Remove graph on inference - openvino

Unable to convert tensorflow to VINO format
Followed documentation
In case I wish to fix the graph using the Point 97 in the Mo_FAQ.html document in the VINO documentation docs,
which nodes do I include in the first command -
python3 --input_model model/frozen_inference_graph.pb --tensorflow_subgraph_pattern ""FeatureExtractor/MobilenetV1/MobilenetV1/Conv2d_0/BatchNorm/FusedBatchNorm, FeatureExtractor/MobilenetV1/MobilenetV1/Conv2d_0/Relu6, FeatureExtractor/MobilenetV1/MobilenetV1/Conv2d_1_depthwise/depthwise, FeatureExtractor/MobilenetV1/MobilenetV1/Conv2d_1_depthwise/BatchNorm/FusedBatchNorm, FeatureExtractor/MobilenetV1/MobilenetV1/Conv2d_1_depthwise/Relu6,..
Which of the nodes do I put above to offload a sub-graph of operations?
(Actual .pbtxt file had about 100 nodes)

What model you are trying to convert? Not sure what you need to use param --tensorflow_subgraph_pattern to convert MobileNet, it supported out of the box.


Unable to solve multiprocessing.Manager.Lock() error in Python code (VS editor)

I am using machine learning in my Python (version 3.8.5) code. In the preprocessing part, I need to hash encode few features. So earlier I have dumped a hash encoder pickle file using the features in the training phase. Saved the file with the name of 'hash_encoder.pkl'. Now in the testing phase, I need to transform the features using this pickle file. I'm using the following code given in screenshot to hash encode three string features as given in the first line.
In the encoder.transform line, I'm getting the error of "data_lock=mutiprocessing.Manager().Lock()".
At the end I'm also getting 'raise EOF error'.
I have tried using same version of pandas (1.1.3) to dump the hash_encoder file and also to load it. I'm not sure why is this coming up.
Can someone help me in understand or debugging this part?
I have added the screenshot of the error.

convert to openvino IR format success, predict stuff failed

This is begin from curious....I download the pretrained from public google drive, and convert it as yolov5s.onnx file with input shape [1,3,640,640] by using yolov5's models/ Then I use openvino's deployment tools/ to convert the yolov5s.onnx into openvino inference engines file (.xml+.bin). The conversion is success without error. At last, I try to run the predict by using these files by using openvino's demo program the prediction is successfully return the result. But all the result return negative numbers, and the array level is wrong. Is it impossible to convert the yolov5 weights for openvino?
YOLOv5 is currently not an officially supported topology by the OpenVINO toolkit. Please see the list of validated ONNX and PyTorch topologies here
However, we have one recommendation for you to try, but it was no guaranteed it will succeed. You can do it by change to include the Detect layer:
Line 28 in a1c8406
model.model[-1].export = True # set Detect() layer export=True
The above needs to be changed from True to False. For more detail, you can follow this thread here.
Try this :python --input_model yolov5s.onnx -s 255 --reverse_input_channels --output Conv_245,Conv_261,Conv_277 (use Netron to check your architecture)

How should i process the data in a json/dataframe format so that is suitable for rasa chatbots

I'm new with NLP and the rasa api. I'm trying to prepare the data so that it can be used as training data for intent recognition. The function that I'm trying to use is:
from rasa_nlu.training_data import load_data #Import function
train_data_rasa=load_data('/content/data_file.json') #Json file
However the next error pop ups:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
The json file is the result of using pandas.to_json() function. The original dataset, is the ATIS flight intent dataframe in which there are two columns: The text and the intent.
Here is a preview of the json file:
{"Intent":{"0":"atis_flight","1":"atis_flight_time","2":"atis_airfare","3":"atis_airfare","4":"atis_flight","5":"atis_aircraft","6" ........
I don't really know what is going on as the dataset seems to be clean. I have also tried multiple alternatives such as markdown (md) type of file but it does not seem to work.
Thank you in advance !!
I would suggest to try the rasa data convert command (that converts your training data from json to yml format) and then try to train your data (with command rasa train from the cli) to see if you get the same error. Also, the Training Data format page in the docs might be a useful resource for you since it explains the types of training data and their expected structure. Another idea would be to post your question also on the Rasa forum where there might be more people that have encountered the same error like here. That way you might get more ideas on how to solve your issue or more people will jump in and help.

Stanford CoreNLP Output

Is there anyway to generate this output from the Stanford CoreNLP server?
I have tried running the server on sample sentences with the following annotators:
'tokenize','ssplit','pos','lemma','depparse','natlog','openie', 'ner', 'parse'
and get similar data, just in a different format.
I am assuming that the format I am trying to get the output into is the default output from an older version of CoreNLP. Is there any way to get the output in the format needed?
Output format is fixed and it cannot be configured out of the box, however you can de-serialize the output and convert it in required format. You can use #dataclasses based design pattern to achieve the operation optimally!

Read temperature, humdity, etc from grib2 files with EECodes in python3

I am trying to use EECodes in python to get various weather information, such as temperature, humidity, etc out of grib2 files. I am using the GFS files. I would like to be able to extract the data as (lat,lon,alt,$data_point), and as a 2d array for each altitude.
I have tried the example programs located here:
I can't figure out what I am looking in the output of that program. When I load the messages using their keys, it is not obvious how to make a grid. When I load the grid, the data doesn't have labels I understand.
#craeft have a look to cfgrib is the new standard for python and grib file handling. It is easy to install and easy to access files. Please install the latest version because it supports GFS files.
