Dialogflow textToSpeech fulfilment not reading aloud the text - dialogflow-es

I am providing users with a response on an audio only device (e.g. google home), when I respond with a textToSpeech field within a simpleResponse, the speech is not read out in the simulator.
Has anyone experienced this and know how to fix?
I've tried different response types but none of them read out the textToSpeech field.
Also tried ticking/unticking end conversation toggle in Dialogflow and expectUserInput true/false when responding with JSON to no avail.
The response is currently fulfilled by a webhook which responds with JSON v2 fulfilment blob and the simulator receives the response with no errors but does not read it out.
"payload": {
"google": {
"expectUserResponse": true,
"richResponse": {
"items": [
"simpleResponse": {
"textToSpeech": "Here are the 3 closest restaurants that match your criteria,"
"responseId": "404f3b65-73a5-47db-9c17-0fc8b31560a5",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "actions_intent_NEW_SURFACE",
"parameters": {},
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"outputContexts": [
"name": "projects/my-project/agent/sessions/sessionId/contexts/findrestaurantswithcuisineandlocation-followup",
"lifespanCount": 98,
"parameters": {
"location.original": "Shoreditch",
"cuisine.original": "international",
"cuisine": "International",
"location": {
"subadmin-area": "Shoreditch",
"subadmin-area.original": "Shoreditch",
"subadmin-area.object": {}
"name": "projects/my-project/agent/sessions/sessionId/contexts/actions_capability_account_linking"
"name": "projects/my-project/agent/sessions/sessionId/contexts/actions_capability_audio_output"
"name": "projects/my-project/agent/sessions/sessionId/contexts/google_assistant_input_type_voice"
"name": "projects/my-project/agent/sessions/sessionId/contexts/actions_capability_media_response_audio"
"name": "projects/my-project/agent/sessions/sessionId/contexts/actions_intent_new_surface",
"parameters": {
"text": "no",
"#type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.NewSurfaceValue",
"status": "CANCELLED"
"intent": {
"name": "projects/my-project/agent/intents/0baefc9d-689c-4c33-b2b8-4e130f626de1",
"displayName": "Send restaurants to mobile"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"languageCode": "en-us"
"originalDetectIntentRequest": {
"source": "google",
"version": "2",
"payload": {
"isInSandbox": true,
"surface": {
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
"name": "actions.capability.ACCOUNT_LINKING"
"requestType": "SIMULATOR",
"inputs": [
"rawInputs": [
"query": "no",
"inputType": "VOICE"
"arguments": [
"extension": {
"#type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.NewSurfaceValue",
"status": "CANCELLED"
"name": "NEW_SURFACE"
"rawText": "no",
"textValue": "no",
"name": "text"
"intent": "actions.intent.NEW_SURFACE"
"user": {
"userStorage": "{\"data\":{}}",
"lastSeen": "2019-04-12T14:31:23Z",
"locale": "en-US",
"userId": "userID"
"conversation": {
"conversationId": "sessionId",
"type": "ACTIVE",
"conversationToken": "[\"defaultwelcomeintent-followup\",\"findrestaurantswithcuisineandlocation-followup\",\"findrestaurantswithcuisineandlocation-followup-2\"]"
"availableSurfaces": [
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"session": "projects/my-project/agent/sessions/sessionId"
I expect the simulator to read out the result of textToSpeech but currently does not.


Dialogflow webhook failure

I just integrated Dialogflow with Whatsapp but some of the webhooks are failing to send responses. I need a way around this problem. The telegram integration works well but the Whatsapp version fails terrible.
"responseId": "1d7878da-1909-4189-aa12-edd87bcbdbfd-21554733",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "07089456758",
"action": "input.welcome",
"parameters": {
"phonenumber": "07089456758"
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"payload": {
"telegram": {
"text": "Hi! �� Welcome to Sendme. What would you like to order today?",
"parse_mode": "html"
"platform": "TELEGRAM"
"text": {
"text": [
"outputContexts": [
"name": "projects/sendme-bot-vrgl/locations/global/agent/sessions/c5173fc0-613e-cf88-ea69-e5615b38c1dc/contexts/auth",
"lifespanCount": 5,
"parameters": {
"phonenumber.original": "07089456758",
"phonenumber": "07089456758"
"intent": {
"name": "projects/sendme-bot-vrgl/locations/global/agent/intents/4bf9dd88-e6dd-4ff2-9c4b-8d49bf45ef77",
"displayName": "welcome"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {
"webhook_latency_ms": 4312
"languageCode": "en",
"sentimentAnalysisResult": {
"queryTextSentiment": {
"score": 0.4,
"magnitude": 0.4
"webhookStatus": {
"code": 14,
"message": "Webhook call failed. Error: UNAVAILABLE, State: URL_UNREACHABLE, Reason: UNREACHABLE_5xx, HTTP status code: 500."
"agentId": "6b1be60b-e9f3-4ae4-a983-5c4d7c9734f8",
"agentSettings": {
"enableAgentWideKnowledgeConnector": true

Facing an error while building a custom skil for amazon alexa

I am trying to a build a basic custom alexa skill. I have created an intent schema and am using AWS lambda function as the endpoint. ]
My Intent schema:
"interactionModel": {
"languageModel": {
"invocationName": "toit brewpub",
"modelConfiguration": {
"fallbackIntentSensitivity": {
"level": "LOW"
"intents": [
"name": "AMAZON.FallbackIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "AMAZON.StopIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "GetClosingTime",
"slots": [],
"samples": [
"what time do you close",
"when is the last order",
"till what time are you open",
"What time does the pub close"
"name": "GetPriceOfBeer",
"slots": [
"name": "beer",
"type": "BEERS"
"samples": [
"how much is {beer}",
"what is the price of {beer}"
"types": [
"name": "BEERS",
"values": [
"name": {
"value": "Toit Red"
"name": {
"value": "Tiot Weiss"
"name": {
"value": "Basmati Blonde"
"name": {
"value": "Tintin Toit"
"name": {
"value": "IPA"
"name": {
"value": "Dark Knight"
I am using Node.js v 10.x for my lamda function which has been built using Alexa-Skills-NodeJS-Fact-kit, The region for my aws lambda is US_EAST- N.VIRGINIA.
Below is the request I receive when I talk to my Test Simulator:
"version": "1.0",
"session": {
"new": false,
"sessionId": "amzn1.echo-api.session.fd1c5315-ecf8-413f-ba25-e54bd6ae316a",
"application": {
"applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.72615503-5f38-4baf-b0dd-cd6edd3b6dfd"
"user": {
"userId": ""
"context": {
"System": {
"application": {
"applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.72615503-5f38-4baf-b0dd-cd6edd3b6dfd"
"user": {
"userId": ""
"device": {
"deviceId": "",
"supportedInterfaces": {}
"apiEndpoint": "https://api.eu.amazonalexa.com",
"apiAccessToken": ""
"Viewport": {
"experiences": [
"arcMinuteWidth": 246,
"arcMinuteHeight": 144,
"canRotate": false,
"canResize": false
"shape": "RECTANGLE",
"pixelWidth": 1024,
"pixelHeight": 600,
"dpi": 160,
"currentPixelWidth": 1024,
"currentPixelHeight": 600,
"touch": [
"video": {
"codecs": [
"Viewports": [
"type": "APL",
"id": "main",
"shape": "RECTANGLE",
"dpi": 160,
"presentationType": "STANDARD",
"canRotate": false,
"configuration": {
"current": {
"video": {
"codecs": [
"size": {
"type": "DISCRETE",
"pixelWidth": 1024,
"pixelHeight": 600
"request": {
"type": "SessionEndedRequest",
"requestId": "amzn1.echo-api.request.24b64895-3f90-4a5b-9805-9d3b038cd323",
"timestamp": "2020-03-29T08:59:54Z",
"locale": "en-US",
"reason": "ERROR",
"error": {
"message": "An exception occurred while dispatching the request to the skill."
I have removed the user Id, device ID and access token while asking the question for security reasons.
My Lambda node js function looks like this which i have generated using the code generator :
Url for code-generator: http://alexa.codegenerator.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/
Url for tutorial that i was using to implement it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB3wwxgqPOU
Whenever i try to launch the event using , open toit brewpub in my test simulator it thorws an error stating :
There was a problem with the requested skill's response
Any idea on how to make this work?
Any leads would appreciated, Thank you!

How to fix "it doesn't support that" when I query Alexa retrievable property

I have this endpoint with powerState and connectivity properties both retrievable:
"endpointId": "123",
"manufacturerName": "abc",
"friendlyName": "lamp",
"description": "lamp",
"displayCategories": [
"capabilities": [
"type": "AlexaInterface",
"interface": "Alexa.PowerController",
"version": "3",
"properties": {
"supported": [{
"name": "powerState"
"retrievable": true
"type": "AlexaInterface",
"interface": "Alexa.EndpointHealth",
"version": "3",
"properties": {
"supported": [{
"name": "connectivity"
"retrievable": true
"cookie": {}
I respond to ReportState request by sending the state of both properties:
"context": {
"properties": [
"namespace": "Alexa.PowerController",
"name": "powerState",
"value": "ON",
"timeOfSample": "2019-01-10T10:17:19.99Z",
"uncertaintyInMilliseconds": 50
"namespace": "Alexa.EndpointHealth",
"name": "connectivity",
"value": {
"value": "OK"
"timeOfSample": "2019-01-10T10:17:19.90Z",
"uncertaintyInMilliseconds": 50
"event": {
"header": {
"namespace": "Alexa",
"name": "StateReport",
"payloadVersion": "3",
"messageId": "cde",
"correlationToken": "efg123"
"endpoint": {
"scope": {
"type": "BearerToken",
"token": "ab123"
"endpointId": "123",
"cookie": {}
"payload": {}
And I send the same context in the PowerController response.
In the Alexa app I can see my device, turn it on and off and view its state rightly. I can ask Alexa to turn on and off my device and the response in "OK", but if I try to ask:** "Is my device turned on?" ** Alexa answers that this device doesn't support that.
The skill language is Italian and PowerController documentation https://developer.amazon.com/it/docs/device-apis/alexa-powercontroller.html says that query is supported.
What am I missing?

Why does Alexa SDK throw an error when migrating from Dialogflow

I'm trying to migrate my action form Dialogflow, and the most important thing is the intent schema. But after uploading the .json file, the error Intent name must not be empty. Error code: MissingIntentName is thrown. Here is Intent schema.json
"intents": [
"intent": "SelectedSubjectsYes"
"intent": "UserIsOk",
"slots": [
"name": "okslot",
"type": "OK"
"intent": "SelectedSubjectsNo"
"intent": "UserIsNotOk",
"slots": [
"name": "not_okslot",
"type": "NOT_OK"
"intent": "DefaultWelcomeIntent"
"intent": "HowAreYou?"
"intent": "SelectedSubjects",
"slots": [
"name": "subjectslot",
"type": "SUBJECT"
I've in no way edited it, so why the error? Thanks in advance.
The JSON structure for interaction model is sightly different. This is how it should look now.
"interactionModel": {
"languageModel": {
"invocationName": "Your invocation name",
"intents": [
"name": "SelectedSubjectsYes",
"slots": [],
"samples": [
"provide sample for SelectedSubjectsYes intent",
"sample for SelectedSubjectsYes intent"
"name": "UserIsOk",
"slots": [
"name": "okslot",
"type": "OK"
"samples": [
"provide other samples for UserIsOk",
"I'm {okslot}",
"name": "SelectedSubjectsNo",
"slots": [],
"samples": [
"provide sample for SelectedSubjectsNo intent",
"sample for SelectedSubjectsNo intent"
"name": "UserIsNotOk",
"slots": [
"name": "not_okslot",
"type": "NOT_OK"
"samples": [
"provide other samples for UserIsNotOk",
"i'm {not_okslot}",
"name": "HowAreYou?",
"slots": [],
"samples": [
"provide sample for HowAreYou intent",
"sample for HowAreYou intent"
"name": "SelectedSubjects",
"slots": [
"name": "subjectslot",
"type": "SUBJECT"
"samples": [
"provide other samples for SelectedSubjects",
"i choose {subjectslot}"
"types": [
"name": "OK",
"values": [
"name": {
"value": "ok"
"name": {
"value": "yes"
"name": "NOT_OK",
"values": [
"name": {
"value": "not ok"
"name": {
"value": "nope"
"name": "SUBJECT",
"values": [
"name": {
"value": "Physics"
"name": {
"value": "Biology"
Rather than converting from Dialog flow, it's pretty easy to design one in Alexa skill builder. Also, it is recommended to use predefined AMAZON.YesIntent and AMAZON.NoIntent for "yes" or "no" utterances.

dialogflow webhook not considering payload using fulfillmentText, fulfillmentMessages

"responseId": "4955f972-058c-44c2-a9c6-fe2c1d846fcd",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "dsnaf",
"action": "intentNotMatched",
"parameters": {},
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentText": "I think I may have misunderstood your last statement.",
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
"outputContexts": [
"name": "****",
"lifespanCount": 1
"intent": {
"name": "****",
"displayName": "Default Fallback Intent",
"isFallback": true
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"languageCode": "en"
"originalDetectIntentRequest": {
"payload": {}
"session": "****"
"payload": {
"google": {
"expectUserResponse": true,
"richResponse": {
"items": [
"simpleResponse": {
"textToSpeech": "I'm sorry. I didn't quite grasp what you just said."
"userStorage": "{\"data\":{}}"
"outputContexts": [
"name": "***",
"lifespanCount": 99,
"parameters": {
"data": "{}"
"responseId": "4955f972-058c-44c2-a9c6-fe2c1d846fcd",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "dsnaf",
"action": "intentNotMatched",
"parameters": {},
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
"webhookPayload": {
"google": {
"userStorage": "{\"data\":{}}",
"richResponse": {
"items": [
"simpleResponse": {
"textToSpeech": "I'm sorry. I didn't quite grasp what you just said."
"expectUserResponse": true
"outputContexts": [
"name": "*****",
"lifespanCount": 99,
"parameters": {
"data": "{}"
"name": "******",
"lifespanCount": 1
"intent": {
"name": "****",
"displayName": "Default Fallback Intent",
"isFallback": true
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {
"webhook_latency_ms": 286
"languageCode": "en"
"webhookStatus": {
"message": "Webhook execution successful"
Google Assistance response
DEFAULT RESPONSE I'm afraid I don't understand.
INTENT Default Fallback Intent
IN Google Assistance response is default fulfillmentText instead payload google richresponse
Where are you testing this? If you're in the test console, it's always going to show you the simple text response. You'll need to specifically select Google Assistant in the test console to see the rich response for that platform:
