Viewing Stored Images in Azure Blobs - azure

I have images that are stored in Blobs in Azure. Now I want to display them on a website. What would be the easiest way to display these images ?

Each blob has its own Url which you can retrieve from the Azure Portal or by using the Azure Storage Explorer.
You could save the Urls in your database and display them directly on your website like you would any other image Url.
If your web site requires a CDN, you could add an Azure CDN on top of your blob storage Like this.

Consider using SAS (shared access signature). it's short lived url and gives ability to view image for certian period. you can also provide permissions at granular level.

The easiest way is to change the blob container Public access level to Blob or container, then you can visit all the images in the container via link like "".
You can follow steps below:
1.In azure portal, nav to your storage account -> select the container which stores your image -> change the Public Access Level:
2.After set public access level, then you can use this link I mentioned above to visit your image. In your case, you can just put this link to your website.


How do I SECURELY display images from Azure blob storage in an img tag?

I have a form with an Image upload in my website. whenever the user uploads an image, its saved under a new container with a random unique ID.
In a different page, I want to display that image. but by using an tag with a src attribute, im compromising the location of the image, as well as its container name to any curious user with a basic understanding of inspect element:"
How can I securely display said image to the user without it being open to everyone?
I am using NextJS, so perhaps the component could be of any help?
To securely display images from Azure blob storage, please try the following:
The below permission must be set to Private because the content is only viewable to logged in user.
Go to Azure portal -> Storage Accounts -> Select containers -> Choose a container -> Change access level to private as below:
Try implementing Azure Active Directory to authorize access to blob data.
Try using a user delegation SAS to grant limited access to blob data.
As mentioned by #silent , try storing the images on blob storage and channel all the requests to the blob storage through Front Door.
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Security recommendations for Blob storage - Azure Storage | Microsoft Docs
Azure Storage - Use Blob from Private Container in tag - Stack Overflow

Access to Azure Data Lake Container by using a link

Is it possible to share the contents of a container from azure data lake?
The goal is for anyone with the link to be able to download the files that are there.
Person who click the link should see folders and files which are there and has ability to download.
You need to enable Allow Blob public access setting and change access level of container to Container. You can refer to this documentation. Then you can use this URL to list blobs in container: It will return xml file, you can copy the URL of blob and paste it in your browser to download it.
Yes, it's possible to use SAS key to do this while keeping your container is private.
You can generate SAS with list permission. And Use this URL to get blob list.
And you can download file with this:

Azure storage account, make the file public with public link to download file

I have developed an app for a client with an azure database, I have never before worked with azure so I have no idea what I'm doing, I am using the .NETAutoUpdater package as the updater and require the update file to be a zip on a public link. Is there any to do this using Azure Storage Accounts --> Blobs and just make the blob public with a link? again I have no idea what I am doing in azure so any assistance will be appreciated
Yes, this is definitely possible. From the list of your blobs, click the grey dots at the end of the line and choose "Change access level".
Then change the access level to "Blob". Now open the blob container and select its properties view.
As you can see it shows an URL like Files that are placed in this container will be downloadable via that URL. E.g. if you have a file named it'll be available at
It is actually fairly simple and straightforward to do. Simply set the ACL of the blob container containing your zip file to either Blob (recommended) or Container and the blobs inside that container will be publicly accessible.
You can set the ACL of the blob container on the portal, using any available storage explorers or programmatically.

Serving Files From Azure Storage

I have a simple need, but there are so many azure options, I am not sure where to start.
I have a AppService (website) on azure from which I want to serve static PDFs for download. In other words, there is a training page on the website, and on this page, I want to have url to the PDF to download it.
But I don't want the PDF's to be a part of the AppService files, I want them in storage so they are a separate from the website files.
How should this be done?
What I have found so far is: Azure Blob storage, but it's not clear to me how to use those with a URL. The samples look like they are using code to download instead of a public URL.
I have also looked at Azure CDN, but that seems like more than I am looking for. Just need a simple location to store and download files.
You can make the blob container public so anyone with the link can download the file.
In this case you can just link to the file or return a 302 redirect from your app to the link, which also initiates the download.
Another option is to use SAS tokens.
These temporary tokens are generated using your storage account access key,
and are attached to the URL.
You can then give this final URL in the link to allow the user to download the file.
In this option the container can be kept private, and you control who can access what.
Now the token is only valid until it expires (you decide this time), so a user could give the link to another person and they could also download the document within that time.
The third option is to pipe the files through your app to the user.
Download the file from your back-end and then stream it to the user for download.
This option takes more resources on your back-end as threads and IO are used there for each download.
This option is the most secure as you can control who can download what.
you can upload your PDFs to Azure Blob storage into a special container (e.g. download) and make that container and content public in either of two ways:
public read access for blobs only: Blobs within the container can be read by anonymous request, but container data is not available. Anonymous clients cannot enumerate the blobs within the container.
Full public read access: All container and blob data can be read by anonymous request. Clients can enumerate blobs within the container by anonymous request, but cannot enumerate containers within the storage account.
Then they are accessible by a URL like
To expand on the accepted answer
Create a Storage Account, such as mystorage
In the storage account, create a container, such as mycontainer
On the container, set the Access Policy to Blob (Anonymous read access for blobs only).
Upload your file, such as myfile.txt to the container.
View the file Properties. It will show the URL to the file which is in this format:
Note that the URL is case sensitive.

How to access an object in Microsoft Azure Storage Service publicly?

I would like to upload some images to be stored in Azure, I discovered that there is called 'Storage' in Blob, after doing some research I was able create my account in storage service and I'm accessing it with 'Azure Storage Explorer'.
1)There's another software that I could access my storage account ? Or another way to do it ?
2)What's the difference between 'public container' and 'public blob'?
3)I would like to create sub-folders, how can I do that ?
4)How can I make an image that I upload to the 'public blog' called 'image', been like this image\azure.png and be accessible from anyone in internet ?
In S3 (from Amazon) you can say if that object is public and then access it from certain url. Is that possible do that with Azure Storage service ?
I know is a lot of questions but for me it seems a little complicated to understand these things and how make them work for now.
Here are the answers to your questions:
The only 'official' way to access your storage account is through the REST API (or an SDK using this API). Besides that there are a few good tools that allow you to access your storage account: (web based!)
Public container allows you to get a list of all blobs available in that container and get container metadata. Public blob means you have to know the exact url to the blob in order to access it. Reference:
Directories don't really exist. Just rename your blob in "mydir/myblob.txt" for example to simulate directories. If you use the tool by CloudBerry you will see the directory structure (I use this for storing files).
Change the container permission to public blob, upload the image. Then it will be available on the url (here I'm assuming your container is called image):
