optimization doesn't respect constraint - python-3.x

I have an optimization problem and I'm solving it with scipy and the minimization module. I uses SLSQP as method, because it is the only one, which fits to my problem. The function to optimize is a cost function with 'x' as a list of percentages. I have some constraints which has to be respected:
At first, the sum of the percentages should be 1 (PercentSum(x)) This constrain is added as 'eg' (equal) as you can see in the code.
The second constraint is about a physical value which must be less then 'proberty1Max '. This constrain is added as 'ineq' (inequal). So if 'proberty1 < proberty1Max ' the function should be bigger than 0. Otherwise the function should be 0. The functions is differentiable.
Below you can see a model of my try. The problem is the 'constrain' function. I get solutions, where the sum of 'prop' is bigger than 'probertyMax'.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
class objects:
def __init__(self, percentOfInput, min, max, cost, proberty1, proberty2):
self.percentOfInput = percentOfInput
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.cost = cost
self.proberty1 = proberty1
self.proberty2 = proberty2
class data:
def __init__(self):
self.objectList = list()
self.objectList.append(objects(10, 0, 20, 200, 2, 7))
self.objectList.append(objects(20, 5, 30, 230, 4, 2))
self.objectList.append(objects(30, 10, 40, 270, 5, 9))
self.objectList.append(objects(15, 0, 30, 120, 2, 2))
self.objectList.append(objects(25, 10, 40, 160, 3, 5))
self.proberty1Max = 1
self.proberty2Max = 6
D = data()
def optiFunction(x):
for index, obj in enumerate(D.objectList):
obj.percentOfInput = x[1]
costSum = 0
for obj in D.objectList:
costSum += obj.cost * obj.percentOfInput
return costSum
def PercentSum(x):
y = np.sum(x) -100
return y
def constraint(x, val):
for index, obj in enumerate(D.objectList):
obj.percentOfInput = x[1]
prop = 0
if val == 1:
for obj in D.objectList:
prop += obj.proberty1 * obj.percentOfInput
return D.proberty1Max -prop
for obj in D.objectList:
prop += obj.proberty2 * obj.percentOfInput
return D.proberty2Max -prop
def checkConstrainOK(cons, x):
for con in cons:
y = con['fun'](x)
if con['type'] == 'eq' and y != 0:
print("eq constrain not respected y= ", y)
return False
elif con['type'] == 'ineq' and y <0:
print("ineq constrain not respected y= ", y)
return False
return True
initialGuess = []
b = []
for obj in D.objectList:
b.append((obj.min, obj.max))
bnds = tuple(b)
cons = list()
cons.append({'type': 'eq', 'fun': PercentSum})
cons.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x, val=1 :constraint(x, val) })
cons.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x, val=2 :constraint(x, val) })
solution = minimize(optiFunction,initialGuess,method='SLSQP',\
print('status ' + str(solution.status))
print('message ' + str(solution.message))
checkConstrainOK(cons, solution.x)
There is no way to find a solution, but the output is this:
Positive directional derivative for linesearch (Exit mode 8)
Current function value: 4900.000012746761
Iterations: 7
Function evaluations: 21
Gradient evaluations: 3
status 8
message Positive directional derivative for linesearch
Where is my fault? In this case it ends with mode 8, because the example is very small. With bigger data the algorithm ends with mode 0. But I think it should ends with a hint that an constraint couldn't be hold.
It doesn't make a difference, if proberty1Max is set to 4 or to 1. But in the case it is 1, there could not be a valid solution.
PS: I changed a lot in this question... Now the code is executable.
1.Okay, I learned, an inequal constrain is accepted if the output is positiv (>0). In the past I think <0 would also be accepted. Because of this the constrain function is now a little bit shorter.
What about the constrain. In my real solution I add some constrains using a loop. In this case it is nice to feed a function with an index of the loop and in the function this index is used to choose an element of an array. In my example here, the "val" decides if the constrain is for proberty1 oder property2. What the constrain mean is, how much of a property is in the hole mix. So I'm calculating the property multiplied with the percentOfInput. "prop" is the sum of this over all objects.
I think there might be a connection to the issue tux007 mentioned in the comments. link to the issue
I think the optimizer doesn't work correct, if the initial guess is not a valid solution.
Linear programming is not good for overdetermined equations. My problem doesn't have a unique solution, its an approximation.

As mentioned in the comment I think this is the problem:
Misleading output from....
If you have a look at the latest changes, the constrain is not satisfied, but the algorithm says: "Positive directional derivative for linesearch"


Too many copies? Poor comparison? Urn Probability Problem

full code: https://gist.github.com/QuantVI/79a1c164f3017c6a7a2d860e55cf5d5b
TLDR: sum(a3) gives a number like 770, when it should be more like 270 - as in 270 of 1000 trials where the results of drawing 4 contained (at least) 2 blue and 1 green ball.
I've rewritten both my way of creating the sample output, and my way of comparing the results twice already. Python as a syntax `all(x in a for x n b)` which I used initially, then change to something more deliberate to see if there was a change. I still have 750+ `True` evaluations of each trial. This is why I reassessed how I was selecting without replacement.
I've tested the draw function on its own with different Hats and was sure it worked.
The expected probability when drawing 4balls, without replacement, from a hat containing (blue=3,red=2,green=6), and having the outcome contain (blue=2,green=1) or ['blue','blue','green']
is around 27.2%. In my 1000 trials, I get higher then 700, repeatedly.
Is the error in Hat.draw() or is it in experiment()?
Note: Certain things are commented out, because I am debugging. Thus use sum(a3) as experiment is commented out to return things other than the probability right now.
import copy
import random
# Consider using the modules imported above.
class Hat:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.d = kwargs
self.contents = [
key for key, val in kwargs.items() for num in range(val)
def draw(self, num: int) -> list:
if num >= len(self.contents):
return self.contents
indices = random.sample(range(len(self.contents)), num)
chosen = [self.contents[idx] for idx in indices]
#new_contents = [ v for i, v in enumerate(self.contents) if i not in indices]
new_contents = [pair[1] for pair in enumerate(self.contents)
if pair[0] not in indices]
self.contents = new_contents
return chosen
def __repr__(self): return str(self.contents)
def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
trials =[]
for n in range(num_experiments):
copyn = copy.deepcopy(hat)
result = copyn.draw(num_balls_drawn)
#trials = [ copy.deepcopy(hat).draw(num_balls_drawn) for n in range(num_experiments) ]
expected_contents = [key for key, val in expected_balls.items() for num in range(val)]
temp_eval = [[o for o in expected_contents if o in trial] for trial in trials]
temp_compare = [ evaled == expected_contents for evaled in temp_eval]
return expected_contents,temp_eval,temp_compare, trials
#evaluations = [ all(x in trial for x in expected_contents) for trial in trials ]
#if evaluations: prob = sum(evaluations)/len(evaluations)
#else: prob = 0
#return prob, expected_contents
#hat3 = Hat(red=5, orange=4, black=1, blue=0, pink=2, striped=9)
#hat4 = Hat(red=1, orange=2, black=3, blue=2)
hat1 = Hat(blue=3,red=2,green=6)
a1,a2,a3,a4 = experiment(hat=hat1, expected_balls={"blue":2,"green":1}, num_balls_drawn=4, num_experiments=1000)
#actual = probability
#expected = 0.272
#self.assertAlmostEqual(actual, expected, delta = 0.01, msg = 'Expected experiment method to return a different probability.')
hat2 = Hat(yellow=5,red=1,green=3,blue=9,test=1)
b1,b2,b3,b4 = experiment(hat=hat2, expected_balls={"yellow":2,"blue":3,"test":1}, num_balls_drawn=20, num_experiments=100)
#actual = probability
#expected = 1.0
#self.assertAlmostEqual(actual, expected, delta = 0.01, msg = 'Expected experiment method to return a different probability.')
The issue is temp_eval = [[o for o in expected_contents if o in trial] for trial in trials]. It will always ad both blue to the list even if only one blue exists in the results of one trial.
However, I couldn't fix the error in a straight-forward way. Instead, my fix created a much lower answer, something less than 0.1, when around 0.27 is (270 of 1000 trials) is what I need.
The roundabout solution was to convert lists like ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'green'] into dictionaries using list on collections.Counter of that list. Then do a key-wose comparison of the values, such as [y[key]<= x.get(key,0) for key in y.keys()]). In this comparison y is the expected_balls variable, and x is the list of the counter object. If x doesn't have one of the keys, we get 0. Zero will be less than the value of any key in expected_balls.
From here we use functols.reduce to turn the output into a single True or False value. Then we map that functionality (compare all keys and get one T/F value) across all trials.
def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
trials =[]
trials = [ copy.deepcopy(hat).draw(num_balls_drawn)
for n in range(num_experiments) ]
trials_kvpairs = [dict(collections.Counter(trial)) for trial in trials]
def contains(contained:dict , container:dict):
each = [container.get(key,0) >= contained[key]
for key in contained.keys()]
return reduce(lambda item0,item1: item0 and item1, each)
trials_success = list(map(lambda t: contains(expected_balls,t), trials_kvpairs))
# expected_contents = [pair[0] for pair in expected_balls.items() for num in range(pair[1])]
# temp_eval = [[o for o in trial if o in expected_contents] for trial in trials]
# temp_compare = [ evaled == expected_contents for evaled in temp_eval]
# if temp_compare: prob = sum(temp_compare)/len(trials)
# else: prob = 0
return 'prob', trials_kvpairs, trials_success
When run using the this experiment(hat=hat1, expected_balls={"blue":2,"green":1}, num_balls_drawn=4, num_experiments=1000) the sum of the third part of the output was 276.

Product feature optimization with constraints

I have trained a Lightgbm model on learning to rank dataset. The model predicts relevance score of a sample. So higher the prediction the better it is. Now that the model has learned I would like to find the best values of some features that gives me the highest prediction score.
So, lets say I have features u,v,w,x,y,z and the features I would like to optimize over are x,y,z.
maximize f(u,v,w,x,y,z) w.r.t features x,y,z where f is a lightgbm model
subject to constraints :
y = Ax + b
z = 4 if y < thresh_a else 4-0.5 if y >= thresh_b else 4-0.3
thresh_m < x <= thresh_n
The numbers are randomly made up but constraints are linear.
Objective function with respect to x looks like the following :
So the function is very spiky, non-smooth. I also don't have the gradient information as f is a lightgbm model.
Using Nathan's answer I wrote down the following class :
class ProductOptimization:
def __init__(self, estimator, features_to_change, row_fixed_values,
self.estimator = estimator
self.features_to_change = features_to_change
self.row_fixed_values = row_fixed_values
self.bounds = bnds
def get_sample(self, x):
new_values = {k:v for k,v in zip(self.features_to_change, x)}
return self.row_fixed_values.replace({k:{self.row_fixed_values[k].iloc[0]:v}
for k,v in new_values.items()})
def _call_model(self, x):
pred = self.estimator.predict(self.get_sample(x))
return pred[0]
def constraint1(self, vector):
x = vector[0]
y = vector[2]
return # some float value
def constraint2(self, vector):
x = vector[0]
y = vector[3]
return #some float value
def optimize_slsqp(self, initial_values):
con1 = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': self.constraint1}
con2 = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': self.constraint2}
cons = ([con1,con2])
result = minimize(fun=self._call_model,
return result
The results that I get are always around the initial guess. And I think its because of non-smoothness of the function and absence of any gradient information which is important for the SLSQP optimizer. Any advices how should I deal with this kind of problem ?
It's been a good minute since I last wrote some serious code, so I appologize if it's not entirely clear what everything does, please feel free to ask for more explanations
The imports:
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from copy import copy
First I define a new class that allows me to easily redefine values. This class has 5 inputs:
value: this is the 'base' value. In your equation y=Ax + b it's the b part
minimum: this is the minimum value this type will evaluate as
maximum: this is the maximum value this type will evaluate as
multipliers: the first tricky one. It's a list of other InputType objects. The first is the input type and the second the multiplier. In your example y=Ax +b you would have [[x, A]], if the equation was y=Ax + Bz + Cd it would be [[x, A], [z, B], [d, C]]
relations: the most tricky one. It's also a list of other InputType objects, it has four items: the first is the input type, the second defines if it's an upper boundary you use min, if it's a lower boundary you use max. The third item in the list is the value of the boundary, and the fourth the output value connected to it
Watch out if you define your input values too strangely I'm sure there's weird behaviour.
class InputType:
def __init__(self, value=0, minimum=-1e99, maximum=1e99, multipliers=[], relations=[]):
:param float value: base value
:param float minimum: value can never be lower than x
:param float maximum: value can never be higher than y
:param multipliers: [[InputType, multiplier], [InputType, multiplier]]
:param relations: [[InputType, min, threshold, output_value], [InputType, max, threshold, output_value]]
self.val = value
self.min = minimum
self.max = maximum
self.multipliers = multipliers
self.relations = relations
def reset_val(self, value):
self.val = value
def evaluate(self):
- relations to other variables are done first if there are none then the rest is evaluated
- at most self.max
- at least self.min
- self.val + i_x * w_x
i_x is input i, w_x is multiplier (weight) of i
for term, min_max, value, output_value in self.relations:
# check for each term if it falls outside of the expected terms
if min_max(term.evaluate(), value) != term.evaluate():
return self.return_value(output_value)
output_value = self.val + sum([i[0].evaluate() * i[1] for i in self.multipliers])
return self.return_value(output_value)
def return_value(self, output_value):
return min(self.max, max(self.min, output_value))
Using this, you can fix the input types sent from the optimizer, as shown in _call_model:
class Example:
def __init__(self, lst_args):
self.lst_args = lst_args
self.X = np.random.random((10000, len(lst_args)))
self.y = self.get_y()
self.clf = GradientBoostingRegressor()
def get_y(self):
# sum of squares, is minimum at x = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ... ]
return np.array([[self._func(i)] for i in self.X])
def _func(self, i):
return sum(i * i)
def fit(self):
self.clf.fit(self.X, self.y)
def optimize(self):
x0 = [0.5 for i in self.lst_args]
initial_simplex = self._get_simplex(x0, 0.1)
result = minimize(fun=self._call_model,
options={'xatol': 0.1,
'initial_simplex': np.array(initial_simplex)})
return result
def _get_simplex(self, x0, step):
simplex = []
for i in range(len(x0)):
point = copy(x0)
point[i] -= step
point2 = copy(x0)
point2[-1] += step
return simplex
def _call_model(self, x):
print(x, type(x))
for i, value in enumerate(x):
input_x = np.array([i.evaluate() for i in self.lst_args])
prediction = self.clf.predict([input_x])
return prediction[0]
I can define your problem as shown below (be sure to define the inputs in the same order as the final list, otherwise not all the values will get updated correctly in the optimizer!):
A = 5
b = 2
thresh_a = 5
thresh_b = 10
thresh_c = 10.1
thresh_m = 4
thresh_n = 6
u = InputType()
v = InputType()
w = InputType()
x = InputType(minimum=thresh_m, maximum=thresh_n)
y = InputType(value = b, multipliers=([[x, A]]))
z = InputType(relations=[[y, max, thresh_a, 4], [y, min, thresh_b, 3.5], [y, max, thresh_c, 3.7]])
example = Example([u, v, w, x, y, z])
Calling the results:
result = example.optimize()
for i, value in enumerate(result.x):
print(f"final values are at: {[i.evaluate() for i in example.lst_args]}: {result.fun)}")

Divide by Zero in Mean()?

I'm trying to write some code to compute mean, Variance, Standard Deviation, FWHM, and finally evaluate the Gaussian Integral. I've been running into a division by zero error that I can't get past and I would like to know the solution for this ?
Where it's throwing an error I've tried to throw an exception handler as follows
Average = (sum(yvalues)) / (len(yvalues)) try: return (sum(yvalues) / len(yvalues))
expect ZeroDivisionError:
return 0
xvalues = []
yvalues = []
def generate():
for i in range(0,300):
a = rand.uniform((float("-inf") , float("inf")))
b = rand.uniform((float("-inf") , float("inf")))
### Defining the variable 'y'
y = a * (b + i)
yvalues.append(y) + 1
def mean():
Average = (sum(yvalues))/(len(yvalues))
print("The average is", Average)
return Average
def varience():
# This calculates the SD and the varience
s = []
for i in yvalues:
z = i - mean()
z = (np.abs(i-z))**2
t = mean()
v = numpy.sqrt(t)
print("Answer for Varience is:", v)
return v
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Tuesday.py", line 42, in <module>
def make_gauss(sigma=varience(), mu=mean(), x = random.uniform((float("inf"))*-1, float("inf"))):
File "Tuesday.py", line 35, in varience
t = mean()
File "Tuesday.py", line 25, in mean
Average = (sum(yvalues))/(len(yvalues))
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
There are a few things that are not quite right as people noted above.
import random
import numpy as np
def generate():
xvalues, yvalues = [], []
for i in range(0,300):
a = random.uniform(-1000, 1000)
b = random.uniform(-1000, 1000)
### Defining the variable 'y'
y = a * (b + i)
return xvalues, yvalues
def mean(yvalues):
return sum(yvalues)/len(yvalues)
def variance(yvalues):
# This calculates the SD and the varience
s = []
yvalues_mean = mean(yvalues)
for y in yvalues:
z = (y - yvalues_mean)**2
t = mean(s)
return t
def variance2(yvalues):
yvalues_mean = mean(yvalues)
return sum( (y-yvalues_mean)**2 for y in yvalues) / len(yvalues)
# Generate the xvalues and yvalues
xvalues, yvalues = generate()
# Now do the calculation, based on the passed parameters
mean_yvalues = mean(yvalues)
variance_yvalues = variance(yvalues)
variance_yvalues2 = variance2(yvalues)
print('Mean {} variance {} {}'.format(mean_yvalues, variance_yvalues, variance_yvalues2))
# Using Numpy
np_mean = np.mean(yvalues)
np_var = np.var(yvalues)
print('Numpy: Mean {} variance {}'.format(np_mean, np_var))
The way variance was calculated isn't quite right, but given the comment of "SD and variance" you were probably going to calculate both.
The code above gives 2 (well, 3) ways to do what I understand you were trying to do but I changed a few of the methods to clean them up a bit. generate() returns two lists now. mean() returns the mean, etc. The function variance2() gives an alternative way to calculate the variance but using a list comprehension style.
The last couple of lines are an example using numpy which has all of it built in and, if available, is a great way to go.
The one part that wasn't clear was the random.uniform(float("-inf"), float("inf"))) which seems to be an error (?).
You are calling mean before you call generate.
This is obvious since yvalues.append(y) + 1 (in generate) would have caused another error (TypeError) since .append returns None and you can't add 1 to None.
Change yvalues.append(y) + 1 to yvalues.append(y + 1) and then make sure to call generate before you call mean.
Also notice that you have the same error in varience (which should be called variance, btw). s.append(y)**2 should be s.append(y ** 2).
Another error you have is that the stacktrace shows make_gauss(sigma=varience(), mu=mean(), x = random.uniform((float("inf"))*-1, float("inf"))).
I'm pretty sure you don't actually want to call varience and mean on this line, just reference them. So also change that line to make_gauss(sigma=varience, mu=mean, x = random.uniform((float("inf"))*-1, float("inf")))

simpson integration on python

I am trying to integrate numerically using simpson integration rule for f(x) = 2x from 0 to 1, but keep getting a large error. The desired output is 1 but, the output from python is 1.334. Can someone help me find a solution to this problem?
thank you.
import numpy as np
def f(x):
return 2*x
def simpson(f,a,b,n):
x = np.linspace(a,b,n)
dx = (b-a)/n
for i in np.arange(1,n):
if i % 2 != 0:
y = 4*f(x)
elif i % 2 == 0:
y = 2*f(x)
return (f(a)+sum(y)+f(x)[-1])*dx/3
a = 0
b = 1
n = 1000
ans = simpson(f,a,b,n)
There is everything wrong. x is an array, everytime you call f(x), you are evaluating the function over the whole array. As n is even and n-1 odd, the y in the last loop is 4*f(x) and from its sum something is computed
Then n is the number of segments. The number of points is n+1. A correct implementation is
def simpson(f,a,b,n):
x = np.linspace(a,b,n+1)
y = f(x)
dx = x[1]-x[0]
return (y[0]+4*sum(y[1::2])+2*sum(y[2:-1:2])+y[-1])*dx/3
simpson(lambda x:2*x, 0, 1, 1000)
which then correctly returns 1.000. You might want to add a test if n is even, and increase it by one if that is not the case.
If you really want to keep the loop, you need to actually accumulate the sum inside the loop.
def simpson(f,a,b,n):
dx = (b-a)/n;
res = 0;
for i in range(1,n): res += f(a+i*dx)*(2 if i%2==0 else 4);
return (f(a)+f(b) + res)*dx/3;
simpson(lambda x:2*x, 0, 1, 1000)
But loops are generally slower than vectorized operations, so if you use numpy, use vectorized operations. Or just use directly scipy.integrate.simps.

Wrong number of dimensions: expected 0, got 1 with shape (1,)

I am doing word-level language modelling with a vanilla rnn, I am able to train the model but for some weird reasons I am not able to get any samples/predictions from the model; here is the relevant part of the code:
train_set_x, train_set_y, voc = load_data(dataset, vocab, vocab_enc) # just load all data as shared variables
index = T.lscalar('index')
x = T.fmatrix('x')
y = T.ivector('y')
n_x = len(vocab)
n_h = 100
n_y = len(vocab)
rnn = Rnn(input=x, input_dim=n_x, hidden_dim=n_h, output_dim=n_y)
cost = rnn.negative_log_likelihood(y)
updates = get_optimizer(optimizer, cost, rnn.params, learning_rate)
train_model = theano.function(
x: train_set_x[index],
y: train_set_y[index]
predict_model = theano.function(
x: voc[index]
sampling_freq = 2
sample_length = 10
n_train_examples = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]
train_cost = 0.
for i in xrange(n_train_examples):
train_cost += train_model(i)
train_cost /= n_train_examples
if i % sampling_freq == 0:
# sample from the model
seed = randint(0, len(vocab)-1)
idxes = []
for j in xrange(sample_length):
p = predict_model(seed)
seed = p
# sample = ''.join(ix_to_words[ix] for ix in idxes)
# print(sample)
I get the error: "TypeError: ('Bad input argument to theano function with name "train.py:94" at index 0(0-based)', 'Wrong number of dimensions: expected 0, got 1 with shape (1,).')"
Now this corresponds to the following line (in the predict_model):
givens={ x: voc[index] }
Even after spending hours I am not able to comprehend how could there be a dimension mis-match when:
train_set_x has shape: (42, 4, 109)
voc has shape: (109, 1, 109)
And when I do train_set_x[index], I am getting (4, 109) which 'x' Tensor of type fmatrix can hold (this is what happens in train_model) but when I do voc[index], I am getting (1, 109), which is also a matrix but 'x' cannot hold this, why ? !
Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks !
The error message refers to the definition of the whole Theano function named predict_model, not the specific line where the substitution with givens occurs.
The issue seems to be that predict_model gets called with an argument that is a vector of length 1 instead of a scalar. The initial seed sampled from randint is actually a scalar, but I would guess that the output p of predict_model(seed) is a vector and not a scalar.
In that case, you could either return rnn.y[0] in predict_model, or replace seed = p with seed = p[0] in the loop over j.
