I am generating some (noisy) data-points (y) with some known parameters (m,c) that represent the equation of a straight line. Using sampling-based Bayesian methods, I now want to know the true values of parameters (m,c) from the data. Therefore, I am using DE Metropolis (PyMC3) to estimate the true parameters.
I am getting theano error theano.gof.fg.MissingInputError: Input 0 of the graph (indices start from 0), used to compute sigmoid(c_interval__), was not provided and not given a value.
Theano version: 1.0.4
PyMC3 version: 3.9.1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import arviz as az
import pymc3
import theano.tensor as tt
from theano.compile.ops import as_op"ggplot")
# define a theano Op for our likelihood function
class LogLike(tt.Op):
itypes = [tt.dvector] # expects a vector of parameter values when called
otypes = [tt.dscalar] # outputs a single scalar value (the log likelihood)
def __init__(self, loglike, data, x, sigma):
# add inputs as class attributes
self.likelihood = loglike = data
self.x = x
self.sigma = sigma
def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
# the method that is used when calling the Op
theta, = inputs # this will contain my variables
# call the log-likelihood function
logl = self.likelihood(theta, self.x,, self.sigma)
outputs[0][0] = np.array(logl) # output the log-likelihood
def my_model(theta, x):
y = theta[0]*x + theta[1]
return y
def my_loglike(theta, x, data, sigma):
model = my_model(theta, x)
ll = -(0.5/sigma**2)*np.sum((data - model)**2)
return ll
# set up our data
N = 10 # number of data points
sigma = 1. # standard deviation of noise
x = np.linspace(0., 9., N)
mtrue = 0.4 # true gradient
ctrue = 3. # true y-intercept
truemodel = my_model([mtrue, ctrue], x)
# make data
np.random.seed(716742) # set random seed, so the data is reproducible each time
data = sigma*np.random.randn(N) + truemodel
ndraws = 3000 # number of draws from the distribution
# create our Op
logl = LogLike(my_loglike, data, x, sigma)
# use PyMC3 to sampler from log-likelihood
with pymc3.Model():
# uniform priors on m and c
m = pymc3.Uniform('m', lower=-10., upper=10.)
c = pymc3.Uniform('c', lower=-10., upper=10.)
# convert m and c to a tensor vector
theta = tt.as_tensor_variable([m, c])
# use a DensityDist (use a lamdba function to "call" the Op)
pymc3.DensityDist('likelihood', lambda v: logl(v), observed={'v': theta})
step = pymc3.DEMetropolis()
trace = pymc3.sample(ndraws, step)
# plot the traces
axes = az.plot_trace(trace)
fig = axes.ravel()[0].figure
Find the full trace here:
Population sampling (4 chains)
DEMetropolis: [c, m]
Attempting to parallelize chains to all cores. You can turn this off with `pm.sample(cores=1)`.
Population parallelization failed. Falling back to sequential stepping of chains.---------------------| 0.00% [0/4 00:00<00:00]
Sampling 4 chains for 0 tune and 4_000 draw iterations (0 + 16_000 draws total) took 5 seconds.███████| 100.00% [4000/4000 00:04<00:00]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 75, in <module>
trace = pymc3.sample(ndraws, step)
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/", line 599, in sample
idata = arviz.from_pymc3(trace, **ikwargs)
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arviz/data/", line 531, in from_pymc3
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arviz/data/", line 159, in __init__
self.observations, self.multi_observations = self.find_observations()
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arviz/data/", line 172, in find_observations
multi_observations[key] = val.eval() if hasattr(val, "eval") else val
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 522, in eval
self._fn_cache[inputs] = theano.function(inputs, self)
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 317, in function
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 486, in pfunc
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 1839, in orig_function
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 1487, in __init__
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 181, in std_fgraph
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 175, in __init__
self.__import_r__(output, reason="init")
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 346, in __import_r__
self.__import__(variable.owner, reason=reason)
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 391, in __import__
raise MissingInputError(error_msg, variable=r)
theano.gof.fg.MissingInputError: Input 0 of the graph (indices start from 0), used to compute sigmoid(c_interval__), was not provided and not given a value. Use the Theano flag exception_verbosity='high', for more information on this error.
I've run into the same problem when following the example how to sample from a black box likelihood found here:
This seems to be a version problem. I'm on Manjaro Linux and also ran theano 1.0.4 and pymc3 3.9 using python 3.8. I could solve the issue and make the code work by downgrading to python 3.7 and pymc3 3.8. This seems to be in issue with python 3.8, as simply downgrading pymc3 did not solve the issue for me. I am far from an expert in pymc3 so I don't have a solution how to fix this issue using the newest versions, but for now downgrading makes my simulations run.
Hope this helps.
Edit: The devs seem to be aware of this, there is a an open issue on their github page
I am trying to create a for loop which uses a defined function (B_lambda) and takes in values of wavelength and temperature to produce values of intensity. i.e. I want the loop to take the function B_lambda and to run through every value within my listed wavelength range for each temperature in the temperature list. Then I want to plot the results. I am not very good with the syntax and have tried many ways but nothing is producing what I need and I am mostly getting errors. I have no idea how to use a for loop to plot and all online sources that I have checked out have not helped me with using a defined function in a for loop. I will put my latest code that seems to have the least errors down below with the error message:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
import scipy.constants
%matplotlib inline
#Importing constants to use.
h = scipy.constants.h
c = scipy.constants.c
k = scipy.constants.k
wavelengths= np.arange(1000,30000)*1.e-10
for lam in wavelengths:
for T in temperature:
B_lambda = ((2*h*c**2)/(lam**5))*((1)/(np.exp((h*c)/(lam*k*T))-1))
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-73b866241c49> in <module>
17 B_lambda = ((2*h*c**2)/(lam**5))*((1)/(np.exp((h*c)/(lam*k*T))-1))
18 plt.figure()
---> 19 plt.plot(wavelengths,B_lambda)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/ in plot(scalex, scaley, data, *args, **kwargs)
2787 return gca().plot(
2788 *args, scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley, **({"data": data} if data
-> 2789 is not None else {}), **kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in plot(self, scalex, scaley, data, *args, **kwargs)
1663 """
1664 kwargs = cbook.normalize_kwargs(kwargs, mlines.Line2D._alias_map)
-> 1665 lines = [*self._get_lines(*args, data=data, **kwargs)]
1666 for line in lines:
1667 self.add_line(line)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
223 this += args[0],
224 args = args[1:]
--> 225 yield from self._plot_args(this, kwargs)
227 def get_next_color(self):
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in _plot_args(self, tup, kwargs)
389 x, y = index_of(tup[-1])
--> 391 x, y = self._xy_from_xy(x, y)
393 if self.command == 'plot':
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in _xy_from_xy(self, x, y)
268 if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
269 raise ValueError("x and y must have same first dimension, but "
--> 270 "have shapes {} and {}".format(x.shape, y.shape))
271 if x.ndim > 2 or y.ndim > 2:
272 raise ValueError("x and y can be no greater than 2-D, but have "
ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (29000,) and (1,)```
First thing to note (and this is minor) is that astropy is not required to run your code. So, you can simplify the import statements.
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
%matplotlib inline
#Importing constants to use.
h = scipy.constants.h
c = scipy.constants.c
k = scipy.constants.k
wavelengths= np.arange(1000,30000,100)*1.e-10 # here, I chose steps of 100, because plotting 29000 datapoints takes a while
Secondly, to tidy up the loop a bit, you can write a helper function, that youn call from within you loop:
def f(lam, T):
return ((2*h*c**2)/(lam**5))*((1)/(np.exp((h*c)/(lam*k*T))-1))
now you can collect the output of your function, together with the input parameters, e.g. in a list of tuples:
outputs = []
for lam in wavelengths:
for T in temperature:
outputs.append((lam, T, f(lam, T)))
Since you vary both wavelength and temperature, a 3d plot makes sense:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
An alternative would be to display the data as an image, using colour to indicate the function output.
I am also including an alternative method to generate the data in this one. Since the function f can take arrays as input, you can feed one temperature at a time, and with it, all the wavelengths simultaneously.
# initialise output as array with proper shape
outputs = np.zeros((len(wavelengths), len(temperature)))
for i, T in enumerate(temperature):
outputs[:,i] = f(wavelengths, T)
The output now is a large matrix, which you can visualise as an image:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.imshow(outputs, aspect=10e8, interpolation='none',
I'm new to Python and programming in general and I wanted to exercise a littlebit with linear regression in one variable.
Im currently following this tutorial in the link
and I am exactly doing what he is doing.
I did however encounter an error when compiling as shown in the code below
(for simplicity, I put '--' to places which is the output. I used Jupyter Notebook)
At the end I encounterd a long list of errors when trying to compile 'reg.predict(3300)'.
I don't understand what went wrong.
Can someone help me out?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import linear_model
df = pd.read_csv("homeprices.csv")
--area price
0 2600 550000
1 3000 565000
2 3200 610000
3 3600 680000
4 4000 725000
%matplotlib inline
plt.xlabel('area(sqr ft)')
plt.scatter(df.area, df.price, color='red', marker = '+')
--<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x2e823ce66a0>
reg = linear_model.LinearRegression()[['area']],df.price)
--LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=None,
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-ad5a8409ff75> in <module>
----> 1 reg.predict(3300)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\linear_model\ in predict(self, X)
211 Returns predicted values.
212 """
--> 213 return self._decision_function(X)
215 _preprocess_data = staticmethod(_preprocess_data)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\linear_model\ in _decision_function(self, X)
194 check_is_fitted(self, "coef_")
--> 196 X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=['csr', 'csc', 'coo'])
197 return safe_sparse_dot(X, self.coef_.T,
198 dense_output=True) + self.intercept_
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\ in check_array(array, accept_sparse, accept_large_sparse, dtype, order, copy, force_all_finite, ensure_2d, allow_nd, ensure_min_samples, ensure_min_features, warn_on_dtype, estimator)
543 "Reshape your data either using array.reshape(-1, 1) if "
544 "your data has a single feature or array.reshape(1, -1) "
--> 545 "if it contains a single sample.".format(array))
546 # If input is 1D raise error
547 if array.ndim == 1:
ValueError: Expected 2D array, got scalar array instead:
Reshape your data either using array.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature or array.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample.
Try reg.predict([[3300]]). The api used to allow scalar value but now you need to give 2D array[['area']],df.price)
I think above we are using 2 variables, so using 2D array to fit [X]. we need to use 2D array in reg.predict for [X],too. Hence,
Expected 2D array,got scalar array instead: this is written in the error explained box so
kindly change it to :
just wrote it like this
When I run the following script, I notice the following couple of errors:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import random
#set random seed:
def potential(N):
points = np.random.rand(N,2)*10
values = np.array([np.exp((points[i][0]-5.0)**2 + (points[i][1]-5.0)**2) for i in range(N)])
return points, values
def init_weights(shape,var_name):
Xavier initialisation of neural networks
init = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()
return tf.get_variable(initializer=init,name = var_name,shape=shape)
def neural_net(X):
with tf.variable_scope("model",reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
w_h = init_weights([2,10],"w_h")
w_h2 = init_weights([10,10],"w_h2")
w_o = init_weights([10,1],"w_o")
### bias terms:
bias_1 = init_weights([10],"bias_1")
bias_2 = init_weights([10],"bias_2")
bias_3 = init_weights([1],"bias_3")
h = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(tf.matmul(X, w_h),bias_1))
h2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(tf.matmul(h, w_h2),bias_2))
return tf.nn.relu(tf.add(tf.matmul(h2, w_o),bias_3))
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2])
with tf.Session() as sess:
model = neural_net(X)
## define optimizer:
opt = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.0001)
values =tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1])
squared_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(model-values))
## define model variables:
model_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES,"model")
train_model = opt.minimize(squared_loss,var_list=model_vars)
for i in range(10):
points, val = potential(100)
train_feed = {X : points,values: val.reshape((100,1))},feed_dict = train_feed)
print(,feed_dict = {X:points}))
### plot the approximating model:
res = 0.1
xy = np.mgrid[0:10:res, 0:10:res].reshape(2,-1).T
values =, feed_dict={X: xy})
On the first run I get:
[nan] [nan] [nan] [nan] [nan] [nan] [nan]] Traceback (most
recent call last):
line 485, in heatmap
yticklabels, mask)
line 167, in init
cmap, center, robust)
line 206, in _determine_cmap_params
vmin = np.percentile(calc_data, 2) if robust else calc_data.min()
line 29, in _amin
return umr_minimum(a, axis, None, out, keepdims)
ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has
no identity
On the second run I have:
ValueError: Variable model/w_h/Adagrad/ already exists, disallowed.
Did you mean to set reuse=True or reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE in VarScope?
It's not clear to me why I get either of these errors. Furthermore, when I use:
for i in range(10):
points, val = potential(10)
train_feed = {X : points,values: val.reshape((10,1))},feed_dict = train_feed)
print(,feed_dict = {X:points}))
I find that on the first run, I sometimes get a network that has collapsed to the constant function with output 0. Right now my hunch is that this might simply be a numerics problem but I might be wrong.
If so, it's a serious problem as the model I have used here is very simple.
Right now my hunch is that this might simply be a numerics problem
indeed, when running potential(100) I sometimes get values as large as 1E21. The largest points will dominate your loss function and will drive the network parameters.
Even when normalizing your target values e.g. to unit variance, the problem of the largest values dominating the loss would still remain (look e.g. at plt.hist(np.log(potential(100)[1]), bins = 100)).
If you can, try learning the log of val instead of val itself. Note however that then you are changing the assumption of the loss function from 'predictions follow a normal distribution around the target values' to 'log predictions follow a normal distribution around log of the target values'.
I would like to perform a multinomial logistic regression but I can't set threshold and thresholds parameters correctly. Consider the following DF:
from import DenseVector
test_train_df = (
.createDataFrame([(0, DenseVector([-1.0, 1.2, 0.7])),
(0, DenseVector([3.1, -2.0, -2.9])),
(1, DenseVector([1.0, 0.8, 0.3])),
(1, DenseVector([4.2, 1.4, -1.7])),
(0, DenseVector([-1.9, 2.5, -2.3])),
(2, DenseVector([2.6, -0.2, 0.2])),
(1, DenseVector([0.3, -3.4, 1.8])),
(2, DenseVector([-1.0, -3.5, 4.7]))],
['label', 'features'])
My label has 3 classes, so I have to set thresholds (plural, which default is None) rather than threshold (singular, which default is 0.5). Then I write:
from import classification as cl
test_logit_abst = (
.setThresholds([.5, .5, .5])
Then I would like to fit the model on my DF:
test_logit =
but when executing this last command I get an error:
Py4JJavaError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/sql/ in deco(*a, **kw)
62 try:
---> 63 return f(*a, **kw)
64 except py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError as e:
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/py4j/ in get_return_value(answer, gateway_client, target_id, name)
318 "An error occurred while calling {0}{1}{2}.\n".
--> 319 format(target_id, ".", name), value)
320 else:
Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling
: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Logistic Regression found inconsistent values for threshold and thresholds. Param threshold is set (0.5), indicating binary classification, but Param thresholds is set with length 3. Clear one Param value to fix this problem.
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
IllegalArgumentException Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-211-8f3443f41b6b> in <module>()
----> 1 test_logit =
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/ml/ in fit(self, dataset, params)
62 return self.copy(params)._fit(dataset)
63 else:
---> 64 return self._fit(dataset)
65 else:
66 raise ValueError("Params must be either a param map or a list/tuple of param maps, "
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/ml/ in _fit(self, dataset)
264 def _fit(self, dataset):
--> 265 java_model = self._fit_java(dataset)
266 return self._create_model(java_model)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/ml/ in _fit_java(self, dataset)
260 """
261 self._transfer_params_to_java()
--> 262 return
264 def _fit(self, dataset):
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/py4j/ in __call__(self, *args)
1131 answer = self.gateway_client.send_command(command)
1132 return_value = get_return_value(
-> 1133 answer, self.gateway_client, self.target_id,
1135 for temp_arg in temp_args:
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/sql/ in deco(*a, **kw)
77 raise QueryExecutionException(s.split(': ', 1)[1], stackTrace)
78 if s.startswith('java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: '):
---> 79 raise IllegalArgumentException(s.split(': ', 1)[1], stackTrace)
80 raise
81 return deco
IllegalArgumentException: 'requirement failed: Logistic Regression found inconsistent values for threshold and thresholds. Param threshold is set (0.5), indicating binary classification, but Param thresholds is set with length 3. Clear one Param value to fix this problem.'
The error says threshold is set. This looks strange, as the documentation says that setting thresholds (plural) clears threshold (singular), so that the value 0.5 should be deleted.
So, how to clear threshold since no clearThreshold() exists?
In order to achieve this I tried to clear threshold this way:
logit_abst = (
.setThresholds([.5, .5, .5])
This time the fit command works, I even obtain the model intercept and coefficients:
DenseVector([65.6445, 31.6369, -97.2814])
DenseMatrix(3, 3, [-76.4534, -19.4797, -79.4949, 12.3659, 4.642, 4.1057, 64.0876, 14.8377, 75.3892], 1)
But if I try to get thresholds (plural) from test_logit_abst I get an error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-214-fc1c8617ce80> in <module>()
----> 1 test_logit_abst.getThresholds()
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/ml/ in getThresholds(self)
363 if not self.isSet(self.thresholds) and self.isSet(self.threshold):
364 t = self.getOrDefault(self.threshold)
--> 365 return [1.0-t, t]
366 else:
367 return self.getOrDefault(self.thresholds)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'float' and 'NoneType'
What does this mean?
As a further detail, curiously (and incomprehensibly to me) inverting the order of the parameters settings produces the first error I posted above:
logit_abst = (
.setThresholds([.5, .5, .5])
Why does changing the order of the "set" instructions change the output as well?
It is a messy situation indeed...
The short answer is:
setThresholds (plural) not clearing the threshold (singular) seems to be a bug
For multinomial classification (i.e. number of classes > 2), setThresholds does not do what you expect (and arguably you don't need it)
If all you need is having some "thresholds" in the "default" value of 0.5, you don't have a problem - simply don't use any relevant argument or setThresholds statement
If you really need to apply different decision thresholds to different classes in multinomial classification, you will have to do it manually, by post-processing the respective probabilities, i.e. the probability column in the transformed dataframe (it works OK though with setThreshold(s) for binary classification)
And now for the long answer...
Let's start with binary classification, adapting the toy data from the docs:
# u'2.2.0'
from import LogisticRegression
from pyspark.sql import Row
from import Vectors
bdf = sc.parallelize([
Row(label=1.0, features=Vectors.dense(0.0, 5.0)),
Row(label=0.0, features=Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0)),
blor = LogisticRegression(threshold=0.7, thresholds=[0.3, 0.7])
Row(label=1.0, features=Vectors.dense(2.0, 1.0)),
Row(label=0.0, features=Vectors.dense(3.0, 3.0))]).toDF()
We don't need to set thresholds (plural) here - threshold=0.7 is enough, but it will be useful when illustrating the differences with setThreshold below.
blorModel = # works OK
# 0.7
# [0.3, 0.7]
blorModel.transform(bdf).show(truncate=False) # transform the training data
Here is the result:
|features |label|rawPrediction |probability |prediction|
|[0.0,5.0]|1.0 |[-1.138455151184087,1.138455151184087] |[0.242604109995602,0.757395890004398] |1.0 |
|[1.0,2.0]|0.0 |[-0.6056346859838877,0.6056346859838877] |[0.35305562698104337,0.6469443730189567]|0.0 |
|[2.0,1.0]|1.0 |[0.26586039040308496,-0.26586039040308496]|[0.5660763559614698,0.4339236440385302] |0.0 |
|[3.0,3.0]|0.0 |[1.6453673835702176,-1.6453673835702176] |[0.8382639556951765,0.16173604430482344]|0.0 |
What is the meaning of thresholds=[0.3, 0.7]? The answer lies in the 2nd row, where the prediction is 0.0, despite the fact that the the probability is higher for 1.0 (0.65): 0.65 is indeed higher that 0.35, but it is lower than the threshold we have set for this class (0.7), hence it is not classified as such.
Let's now try the seemingly identical operation, but with setThreshold(s) instead:
blor2 = (LogisticRegression()
.setThresholds([0.3, 0.7]) ) # works OK
blorModel2 =
IllegalArgumentException: u'requirement failed: Logistic Regression getThreshold found inconsistent values for threshold (0.5) and thresholds (equivalent to 0.7)'
Nice, eh?
setThresholds (plural) seems indeed to have cleared our value of threshold (0.7) set in the previous line, as claimed in the docs, but it seemingly did so only to restore it to its default value of 0.5...
Omitting .setThreshold(0.7) gives the first error you report yourself (not shown).
Inverting the order of the parameter settings resolves the issue (!!!) and, moreover, renders both getThreshold (singular) and getThresholds (plural) operational (in contrast with your case):
blor2 = (LogisticRegression()
.setThresholds([0.3, 0.7])
.setThreshold(0.7) )
blorModel2 = # works OK
# 0.7
# [0.30000000000000004, 0.7]
Let's move now to the multinomial case; we'll stick again to the example in the docs, with data from the Spark Github repo (they should also be available locally, in your $SPARK_HOME/data/mllib/sample_multiclass_classification_data.txt, but I am working on a Databricks notebook); it is a 3-class case, with labels in {0.0, 1.0, 2.0}.
data_path ="/FileStore/tables/sample_multiclass_classification_data.txt"
mdf ="libsvm").load(data_path)
Similarly with the binary case above, where the elements of our thresholds (plural) sum up to 1, let's ask for a threshold of 0.8 for class 2:
mlor = (LogisticRegression()
.setThresholds([0, 0.2, 0.8])
.setThreshold(0.8) )
mlorModel= # works OK
# 0.8
# [0.19999999999999996, 0.8]
Looks fine, but let's ask for a prediction in the (training) dataset:
I have singled out only one row - it should be the 2nd from the end of the full output:
|label|features |rawPrediction |probability |prediction|
|0.0 |(4,[0,1,2,3],[0.111111,-0.333333,0.38983,0.166667]) |[36.67790353804905,-74.71196613173531,38.034062593686244]|[0.20486526556822454,8.619113376801409E-50,0.7951347344317755] |2.0 |
Scrolling to the right, you'll see that despite the fact that the prediction for class 2.0 here is below the threshold we have set (0.8), the row is indeed predicted as 2.0 - in contrast with the binary case demonstrated above...
So, what to do? Simply remove all the threshold-related statements; you don't need them - even setFamily is unnecessary, as the algorithm will detect by itself that you have more than 2 classes. This will give identical results with the above:
mlor = LogisticRegression() # works OK - no family, no threshold(s)
To summarize:
In both the binary & multinomial cases, what is actually returned by the algorithm is a vector of probabilities of length equal to the number of classes, with elements summing up to 1.
In the binary case only, Spark allows you to go one step further and not naively selecting the highest probability class as the prediction, but applying a user-defined threshold instead; this setting might be useful e.g. in cases with imbalanced data.
This threshold(s) setting has actually no effect in the multinomial case, where Spark will always return as prediction the class with the highest probability.
Despite the mess in the documentation (about which I have argued elsewhere) and the possibility of some bugs, let me say about (3) that this design choice is not unjustifiable; as it has been nicely argued elsewhere (emphasis in the original):
the statistical component of your exercise ends when you output a probability for each class of your new sample. Choosing a threshold beyond which you classify a new observation as 1 vs. 0 is not part of the statistics any more. It is part of the decision component.
Although the above argument was made for the binary case, it fully holds for the multinomial one, too...