Python version doesn't seem to be updating - python-3.x

Here is what I get when I run the following commands in my terminal:
python --version
python 2.7.1
python3 --version
python 3.7.3
I ran the 'Update Shell Profile.command' file that comes with the Python3 download, but it still doesn't change the value of
python version
when I run it. My question is, is this normal? Does it change anything important other than needing to type 'python3' to run ''? If so, how do I change this? (Also, the computer I am using uses Homebrew which I am not familiar with, I am not sure if this changes anything or how.)

Python 2.7 and Python 3.7 are the latest releases of python 2 and 3 repsectively. Those two are two different version which can co-exist together. You can have both versions installed in your computer at the same time. If u dont like that just uninstall one(I'd suggest python2). The main difference is that python 3 offers many advantages compared to python 2. Some of them would be that some libraries work only for that version other legacy ones work for the other version etc. So there is no problem with having both but like i said there is really no point. Just choose whch version u like and uninstall the other one.


python versions (conda -forge)

I am using 18.04 Ubuntu with Anaconda.Recently i have trying to install OpenCV through conda-forge channel in the base environment. I did not install purposely any Python version and did not use any pip command either in base environment. Now, in the base environment, if execute just python, i get the same python version as system version and if execute python3 , i get the version installed by conda-forge. Please refer the screen shot. Python_on_Conda_base
I would like to know what is difference between python and python3 command?.What is should i keep in mind? basically i prefer the version 3.7.5 Python
.So, only the Python3 has uses different version. So, question what i should take note when i using python3 what is pros and cons of having this 2 version?
So far,i did not face any issues, but removed the conda-forge channel from Anaconda to avoid any conflicts. Any thoughts?
After posting this question, i have noticed python --version command gives Python 3.7.5 on Conda base environment and Ubuntu terminal (outside Conda)
You most likely have set an alias for python to point to the python3 binary.
Check this by typing type python, which will probably give you
python is aliased to ...
The crux here is that an alias will not be detected by which and as you revealed in the comments your which python returns the correct python version from your conda base environment, which makes an alias the most likely explanation, as PATH issues can be ruled out.
If above command does indeed reveal an alias, then check you .bashrc or similar file that you might have modified for a line alias python=.... Delete it, restart your terminal and everything should work normally

Python3 installed using homebrew but not updated version being used

On my Mac terminal i've installed python3 (3.7.6) using homebrew - e.g. if I issue command to upgrade via homebrew, it returns the up to date version:
$brew upgrade python3
Warning: python3 3.7.6_1 already installed
However when I ask for the version it tells me an older version (3.4.0) is installed:
$python3 --version
Python 3.4.0
So it's installed but not updated. I'd quite like 3.6 or later on my mac. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling using homebrew, and had no luck. Wondering if anyone has any ideas?
Sidenote (1) - i'm relatively new to homebrew... $ brew doctor returns config scripts "outside your system or Homebrew directories" - not sure if this helps, and if this is the issue where to move them to.
Sidenote (2) - 3.7.6 isn't the newest version out, but this is the latest version that homebrew will install. Is there any way to get an even newer version?
By chance i've come across the/a answer. I was editing .bash_profile and saw the very top says:
# Setting PATH for Python 3.4
# The orginal version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH
So I moved to this directory .../Versions/, found it had three subdirectories 3.3, 3.4, and 3.8, and updated to use:
And this seems to do the trick (to use the most recent). Although interestingly i've not came across 3.7.6... but is a bit redundant in my case since I can use the newer 3.8 version.
Quick fix:
You should be able to run the required version by running python3.7 instead of python3. You can set up an alias if you like with
"alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3.7"
where you put the desired binary on the RHS. This will create an alias for your current session. To always evoke this functionality, you can add this line to your bashrc file so this alias will work every time you log in to a new session
echo "alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3.7" >> ~/.bashrc
These commands were lifted from
which explains some do and do-nots.
Also check out Python virtual environments, particularly virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper, which are great tools for separating out your Python working environments and allow you to set default Python version for each project separately, as well as managing any modules you pip install separately for each project. This is much cleaner in my opinion.

How to chose which 3.x python version on cmd?

I have some code working with python 3.6.6 but I have 3.7.2 in enviroment too.When I try to run my code in cmd, it's trying to run with 3.7.2.How can I chance it?
There are a couple of ways you can tell a script to run with a specific version of Python, commonly you'd use a shebang:
However, I think this only works for Linux/Mac which it sounds like you aren't on if you're referring to cmd. You may want to check out this answer which has a few other options that may help: How do I tell a Python script to use a particular version
Alternatively you can set up a virtual environment, which allows you to run different versions of Python, modules and any other environment settings for a specific project. If that sounds like a better solution then this answer should help you out: (Easiest) Way to use Python 3.6 and 3.7 on same computer?

cx_Freeze not found error-python

Ok, I am using python 3.4.3 and I think I downloaded the right file but when I go to python shell, it says No module named 'cx_Freeze'
I know there are plenty of questions like this but none of them helped. There was one I found using my exact same problem and version but even that did not work. I do not know what to do. I have put the file in the same place, I think anyways, as python is and I tried putting it on my desktop but still does not work. Any ideas?
faced a similar problem (Python 3.4 32-bit, on Windows 7 64-bit). After installation of cx_freeze, three files appeared in c:\Python34\Scripts:
These files have no file extensions, but appear to be Python scripts. When you run python.exe cxfreeze-postinstall from the command prompt, two batch files are being created in the Python scripts directory:
From that moment on, you should be able to run cx_freeze.
cx_freeze was installed using the provided win32 installer (cx_Freeze-4.3.3.win32-py3.4.exe). Installing it using pip gave exactly the same result.
Ok, I figured it out. So this is for all the future people have the same problem as I am. First, download pip. Then open a python shell and import pip. This is to make sure the download of pip was successful. Then go to the cx_Freeze website and for python 3.4.3, it will be the last one I think. It will say the version of cx_Freeze and then say the version of python which is 3.4.3 for me. That will download and then go to python shell and import cx_Freeze. It should work. Remember that you have to capitalize the "F" and have the code be exactly like this "cx_Freeze" but without the quotes. That is how I solved this problem with this exact python version.

how do I install cmislib for Python 3.3

Im trying to install the latest cmislib for python 3 (I have pydev installed) using easy_install (which Ive never used before) as described in
http: //
I get the following error, so either Im doing something obviously silly or this doesnt work with python 3.3 ?
C:\Users\myStuff\Downloads>c:\python33\scripts\easy_install-3.3 cmslib-0.5.1-py2.7
Searching for cmslib-0.5.1-py2.7
Couldn't find index page for 'cmslib-0.5.1-py2.7' (maybe misspelled?)
Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)
No local packages or download links found for cmslib-0.5.1-py2.7
error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('cmslib-0.5.1-py2.7')
Any suggestions ? Is there a different way to install cmislib?
I have never tested cmislib with Python 3.x but the differences between Python 2.x and 3.x are significant, so I am not at all surprised that it does not work.
Please try it with Python 2.7. Using easy_install as described is the best way to do it.
you must update directly the python code of the cmislib-0.5.1-py3.4.egg package , from python 2.7 to python 3.4
