RHEL 7.6 - Built Python3.6 from Source Broke Network - python-3.x

I have a RHEL system which by default was running Python2.7 and Python3.4
I needed Python3.6 for a project I wanted to work on and so I downloaded it and built it from source. I ran make and make install which hindsight may have been the wrong decision.
Now I do not seem to have any internet connectivity. Does anyone know what I may have over written to cause this or at least where specifically I can look to track this issue down?
Note: I can Putty into the Linux machine but it doesn't seem to have any other connectivity, specifically HTTPS

It's a bit weird that this would break network connectivity. One possible explanation is that the system has networking scripts or a network manager that relies on Python, and it got broken after make install replaced your default Python installation. It may be possible to fix this by reinstalling your RHEL Python packages (sorry, cannot offer more detailed help there, as I don't have access to a RHEL box).
I guess the lesson is "be careful about running make install as superuser". To easily install and manage different Python versions (separate from the system Python), the Anaconda Python distribution would be a good solution.

I suggest to undo that 3.6 installation and use the Software Collections version of python 3.6. See here for python 3.6 installation. Software Collections install "along side" the original versions so as to not affect the OS - and they are included in the subscription.

So after a lot of time slamming my head against the wall I got it worked out. My best guess is that the system (RHEL 7) relied on something from its default Python2.7 installation to handle SSL negotiations. Installing 3.6 alongside must have overwritten some pointer. Had I done this correctly, with altinstall all would have likely been fine.
The most frustrating part of this is that there were no error messages, connections just timed out.
To fix this, I had to uninstall all Python versions and then reinstalled Python2.7 - Once Python2 was back in the system it all seemed to work well.


So Many Python3 Package Installed in My Linux(WSL - Ubuntu)

I don't have many experience in using Linux so I decided to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
I find out that I have many package installed in WSL but I didn't installed it. Is this OK?
python package listed
Yes, this is perfectly normal. As you can see by the python3- prefix, all of them come with a standard python3 installation.
For example: python3-pip is used to install other packages and python3-requests is used to make requests to web pages and API endpoints.
I don't see any problems with this list of packages, it looks fine.
Depending on your distro (for example, Ubuntu), Python 3 comes installed by default.

Why are the same packages installed with older versions in certain linux distros?

So, I recently noticed that depending on which Linux machine I was running, valgrind would throw a solid 90k errors, for the exact same file/code that threw no errors using valgrind on a different machine. So, I looked into it, and it looks like while one is running valgrind-3.7.0, the other has valgrind-3.15.0. sudo apt update/upgrade didn't show anything, and reinstalling didn't make a difference. (For reference, I am using Raspbian on one and Ubuntu on the other)
Now the question: Why are packages installed with different versions on different distributions? Would it be advisable to manually install the newer version on a distro that defaults to an older version? If so, what is the easiest way to do so?
Yes i have encountered such an issue.Some packages require older versions.The errors depend on the dependencies and your system configurations.
I guess to install an older version of what you want to install, do some research and try changing /etc/sources.list.

Installing NodeJS on RHEL(4)?

To the kind people of SO,
I am having trouble finding any resources for installing NodeJS (current or earlier version) onto a RHEL4 box. I am starting to doubt if this is even possible as the OS dates back 10 years now. The machine has Python 2.3.4 and GCC 3.4.6, if that's of any help.
I am hoping someone here could maybe point me in the right direction, I feel I may be grasping for straws at this point.
There is only a handful of possibility, since from comment, you said upgrading the box is not a option. (I d like you to know there is security implications too, you should have a up-to-date OS):
Install the official way, which need yum and sudo rights.
Compile from source, which in theory doesn't need sudo rights nor yum.
Note that, even if compiling from source should be easy:
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v4.x/node-v4.4.7-linux-x86.tar.gz
tar -xzf node-v4.4.7-linux-x86.tar.gz
cd ./node-v4.4.7-linux-x86
./configure #Options
make install
You will almost always run into issues because of not installed or outdated dependencies. At this step, you may want to track down a previously supported version of node.js for RHEL4 (0.10.x?), or try to make a case about upgrading the box.

Fink and Homebrew - can they live together on mac osx?

I was trying to get octave to work, and figured it needed gnuplot which needed gnuplot-nox which needed to be installed via Fink. I have usually stuck to using homebrew for my package installs.
Are there any problems with having homebrew as your primary package manager while using Fink for installing certain specific packages? Do they ever conflict? Does it make the system unstable?
Homebrew and Fink can coexist, but you need to be careful about not making a mess. In particular, since Homebrew usually builds from source, it could be a problem if you accidentally link Homebrew formulas^Wformulae against Fink-installed software, because the next upgrade might break the dependency. (That problem is probably much less likely now with Homebrew's superenv.) Basically, you need to do the job of the package manager yourself.
That said, Homebrew has an octave formula in the homebrew/science tap, so maybe you could just use that.

Mercurial / IIS / No module named osutil

I am trying to get Mercurial to be hosted via "hgweb.cgi" on IIS 7.5. I have everything configured according to http://www.jeremyskinner.co.uk/mercurial-on-iis7/ except for that I installed python 2.6 and Mercurial 1.7.3. When I try to go to the hgweb.cgi script, I get the following error:
"No module named osutil"
After a bit of searching, I've found that I need to install the python-dev packages, but that seems to only apply to unix. Is there anything else I need to get this working on windows?
Note that I tried the mercurial binaries/library.zip on both both HgTortoise and the Mercurial x86 installer available here:
(Mercurial 1.7.3 Inno Setup installer - x86 Windows - does not require admin rights)
I had the same issue trying to re-create an HgWeb server with Mercurial 2.1.1. I posted a question on the Mercurial mailing list.
Because HgWeb requires Python, you have to get Mercurial as a Python module. Fortunately, the Mercurial folks supply one; it's tagged py2.6 with the description
installs Mercurial source as Python modules and thus requires Python 2.6 installed. This is recommended for hgweb setups
Once I ran that installer, HgWeb started working.
Looking at the available downloads and the version specified in the question, it looks like you might have installed TortoiseHg 1.1.8 with Mercurial 1.7.3, which is probably missing some python packages.
I've been researching this problem myself (except I'm trying to run Mercurial via ISAPI), and it appears 1.7.1 is the last version that works with IIS due to dependency problems with msvcr90.dll in all later versions, including the newly released 1.8.2.
See this issue, which ultimately seems to be caused by this still open 1-year-old Python issue.
Judging by the conversation, a fix is not easy. I know of no workarounds, so I am forced to use 1.7.1 in the meantime.
Edit: CGI works with 1.8.2 though, so the above issue seems to only affect running Mercurial through ISAPI.
