Cannot read property 'catch' of undefined - node.js

I am trying to use Argon2 encryption in Node, but when I try to encrypt a string, I get this error:
Cannot read property 'catch' of undefined
I have tried handling the errors from the promise returned by the argon2.hash function, but it still does not work.
This is my code so far:
argon2.hash('password', {type: argon2.argon2id})
.then(hash => {
// do something with the hash
}).catch(err => {
// Handle the error
Could anyone please help me with fixing this error?

In my case I got that error message because I
a) spied on some async method
b) later appended .catch() to the original method call and forgot to extend the spy to return a value/promise.
Returning a promise from the spy solved my issue:
spyOn(sut,'myAsyncMethod').and.returnValue(new Promise(resolve=>resolve()));

It throws an exception, it does not return a promise. As such, there is no promise object on which the then(…).catch(…) methods could be invoked.
To catch it, you would need an actual try/catch block
from argon2 github page, you should do this:
const argon2 = require('argon2');
try {
const hash = await argon2.hash("password");
} catch (err) {

Try the following instead:
argon2.hash('password', {type: argon2.argon2id})
.then(hash => {
// do something with the hash
}, err => {
// Handle the error
The second parameter to a then clause is the onError handler.


Mongoose: Unhandled promise rejection

I know there are other posts with similar issues, but none of the suggestions I've tried have worked.
The following works if the _id is valid, but throws an unhandled promise rejection error if it isn't:
const Movie = mongoose.model(`Movie`, movieSchema);
router.get(`/api/movies/:id`, async (req, res) => {
let movie = await Movie.findById(;
if(!movie) {
res.status(404).send(`Movie with given ID not found.`);
Per the docs, it looks like findById() is supposed to return null if the id can't be found, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Do I need to put a catch block somewhere and put the 404 in there? I've tried putting it everywhere I can think to.
As per the Mongoose documentation...
Looking into the Query API, when used like a Promise, it will invoke the Query.prototype.then() implementation
Executes the query returning a Promise which will be resolved with either the doc(s) or rejected with the error.
To use this, you would need something like
try {
const movie = await Movie.findById(
// do stuff with movie
} catch (err) {
use .then() and .catch() will sort your issue.

Error: Transaction rejected with non-error: undefined

I am using knex npm version 0.15.2. while Rollback the transaction I'm getting the following error:
Error: Transaction rejected with non-error: undefined
above function used for rollback.
Same code working for knex version 0.12.6
This is the function I used for commit/Rollback.
function Commit(pTrx, pIsCommit, pCallback) {
try {
var co = require("co");
var q = require('q');
var Q = q.defer();
co(function* () {
if (pIsCommit) {
yield pTrx.commit();
} else {
yield pTrx.rollback();
}).catch(function (error) {
return Q.promise;
} catch (error) {
This code could use some work. :) Here are a few things that pop out:
You don't need co or q anymore. Promises and async/await are built-in and much simpler to use. Async functions automatically return promises that will be resolved with the value returned or rejected if an error is thrown. Learn about async/await here:
You shouldn't return success as a string. If the function completes without throwing an exception, then success is implied. I see people do this from time to time, but it's often for the wrong reasons.
You shouldn't accept callback in a function that returns a promise, it should be one or the other. The caller of your function will either pass a callback or await it's completion.
If you are going to use callbacks, then you should return null as the first parameter when successful. See the last sentence here:
Your function name, Commit, starts with an uppercase. This convention is typically used to indicate that the function is a contstructor function and meant to be invoked with the new keyword.
Here's how the function could look once cleaned up:
async function commit(pTrx, pIsCommit) {
// Not using a try/catch. If an error is thrown the promise returned will be rejected.
if (pIsCommit) {
await pTrx.commit();
} else {
await pTrx.rollback();
// Not going to return anything. If we get to this point then success is implied when the promise is resolved.
A consumer of your function would call it with something like:
async function myWork() {
// do work; get pTrx
try {
await commit(pTrx, true);
// If I get here, then I can assume commit was successful, no need to check a return value of 'SUCCESS'
} catch (err) {
// handle error
It's hard to say where the issue is with the code in its current state. However, if the issue truly is with Knex, then you should probably post this as an issue in the Knex repo: But you should write a reproducible test case that proves its an issue with Knex.

How to do proper error handling with async/await

I'm writing an API where I'm having a bit of trouble with the error handling. What I'm unsure about is whether the first code snippet is sufficient or if I should mix it with promises as in the second code snippet. Any help would be much appreciated!
try {
var decoded = jwt.verify(req.params.token, config.keys.secret);
var user = await models.user.findById(decoded.userId); = true;
res.status(201).json({user, 'stuff': decoded.jti});
} catch (error) {
Second code snippet:
try {
var decoded = jwt.verify(req.params.token, config.keys.secret);
var user = models.user.findById(decoded.userId).then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
}); = true;
await => {
}).catch((error) => {
res.status(201).json({user, 'stuff': decoded.jti});
} catch (error) {
The answer is: it depends.
Catch every error
Makes sense if you want to react differently on every error.
try {
let decoded;
try {
decoded = jwt.verify(req.params.token, config.keys.secret);
} catch (error) {
return response
.json({ error: 'Unauthorized..' });
However, the code can get quite messy, and you'd want to split the error handling a bit differently (e.g.: do the JWT validation on some pre request hook and allow only valid requests to the handlers and/or do the findById and save part in a service, and throw once per operation).
You might want to throw a 404 if no entity was found with the given ID.
Catch all at once
If you want to react in the same way if a) or b) or c) goes wrong, then the first example looks just fine.
a) var decoded = jwt.verify(req.params.token, config.keys.secret);
b) var user = await models.user.findById(decoded.userId); = true;
c) await;
res.status(201).json({user, 'stuff': decoded.jti});
I read some articles that suggested the need of a try/catch block for each request. Is there any truth to that?
No, that is not required. try/catch with await works conceptually like try/catch works with regular synchronous exceptions. If you just want to handle all errors in one place and want all your code to just abort to one error handler no matter where the error occurs and don't need to catch one specific error so you can do something special for that particular error, then a single try/catch is all you need.
But, if you need to handle one particular error specifically, perhaps even allowing the rest of the code to continue, then you may need a more local error handler which can be either a local try/catch or a .catch() on the local asynchronous operation that returns a promise.
or if I should mix it with promises as in the second code snippet.
The phrasing of this suggests that you may not quite understand what is going on with await because promises are involved in both your code blocks.
In both your code blocks models.user.findById(decoded.userId); returns a promise. You have two ways you can use that promise.
You can use await with it to "pause" the internal execution of the function until that promise resolves or rejects.
You can use .then() or .catch() to see when the promise resolves or rejects.
Both are using the promise returns from your models.user.findById(decoded.userId); function call. So, your phrasing would have been better to say "or if I should use a local .catch() handler on a specific promise rather than catching all the rejections in one place.
Doing this:
// skip second async operation if there's an error in the first one
async function someFunc() {
try {
let a = await someFunc():
let b = await someFunc2(a);
return b + something;
} catch(e) {
return "";
Is analogous to chaining your promise with one .catch() handler at the end:
// skip second async operation if there's an error in the first one
function someFunc() {
return someFunc().then(someFunc2).catch(e => "");
No matter which async function rejects, the same error handler is applied. If the first one rejects, the second one is not executed as flow goes directly to the error handler. This is perfectly fine IF that's how you want the flow to go when there's an error in the first asynchronous operation.
But, suppose you wanted an error in the first function to be turned into a default value so that the second asynchronous operation is always executed. Then, this flow of control would not be able to accomplish that. Instead, you'd have to capture the first error right at the source so you could supply the default value and continue processing with the second asynchronous operation:
// always run second async operation, supply default value if error in the first
async function someFunc() {
let a;
try {
a = await someFunc():
} catch(e) {
a = myDefaultValue;
try {
let b = await someFunc2(a);
return b + something;
} catch(e) {
return "";
Is analogous to chaining your promise with one .catch() handler at the end:
// always run second async operation, supply default value if error in the first
function someFunc() {
return someFunc()
.catch(err => myDefaultValue)
.catch(e => "");
Note: This is an example that never rejects the promise that someFunc() returns, but rather supplies a default value (empty string in this example) rather than reject to show you the different ways of handling errors in this function. That is certainly not required. In many cases, just returning the rejected promise is the right thing and that caller can then decide what to do with the rejection error.

NodeJS: Promise won't catch thrown exceptions

I have a code like this (simplified):
getStreamFor(path) {
// both, remote and local, return a Promise
if(...) { return getRemoteFileStream(path); }
else { return getLocalFileStream(path); }
getRemoteFileStream(path) {
// should throw in my case (MyError)
const validPath = validatePath(path);
return readStreamIfValid(validPath);
and in the test case:
it('should throw MyError', () => {
return getStreamFor(path)
.then(() => {})
.catch(error => expect(error);
The problem is, that when the validatePath(path) Method throws (due to invalid path), nothing get caught in the test case promise. The output in my terminal / console is a regular exception as if it was uncaught.
Does anybody have an idea, why the the Promise wouldn't recognize the throw? How can I fix it without probably surrounding the call in the test case with another "try catch" (since the promise should do that for me)?
Maybe there is a general best practise how to structure Promises in order to avoid error swallowings like these?
Thanks for your help!
The problem here is that validatePath() is not part of the promise chain returned by getRemoteFileStream()
One possible solution is the following:
getRemoteFileStream(path) {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => validatePath(path))
.then(validPath => readStreamIfValid(validPath));
An exception thrown by validatePath() would now be handled in the Promise's catch handler.

Test for expected failure in Mocha

Using Mocha, I am attempting to test whether a constructor throws an error. I haven't been able to do this using the expect syntax, so I'd like to do the following:
it('should throw exception when instantiated', function() {
try {
new ErrorThrowingObject();
// Force the test to fail since error wasn't thrown
catch (error) {
// Constructor threw Error, so test succeeded.
Is this possible?
Using the should.js library with
var should = require('should')
it('should fail', function(done) {
try {
new ErrorThrowingObject();
// Force the test to fail since error wasn't thrown'no error was thrown when it should have been')
catch (error) {
// Constructor threw Error, so test succeeded.
Alternative you can use the should throwError
throw new Error('failed to baz');
And with chai using the throw api
var expect = require('chai').expect
it('should fail', function(done) {
function throwsWithNoArgs() {
var args {} // optional arguments here
new ErrorThrowingObject(args)
You can try using Chai's throw construct. For example:
Chai now has and
2017 answer if you need to do this with async code: using await and not needing any other libraries.
it('Returns a correct error response when making a broken order', async function(){
this.timeout(5 * 1000);
var badOrder = {}
try {
var result = await foo.newOrder(badOrder)
// The line will only be hit if no error is thrown above!
throw new Error(`Expected an error and didn't get one!`)
} catch(err) {
var expected = `Missing required field`
assert.equal(err.message, expected)
Note the poster was only doing sync code, but I expect a lot of people using async were led here by the question title!
Mocha in default is using Assert from node.js ( You don't need any external libraries to check if a method throws an error.
Assert has a method - assert.throws, it has three parameters, but only two really matters here:
function - here pass function, not function call
error - here pass or object constructor or function for checking the error
Let's imagine that you have a function called sendMessage(message) which throws an error when message parameter is not set. Function code:
function sendMessage(message) {
if (!message || typeof message !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Wrong message');
// rest of function
Ok, so in order to test it, you need additional function to cover input. Why? Because assert.throws doesn't give any opportunity to pass parameters to the function which going to be tested.
So instead of
assert.throws(sendMessage, Error); // THIS IS WRONG! NO POSSIBILITY TO PASS ANYTHING
you need to create anonymous function:
assert.throws(() => {
sendMessage(12); // usage of wanted function with test parameters
}, Error)
Can you see the difference? Instead of passing function directly, I have put the function call inside anonymous function, in purpose of calling it with a prepared input.
What about the second parameter. It depends from what kind of error should be thrown, in above example Error object was thrown, so I had to put there Error. In result of this action, assert.throws compares if thrown object is object of the same type. If instead of Error something different will be thrown, then this part needs to be changed. For example instead of Error I will throw a value of type String .
function sendMessage(message) {
if (!message || typeof message !== 'string') {
throw 'Wrong message'; // change to String
// rest of function
Now the test call
assert.throws(() => {
sendMessage(12); // usage of wanted function with test parameters
}, (err) => err === 'Wrong message')
Instead of Error in second parameter I have used the comparison function in order to compare thrown error with the expectation.
MarkJ's accepted answer is the way to go and way simpler than others here.
Let me show example in real world:
function fn(arg) {
if (typeof arg !== 'string')
throw TypeError('Must be an string')
return { arg: arg }
describe('#fn', function () {
it('empty arg throw error', function () {
expect(function () {
new fn()
it('non-string arg throw error', function () {
expect(function () {
new fn(2)
it('string arg return instance { arg: <arg> }', function () {
expect(new fn('str').arg)'str')
If you don't want to wrap a whole lot of source into the expect parameter, or if you have many arguments to pass and it just gets ugly, you can still do this with the original syntax just fine by leveraging the done argument that is provided (but was originally ignored):
it('should throw exception when instantiated', function(done: Done) {
try {
new ErrorThrowingObject();
done(new Error(`Force the test to fail since error wasn't thrown`));
catch (error) {
// Constructor threw Error, so test succeeded.
Because you're using done here, it allows you go execute arbitrary code above it in the try, then specify exactly where in your source you'd like to record the failure.
Normally, someone may be tempted to throw or assert(false), but these will both be caught by the catch of the try, and cause you to do some meta-checking to determine if the error you caught was the expected error from your test, or if it was the final determination that your test failed. That's just a mess.
If you are using should.js you can do (new ErrorThrowingObject).should.throw('Option Error Text or Regular Expression here')
If you don't want to should a separate library, you could also do something like this:
it('should do whatever', function(done) {
try {
} catch(error) {
This way, you know the error is caught if the test finishes. Otherwise, you will get a timeout error.
With Chai throw (ES2016)
For clarity...
This works
it('Should fail if ...', done => {
let ret = () => {
This doesn't work
it('Should fail if ...', done => {
let ret = MyModule.myFunction(myArg);
