Nested scroll view set Disable not working - android-layout

Respected Android Programmer,
I am facing the one major problem is that nested scroll view not get disable. Here I am using RecylerView inside the Nested ScrollView.
Actually I am using the so many fragments in one Activity so when default recylerview loaded the listing user the Nested Scrolview now i have to click on floating button i have to hide the that fragment with with trance parent layout or frame layout. Its done but now problem is that when i use all function of recycler like
NestedScrollView mScrollView;
Not working may i know the reason.
Romesh Chand


MotionLayout does not pass nested scroll up to parent

I am using ''.
I have a fragment using MotionLayout inside an activity that also carries a BottomNavigationView inside a CoordinatorLayout with a custom behaviour allowing to show and hide when the content is scrolled.
With all fragments, where there is no MotionLayout, this behaviour works perfectly. Only with the MotionLayout, which has a NestedScrollView as a child, and makes use of an onSwipe transition, this swipe seems to be consumed, and does not arrive at the activity's coordinator layout.
Is this a current limitation of how MotionLayout works, and is it possible to extend it to support my use case?

How can I properly load a different Activity layouts based on screen size with Mvx?

I'm developing an Xamarin Android Mvx5-beta application. When running on a small-screen device, I want to show a drawer navigation using the Toolbar and the hamburger-icon. On larger devices, e.g. tablets, I want a different layout conaining three columns. No drawer navigation but a static panel with navigation options and two other panels for content.
I started with the examples XPlatformMenus and Fragments to get a drawer navigation layout combined with the use of activities (with fragments) in different layouts qualifiers, like:
Using this approach, Android automaticly looks for an activity with the same name (e.g. main_activity.axml) in the appropriate layout-qualifier folders. But on the larger screens I don't need a drawer layout and I do need an extra column. The Mvx-viewmodel does not yet know what layout to render, so it just calls:
These ViewModels, for example MenuViewModel, are registered for fragments that require a navigation_frame, as shown in here:
[MvxFragment(typeof(MainViewModel), Resource.Id.navigation_frame)]
public class MenuFragment : MvxFragment<MenuViewModel>, NavigationView.IOnNavigationItemSelectedListener
So, rendering this same Activity in layout-sw600dp requires a navigation_frame. Which I don't want on these larger displays.
What would be the preferred design choise in this situation? I can think of two:
Show/hide elements in the Activity programmatically by querying the screen info
Don't make use of layout qualifiers, but design complete seperate Activities for larger screens and based on screen size let MVX Show ViewModel-A or ViewModel-B.
Any advice would be appreciated, many thanks in advance.
I think it depends how different your layout need to be between large screen and small screen form factors.
Few UI differences
In addition to using different layouts, you can define a bool property in your XML values resources that is different between standard and sw-600dp
<bool name="is_large_screen">false</bool>
<bool name="is_large_screen">true</bool>
You can then read this value in your Android views and prevent methods like ShowViewModel<MenuViewModel>(); firing when on large screens by altering the method calls from the view.
Many differences/Structural differences
If they share the same business logic but have very different UI requirements and you want to keep large screen code separate. Then I would suggest sharing the ViewModels but creating two separate Activites and layouts to handle the UI presentation. Using this method requires a bit more setup as you have to override some default MvvmCross behaviors as by default you can not register multiple Activities/Fragments to the same ViewModel. Overriding the MvxViewModelViewTypeFinder view lookup FindTypeOrNull you can intercept the lookup and filter types base on naming conventions. For example all large screen views end with "Tablet". Using the is_large_screen bool you can flag which views to register.

Input with overlapping elements inside a FrameLayout

I have a game (Unity3d) that is running on Android where its View is contained in a FrameLayout. The game view covers the entire screen.
I am adding (in code) another view next to this view another button view (the 2 views overlap - see images below).
The button does not receive any input.
According to the documentation for FrameLayout, it is advisable to use a single element under it, but multiple views are also possible.
Why does my button not receive any input?
Attaching the view state as captured in Eclipse.

adding buttons dynamically in android

I'm new to android development and needs help here.I want to create a layout where buttons are added dynamically.In this the no of buttons to be added are decided on the fly.(at run time) i.e depending upon the number return by server i want to add buttons.below is the layout i want to create.Please suggest me suitable solution.I was trying creating this layout with table layout.Thank You
Read in your array of buttons and initialize your empty layout (i.e. setContentView). Then, create your buttons using the ImageButton constructor and call .addView(btn) from the layout where you want to insert the button. Don't forget to set any layout parameters you need.

List view inside scroll view design

I have a UI design which should contain a text data and this can be dynamic so i need a scroll view after the TextView is over i need a list view, Now this list view onItemClick of a cell should expand and contract to show details, Any sample project or code from where i can achieve this UI design, Please help me with this one.
It is strongly not recommended to have Nested Views that scroll.
What you can do is have a TextView followed by the ListView. You can use expandable listView for your expansion requirement. All the examples are present in APIDemos shipped with Android SDK.
Try some of the stuff and get back for more help here.
