Cannot fetch internet message headers for some emails - node.js

I'm using the Microsoft Graph Client for Node.js to fetch email messages. I'm only interested in the headers. The code is working, but recently I got some errors in fetching internetMessageHeaders via the API.
For some messages, the API doesn't return any data for this field (and the code wasn't checking for this, hence the errors).
I tried to manually run the queries using POSTMAN. Using ?$select=internetMessageHeaders as a query param to only fetch the headers. If I remove the query param, I can fetch the message normally (body, etc.).
I haven't been able to find anywhere in the docs why this would happen.
Any ideas on what it's happening?
Edit: Here is the node.js code I am using
const MicrosoftGraphClient = require("#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client").Client
async function fetchEmailMessageHeaders(id, credentials) {
let client = MicrosoftGraphClient.init({
authProvider: callback => callback(null, credentials.access_token)
let req = client.api(id).select("internetMessageHeaders");
let message = await req.get();
return message.internetMessageHeaders;
Sample output (value of message var):
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users('156751349d3cc68b')/messages(internetMessageHeaders)/$entity",
"#odata.etag": "W/\"CQAAABYAAABcr9US8aH2RIGaOGQZwDg3AAKyfdpk\"",
"internetMessageHeaders": [
"name": "Received",
"value": "from (2603:10a6:803:118::39) by with HTTPS via VE1PR03CA0050.EURPRD03.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; Wed, 10 Apr 2019 11:41:55 +0000"
The problem is that for some emails, the message does not contain internetMessageHeaders.
I am using an inbox subscription to receive events for new email messages from Outlook. When an event is received I use the API to retrieve the message and extract headers from it.
API reference here
Here is an example JSON output of an event that fails to also retrieve headers:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users('53e07bf4-bb6a-4a82-a724-37dadfb1cf11')/messages(internetMessageHeaders)/$entity",
"#odata.etag": "W/\"CQAAABQAAADdeU+v2VzbRpZMSJGral7kAAXJkA==\"",

It seems internetMessageHeaders are not set when an email is replied to using I'm also not able to see message headers when inspecting the message using Outlook on Mac.


How can i get the call-sid from response of callback in twilios AddOn's "IBM Watson"

We enable the Twilios AddOn "IBM Watson Speech to Text" for recording transcribe.and we set our server webhook while enabling the addon. Now twilio calling webhook once call is completely done. after completing call twilio give response in that webhook In Nodejs.For handling that call response we need "Call Sid".In webhook response we cannot get "callSid".So how we can identify that response is for this particular call...?
anyone help me to how can find call-sid in response?
Callback response is
"status": "successful",
"message": null,
"code": null,
"results": {
"ibm_watson_speechtotext": {
"request_sid": "**************",
"status": "successful",
"message": null,
"code": null,
"payload": [{
"content_type": "application/json",
"url": "*************/Data"
"links": {
"add_on_result": "***********/Accounts/********/Recordings/**********/AddOnResults/******",
"payloads": "******/Recordings/*******/AddOnResults/******/Payloads",
"recording": "******/Recordings/*******"
Thank you for help
When you get the Add-on result it comes as part of the Twilio voice webhook, with all the normal request parameters as well as an extra AddOns parameter which contains the JSON that you have shared above.
Webhook requests from Twilio are in the format application/x-www-form-urlencoded and then within the AddOns parameter the data is a JSON string. In a (Ruby-like) pseudo code, you can access the call sid and the add on data like this:
post "/webhook" do
call_sid = params["CallSid"]
add_on_json = params["AddOns"]
add_on_data = JSON.parse(add_on_json)
# return TwiML

Can a webhook server have no response?

I have a dialogflow implementation using Google assistant, a nodeJS server to serve the webhook calls. Some of the user intents are empty phrases, and they do not need any response from webhook server. However, the webhook must be called with every user sentence.
Can the webhook response return an empty response and not crash while doing so?
The server returns the response in predefined JSON format known to google assistant. When I set this response to NULL OR when I set the payload part of this response to BLANK, the application crashes.
var simpleChatResponse = {
"payload": {
"google": {
"expectUserResponse": true,
"richResponse": {
"items": [
"outputContexts": [
Actual results: "myAgent1 is not responding" and the application crashes.
No, you can not send an empty response. As the docs state:
The first item in a rich response must be a simple response.

getting 403 error while sending file to githib via REST using nodejs

I want to send multiple files to Github repository via nodejs. Tried several approaches and end up using node-rest-client module. Tried below code send a sample file to repository called 'metadata'. But after post I am getting error message "Request forbidden by administrative rules. Please make sure your request has a User-Agent header"...please let me know if anyone faced this error before and get rid of it.
convertval = "somedata";
var dataObj = {
"message": "my commit message",
"committer": {
"name": "Scott Chacon",
"email": ""
"content": "bXkgbmV3IGZpbGUgY29udGVudHM="
var Client = require('node-rest-client').Client;
var client = new Client()
var args = {
data: dataObj,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
};"", args, function (data, response) {
console.log("file send: True : " + data);
According to the REST API:
All API requests MUST include a valid User-Agent header. Requests with
no User-Agent header will be rejected.
First of all, you need to define 'User-Agent' with value 'request' in your request header. Refer to this link.
Second, endpoint you are trying to call might require authentication. Generate a personal token from here, add that token in your request header, 'Authorization': 'token '.
If you're using Git extensively in your code, I suggest you to use this - Nodegit.
I don't think sending multiple files in a single request is possible in 'Contents' endpoints group (link).
You can checkout Git Data API (as discussed here).

Validate Request Body variables through Swagger and Express

I am currently using Swagger (2.0) on Node.js. My YAML file validates correctly and the requests are going through. My particular call has a request body using the following format -
"postalCode": "invalidpostalcode",
"phone": "invalidnumber",
"website": "invalidwebsite"
I would like to validate each body variable before continuing to the next piece of code. To accomplish validating the data I would like to use validator.js.
Now my basic validation code looks something like that -
var tmp = {
"message": req.__('error.url', {
var tmp = {
"message": req.__('error.postalCode', {
field: req.body.postalCode
Is there there any better way to validate data sent in through the API that would require less code? For example by using a function to control the majority of the logic?
while this is one example of the endpoint I will have some in the future that will require upwards of 20 body parameters.
I have tried create a function that will return the response code. However, that returns an error Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client.

How to pull attachments from Google Glass item?

I created NodeJS server that communicate with Google Glass, I want to know how to pull attachment from item, below you can see the item with attachments:
Note: in my project I already have:
*Send item item to glass(contact, card, location, etc..)
*Subscription to timeline collection
*Contact with callback to let Glass user share content - for more info Visit How to add another option to the share functionality of Google Glass?
Do I need to use the selfLink to pull the attachment? if yes then how I can execute HTTP request for the selfLink while including the token?
The selfLink refers to the URL of the timelineItem itself. You want to look at the attachments attribute of the object. It might look something like this:
{ "kind": "mirror#timelineItem",
"id": "da61598c-2890-4852-2123-031011dfa004",
"attachments": [
"id": ...
"contentType": "image/jpeg".
"contentUrl": "",
"isProcessingContent": false
You should check to make sure isProcessingContent is false before you try to fetch it, otherwise the fetch will fail. This is usually pretty quick for images, but can take longer for video.
See more at
To fetch it, you can issue an HTTPS request to that URL with an Authorization header with a value of Bearer auth_token (replacing auth_token with the actual value of the auth token).
To make the request itself, you'll probably want to use the http.request() method. So something like this (untested) might work:
var item = {the item you got sent above};
var attachment = item.attachments[0];
if( !attachment.isProcessingContent ){
var contentUrl = url.parse( attachment.contentUrl );
var options = {
"hostname": contentUrl.hostname,
"path": contentUrl.path,
"headers": {
"Authorization": 'Bearer '+authToken;
https.request( options, function(res){
// Get the image from the res object
See the documentation for URL.parse and HTTPS.request for details.
