Grok Parsing Failure in logstash with Pattern That Includes Square Brackets - logstash

I have a log pattern where every log element is enclosed in square brackets. I can't control the original log. I just want the grok parsing to ignore the brackets and only interpret what's between them. Based on something close to the following line:
2019-04-04 [52] [77] [MEASURE] [XYZService]
, I want the pattern to see the 52 as a threadId. I have the following code:
if [message] =~ "MEASURE" {
grok {
match => { " message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime} [%{NUMBER:threadId}] %{GREEDYDATA:restofmessage}" }
else {
In this state, I get a grokparsefailure when logstash attempts to interpret the line. I am certain its only related to the bracketed portion, because when I remove that pattern, every works fine. I would be grateful for any ideas what I am doing wrong. Thanks

nevermind. I got it to work by escaping the brackets like this: \ [ %{NUMBER:threadId}
\ ]


Grok regex with escaped “[“, “(“, and “)” chars problems

Elastic newbie here - working with a new 5.5 install. I have a log line that looks like so:
[2015/10/01#19:48:22.785-0400] P-4780 T-2208 I DBUTIL : (451) prostrct
create session begin for timk519 on CON:.
I have the following regex:
When I try it in the kibana grok debugger it doesn't work and I get the following error:
GrokDebugger: [parse_exception] [pattern_definitions] property isn't a
map, but of type [java.lang.String], with { header={
processor_type="grok" & property_name="pattern_definitions" } }
this appears to be due to the \[ at the start of the line. If I replace the leading \[ with a period "." I get this
the grok debugger and are good with this pattern.
When I put this regex into logstash, it fails to recognize the msgnum (451) part of the line because of the escaped parens \( and \) around the msgnum field, and as a result fails to recognize the line as a legal string.
Am I escaping something incorrectly? Is this a bug?
UPDATE 2017-07-21
I got around the issue with escaping ( and ) by putting them in [(] and [)]. I haven't figured out a way to solve matching the leading [ yet.
UPDATE 2017-07-24
The answer below was an epic catch and I've used that to create the following custom patterns:
DBTIME %{TIME}[-+]\d{4}
which I've implemented in my grok statement like so:
I then use the date filter to turn the dbdatetime into a #timestamp setting, and now the regex matches the incoming log stream which is what I want. Thx!
The devil is in the detail and the error is not apparent at first. The reason the Grok Debugger fails is because of your use of the DATE pattern. This pattern resolves like this:
MONTHNUM and MONTHDAY are both 2 digit patterns, which in turn actually means they are matching the 15 in your year. This is the reason why the pattern does not work because \[%{DATE} is actually not matching (it is missing the 20). Why does the pattern .%{DATE} work tough? Because you are not matching the [ with the dot, your are matching the 0 of the year.
How to fix this? Use a custom pattern to match the date. Something like this works:
This will return the following output:
"date": "2015/10/01",
"msgnum": "451",
"procid": "P-4780",
"processtype": "DBUTIL",
"message": "prostrct create session begin for timk519 on CON:.",
"threadid": "T-2208",
"usernumber": ":",
"gmtoffset": "0400",
"time": "19:48:22.785",
"msgtype": "I"

multiline log (array) with logstash

I want to parse logfile with logstash which contains both single line and multiple line. [e.g first 2 lines with 1 line log entry whereas 3rd one has multiple line entry ]
ERROR - 2015-12-05 20:48:53 --> Could not find page
ERROR - 2015-12-05 20:48:53 --> Could not find VAR
ERROR - 2015-12-05 20:48:59 --> Array
[id] => 12344
[studentid] => 33
[fname] =>
[lname] =>
[address] => tokyo
This log entry is forwarded from client (logstatsh-forwarder) which sets type as "multilineclient"
if [type] == "multilineclient" {
multiline {
pattern => "^ERROR"
what => "previous"
match => {"message" => "%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}\s+%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\s+%{DATA:message}({({[^}]+},?\s*)*})?\s*$(?<stacktrace>(?m:.*))?"}
mutate {
remove => [ "#loglevel" ]
I did try both Grok Debugger and grok constructer (but couldn't quite solve issue with LOGLEVEL being start of logfile ),
My multiline logs (array) are parsed as separate message.
message: [id] =>
message: [studentid] =>
message: [fname] =>
I was expecting this to come as single "message:"
Any suggestion?
The first step is to get multiline{} (codec or filter) working properly. When it does, you should end up with three documents based on your example.
Your multiline construct can be read as "when I find a line that begins with ERROR, keep it with the previous", which I don't think is what you want. Sounds like you should add the 'negate' option.
If that solves the multiline problem, then you should run one grok{} to pull the common stuff off the front (level, date, time). A second grok{} could then separate all the fields inside the parens from the rest. The data inside the parens could probably be fed to the kv{} ("key value") filter to produce fields from the key/value pairs.

Logstash: Reading multiline data from optional lines

I have a log file which contains lines which begin with a timestamp. An uncertain number of extra lines might follow each such timestamped line:
extra line 1 2
extra line 3 4
The extra lines would provide supplementary information for the timestamped line. I want to extract the 1, 2, 3, and 4 and save them as variables. I can parse the extra lines into variables if I know how many of them there are. For example, if I know there are two extra lines, the grok filter below will work. But what should I do if I don't know, in advance, how many extra lines will exist? Is there some way to parse these lines one-by-one, before applying the multiline filter? That might help.
Also, even if I know I will only have 2 extra lines, is the filter below the best way to access them?
filter {
multiline {
pattern => "^%{SOMETIMESTAMP}"
negate => "true"
what => "previous"
if "multiline" in [tags] {
grok {
match => { "message" => "(?m)^%{SOMETIMESTAMP} %{DATA:firstline}(?<newline>[\r\n]+)%{DATA:secondline}(?<newline>[\r\n]+)%{DATA:thirdline}$" }
# After this would be grok filters to process the contents of
# 'firstline', 'secondline', and 'thirdline'. I would then remove
# these three temporary fields from the final output.
(I separated the lines into separate variables since this allows me to do additional pattern matching on the contents of the lines separately, without having to refer to the entire pattern all over again. For example, based on the contents of the first line, I might want to present branching behavior for the other lines.)
Why do you need this?
Are you going to be inserting one single event with all of the values or are they really separate events that just need to share the same time stamp?
If they all need to appear in the same event, you'll like need to resort to a ruby filter to separate out the extra lines into fields on the event that you can then further work on.
For example:
if "multiline" in [tags] {
grok {
match => { "message" => "(?m)^%{SOMETIMESTAMP} %{DATA:firstline}(?<newline>[\r\n]+)" }
ruby {
code => '
event["lines"] = event["message"].scan(/[^\r\n]+[\r\n]*/);
If they are really separate events, you could use the memorize plugin for logstash 1.5 and later.
This has changed over versions of ELK
Direct event field references (i.e. event['field']) have been disabled in favor of using event get and set methods (e.g. event.get('field')).
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime} %{LOGLEVEL:level}%{DATA:firstline}" }
ruby { code => "event.set('message', event.get('message').scan(/[^\r\n]+[\r\n]*/))" }

Different structure in a few lines in my log file

My log file contains different structures in a few lines, and I can not grok it, I don't know if we can test by lines or attribute, I'm still a beginner.
if you don't understand me I can give you some examples :
input :
id=firewall action=bloc type=web
id=firewall fw="ER" type=filter
id=firewall fw="Az" tz="loo" action=bloc
id=%{WORD:id} ...
I thought to add some patterns between ()?,
but i don't know exactly how to do it.
you can use this site to test it
Any help please? What should i do :(
Logstash supports key-value Values, take a look at
Or you could use multiple match values:
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match => [
"message", "%{BASE_PATTERN} %{EXTRA_PATTERN}",
"message", "%{BASE_PATTERN}",
"message", "%{SOME_OTHER_PATTERN}"
Not sure if I understood well your question but I will try to answer. I think the first thing you have to do is to parse the different fields from your input. Example of pattern to parse your first line input :
Then in your logstash configuration file :
filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => "$LOGSTASH_HOME/pattern"
match => [ "message" => "%{PATTERN}" ]
This will match your first line as 3 fields ("id=firewall" "action=bloc" "type=web") (you have to adapt it if you have more than 3 fields).
And the last thing you seem be looking for is splitting field (in key-value scheme) like id=firewall would become id => "firewall". This can be done with the kv plugin. I never used it but I recommend you the logstash docs here
If I did not understand you question, please be more clear.

Logstash: How to save an entry from earlier in a log for use across multiple lines later in the log?

So the format of my logs looks somethings like this
02:00:30> First line of log for date of 2014-08-13
04:03:30> Every other line of log
My question is: how can I save the date from the first line to create the timestamp for the other lines in the files?
Is there a way to set some kind of "global" field that I can reuse for other lines?
I'm looking at historical logs so the current time isn't much use.
I posted a memorize filter that you could use to do that. It was posted here.
You'd use it like this:
filter {
if [message] =~ /date of/ {
grok {
match => [ "message", "date of (?<date>\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)" ]
} else {
// parse your log with grok or some other method that doesn't capture date
memorize {
field => date
So on the first line, because you extract a date, it'll memorize it... since it's not on the remaining lines, it'll add the memorized date to the events.
