How to show tool design like that.
In my android studio not show.
The MotionEditor development has been temporarily put aside until after I/O because of Project Marble and optimisations in other Android Studio Design tools. Nicolas said in a tweet that they hope to have a preview out in a canary soon after I/O, no promises made though!
I don't know enough about Android Studios and was wondering if there was a note section for Android Studio. My goal is whenever I come back to my project I can read my notes on the last thing I did and what I need to work on next.
This is my first time creating an Android App and using Android Studio Application.
I do know there is a task and context tool that I could use but is there an offline version? Where I don't have to link it to YouTask, GitHub, or Jira, and etc? Just my own personal notes?
I am not aware of a notes feature specifically bit Android Studio does support custom Todos:
If you use these you can comment
// todo fix this bug
and it will show up in your todo list at the bottom of the IDE.
I am coding Android Apps, Server-Side Python Code and using Spring Framework. I have a student license for JetBrains. I like things organized, so should i use Intellij Idea with Android and Python Plug-in or PyCharm, Android Studio and Intellij Idea separated.
Is there too much pros of Android Studio and PyCharm over Intellij Idea plug-ins.
Note: I asked that question 'cause previous questions about this subjects are about android and python separately and also not up-to-date. The nearest question is almost 1 year ago.
Edit: My decision is to go with Intellij Idea Ultimate only. I leave the question open in case some expert want to answer that question detailed. But you can read this answer that help me made my decision.
Long story short: Android Studio and PyCharm can be more up-to-date but the difference is not to much. JetBrains also developing PyCharm, they usually update Python plugin of Idea quickly. Idea is better in terms of Jython. Also, in terms of Android Studio, JetBrains can also add some features that Studio doesn't have. And since new Android Versions are not become widely used too fast, Intellij Idea can apply the changes before it is late. (Both Android Studio and PyCharm based on Intellij Idea.)
For Android development, just use Android Studio. It’s developed by Google’s Android team (instead of JetBrains) and always has the latest Android-specific stuff that IntelliJ IDEA’s Android plugin might not.
(For server-side Python, I’m guessing the choice of PyCharm or IntelliJ IDEA doesn’t really matter much; they mostly have the same features. But I'm no expert there.)
It is some time now since I first heard about instant run in Android Studio 2.0. Is it ever coming to IntelliJ Idea? I have 2016.1.2 and still nothing. I can imagine it can speed up development. I am still tearing my hair every time I press run...
Couldn't find any valuable information about this online. All what google finds is just "IntelliJ and Android Studio is made on the same code base" I guess it is more complicated than that.
Seems like it's going to be released in Intellij 2016.2
Quoting 2016.2 EAP Release Notes:
Android Studio 2.0 features.
Looks like it was eventually released and made production ready in Intellij 2017.1
Quoting the What's New page:
Instant run
This release adds many stability and reliability improvements to
Instant Run. If you have previously disabled Instant Run, the Android
team encourages you to re-enable it.
No. From IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2 Notes:
The update includes the Android Studio 2.0 features: faster Emulator, experiment GPU Debugger, faster full builds, and code generation and testing for App Indexing. Note, Instant Run is not fully-merged yet.
I have a problem with my Android Studio I just updated.
There is no device renders in the design tab, even if I create just a blank aka 'hello wolrd' activity as you can see on this screenshot.
I am absolutely sure I have no running background tasks, my Gradle build is finished. I tried to clean up and then to rebuild project, nothing changes. Am I missing anything?
P.S. I had no problems rendering device on Android Studio 1.3.
Ok, I got it.
I had to update my SDK to 23st version and choose this version while rendering device.
Very simple and truth be told obvious way.
I am developing a Visual Studio Add-in where one of the controls is a settings editor similar to the locals or watch window. Because strings are one of the data types being displayed/supported in this control, I would like to add a text visualizer similar to Visual Studio's baked in visualizers for debugging. I have provided a picture below to illustrate exactly what I'm referring to:
Am I on my own, or is there a way to reuse the existing Visual Studio debugging visualizers in my project?
thanks :)
These visualizers appear to be tightly coupled to Visual Studio and are not available via any command or interface. If anybody discovers otherwise, I'd love to know :)