how replace null characters in UNIX? [duplicate] - linux

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Identifying and removing null characters in UNIX
(9 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I had this string and to show the special characters and then replace
0|A0140017511|1|DEMÁS TEMAS|�|�|2014-08-01
I want this
0|A0140017511|1|DEMÁS TEMAS|#|#|2014-08-01
$ xxd -p file.txt

From xxd's output I can tell that you're trying to replace NULs with something else. To replace them with a single character, for example -, use tr:
$ tr '\0' '-' < file
0|A0140017511|1|DEMÁS TEMAS|-|-|2014-08-01
Or if you have GNU sed, you can use a string as well:
$ sed 's/\x0/^#/g' file
0|A0140017511|1|DEMÁS TEMAS|^#|^#|2014-08-01


Print new line as string literal in unix or shell [duplicate]

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How to replace one character with two characters using tr
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Hi I have a shell script that has
variable="apple banana monkey"
I want it to be
But when I try and execute
echo $variable | tr ' ' '\n'
It results to
I want to get the actual literal of new line and not the evaluated value.
I have tried echo -e or echo -n or even put numerous escapes \\ but to no avail.
Please help. Thanks
tr command translates chars into chars by performing a 1 to 1 mapping. You are asking the tool to translate a space into two chars, which is something that cannot be done with tr.
If you accept a command switch, you can try with sed:
echo "$variable" | sed 's/ /\\n/g'

How do I escape double quotes in sed? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using different delimiters in sed commands and range addresses
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Trying to figure out how to use a sed command to replace a value when the string i am searching for has double-quotes as part of the string.
I have a config file called ABC.conf that list out the release version like so; "ReleaseSequence": 1555
I want to use sed to change the release number to 2053
I have tried the following sed command;
sed -i 's:"ReleaseSequence":.*:"ReleaseSequence": 2053:' ABC.conf
I get the error message;
sed: -e expression #1, char 24: unknown option to `s'
I have tried to escape the doubel-quotes with [\"], '"""', and "" but sed doesn't like any of those.
The double quotes are not the problem here. You have used : as the separator although your data also contains literal colons. Use a different separator
sed -i 's#"ReleaseSequence":.*#"ReleaseSequence": 2053#' ABC.conf
or backslash-escape the literal colons.

Substring in linux based on first occurrence [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
My regex is matching too much. How do I make it stop? [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a raw unformatted Strings like below in a file.
I wanted to extract only the id values like below
I tried the below command
grep -o -P '(?<="],"id":").*(?=",")' myfile.txt >new.txt
but that takes the last occurance of the "," like below
but I would need to split on the first occurrence only.
to extract only the id values like above which seem to be alphanumeric strings of length 10, use:
$ awk 'match($0,/[[:alnum:]]{10}/){print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}' file
If the definition of values like is not correct, please be more specific on the requirement.
Btw, changing your grep a bit works also:
$ grep -o -P '(?<="],"id":")[^"]*'
sed 's/"],"id":"\(.*\)","vector.*/\1/' myfile.txt
that assumes that all lines will start with "],"id":" as your input shows.
Oh, and this is GNU sed btw, your sed may use extended regular expressions, in which case lose the quoting of the brackets.
You can extract just the column you want using cut:
cut -f 2 -d , <filename> | cut -f 2 -d : | tr -d '"'
The first cut will take the id-value pair ("id": "jashj24231") and the second one extracts from that just the value ("jashj24231"). Finally tr removes the enclosing quotes.

how to use sed command properly to replace values containing / delimiter [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using different delimiters in sed commands and range addresses
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Set to /usr/local/tomcat. Following cmd is working.
sed -i "/tomcat.home=/ s/=.*/="usr\\/local\\/tomcat"/"
Set to $WORKSPACE/tomcat. Following cmd is NOT working since value of the $WORKSPACE is having / delimeters.
sed -i "/tomcat.home=/ s/=.*/="$WORKSPACE\\/tomcat"/"
Anyone has an idea how to success above cmd.
Thank you and appreciate your support...
Sed lets you use any character you want as the delimiter. Whatever follows the s is used as the separator:
sed -Ee 's/foo/bar/'
sed -Ee 's|foo|bar|'
sed -Ee 's#foo#bar#'
^- All of those are equivalent.
The other option is to escape all your / as \/, but that gets nightmarish fast. Prefer to just pick a separator character that doesn't collide with characters you're trying to use for something else.

Sed - How to switch two words in a line [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
exchange two words using sed
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm trying to write a shell script that switches the first and third words in a line. In this case only strings that contain letters (both upper- and lowercase) count as words, everything else (numbers, punctuation, whitespace) is considered whitespace.
For example:
abc123def. ghi...jkl
would turn into:
ghi123def. abc...jkl
I tried the following, but it doesn't work:
sed 's/\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*\)[^A-Z^a-z]\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*\)[^A-Z^a-z]\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*\)/\3 \2 \1/' input.txt
With sed:
$ echo "abc123def. ghi...jkl" | sed -r 's/([A-Za-z]*)([^A-Za-z]*[A-Za-z]*[^A-Za-z]*)([A-Za-z]*)(.*)/\3\2\1\4/g'
$ ghi123def. abc...jkl
