Prolog ways to compare variables - reference

I was trying to implement some graph algorithms in Prolog. I came up with an idea to use unification to build a tree from the graph structure:
The graph would be defined as follows:
A list of Vertex-Variable pairs where Vertex is a constant representing the vertex and Variable is a corresponding variable, that would be used as a "reference" to the vertex. e.g.:
[a-A, b-B, c-C, d-D]
A list of VertexVar-NeighboursList pairs, where the VertexVar and the individual neighbours in the NeighboursList are the "reference variables". e.g.:
[A-[B, C, D], B-[A, C], C-[A, B], D-[A]] meaning b, c, d are neighbours of a etc.
Then before some graph algorithm (like searching for components, or simple DFS/BFS etc.) that could use some kind of tree built from the original graph, one could use some predicate like unify_neighbours that unifies the VertexVar-NeighbourList pairs as VertexVar = NeighboursList. After that, the vertex variables may be interpreted as lists of its neighbours, where each neighbour is again a list of its neighbours.
So this would result in a good performance when traversing the graph, as there is no need in linear search for some vertex and its neighbours for every vertex in the graph.
But my problem is: How to compare those vertex variables? (To check if they're the same.) I tried to use A == B, but there are some conflicts. For the example above, (with the unify_neighbours predicate) Prolog interprets the graph internally as:
[a-[S_1, S_2, S_3], b-S_1, c-S_2, d-S_3]
S_1 = [[S_1, S_2, S_3], S_2]
S_2 = [[S_1, S_2, S_3], S_1]
S_3 = [[S_1, S_2, S_3]]
The problem is with S_1 and S_2 (aka b and c) as X = [something, Y], Y = [something, X], X == Y is true. The same problem would be with vertices, that share the same neighbours. e.g. U-[A, B] and V-[A, B].
So my question is: Is there any other way to compare variables, that could help me with this? Something that compares "the variables themselves", not the content, like comparing addresses in procedural programming languages? Or would that be too procedural and break the declarative idea of Prolog?
graph_component(Vertices, Neighbours, C) :-
% Vertices and Neighbours as explained above.
% C is some component found in the graph.
vertices_refs(Vertices, Refs),
% Refs are only the variables from the pairs.
unify_neighbours(Neighbours), % As explained above.
rec_(Vertices, Refs, [], C).
rec_(Vertices, Refs, Found, RFound) :-
% Vertices as before.
% Refs is a stack of the vertex variables to search.
% Found are the vertices found so far.
% RFound is the resulting component found.
[Ref|RRest] = Refs,
vertices_pair(Vertices, Vertex-Ref),
% Vertex is the corresponding Vertex for the Ref variable
not(member(Vertex, Found)),
% Go deep:
rec_(Vertices, Ref, [Vertex|Found], DFound),
list_revpush_result([Vertex|Found], DFound, Found1),
% Go wide:
rec_(Vertices, RRest, Found1, RFound).
rec_(Vertices, Refs, Found, []) :-
% End of reccursion.
[Ref|_] = Refs,
vertices_pair(Vertices, Vertex-Ref),
member(Vertex, Found).
This example doesn't really work, but it's the idea. (Also, checking whether the vertices were found is done linearly, so the performance is still not good, but it's just for demonstration.) Now the predicate, that finds the corresponding vertex for the variable is implemented as:
vertices_pair([Vertex-Ref|_], Vertex-Ref).
vertices_pair([_-OtherRef|Rest], Vertex-Ref) :-
Ref \== OtherRef,
vertices_pair(Rest, Vertex-Ref).
where the \== operator is not really what I want and it creates those conflicts.

It is an intrinsic feature of Prolog that, once you have bound a variable to a term, it becomes indistinguishable from the term itself. In other words, if you bind two variables to the same term, you have two identical things, and there is no way to tell them apart.
Applied to your example: once you have unified every vertex-variable with the corresponding neighbours-list, all the variables are gone: you are left simply with a nested (and most likely circular) data structure, consisting of a list of lists of lists...
But as you suggest, the nested structure is an attractive idea because it gives you direct access to adjacent nodes. And although Prolog system vary somewhat in how well they support circular data structures, this need not stop you from exploiting this idea.
The only problem with your design is that a node is identified purely by the (potentially deeply nested and circular) data structure that describes the sub-graph that is reachable from it. This has the consequence that
two nodes that have the same descendants are indistinguishable
it can be very expensive to check whether two "similar looking" sub-graphs are identical or not
A simple way around that is to include a unique node identifier (such as a name or number) in your data structure. To use your example (slightly modified to make it more interesting):
make_graph(Graph) :-
Graph = [A,B,C,D],
A = node(a, [C,D]),
B = node(b, [A,C]),
C = node(c, [A,B]),
D = node(d, [A]).
You can then use that identifier to check for matching nodes, e.g. in a depth-first traversal:
dfs_visit_nodes([], Seen, Seen).
dfs_visit_nodes([node(Id,Children)|Nodes], Seen1, Seen) :-
( member(Id, Seen1) ->
Seen2 = Seen1
dfs_visit_nodes(Children, [Id|Seen1], Seen2)
dfs_visit_nodes(Nodes, Seen2, Seen).
Sample run:
?- make_graph(G), dfs_visit_nodes(G, [], Seen).
G = [...]
Seen = [d, b, c, a]
Yes (0.00s cpu)

Thanks, #jschimpf, for the answer. It clarified a lot of things for me. I just got back to some graph problems with Prolog and thought I'd give this recursive data structure another try and came up with the following predicates to construct this data structure from a list of edges:
The "manual" creation of the data structure, as proposed by #jschimpf:
my_graph(Nodes) :-
Vars = [A, B, C, D, E],
Nodes = [
node(a, [edgeTo(1, B), edgeTo(5, D)]),
node(b, [edgeTo(1, A), edgeTo(4, E), edgeTo(2, C)]),
node(c, [edgeTo(2, B), edgeTo(6, F)]),
node(d, [edgeTo(5, A), edgeTo(3, E)]),
node(e, [edgeTo(3, D), edgeTo(4, B), edgeTo(1, F)]),
node(e, [edgeTo(1, E), edgeTo(6, C)])
Vars = Nodes.
Where edgeTo(Weight, VertexVar) represents an edge to some vertex with a weight assosiated with it. The weight is just to show that this can be customized for any additional information. node(Vertex, [edgeTo(Weight, VertexVar), ...]) represents a vertex with its neighbours.
A more "user-friendly" input format:
[edge(Weight, FromVertex, ToVertex), ...]
With optional list of vertices:
[Vertex, ...]
For the example above:
[edge(1, a, b), edge(5, a, d), edge(2, b, c), edge(4, b, e), edge(6, c, f), edge(3, d, e), edge(1, e, f)]
This list can be converted to the recursive data structure with the following predicates:
% make_directed_graph(+Edges, -Nodes)
make_directed_graph(Edges, Nodes) :-
vertices(Edges, Vertices),
vars(Vertices, Vars),
pairs(Vertices, Vars, Pairs),
nodes(Pairs, Edges, Nodes),
Vars = Nodes.
% make_graph(+Edges, -Nodes)
make_graph(Edges, Nodes) :-
vertices(Edges, Vertices),
vars(Vertices, Vars),
pairs(Vertices, Vars, Pairs),
directed(Edges, DiretedEdges),
nodes(Pairs, DiretedEdges, Nodes),
Vars = Nodes.
% make_graph(+Edges, -Nodes)
make_graph(Edges, Nodes) :-
vertices(Edges, Vertices),
vars(Vertices, Vars),
pairs(Vertices, Vars, Pairs),
directed(Edges, DiretedEdges),
nodes(Pairs, DiretedEdges, Nodes),
Vars = Nodes.
% make_directed_graph(+Vertices, +Edges, -Nodes)
make_directed_graph(Vertices, Edges, Nodes) :-
vars(Vertices, Vars),
pairs(Vertices, Vars, Pairs),
nodes(Pairs, Edges, Nodes),
Vars = Nodes.
The binary versions of these predicates assume, that every vertex can be obtained from the list of edges only - There are no "edge-less" vertices in the graph. The ternary versions take an additional list of vertices for exactly these cases.
make_directed_graph assumes the input edges to be directed, make_graph assumes them to be undirected, so it creates additional directed edges in the opposite direction:
% directed(+UndirectedEdges, -DiretedEdges)
directed([], []).
directed([edge(W, A, B)|UndirectedRest], [edge(W, A, B), edge(W, B, A)|DirectedRest]) :-
directed(UndirectedRest, DirectedRest).
To get all the vertices from the list of edges:
% vertices(+Edges, -Vertices)
vertices([], []).
vertices([edge(_, A, B)|EdgesRest], [A, B|VerticesRest]) :-
vertices(EdgesRest, VerticesRest),
\+ member(A, VerticesRest),
\+ member(B, VerticesRest).
vertices([edge(_, A, B)|EdgesRest], [A|VerticesRest]) :-
vertices(EdgesRest, VerticesRest),
\+ member(A, VerticesRest),
member(B, VerticesRest).
vertices([edge(_, A, B)|EdgesRest], [B|VerticesRest]) :-
vertices(EdgesRest, VerticesRest),
member(A, VerticesRest),
\+ member(B, VerticesRest).
vertices([edge(_, A, B)|EdgesRest], VerticesRest) :-
vertices(EdgesRest, VerticesRest),
member(A, VerticesRest),
member(B, VerticesRest).
To construct uninitialized variables for every vertex:
% vars(+List, -Vars)
vars([], []).
vars([_|ListRest], [_|VarsRest]) :-
vars(ListRest, VarsRest).
To pair up verticies and vertex variables:
% pairs(+ListA, +ListB, -Pairs)
pairs([], [], []).
pairs([AFirst|ARest], [BFirst|BRest], [AFirst-BFirst|PairsRest]) :-
pairs(ARest, BRest, PairsRest).
To construct the recursive nodes:
% nodes(+Pairs, +Edges, -Nodes)
nodes(Pairs, [], Nodes) :-
init_nodes(Pairs, Nodes).
nodes(Pairs, [EdgesFirst|EdgesRest], Nodes) :-
nodes(Pairs, EdgesRest, Nodes0),
insert_edge(Pairs, EdgesFirst, Nodes0, Nodes).
First, a list of empty nodes for every vertex is initialized:
% init_nodes(+Pairs, -EmptyNodes)
init_nodes([], []).
init_nodes([Vertex-_|PairsRest], [node(Vertex, [])|NodesRest]) :-
init_nodes(PairsRest, NodesRest).
Then the edges are inserted one by one:
% insert_edge(+Pairs, +Edge, +Nodes, -ResultingNodes)
insert_edge(Pairs, edge(W, A, B), [], [node(A, [edgeTo(W, BVar)])]) :-
vertex_var(Pairs, B, BVar).
insert_edge(Pairs, edge(W, A, B), [node(A, EdgesTo)|NodesRest], [node(A, [edgeTo(W, BVar)|EdgesTo])|NodesRest]) :-
vertex_var(Pairs, B, BVar).
insert_edge(Pairs, edge(W, A, B), [node(X, EdgesTo)|NodesRest], [node(X, EdgesTo)|ResultingNodes]) :-
A \= X,
insert_edge(Pairs, edge(W, A, B), NodesRest, ResultingNodes).
To get a vertex variable for a given vertex: (This actually works in both directions.)
% vertex_var(+Pairs, +Vertex, -Var)
vertex_var(Pairs, Vertex, Var) :-
member(Vertex-Var, Pairs).
This, of course, brings additional time overhead, but you can do this once and then just copy this data structure every time you need to perform some graph algorithm on it and access neighbours in constant time.
You can also add additional information to the `node` predicate. For example:
node(Vertex, Neighbours, OrderingVar)
Where the uninitialized variable OrderingVar can be "assigned" (initialized) in constant time with information about the vertex' position in a partial ordering of the graph, for example. So this may be used as output. (As sometimes denoted by +- in Prolog comments - an uninitialized variable as a part of an input term, that is yet to be initialized by the used predicate and provides output.)


Creating random directed edges between nodes in nodejs

Say I have a graph with several nodes. I need to design an algorithm which randomly creates directed edges between nodes while satisfying the following conditions:
each node has exactly one edge pointing to it
each node has exactly one edge pointing away from it
no node points to itself
For example, say my graph had three nodes, the following scenarios would be acceptable:
Node A points to B, B points to C, C points to A
Node A points to C, C points to B, B points to A
Does anyone know what the most efficient way of doing this would be? I'm using nodejs btw. For argument's sake, we can say that I am starting with an array containing the names of the nodes.
lets define you have array of vertex: V = {v}; |V| = N, now we can shuffle array of vertex by using any random shuffle algorithm.
V = [v_1, v_2, v_3,..,v_n]
Now we can define N-1 edges E, where e[i] = (v[i] to v[i + 1]), and the last vertex will be (v[N-1] to v[0])

TLA+: specify that the range of each element of a sequence of functions is {0}

I am trying to specify a collection of memory cells in TLA+, each holding 256 32-bit integers. I would like to specify that at initialization time all the memory is zeroed out. I intuit that the correct approach is something like nested forall statements, but I don't know how to express that in TLA+.
---------------------------- MODULE combinators ----------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, Sequences
CONSTANTS Keys, Values
TypeOK ==
/\ Channels = 0 .. 255
/\ Values = -2147483648 .. 2147483647
/\ Cells \in Seq([Keys -> Values])
Init == ???
A few things.
If Values are constants, specify their domain in an ASSUME, not in an invariant. CONSTANT means some arbitray input; if you meant actual constants, then just define Values == -2147483648 .. 2147483647.
Keys could even be infinite; you must always specify an ASSUME for each constant (even IsFiniteSet).
You didn't declare Channels, but, like Values it seems like it should be a simple definition, not an invariant.
You didn't say how many Cells you're starting out with. The TypeOK is defined, the number of Cells can change at each step, and even be empty.
But suppose you want N cells for some N, so:
Cells = [c ∈ 1..N ↦ [k ∈ Keys ↦ 0]]
But you wrote "domain" and here 0 is in the range, so I'm not sure I understand your question. You also mention channels so perhaps you meant:
Cells = [c ∈ 1..N ↦ [k ∈ Channels ↦ 0]]

TSP / CPP variant - subtour constraint

I'm developing an optimization problem that is a variant on Traveling Salesman. In this case, you don't have to visit all the cities, there's a required start and end point, there's a min and max bound on the tour length, you can traverse each arc multiple times if you want, and you have a nonlinear objective function that is associated with the arcs traversed (and number of times you traverse each arc). Decision variables are integers, how many times you traverse each arc.
I've developed a nonlinear integer program in Pyomo and am getting results from the NEOS server. However I didn't put in subtour constraints and my results are two disconnected subtours.
I can find integer programming formulations of TSP that say how to formulate subtour constraints, but this is a little different from the standard TSP and I'm trying to figure out how to start. Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: problem formulation
50 arcs , not exhaustive pairs between nodes. 50 Decision variables N_ab are integer >=0, corresponds to how many times you traverse from a to b. There is a length and profit associated with each N_ab . There are two constraints that the sum of length_ab * N_ab for all ab are between a min and max distance. I have a constraint that the sum of N_ab into each node is equal to the sum N_ab out of the node you can either not visit a node at all, or visit it multiple times. Objective function is nonlinear and related to the interaction between pairs of arcs (not relevant for subtour).
Subtours: looking at , the formulation isn't applicable since I am not required to visit all cities, and may not be able to. So for example, let's say I have 20 nodes and 50 arcs (all arcs length 10). Distance constraints are for a tour of exactly length 30, which means I can visit at most three nodes (start at A -> B -> C ->A = length 30). So I will not visit the other nodes at all. TSP subtour elimination would require that I have edges from node subgroup ABC to subgroup of nonvisited nodes - which isn't needed for my problem
Here is an approach that is adapted from the prize-collecting TSP (e.g., this paper). Let V be the set of all nodes. I am assuming V includes a depot node, call it node 1, that must be on the tour. (If not, you can probably add a dummy node that serves this role.)
Let x[i] be a decision variable that equals 1 if we visit node i at least once, and 0 otherwise. (You might already have such a decision variable in your model.)
Add these constraints, which define x[i]:
x[i] <= sum {j in V} N[i,j] for all i in V
M * x[i] >= N[i,j] for all i, j in V
In other words: x[i] cannot equal 1 if there are no edges coming out of node i, and x[i] must equal 1 if there are any edges coming out of node i.
(Here, N[i,j] is 1 if we go from i to j, and M is a sufficiently large number, perhaps equal to the maximum number of times you can traverse one edge.)
Here is the subtour-elimination constraint, defined for all subsets S of V such that S includes node 1, and for all nodes i in V \ S:
sum {j in S} (N[i,j] + N[j,i]) >= 2 * x[i]
In other words, if we visit node i, which is not in S, then there must be at least two edges into or out of S. (A subtour would violate this constraint for S equal to the nodes that are on the subtour that contains 1.)
We also need a constraint requiring node 1 to be on the tour:
x[1] = 1
I might be playing a little fast and loose with the directional indices, i.e., I'm not sure if your model sets N[i,j] = N[j,i] or something like that, but hopefully the idea is clear enough and you can modify my approach as necessary.

Pair two sets such that the distance between elements is minimized

I have two sets S_1 and S_2. Given these two sets, I need to pair each element from S_1 with an element from S_2.
The elements are not reusable, so if S_1[A] is paired with S_2[D], then I cannot also pair S_1[B] with S_2[D].
The goal is to produce a pairing using all elements such that the distance of the pairing is minimized.
The distance of the pairing is computed as the sum of the distance between each pair.
Produce result with lowest total paired points value
Are there any known algorithms for solving this type of problem efficiently?
Part of the difficulty is that taking a greedy approach doesn't work. If S_1 = [A, B, C] and S_2 = [D, E, F], and distance(A, D) = 0.1, distance(A, E) = 0.3, distance(A, F) = 0.4, you can't naively match A to D just because it has the lowest distance for this set. Suppose that distance(B, D) = 0.1, distance(B, E) = 0.8, and distance(B, F) = 0.9. If you naively choose to match (A, D) in the first iteration, then you actually make the overall distance higher because this forces you to match either (B, E) or (B, D). It would be a better choice to match (A, E) and then allow (B, D) to match. This means you can't iterate over S_1 and greedily assign matches based on the lowest distance between each element of S_1 and the remaining elements of S_2.
This seems similar to the assignment problem, which I could solve using something like the Hungarian Algorithm (, but I believe that algorithm allows reusing elements, which won't work for my case.

Can good type systems distinguish between matrices in different bases?

My program (Hartree-Fock/iterative SCF) has two matrices F and F' which are really the same matrix expressed in two different bases. I just lost three hours of debugging time because I accidentally used F' instead of F. In C++, the type-checker doesn't catch this kind of error because both variables are Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2> objects.
I was wondering, for the Haskell/ML/etc. people, whether if you were writing this program you would have constructed a type system where F and F' had different types? What would that look like? I'm basically trying to get an idea how I can outsource some logic errors onto the type checker.
Edit: The basis of a matrix is like the unit. You can say 1L or however many gallons, they both mean the same thing. Or, to give a vector example, you can say (0,1) in Cartesian coordinates or (1,pi/2) in polar. But even though the meaning is the same, the numerical values are different.
Edit: Maybe units was the wrong analogy. I'm not looking for some kind of record type where I can specify that the first field will be litres and the second gallons, but rather a way to say that this matrix as a whole, is defined in terms of some other matrix (the basis), where the basis could be any matrix of the same dimensions. E.g., the constructor would look something like mkMatrix [[1, 2], [3, 4]] [[5, 6], [7, 8]] and then adding that object to another matrix would type-check only if both objects had the same matrix as their second parameters. Does that make sense?
Edit: definition on Wikipedia, worked examples
This is entirely possible in Haskell.
Statically checked dimensions
Haskell has arrays with statically checked dimensions, where the dimensions can be manipulated and checked statically, preventing indexing into the wrong dimension. Some examples:
This will only work on 2-D arrays:
multiplyMM :: Array DIM2 Double -> Array DIM2 Double -> Array DIM2 Double
An example from repa should give you a sense. Here, taking a diagonal requires a 2D array, returns a 1D array of the same type.
diagonal :: Array DIM2 e -> Array DIM1 e
or, from Matt sottile's repa tutorial, statically checked dimensions on a 3D matrix transform:
f :: Array DIM3 Double -> Array DIM2 Double
f u =
let slabX = (Z:.All:.All:.(0::Int))
slabY = (Z:.All:.All:.(1::Int))
u' = (slice u slabX) * (slice u slabX) +
(slice u slabY) * (slice u slabY)
in sqrt u'
Statically checked units
Another example from outside of matrix programming: statically checked units of dimension, making it a type error to confuse e.g. feet and meters, without doing the conversion.
Prelude> 3 *~ foot + 1 *~ metre
1.9144 m
or for a whole suite of SI units and quanities.
E.g. can't add things of different dimension, such as volumes and lengths:
> 1 *~ centi litre + 2 *~ inch
Expected type: Unit DVolume a1
Actual type: Unit DLength a0
So, following the repa-style array dimension types, I'd suggest adding a Base phantom type parameter to your array type, and using that to distinguish between bases. In Haskell, the index Dim
type argument gives the rank of the array (i.e. its shape), and you could do similarly.
Or, if by base you mean some dimension on the units, using dimensional types.
So, yep, this is almost a commodity technique in Haskell now, and there's some examples of designing with types like this to help you get started.
This is a very good question. I don't think you can encode the notion of a basis in most type systems, because essentially anything that the type checker does needs to be able to terminate, and making judgments about whether two real-valued vectors are equal is too difficult. You could have (2 v_1) + (2 v_2) or 2 (v_1 + v_2), for example. There are some languages which use dependent types [ wikipedia ], but these are relatively academic.
I think most of your debugging pain would be alleviated if you simply encoded the bases in which you matrix works along with the matrix. For example,
newtype Matrix = Matrix { transform :: [[Double]],
srcbasis :: [Double], dstbasis :: [Double] }
and then, when you M from basis a to b with N, check that N is from b to c, and return a matrix with basis a to c.
NOTE -- it seems most people here have programming instead of math background, so I'll provide short explanation here. Matrices are encodings of linear transformations between vector spaces. For example, if you're encoding a rotation by 45 degrees in R^2 (2-dimensional reals), then the standard way of encoding this in a matrix is saying that the standard basis vector e_1, written "[1, 0]", is sent to a combination of e_1 and e_2, namely [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2)]. The point is that you can encode the same rotation by saying where different vectors go, for example, you could say where you're sending [1,1] and [1,-1] instead of e_1=[1,0] and e_2=[0,1], and this would have a different matrix representation.
Edit 1
If you have a finite set of bases you are working with, you can do it...
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
data BasisA
data BasisB
data BasisC
newtype Matrix a b = Matrix { coefficients :: [[Double]] }
multiply :: Matrix a b -> Matrix b c -> Matrix a c
multiply (Matrix a_coeff) (Matrix b_coeff) = (Matrix multiplied) :: Matrix a c
where multiplied = undefined -- your algorithm here
Then, in ghci (the interactive Haskell interpreter),
*Matrix> let m = Matrix [[1, 2], [3, 4]] :: Matrix BasisA BasisB
*Matrix> m `multiply` m
Couldn't match expected type `BasisB'
against inferred type `BasisA'
*Matrix> let m2 = Matrix [[1, 2], [3, 4]] :: Matrix BasisB BasisC
*Matrix> m `multiply` m2
-- works after you finish defining show and the multiplication algorithm
While I realize this does not strictly address the (clarified) question – my apologies – it seems relevant at least in relation to Don Stewart's popular answer...
I am the author of the Haskell dimensional library that Don referenced and provided examples from. I have also been writing – somewhat under the radar – an experimental rudimentary linear algebra library based on dimensional. This linear algebra library statically tracks the sizes of vectors and matrices as well as the physical dimensions ("units") of their elements on a per element basis.
This last point – tracking physical dimensions on a per element basis – is rather challenging and perhaps overkill for most uses, and one could even argue that it makes little mathematical sense to have quantities of different physical dimensions as elements in any given vector/matrix. However, some linear algebra applications of interest to me such as kalman filtering and weighted least squares estimation typically use heterogeneous state vectors and covariance matrices.
Using a Kalman filter as an example, consider a state vector x = [d, v] which has physical dimensions [L, LT^-1]. The next (future) state vector is predicted by multiplication by the state transition matrix F, i.e.: x' = F x_. Clearly for this equation to make sense F cannot be arbitrary but must have size and physical dimensions [[1, T], [T^-1, 1]]. The predict_x' function below statically ensures that this relationship holds:
predict_x' :: (Num a, MatrixVector f x x) => Mat f a -> Vec x a -> Vec x a
predict_x' f x_ = f |*< x_
(The unsightly operator |*< denotes multiplication of a matrix on the left with a vector on the right.)
More generally, for an a priori state vector x_ of arbitrary size and with elements of arbitrary physical dimensions, passing a state transition matrix f with "incompatible" size and/or physical dimensions to predict_x' will cause a compile time error.
In F# (which originally evolved from OCaml), you can use units of measure. Andrew Kenned, who designed the feature (and also created a very interesting theory behind it) has a great series of articles that demonstrate it.
This can quite likely be used in your scenario - although I don't fully understand the question. For example, you can declare two unit types like this:
[<Measure>] type litre
[<Measure>] type gallon
Adding litres and gallons gives you a compile time error:
1.0<litre> + 1.0<gallon> // Error!
F# doesn't automatically insert conversion between different units, but you can write a conversion function:
let toLitres gal = gal * 3.78541178<litre/gallon>
1.0<litre> + (toLitres 1.0<gallon>)
The beautiful thing about units of measure in F# is that they are automatically inferred and functions are generic. If you multiply 1.0<gallon> * 1.0<gallon>, the result is 1.0<gallon^2>.
People have used this feature for various things - ranging from conversion of virtual meters to screen pixels (in solar system simulations) to converting currencies (dollars in financial systems). Although I'm not expert, it is quite likely that you could use it in some way for your problem domain too.
If it's expressed in a different base, you can just add a template parameter to act as the base. That will differentiate those types. A float is a float is a float- if you don't want two float values to be the same if they actually have the same value, then you need to tell the type system about it.
