()
Stream the elements of a pure, foldable container.
(We could also write something like S.take n $ S.enumFrom 1).
We use S.mapM check' instead of mapM check':
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Stream (Of a) m r -> Stream (Of b) m r
Replace each element of a stream with the result of a monadic action
And then we fold the stream of booleans with S.all_ id:
all_ :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Stream (Of a) m r -> m Bool
Putting it all together:
S.all_ id (S.mapM check' (S.each [1..n]))
Not too different from the code you started with, and without the need for any new operator.
I think what you need is allM from the monad-loops package.
Then it would be just allM check' [1..n]
(Or if you don't want the import it's a pretty small function to copy.)

How to write a Haskell Pipes "sum" function?

I'm trying to learn the pipes package by writing my own sum function and I'm getting stumped. I'd like to not use the utility functions from Pipes.Prelude (since it has sum and fold and other functions which make it trivial) and only use the information as described in Pipes.Tutorial. The tutorial doesn't talk about the constructors of Proxy, but if I look in the source of sum and fold it uses those constructors and I wonder whether it is possible to write my sum function without knowledge of these low level details.
I'm having trouble coming to terms with how this function would be able to continue taking in values as long as there are values available, and then somehow return that sum to the user. I guess the type would be:
sum' :: Monad m => Consumer Int m Int
It appears to me this could work because this function could consume values until there are no more, then return the final sum. I would use it like this:
mysum <- runEffect $ inputs >-> sum'
However, the function in Pipes.Prelude has the following signature instead:
sum :: (Monad m, Num a) => Producer a m () -> m a
So I guess this is my first hurdle. Why does the sum function take a Producer as an argument as opposed to using >-> to connect?
FYI I ended up with the following after the answer from danidiaz:
sum' = go 0
go n p = next p >>= \x -> case x of
Left _ -> return n
Right (_, p') -> go (n + 1) p'
Consumers are actually quite limited in what they can do. They can't detect end-of-input (pipes-parse uses a different technique for that) and when some other part of the pipeline stops (for example the Producer upstream) that part is the one that must provide the result value for the pipeline. So putting the sum in the return value of the Consumer won't work in general.
Some alternatives are:
Implement a function that deals directly with Producer internals, or perhaps uses an auxiliary function like next. There are adapters of this type that can feed Producer data to "smarter" consumers, like Folds from the foldl package.
Keep using a Consumer, but instead of putting the sum in the return value of the Consumer, use a WriterT as the base monad with a Sum Int monoid as accumulator. That way, even if the Producer stop first, you can still run the writer to get to the accumulator This solution is likely to be less efficient, though.
Example code for the WriterT approach:
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Pipes
producer :: Monad m => Producer Int m ()
producer = mapM_ yield [1..10]
summator :: Monad n => Consumer Int (WriterT (Sum Int) n) ()
summator = forever $ await >>= lift . tell . Sum
main :: IO ()
main = do
Sum r <- execWriterT . runEffect $ producer >-> summator
print r

Haskell do clause with multiple monad types

I'm using a graphic library in Haskell called Threepenny-GUI. In this library the main function returns a UI monad object. This causes me much headache as when I attempt to unpack IO values into local variables I receive errors complaining of different monad types.
Here's an example of my problem. This is a slightly modified version of the standard main function, as given by Threepenny-GUI's code example:
main :: IO ()
main = startGUI defaultConfig setup
setup :: Window -> UI ()
setup w = do
labelsAndValues <- shuffle [1..10]
shuffle :: [Int] -> IO [Int]
shuffle [] = return []
shuffle xs = do randomPosition <- getStdRandom (randomR (0, length xs - 1))
let (left, (a:right)) = splitAt randomPosition xs
fmap (a:) (shuffle (left ++ right))
Please notice the fifth line:
labelsAndValues <- shuffle [1..10]
Which returns the following error:
Couldn't match type ‘IO’ with ‘UI’
Expected type: UI [Int]
Actual type: IO [Int]
In a stmt of a 'do' block: labelsAndValues <- shuffle [1 .. 10]
As to my question, how do I unpack the IO function using the standard arrow notation (<-), and keep on having these variables as IO () rather than UI (), so I can easily pass them on to other functions.
Currently, the only solution I found was to use liftIO, but this causes conversion to the UI monad type, while I actually want to keep on using the IO type.
A do block is for a specific type of monad, you can't just change the type in the middle.
You can either transform the action or you can nest it inside the do. Most times transformations will be ready for you. You can, for instance have a nested do that works with io and then convert it only at the point of interaction.
In your case, a liftIOLater function is offered to handle this for you by the ThreePennyUI package.
liftIOLater :: IO () -> UI ()
Schedule an IO action to be run later.
In order to perform the converse conversion, you can use runUI:
runUI :: Window -> UI a -> IO a
Execute an UI action in a particular browser window. Also runs all scheduled IO action.
This is more an extended comment - it doesn't address the main question, but your implementation of shufffle. There are 2 issues with it:
Your implementation is inefficient - O(n^2).
IO isn't the right type for it - shuffle has no general side effects, it just needs a source of randomness.
For (1) there are several solutions: One is to use Seq and its index, which is O(log n), which would make shuffle O(n log n). Or you could use ST arrays and one of the standard algorithms to get O(n).
For (2), all you need is threading a random generator, not full power of IO. There is already nice library MonadRandom that defines a monad (and a type-class) for randomized computations. And another package already provides the shuffle function. Since IO is an instance of MonadRandom, you can just use shuffle directly as a replacement for your function.
Under the cover, do is simply syntactic sugar for >>= (bind) and let:
do { x<-e; es } = e >>= \x -> do { es }
do { e; es } = e >> do { es }
do { e } = e
do {let ds; es} = let ds in do {es}
And the type of bind:
(>>=) :: Monad m => a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
So yeah it only "supports" one Monad

Printing x randomIO values from a list of randomIO's

I have been given this snippet of code and am supposed to explain it's non termination and propose a possible fix.
randomW = do randomvalues <- sequence (repeat (randomIO :: IO Float))
print (take 10 randomvalues)
Condition for the fix is to keep generating an infinite list so we may use the take function.
I think the problem stems from the not-so-lazy nature of the sequence function, which tries to reach the end of the list generated by repeat (randomIO :: IO Float), leading to non termination.
I'm also not sure about whether the repeat function is possible on randomIO.
test = do random <- repeat (randomIO :: IO Float)
print random
Which yields a type error. Print can't seem to be able to handle an IO Float, which seems to suggest that you can use repeat on type IO Float.
repeat :: a -> [a]
randomIO :: Random a => IO a
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
repeat (randomIO :: IO Float) :: [IO Float]
So when you do:
random <- repeat (randomIO :: IO Float)
You're actually exploiting the list monad here, so random has type IO Float. Since you're in the list monad, your last statement needs to have type [a], but it has type IO () since it's a call to print, hence the type error.
The whole point of sequence is to transform this [IO a] into an IO [a] that you can perform to obtain a list of random values, and hopefully print this list. Now, when you perform an IO like this, it needs to be performed all at once, unless using unsafeInterleaveIO, which is not recommended in this case. So it tries to get that infinite list... and hangs (it might stack overflow at some point, I'm not sure).
To get an infinite list of random values, you don't need all this, just to obtain a random seed, and compute random values purely from the seed.
You should be able to construct an infinite list of random values using these functions:
randomIO :: Random a => IO a -- to provide an IO Int
mkStdGen :: Int -> StdGen -- to obtain a random generator from that Int
randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [a] -- to generate the infinite list
Notice that the last two functions are pure. Reading this thread might give you some more ideas.
Example of how you should use mkStdGen:
randomList :: Random a => IO [a]
randomList = do seed <- randomIO
let gen = mkStdGen seed
return (randoms gen)
I can't test it right now but this should work. You probably want to adapt this to your use case though.
For your other question:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
print :: Show a => a -> IO ()
map print :: Show a => [a] -> [IO ()]
This probably isn't what you want, right?
If you just want to print a list, no need for map, print can handle lists.
The reason why your first code does not work, is that you're trying to sequence an infinite number of IO actions. Since this uses strict IO, the program is not allowed to continue before all the actions have been performed, which will take forever.
A simple solution is to take the number of actions you need before sequencing them, for example:
randomW = do values <- sequence (take 10 $ repeat (randomIO :: IO Float))
print values
This can be written more succinctly using replicateM from Control.Monad:
randomW = do values <- replicateM 10 (randomIO :: IO Float)
print values
Or, you can use randoms to make an infinite list of random numbers based on a single random seed (similar to Ptival's answer):
randomW = do gen <- newStdGen
let randomValues = randoms gen :: [Float]
print (take 10 randomValues)
Here, we only use a single IO action and the infinite list is generated lazily based on that, so there is no infinite number of side effects to run.

Is mapM in Haskell strict? Why does this program get a stack overflow?

The following program terminates correctly:
import System.Random
randomList = mapM (\_->getStdRandom (randomR (0, 50000::Int))) [0..5000]
main = do
randomInts <- randomList
print $ take 5 randomInts
$ runhaskell test.hs
However, feeding it with an infinite list, the program never terminates, and when compiled, eventually gives a stack overflow error!
import System.Random
randomList = mapM (\_->getStdRandom (randomR (0, 50000::Int))) [0..]
main = do
randomInts <- randomList
print $ take 5 randomInts
$ ./test
Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
Use `+RTS -Ksize -RTS' to increase it.
I expected the program to lazily evaluate getStdRandom each time I pick an item off the list, finishing after doing so 5 times. Why is it trying to evaluate the whole list?
Is there a better way to get an infinite list of random numbers? I want to pass this list into a pure function.
EDIT: Some more reading revealed that the function
randomList r = do g <- getStdGen
return $ randomRs r g
is what I was looking for.
EDIT2: after reading camccann's answer, I realized that getStdGen is getting a new seed on every call. Instead, better to use this function as a simple one-shot random list generator:
import System.Random
randomList :: Random a => a -> a -> IO [a]
randomList r g = do s <- newStdGen
return $ randomRs (r,g) s
main = do r <- randomList 0 (50::Int)
print $ take 5 r
But I still don't understand why my mapM call did not terminate. Evidently not related to random numbers, but something to do with mapM maybe.
For example, I found that the following also does not terminate:
randomList = mapM (\_->return 0) [0..]
main = do
randomInts <- randomList
print $ take 50000 randomInts
What gives? By the way, IMHO, the above randomInts function should be in System.Random. It's extremely convenient to be able to very simply generate a random list in the IO monad and pass it into a pure function when needed, I don't see why this should not be in the standard library.
Random numbers in general are not strict, but monadic binding is--the problem here is that mapM has to sequence the entire list. Consider its type signature, (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]; as this implies, what it does is first map the list of type [a] into a list of type [m b], then sequence that list to get a result of type m [b]. So, when you bind the result of applying mapM, e.g. by putting it on the right-hand side of <-, what this means is "map this function over the list, then execute each monadic action, and combine the results back into a single list". If the list is infinite, this of course won't terminate.
If you simply want a stream of random numbers, you need to generate the list without using a monad for each number. I'm not entirely sure why you've used the design you have, but the basic idea is this: Given a seed value, use a pseudo-random number generator to produce a pair of 1) a random number 2) a new seed, then repeat with the new seed. Any given seed will of course provide the same sequence each time. So, you can use the function getStdGen, which will provide a fresh seed in the IO monad; you can then use that seed to create an infinite sequence in completely pure code.
In fact, System.Random provides functions for precisely that purpose, randoms or randomRs instead of random and randomR.
If for some reason you want to do it yourself, what you want is essentially an unfold. The function unfoldr from Data.List has the type signature (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a], which is fairly self-explanatory: Given a value of type b, it applies the function to get either something of type a and a new generator value of type b, or Nothing to indicate the end of the sequence.
You want an infinite list, so will never need to return Nothing. Thus, partially applying randomR to the desired range and composing it with Just gives this:
Just . randomR (0, 50000::Int) :: (RandomGen a) => a -> Maybe (Int, a)
Feeding that into unfoldr gives this:
unfoldr (Just . randomR (0, 50000::Int)) :: (RandomGen a) => a -> [Int]
...which does exactly as it claims: Given an instance of RandomGen, it will produce an infinite (and lazy) list of random numbers generated from that seed.
I would do something more like this, letting randomRs do the work with an initial RandomGen:
#! /usr/bin/env runhaskell
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
randomList :: RandomGen g => g -> [Int]
randomList = randomRs (0, 50000)
main :: IO ()
main = do
randomInts <- liftM randomList newStdGen
print $ take 5 randomInts
As for the laziness, what's happening here is that mapM is (sequence . map)
Its type is: mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
It's mapping the function, giving a [m b] and then needs to execute all those actions to make an m [b]. It's the sequence that'll never get through the infinite list.
This is explained better in the answers to a prior question: Is Haskell's mapM not lazy?
