Drag and Drop for Kendo Angular TreeView - kendo-ui-angular2

I know the Kendo Angular treeview doesn't support the drag and drop as of now. Is there any other way I can use the drag and drop functionality using jquery or javascript for the Angular kendo treeview?


Does tree list of kendo react ui library has column selection feature?

I have a tree list where I have a requirement to select multiple columns. So does kendo react UI supports it?

Kendo grid excel Export without applied options

I am using kendo Excel export. My requirement is not to export plain excel sheet with all the data in the kendo grid. Currently, kendo grid is applying the filters and adding the grouping rows if the user applies anything on the grid. I don't want any options to be exported. Just need plain excel sheet. Is there any easy to do it.

Angular2 Kendo ui drag and drop

I been trying to implement a drag and drop feature in kendo-grid for angular2 to change the order of the columns within a grid.
I noticed there's a kendo-sortable for drag and drop, but I'm failing to see how I can implement the kendo-grid with this feature.
Here is one way you can do this http://plnkr.co/edit/ehL52SiMkLBGb34sC8Dd?p=preview
The column chooser component is using the SortableComponent and allows you to reorder column, which are reflected in the Grid.

How to set get table cell height dynamically using cosmicmind Material framework?

I use cosmicmind Material framework to build IOS app.
Cosmicmind Material IOS
The issue I have that I want to use Material card as table view cell. I want to get table view cell height dynamically to display tableview correctly on different screen sizes. I can't find an example of that. Please help
The solution for this could be found in a sample project here, CardTableView.
All the best :)

Can we change the diaplsy format of data from one kendo component to other on runtime in mvc?

I have a page with two buttons in header. I need to display same data on click of both buttons resp. but in different layout, means at click of first button i want to display a kendo asp.net mvc grid and at click of second i want tot display that data in a form of listview. So the question is, is it possible to display the data initially as a grid or listview (any one ) and at runtime we can change the format from grid to listview so that we don't have to create seperate controls partial views for that. Or any better idea on how to implement it is also welcomed.
