Do we need iis server installed in azure cloud to host a web app in azure - azure

If I need to host a web app in azure cloud, do I need to install windows server and iis in a VM or is there any other option like the web service running separately?
I have read azure app service while googled, if it's been used, Will it serve all the purpose of an iis?

In most scenarios you do not have to host a VM with IIS to host a web app in Azure. You can, but unless you want or need to manually manage a VM because you for instance need to install software on the server, there are simpler hosting alternatives.
Have a look at Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and mobile back ends. You can develop in your favorite language, be it .NET, .NET Core, Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, or Python. Applications run and scale with ease on both Windows and Linux-based environments.
As far as monitoring goes: there is a lot available to monitor the performance of an App Service. For instance:
Application Insights
Monitor apps in Azure App Service
Will it serve all the purpose of an iis?
Are you looking for a specific purpose? Azure App Service brings you a LOT of possibilities. Sure, it's PaaS and therefore you're bound by the options available for the specific service. But you're also getting a lot of extra's IIS doesn't provide (out of the box). And when you're running a website that doesn't require you to install any COM stuff or something specific like that, there's nothing App Service doesn't provide.


Why should I prefer Azure App Service over .NET REST Web API?

Why should I use Azure App Service and not just implement a common .NET RESTful Web API backend?
What's the explicit benefit of this service compared to a common .NET RESTful Web API backend hosted on Azure?
An Azure App Service is a place to host your web application or API. Normally when you have a .NET web API you host it behind IIS or something on a virtual machine.
Azure helps you with these common scenarios wit Platform as a Service (PaaS). An App Service completely abstracts the operating system and the way you host your web application.
App Service can host web apps both on Windows and Linux. You can use all kinds of frameworks such as PHP, .NET or Java. You can even host containers without worrying about the host.
A good sample to start with hosting your .NET Web App on Azure App Services can be found here: Quickstart: Create an ASP.NET Core web app in Azure
Yes, there is a huge difference between Azure App Service and .Net REST WebAPI backend on Azure.
Hosting on Azure can be done using two ways
Create your own VM, then install IIS and do all the required stuff
Use AppService Plan
AppService Plan allows you to leverage the powerful functionality of Azure. Here a separate VM is not assigned to you. Azure App service can scale automatically depending upon the Scaling rule which is not present in restful API hosted on Azure VM.
My question blatantly was a stupid Newbie question, and as such, I'm afraid it is non-sense, which I now know by the answers you've given.
I'm currently reading the book "Azure and Xamarin Forms" to learn Xamarin and Azure. Apparently it's outdated. It suggests to "create a Mobile App on Azure". From the book that Mobile App is just a plain App Service running a RESTful Web API with EF, but utilizing completely different namespaces to do so.
My question targeted towards these other namespaces. I didn't see a reason for them.
Apparently, Microsoft noticed the same. There is no "Mobile App" available in the Azure Marketplace anymore.
Azure App Service is a PaaS solution from Microsoft hosted on Azure. You can think of Azure App Service as some sort of "Micrsoft Heroku", because they work on a similar fashion. For many REST Projects, it can save you hours, if not DAYS of development. It has automatic TLS like heroku, but it is hosted on Azure instead of AWS and it can integrate very well with your existing Azure resources. One common pattern is to host the REST API on App Service and use a database service from Azure such as Azure SQL or Cosmos DB (which is a NoSQL service that, from the point of view of your app, it operates as MongoDB, but can be configured to behave as other DBMS).

Which Azure App Service should I pick for a ASP.NET Core application?

When setting up an App Service I can chose between App Service and App Service Linux.
The difference is that App Service runs on Windows Server and App Service Linux runs on Linux, but is there any practical difference?
Does it matter which one I pick?
There are some limitations for App Service on Linux. If you just want to have a web app service used only for development and testing purposes, you can select the free or shared tier of App Service on windows for a few cost. Or select the proper tier for your web app service depending on these features do you want.
Some features, such as virtual network integration, Azure Active
Directory/third-party authentication, or Kudu site extensions, are not
available yet. Once these features are available, we will update our
documentation and blog about the changes.
App Service on Linux is only supported with Basic, Standard, and
Premium app service plans and does not have a Free or Shared tier. You
cannot create Web App for Containers in an App Service plan already
hosting non-Linux Web Apps. There is a current limitation in regards
to not mixing Windows and Linux apps in the same resource group as

Migrating MVC application to AZure Appservice and Cloud Service [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between an Azure Web Site and an Azure Web Role
(10 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am using MVC application in VS2015.Now we are planning to migrate our MVC5 Web application to Azure app service. I am getting confused with cloud service with Azure app service.
Just wanted to check can we migrate MVC5 application to Azure app service ?
I have installed Azure SDK
Do i need to install VS 2017 to have Azure App service or with Azure SDK will work.
Does the cloud service project and Azure App service both are different?
Please help me in understanding more
There are many differences between Azure Web Apps and Cloud Services.
App Service Web Apps is a fully managed compute platform that is optimized for hosting websites and web applications. This platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering of Microsoft Azure lets you focus on your business logic while Azure takes care of the infrastructure to run and scale your apps.
On the other hand, Cloud Services is an example of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Like App Service, this technology is designed to support applications that are scalable, reliable, and cheap to operate. Just like an App Service is hosted on VMs, so too are Cloud Services, however, you have more control over the VMs. You can install your own software on Cloud Service VMs and you can remote into them.
More control also means less ease of use. Unless you need the additional control options, it's typically quicker and easier to get a web application up and running in Web Apps in App Service compared to Cloud Services.
In Azure App Service, deployment and management are integrated into the platform, sites can scale quickly to handle high traffic loads, and the built-in load balancing and traffic manager provide high availability. You can move existing sites to Azure App Service easily with an online migration tool, use an open-source app from the Web Application Gallery, or create a new site using the framework and tools of your choice.
Also, there are many ways in which one can perform direct code deployment to Azure App Service. You can use FTP/Kudu (Git/Mercurial or OneDrive/Dropbox)/Web Deploy etc.
Hope this clears your confusion.

azure webapp of windows service application

I have an existing Windows Service application that can run as a service or as a console application. It can be build x32 or x64.
It will by configuration file try to use a ip address and a port number.
Once it has that it will accept and send SOAP messages back and forth and service the requests.
The question is can this be deployed to Azure in a webapp framework, where scaling to meet increases in customer load is automatic. If not what implementation would work, moving from what I have?
Azure Web Apps (web sites) are not going to let you install a Windows Service, as that requires admin-level access to install.
You'd either need to run your Windows service in cloud services (web/worker roles, which are stateless Windows Server VMs) or Virtual Machines (where you have full VM access).
Alternatively, you'd need to extract your service code (pulling it out of the service shell) and run it in a different way. How you do this is up to you, but Web Apps provide certain features (such as Web Jobs) which may fit your model.

Asp.Net Web API and Azure Web Role

I created a web application using web api in azure and i want to consume it with a web role application ! what is the difference between web application and web role and what should i do ! thanks
An azure webapp is a website you host on azure as a normal website.
you don't really have a lot you can do with the machine. Just see it as normal website hosting.
A webrole is part of a cloud service. Which is a bit more flexible. Web roles allow you to install for example applications on the vm you are running your application. The state of the machine is not held so if the machine goes down you lose all data you stored on it. In fact you upload a sort of zip package with the application inside. This installs the app and when something goes wrong a new machine is started and the package is installed again on that new machine. This is also 'an issue' with azure websites.
Here is a good link with some more info + with info on virtual machines which is in fact a layer lower, meaning that you have more control over the machine.
In most of the scenarios Azure Web App is what you should use. It provides all the capabilities required for almost all websites.
However, Web App may not work in few scenarios e.g.,
When you have a dependency on software or library that you need to bundle with your code
You need to RDP into the machine for some purpose
In those scenarios you will have to depend on Web role.
