Deleting column of huge fits file - python-3.x

I am having a relatively large dataset (~30GB) in fits format which does not fit into memory. In some instance I need to add one column and later on remove it from that file.
Adding the column seems to work with help of the fitsio.insert_column method, however I have not come across a similar method in various packages that removes that column again without having to read in the whole data. Am I missing an obvious function or is it something about the fits format that does not allow to do this in a simple and memory efficient fashion?
Thanks a lot for your help!


Replacing numeric values in Excel sheet with text values from other sheet

I am using Surveymonkey for a questionnaire. Most of my data has a regular scale from 0-6, and additionally an "Other" option that people can use in case they choose to not answer the item. However, when I download the data, Surveymonkey automatically assigns a value of 0 to that not-answer category, and it appears this cant be changed.
This leads to me not knowing when a zero in my numeric dataset actually means zero or just participants choosing to not answer the question. I can only figure that out by looking at another file that includes the labels of participants answers (all answers are provided by the corresponding labels, so this datafile misses all non-labeled answers...).
This leads me to my problem: I have two excel files of same size. I would need to find a way to find certain values in one dataset (text value, scattered randomly over dataset), and replace the corresponding numeric values in the other dataset (at the same position in the dataset) with those values.
I thought it would just be possible to find all values and copy paste in the same pattern, but I cannot seem to find a way to do that. I feel like I am missing an obvious solution, but after searching for quite a while I really could not find an answer to my specific question.
I have never worked with macros or more advanced excel programming before, but have a bit of knowledge about programming in itself. I hope I explained this well, I would be very thankful for any suggestions or scripts that could help me out here!
Thank you!
I don't know how your Excel file is organised, but if it's like the legacy Condensed format, all you should need to do is to select the column corresponding to a given question (if that's what you have), and search and replace all 0 (match entire cell) with the text you want.

Replacing null values with zeroes in multiple columns [Spotfire]

I have about 100 columns with some empty values that I would like to replace with zeroes. I know how to do this with a single column using Calculate and Replace, but I wanted to see if there was a way to do this with multiple columns at once.
You could script it but it'd probably take you as long to write the script as it would to do it manually with a transformation. A better idea would be to fix it in the data source itself before you import it so SPOTFIRE doesn't have to do the transformation every time, which if you are dealing with a large amount of data, could hinder your performance.

How to optimize COUNTIFS with very large data

I would like to create a report that look like this picture below.
My data has around 500,000 cells (it will continue to grow larger)
Right now, I'm using countifs function from excel but it takes a very long time to calculate. (cannot turnoff automatic calculate)
The main value is collected as date and the range of date is about 3 years, so I have to put a lot of formula to cover all range of value.
The picture below is the datasource the top one cannot be changed. , while the bottom is the one I created by myself (can change). I use weeknum to change date to week number.
Are there any better formula or any ways to make this file faster? Every kinds of suggestions are welcome!
I was thinking about using Pivot Table, but I don't know how to make pivot table from this kind of datasource.
PS. VBA is the last option.
You can download example file here:
I will post this answer with the disclaimer that it is entirely dependent on the size of the data set. That turning on and off the auto calculate is the best way, but your question doesn't let me do that, so keep reading.
Your question made me curious, so I gave it a try and timed it. I essentially set up two columns of over 100,000 rand numbers choosing from 1-1000 and then tried to do a countif on the two columns if they were equal. I made a macro that I can run that turns off the autocalculate, inserts the start time, calculates, and then inserts the finish time. I highlighted in yellow the time difference.
First I tried your way, two criteria, countifs:
Then I tried to combine (concatenate) the two columns to see if I could make it easier by only having one countif criteria and data set. It doesn't. see result below:
Finally, realizing what was going on. I decided to make the criteria only match the FIRST value in the number to look for. I was essentially reducing the number of characters to check per cell. This had a positive result. See below:
Therefore my suggestion is to limit the length of the words you are comparing in anyway possible. You are mostly looking at dates, so you might have to get creative, but this seems to be the best way possible without going to manual calculation.
I have worked with Excel sheets of a similar size. Especially if you are using the data on a regular basis, I would heartily recommend switching to a proper database SQL based, Access, or whatever fits your purpose. I does wonders for the speed and also you won't run into the size limits of Excel. :-)
You can import the data you have now fairly easy.
I am happy as a clam with my postgresql db.

Improve Vlookup on large file

I´ve a very large file that I reduced as much as possible to 3 columns and 80k rows.
I need to perform a vlookup in order to bring values from column 1 or 2 match some other spreadsheets values.
The thing is Excel doesn´t seem to support such large searches, and it stops responding - the computer has 4GB and a Quad core, and not much more running at the same time.
As far as I understand, as I´m not looking for exact matches, I should not use match-index.
The only thing I thouhgt could help but not sure about that, is dividing the file in 2-4, and asking Excel many parallel searches instead of a big one. Could this work?
What else should I try?
Sort your data and use True as the 4th VLOOKUP argument. This makes VLOOKUP use binary search rather than linear search and is lightning fast.
If you need to handle missing data you will need to use the double VLOOKUP trick, see

Fast repeated row counting in vast data - what format?

My Node.js app needs to index several gigabytes of timestamped CSV data, in such a way that it can quickly get the row count for any combination of values, either for each minute in a day (1440 queries) or for each hour in a couple of months (also 1440). Let's say in half a second.
The column values will not be read, only the row counts per interval for a given permutation. Reducing time to whole minutes is OK. There are rather few possible values per column, between 2 and 10, and some depend on other columns. It's fine to do preprocessing and store the counts in whatever format suitable for this single task - but what format would that be?
Storing actual values is probably a bad idea, with millions of rows and little variation.
It might be feasible to generate a short code for each combination and match with regex, but since these codes would have to be duplicated each minute, I'm not sure it's a good approach.
Or it can use an embedded database like SQLite, NeDB or TingoDB, but am not entirely convinced since they don't have native enum-like types and might or might not be made for this kind of counting. But maybe it would work just fine?
This must be a common problem with an idiomatic solution, but I haven't figured out what it might be called. Knowing what to call this and how to think about it would be very helpful!
Will answer with my own findings for now, but I'm still interested to know more theory about this problem.
NeDB was not a good solution here as it saved my values as normal JSON behind the hood, repeating key names for each row and adding unique IDs. It wasted lots of space and would surely have been too slow, even if just because of disk I/O.
SQLite might be better at compressing and indexing data, but I have yet to try it. Will update with my results if I do.
Instead I went with the other approach I mentioned: assign a unique letter to each column value we come across and get a short string representing a permutation. Then for each minute, add these strings as keys iff they occur, with the number of occurrences as values. We can later use our dictionary to create a regex that matches any set of combinations, and run it over this small index very quickly.
This was easy enough to implement, but would of course have been trickier if I had had more possible column values than the about 70 I found.
