`sudo` with command substitution - linux

I'm working with a remote machine that requires sudo for most docker commands. I often have to perform multiple repetitive commands to stop docker containers, etc: sudo docker stop <container_name>.
Normally, I'd use docker stop $(docker ps -q) to stop all the results of docker ps -q, but simply prefixing this with sudo doesn't do what I'm after: sudo docker stop $(docker ps -q) results in a permission denied error.
Is there a way to pipe this through sudo so that I don't have to stop everything individually?

You also need to specify sudo` in the inner command. So the following should work:
sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -q)

xargs also should work:
$ sudo docker ps -q | xargs sudo docker stop


docker containers stops a very long time

when Im trying to stop docker container it take a long time, a few min, why?
I use:
sudo aa-remove-unknown
sudo docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
sudo docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
sudo docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) -f
sudo docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f
Containers restarting every 30 min. and about 3-5 min. takes to killing.
docker stop sends a SIGTERM signal to the container, which will allow your processes to gracefully stop, this can often take time.
There's an excellent blog post from repl.it that dives deep into this topic.

Run command inside command on CMDER windows

I have docker and i want to remove all running container with this command on Cmder app for Windows
But i got an error. How to run equivalent command on windows cmd ?
$ docker container rm -f $(docker container ls -aq)
Error response :
unknown shorthand flag: 'a' in -aq)
See 'docker container rm --help'.
You may use first docker images which brings you all the current images.
docker images
Then you can use this command;
docker rmi -f 'firstImageId' 'secondImageId'
Details can be found on the link;https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/rmi/

Using $() in docker commands doesn't seem to work

I want to stop all running docker containers with the command sudo docker stop $(docker ps -a -q). But when I run it, docker outputs
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.39/containers/json?all=1: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
"docker stop" requires at least 1 argument.
See 'docker stop --help'.
Usage: docker stop [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
Stop one or more running containers
Just running docker ps -a -q outputs the Docker IDs, but when I combine it with a Docker command, it doesn't work. Thank you.
I didn't realize that the sudo is required in the command substitution also:
sudo docker stop $(stop docker ps -a -q)
Aren't you trying to run docker ps -a -q and docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) in two different consoles/users? The error shown is in fact two different errors:
docker ps -q -a cannot complete due to insufficient permissions
docker stop ... gets empty argument list due to error in subshell
If using sudo each command is running in different shell/subshell which inherits privileges/environment. But the subshells are invoked in order from the outermost. So the script will be invoket in order docker ps and then sudo docker stop. The first one will not have privileges elevated.

Getting permission denied error with docker remove

I'm following a tutorial and in the current step, i'm supposed to remove any preexisting docker containers with this
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
I usually have to use sudo to use docker commands, so I tried
sudo docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
But I get this
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.32/containers/json?all=1: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
"docker rm" requires at least 1 argument.
See 'docker rm --help'.
Remove one or more containers
Usually I get permission errors when I forget to use sudo, but in this case I have it.
Does anyone know what's wrong?
I tried this
sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -aq)
but get
"docker rm" requires at least 1 argument.
See 'docker rm --help'.
Remove one or more containers
I think you don't have any preexisting containers, Result of this command sudo docker ps -aq seems to be empty, which will result in total command as sudo docker rm -f without any container ID's. You can skip this command as there were no preexisting containers.
You are combining a couple different issues between the need for sudo and a potentially "empty" container list noted in another answer.
The other answer is exactly correct that this combination of commands might result in the docker rm error as the docker ps -aq could return nothing, leaving the docker rm command with no options, prompting the help text.
Of course, there are two reasons the "inner" command could return nothing:
there are actually zero running or exited containers; in this case you can ignore the error to docker rm, or run the docker ps -aq command by itself to convince yourself there are no containers returned.
The other reason is if the command failed due to lack of permission to talk to the Docker daemon. In your first example you show you are using sudo on the remove command, but not on the inner ps command, revealing the error that it could not talk to the docker socket. The output could be confusing because you are being shown two errors; one from each command: "Got permission denied..." is from the non-sudo version of docker ps and the second line "docker rm requires at least .." is from docker rm not having anything to remove because the first command failed.
The reason you need sudo to use the docker client is because it talks to the Docker engine over a UNIX socket located at /var/lib/docker.sock which is controlled for write access by root (the uid owner) and the docker group owner. More info on using sudo for Docker commands is in the post-installation setup docs as well as information on how to allow a normal user to have access to the socket, if you so choose. Make sure you read the warnings on that page about what that allows before making the decision between requiring sudo or adding your user to the docker group.
If you do add your user the docker group, you will no longer have to use sudo for Docker commands and can ignore any guides/tutorials which have sudo prefixed in front of all docker client commands.

Issue shell commands on the remote server from local machine

The following command issued on a Mac terminal is failing the docker command on the remote shell.
However it works if I log in to the server and issue the command there with replacing ";" with "&&"
ssh -i "myKey.pem" user#host ‘docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=name/kind); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=name/kind); docker rmi name/kind; docker build -t name/kind .; sudo docker run -it -d -p 80:80 name/kind’
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
I need to run this command form the local terminal because if is part of bigger command which first build the project locally and scp it to the server.
`$bigger-command && then-the-ssh-as-shown-above.
How do I go about it? Thanks
The best way to pass very complex commands to ssh is the create a script on the server side.
If you need to pass some parameters, proceed this way:
create a .sh file on your localhost
scp it to your remote host
run `ssh user#remotehost 'bash scriptfile.sh'
This should do the trick without giving you headaches about escapement.
