Shaka packager doesn't encrypt assets - mpeg-dash

I am just unable to figure out how shaka player is able to decrypt my CENC protected content even though I am providing invalid decryption keys in player config.
drm: {
clearKeys: {
'6FepeJBbmaiozSMs18vPfA==': '6FepeJBbmaiozSMs18vPfA==', // ==> invalid key
'6FepeJBbmaiozSMs18vPfA==': '6FepeJBbmaiozSMs18vPfA==', // ==> invalid key
and here is the arguments given to packager
packager in=video-SD.webm,stream=audio,output=protected_audio.webm,drm_label=AUDIO in=video-HD.
webm,stream=video,output=protected_video_HD.webm,drm_label=HD in=video-SD.webm,stream=video,output=prote
cted_video_SD.webm,drm_label=SD --enable_raw_key_encryption --enable_raw_key_decryption \
--keys label=AUDIO:key_id=f3c5e0361e6654b28f8049c778b23946:key=a4631a153a443df9eed0593043db7519, label=SD:key_id=abba271e8bcf552bbd2e86a434a9a5d9:key=69eaa802a6763af979e8d1940fb88392,label=HD:key_id=abba271e8bcf552bbd2e86a434a9a5d9:key=69eaa802a6763af979e8d1940fb88392 \
--base_urls \
--mpd_output h264.mpd
mpd file looks like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Generated with version 72c4797-release-->
<MPD xmlns="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011 DASH-MPD.xsd" xmlns:cenc="urn:mpeg:cenc:2013" profiles="urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011" minBufferTime="PT2S" type="static" mediaPresentationDuration="PT5.539000034332275S">
<Period id="0">
<AdaptationSet id="0" contentType="audio" lang="en" subsegmentAlignment="true">
<ContentProtection schemeIdUri="urn:uuid:1077efec-c0b2-4d02-ace3-3c1e52e2fb4b" cenc:default_KID="f3c5e036-1e66-54b2-8f80-49c778b23946">
<Representation id="0" bandwidth="96897" codecs="vorbis" mimeType="audio/webm" audioSamplingRate="44100">
<AudioChannelConfiguration schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:23003:3:audio_channel_configuration:2011" value="2"/>
<SegmentBase indexRange="4601-4619" timescale="1000000" presentationTimeOffset="3000">
<Initialization range="0-4600"/>
<AdaptationSet id="1" contentType="video" width="560" height="320" frameRate="1000000/33000" subsegmentAlignment="true" par="7:4">
<ContentProtection schemeIdUri="urn:uuid:1077efec-c0b2-4d02-ace3-3c1e52e2fb4b" cenc:default_KID="abba271e-8bcf-552b-bd2e-86a434a9a5d9">
<Representation id="1" bandwidth="553816" codecs="vp8" mimeType="video/webm" sar="1:1">
<SegmentBase indexRange="336-354" timescale="1000000" presentationTimeOffset="3000">
<Initialization range="0-335"/>
<AdaptationSet id="2" contentType="video" width="560" height="320" frameRate="1000000/33000" subsegmentAlignment="true" par="7:4">
<ContentProtection schemeIdUri="urn:uuid:1077efec-c0b2-4d02-ace3-3c1e52e2fb4b" cenc:default_KID="abba271e-8bcf-552b-bd2e-86a434a9a5d9">
<Representation id="2" bandwidth="561429" codecs="vp09." mimeType="video/webm" sar="1:1">
<SegmentBase indexRange="366-384" timescale="1000000" presentationTimeOffset="3000">
<Initialization range="0-365"/>

Either you or someone else asked a similar question on our GitHub page here. It is preferable to ask questions on our GitHub page.
The problem is that asset isn't actually encrypted. It has a clear lead, so the first few seconds aren't actually encrypted. On the GitHub question they explicitly passed --clear-lead 6; but this doesn't pass anything, so Shaka Packager defaults to 10 seconds. This asset is only 6 seconds long, so nothing is encrypted.


Azure API Management WSDL Import Failing on SOAP Encoding's Array Type

I'm trying to create an API from a WSDL and currently getting this error back from Azure APIM during the import step:
Error: Parsing error : Line 17, position 22: Unable to import API from WSDL: Undefined
complexType '' is used as a base for
complex type restriction.
I'm gathering that the Array type is not WSI-compliant, but would love insight as to how I can tinker with the WSDL to make it work? I don't own the service which generated the WSDL, but the WSDL hasn't changed since it was incepted and the provider has said it's okay for us to mess with it to get the Azure APIM import step to work. Just meaning, since Azure APIM's a passthrough what can I slice out of the WSDL which would still (a) let Azure APIM import it, and (b) allow the calls to successfully flow through Azure APIM at runtime?
I slimmed down the WSDL to this, but let me know if anything looks off as the original WSDL is ~5,500 lines:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:schema targetNamespace="urn:ChestersCopperpotsServiceSoap" attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<s:import namespace=""/>
<s:complexType name="CMessage">
<s:element name="Code" type="s:int"/>
<s:element name="Text" type="s:string"/>
<s:complexType name="GetMessages_return_Array">
<s:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
<s:attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="s0:CMessage[]"/>
<s:complexType name="MyHeader">
<s:element name="m_SessionID" type="s:string"/>
<message name="GetMessagesIn">
<message name="GetMessagesOut">
<part name="return" type="s0:GetMessages_return_Array"/>
<message name="m_Header">
<part name="m_Header" type="s0:MyHeader"/>
<portType name="ChestersCopperpotsServiceSoap">
<operation name="GetMessages">
<input message="s0:GetMessagesIn"/>
<output message="s0:GetMessagesOut"/>
<binding name="ChestersCopperpotsServiceSoap" type="s0:ChestersCopperpotsServiceSoap">
<soap:binding transport="" style="rpc"/>
<operation name="GetMessages">
<soap:operation soapAction="#GetMessages" style="rpc"/>
<soap:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:ChestersCopperpotsService" encodingStyle=""/>
<soap:header message="s0:m_Header" part="m_Header" use="encoded" namespace="urn:ChestersCopperpotsService" encodingStyle=""/>
<soap:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:ChestersCopperpotsService" encodingStyle=""/>
<soap:header message="s0:m_Header" part="m_Header" use="encoded" namespace="urn:ChestersCopperpotsService" encodingStyle=""/>
<service name="ChestersCopperpotsService">
<port name="ChestersCopperpotsServiceSoap" binding="s0:ChestersCopperpotsServiceSoap">
<soap:address location="http://localhost:80/ChestersCopperpots/ccSOAP.dll?Handler=Default"/>
Full message stack from Azure APIM is:
Informational: ParsingXMLStarted : Started parsing XML
Informational: ParsingXMLComplete : Completed parsing XML
Verbose: WsdlImportRuleVerifyWadl11Schema : WSDL validated against XML Schema
Informational: WsdlPrecheckComplete : Completed WSDL verification. WSDL is considered valid.
Informational: WsdlParsingStarted : Service : Endpoint :
Informational: WsdlIdentification : WsdlVersion: 'Wsdl11' TargetNamespace: 'urn:ChestersCopperpotsServiceSoap'.
Informational: LoadedSchema : Target Namespace: 'urn:ChestersCopperpotsServiceSoap'.
Informational: LoadedSchemas : Loaded '1' schemas.
Informational: LoadedTypes : Loaded '0' types.
Informational: LoadedMessages : Loaded '3' messages.
Informational: LoadedInterfaces : Loaded '1' interfaces.
Informational: LoadedBindings : Loaded '1' bindings.
Informational: LoadedServices : Loaded '1' services.
Informational: WsdlParsingComplete : Parsed 1 operations and 3 messages
Informational: ApiType : Creating SOAP Passthrough API
Informational: APICreated : Name : chesterscopperpotsservice Service Url: http://localhost:80/ChestersCopperpots/ccSOAP.dll?Handler=Default
Informational: XsdParsing : Starting to parse urn:ChestersCopperpotsServiceSoap
Error: Parsing error : Line 17, position 22: Unable to import API from WSDL: Undefined complexType '' is used as a base for complex type restriction.
my money is on this part (which in lack of row #, I suspect this is where the error get's triggered). The SOAP-to-REST transformation in APIM only supports "embedded" arrays, whereas yours is referring to another definition ("s0.CMessage" above). Try replacing that bit with
<s:complexType name="GetMessages_return_Array">
<element name="ArrayOfCMessages" type="CMessage" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

Hazelcast + Spring(xml config) + hz map store error

Using hazelcast 3.8.2 (hazelcast-all jar) + IMap+ mapstore + Spring 4.3.8 (xml config). In Spring xml config, 'hz:map-store' throws an error saying:
17:49:40.519 ERROR [main] org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManager – Caught exception while allowing TestExecutionListener [] to prepare test instance [com.twc.ctg.ecp.service.dataaccess.maps.EntitlementMapTest#1b9ea3e3] org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.1: Element 'hz:map' must have no character or element information item [children], because the type's content type is empty.
at ~[?:1.8.0_101]
What am I doing wrong?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<hz:hazelcast id="hzInstance1">
<hz:client id="hzInstance1Client">
<hz:map id="entitlementCache" instance-ref="hzInstance1" name="entitlement">
<hz:map-store enabled="true" implementation="linearEntitlementMapStore"
<bean id="linearEntitlementMapStore" class="com.twc.ctg.ecp.service.dataaccess.maps.LinearEntitlementMapStore" />
You need to configure MapStore in <hz:config> section.
Correct config should look like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<hz:hazelcast id="hzInstance1">
<hz:map name="entitlement">
<hz:map-store enabled="true" implementation="linearEntitlementMapStore"
<!-- ... -->
<hz:client id="hzInstance1Client">
<!--... -->
<bean id="linearEntitlementMapStore" class="com.twc.ctg.ecp.service.dataaccess.maps.LinearEntitlementMapStore"/>

OC 2.0 Fedex shipping method not working

We tried to Fedex shipping method in our opencart website.
It Display the "Error" text.
ERRORERRORcrs691The PurposeOfShipmentType is null, empty or invalid.
The PurposeOfShipmentType is null, empty or invalid.crs1000
Use this xml
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<StreetLines>Sardarnagar Main Road, Rajkot</StreetLines>
<StreetLines>Radhekrishna App. Main Road , Rajkot</StreetLines>

Active Sync Client Sync Message, status code 4 - ParseSyncKey - AirSyncPermanentException

I'm currently writing an active sync client and I've successfully managed to do a folder sync. I'm now attempting to sync the "Notes" folder (using the sync command) and it's giving me an error code 4, which Microsoft describes as "Protocol Error" -- I don't see anything wrong in the protocol that I'm sending, here is the sections from my log:
Folder sync RequestBody :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<FolderSync xmlns="FolderHierarchy:">
FolderSync ResponseBody:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<FolderSync xmlns="FolderHierarchy:">
<DisplayName>Deleted Items</DisplayName>
<DisplayName>Junk E-Mail</DisplayName>
<DisplayName>Sent Items</DisplayName>
My Sync RequestBody :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Sync xmlns="AirSync:">
Lists this exception:
SyncCommand_OnExecute_Exception :
at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.SyncCommand.ParseSyncKey(SyncCollection collection)
at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.SyncCommand.SyncTheCollection(SyncCollection collection, Boolean createSubscription, Boolean tryNullSync)
at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.SyncCommand.OnExecute()
And provides the following ResponseBody :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Sync xmlns="AirSync:">
Any ideas why it is failing there? This is the first sync of the folder, so the SyncKey SHOULD be 0...
From :
A Status element (section value of 4 is returned if the GetChanges element is present and empty or set to 1 (TRUE) when the SyncKey element value is 0 (zero). No error is returned if the GetChanges element is absent or set to 0 (FALSE) when the SyncKey value is 0 (zero).
You have present and empty in your xml.
You only may set GetChanges to 1 or live it empty (which is by default = 1) in any consequential sync request, not in initial sync request.

Setting Flag for an Email in ActiveSync

Trying to set status Flag for an email using ActiveSync. Below is my request. I receive status 6. What's wrong with my request?
<Sync xmlns="AirSync:" xmlns:email="Email:" xmlns:tasks="Tasks:" >
<email:FlagType>Follow Up</email:FlagType>
Response I receive
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ActiveSync PUBLIC "-//MICROSOFT//DTD ActiveSync//EN" "">
<Sync xmlns="AirSync:">
Change email:FlagType from Follow Up to for Follow Up.
And add </Sync> in the end.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Sync xmlns="AirSync:" xmlns:email="Email:" xmlns:tasks="Tasks:" >
<email:FlagType>for Follow Up</email:FlagType>
See more: MS-ASEMAIL
