gnuplot boxes with labels needed - gnuplot

Im trying to draw a simple gnuplot bar chart. With labels on top of each bar.
this is my test.out
279 2 10149
286 1 699999
295 3 14098
and this is my command:
echo "set terminal dumb size 70,30; plot 'test.out' using 3:xtic(1) with boxes" | gnuplot
It draws a boxes. I want also labels on top of each.
Please help )

You must plot the data again with labels.
To get the correct x-positions, you must know that in your plot command plot 'test.out' using 3:xtic(1) with boxes the x-position is implicitely taken as the row number.
Also, when plotting with labels it is best to explicitely format the label string. Using only a column may or may not work and can give quite surprising results, depending on your data.
So, to be short:
plot 'test.out' using 0:3:xtic(1) with boxes,\
'' using 0:3:(strcol(3)) with labels offset 0,1
This plots the string content of column 3 as label at position (rownumber, value from column 3), shifted by 1 character height in y-direction.


gnuplot: putting numbers on each bar

I have few simple bar charts here. I find it kind of difficult to read out the exact value or even the approximate value of each bar. So it would be nice to have the exact number written into or above the bar, as shown in the attached image:
Any ideas on how to do this?
OK, so I have created a file so.dat with mock data, namely
1 1
2 1.25
3 4.5
4 7
If you now use the command
plot [0:5][0:8] "so.dat" using 1:2 with boxes, "" u 1:(2):2 w labels
you get
The instruction "" u 1:(2):2 w labels tells gnuplot
to use the same input file,
to create labels,
to put them on a location on the x axis that is determined by the first data column in that file,
to place them at a level of 2 on the y axis,
and to read the data for the labels from the second column in the data file.
You could also put the labels relative to the box height - try u 1:($2-.5):2.
This should get you started. Color and direction of the labels, style of the boxes, axis labels, legend etc. can be customised as much as you like, but we would need a bit more information here - hence the barebone reply.

Gnuplot 3D bar graph from data files

I have a gnuplot script that produces bar graphs like this:
The input data is in files that have a number of columns, each column ultimately contributes to a cluster in the chart (2 clusters shown in the example). Each file contributes to a bar in the chart (there are 9 in the example). Each file may have a large number of rows.
The script takes the input data files and, using the stats command, produces new files containing one row per column of the original files. Each row contains a mean, min and max value for its source column.
These new files are then used to plot the bar chart with error bars. Each file represents one bar and each row contributes to one cluster. The plot code is as follows:
plot for [f in FILES] f.'.stats' using 2:3:4 title columnhead(1), \
'' using (0):xticlabels(1) with lines
Now I have a second set of files and that produce another similar bar chart. I would like to combine these charts onto one so there will be two rows of 3-D bars, one in front of the other (rendered with a 3-D style - the new 'z' axis representing the two data sets (two sets of FILES).
Here is an example to illustrate the look I'm after (obviously not made with gnuplot!):
Can I do this with Gunplot?
I have read the user manual and the Gnuplot In Action book but haven't found anything that would indicate this is possible.
gnuplot version 5.3 (the development branch) adds a 3D barchart variant
3D boxes demo. However rendering the boxes in 3D unfortunately depends on features that were not present in earlier gnuplot release versions so I cannot offer a work-around for the current one (5.2.4). Also the new 3D variant does not show error bars, although I think one could construct a plot command that would add them.
I produced a 3D bar chart using the development 5.3 version (git checkout). Here is my splot command:
splot for [c = 1:ncats] for [f = 1:nfiles] \
word(cat_files[c],f).'.stats' \
using (f+column(0)*(nfiles+2)):(scale_y(c)):2 \
with boxes \
title (c==1 ? columnhead(1) : '')
The input data is in a set of 'stats' files as described in the question. To draw the plot, I separated the input FILES into categories - two (ncats) sets of files held in the array cat_files, each containing the same number of files (nfiles).
The categores equate to positions on the y-axis (rows) and the individual files equate to positions on the x-axis (bars). Rows in each file equate to clusters of bars and the values in each row is the bar height which is the Z axis. The Z axis was the Y axis in the 2D model. The nasty expressions are to position the bars on the x and y axes as I explain below.
I had a lot of difficulty getting this to work but I think that the result looks good:
The problems, which I cover below are:
matching colours between chart 'rows' of the y-axis
bar dimensions - making square bars is very hit-and-miss, hence my scale_y function.
x-axis label orientation
repeated items in the key, hence conditional expression for title.
no clustering support, hence nasty positioning expressions
What I have is brittle---it works on my Linux system but relies heavily on shell helpers. But it works. Hopefully this information helps others or can be taken as feedback to improve gnuplot to make it even more awesome!
To get the colours in each data set to line up, I set linetype cycle nfiles and hope gnuplot defines sufficient colours.
The reason for doing this is to reset the colour assignment between file sets (categories on the y-axis) so that the same bar in different file sets had the same colour. By explictly setting it to cycle after the known number of files (chart bars) I ensured the colours matched.
Bar dimensions
The bar dimensions (boxwidth and boxdepth) are relative to the axis ranges and it's therefore difficult to make them square.
If a bar rests on the extreme of the y axis (lower or upper) then it is cut in half vertically (it's visible box depth is half the defined boxdepth value).
I had to play with scaling the y axis so that my two category sets were displayed near each other. The default behaviour displayed a range from 1 to 2 in steps of 0.2 and placed the two plots at 1 and 2, making them appear far apart.
I tried set ytics to no effect. I ended up scaling the y value.
scale(y) = 0.1 * y - 0.05
set yrange [0:1]
set boxdepth (0.8 / clusters)
all the numbers are fudge factors. clusters is the number of clusters (rows in files). The numbers I have maintain a square appearance with my test data (I have data to display up to 5 clusters).
I had to start the x axis at 0.5 otherwise the first bar would appear too far in (if x starts at 0) or vertically half-cut off (if x starts at 1).
set xrange [0.5:*]
Axis labels
I replaced the automatic tick marks with custom labels. On the Y axis:
set ytics ()
set for [c = 1:ncats] ytics add (word(CATS,c) scale_y(c) )
Similarly for the x axis. First, where there is 1 cluster I label each category
set xtics ()
set for [f = 1:nfiles] xtics add (label(word(cat_files[1],f)) f)
Or where there are multiple clusters, I label the clusters:
set xtics ()
set set for [c = 2:(clusters+1)] xtics add (cell(f,c,1) (nfiles/2)+2+((c-2)*nfiles))
Here, cell is a shell helper that returns the value from file f at row c position 1. The horrible formula is a hack to position the label along the axis in the middle of the cluster. I also use shell helpers to get the number of clusters. I could not find a way in gnuplot to query rows and columns. Note that previously (when 2D plotting) I would have used xticlabels(1) to plot the clusered x-axis.
I wanted to turn the x labels to run perpendicular to the axis but this doesn't seem possible. I also wanted to tweak their positions with 'right' alignment but couldn't make that work either.
Key labels
An entry is added into the key for each bar plotted. Because these are repeated within each category they get duplicted in the key. I made it only add them once by using a conditional, changing from
title columnhead(1)
title (c==1 ? columnhead(1) : '')
I only show the key when there is more than one cluster.
The 2D plot was clustered. I had difficulty making a clustered appearance in 3D. If I run the plot on clustered data then they overlay (they have the same Y values). To overcome this I used a formula to shift latter clusters along the x-axis and add a gap between them. So instead of a simple value for x:
... using (f):(scale_y(c)):2 ...
I have a formula:
... using (f+column(0)*(nfiles+2)):(scale_y(c)):2 ...
where f is the file number (eq. the bar number), column(0) is the cluster number, nfiles is the number of files (eq. the numer of bars, or cluster size), and 2 is the separator gap.
Incidentally, whilst doing this I discovered that ($0) doesn't work in gnuplot 5.3, you have to use column(0) instead ($0 works in 5.2.4).
I used the Arch Linux AUR package to build which gave me a package gnuplot-git-5.3r20180810.10527-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.
An example plot with one cluster.
An example plot with three clusters and a key legend.
There are probably better ways to do the things I've done here. Being relatively new to gnuplot, I would be interested in any ways to improve upon this solution.
(I can't figure out how to format text in a comment, so I'll provide this as a separate answer)
Matching color: This is more reliably done by providing the color in a separate field of the using spec. From the help text:
splot with boxes requires at least 3 columns of input data. Additional
input columns may be used to provide information such as box width or
fill color.
3 columns: x y z
4 columns: x y z [x_width or color]
5 columns: x y z x_width color
The last column is used as a color only if the splot command specifies a
variable color mode. Examples
splot 'blue_boxes.dat' using 1:2:3 fc "blue"
splot 'rgb_boxes.dat' using 1:2:3:4 fc rgb variable
splot 'category_boxes.dat' using 1:2:3:4:5 lc variable
In the first example all boxes are blue and have the width previously set
by set boxwidth. In the second example the box width is still taken from
set boxwidth because the 4th column is interpreted as a 24-bit RGB color.
The third example command reads box width from column 4 and interprets the
value in column 5 as an integer linetype from which the color is derived.
Half-depth boxes at each end: This was an autoscaling bug (now fixed)

How do I use the columnhead (string) in a data file on the x-axis as a xiticlabel of a plot with boxes? (Gnuplot)

I´m new here and this is my first question, hope my Problem is described properly according to our rules in here...
I´ve got a data file (datafile.dat) which is used to create several plots (see below):
temp name1 name2
10 1000 1200
22 800 750
50 250 200
100 80 82
107 5 3
What I want to do is to create a plot with the values in the second and third column plotted with boxes. On the x-axis the names these values refer to shall be displayed. In Addition it shall be possible to give each of the boxes a specific colour. An additional Advantage would be that the solution can also be used in a Loop (because the original data file contains a lot more columns...).
In the end I want the graph to look something like this:
Desired Layout of the plot.
In order to get this I tried different things I found searching the Internet (see below). I am running gnuplot 5 on Windows with the following command file:
If I try this e.g. for column 2 this doesn´t work:
plot 'datafile.dat' u 2:xticlabels(columnhead(2))
Using an external utility
Didn´t work at all, failure message was produced
Looks like a pretty good solution if I store the output in a variable. But I can´t get my code working (see below):
set terminal postscript eps size 15 cm, 15 cm colour enhanced dashed "Times, 22"
set output "test.pdf"
stats 'datafile.dat' using 2
b = STATS_sum
plot 'datafile.dat' u 2:xticlabels(b) every ::1
What can I do to create the desired output from the data file above? I tried the Points mentioned above in many different combinations. Suggestion 1, Suggestion 2, Suggestion 3 are further Topic-related ideas to solve the Problem but I got none of these working. Can please anyone help me to get a solution? Any hints will be highly appreciated!!!
Thanks in advance!!!
EDIT: I found out that this question was already asked from someone else three years ago: Axis label and column header ...Is there maybe a solution today? Also: Question
I can see two methods for doing this. The first is more automatic, but has the disadvantage of not being able to do the colors.
Method 1
Using only one datapoint for each column (as your comment suggests you will be doing), we can almost accomplish this using the columnstacked histogram style. At this point, I'm not sure how to get different colors, as the columnstacked style applies colors to the sections of the stacks.
Using, your example data, and the first line of data, we can do
set style data histogram # we could do w histograms in the plot command instead
set style histogram columnstacked
set boxwidth 0.9 # so the boxes don't touch
set style fill solid
set key autotitle columnhead # first row contains series name
plot for[i=2:3] "datafile.dat" every ::0::0 u i
where every ::0::0 means use the 0th (first) line of data† only.
This produces
To plot columns 2 through 50, for example, just change the for[i=2:3] to for[i=2:50].
Method 2
We can do this by using the stats command to add the labels, and then do a standard plot command.
To set the tic marks, we can do
set xtics 1,1 format ""
do for[i=2:3] {
stats "datafile.dat" every ::0::0 u (a=strcol(i),1) nooutput
set xtics add (a i-1)
The first command here sets the xtics to occur every 1 unit starting at 1 but suppresses the labels (we will be setting our own labels).
We then loop over each column, reading the 0th line in the datafile with the stats command. When we read it, we store the columnheader in a variable a. We just return a 1 for the stats command to actually analyze. We actually don't care about the results of this command, we just need it to read the column headers. Finally, we use set xtics add to add this label as an xtic.
Next, we can do some necessary set up commands
set style fill solid
set boxwidth 0.9 # so the boxes don't touch
unset key
set yrange[0:*] # by default, the smallest boxes may be cut off
Finally, we can plot with‡
plot for[i=2:3] "datafile.dat" every ::1::1 u (i-1):i w boxes
The result is
Again, the for loops can be changed to use any number of columns. X-ranges can be adjusted if desired, and linetype commands can be used in the plot command to set colors.
† We use every ::0::0 because the set key autotitle command causes the first line with the column headers to be ignored (processed before the plot command). Thus the first (0th) line is the first line of actual data.
‡ Note that here we use every ::1::1 because the 0th line is the column header line. Without the set key autotitle command, the first line is not automatically ignored.

Dots and empty dots in gnuplot

I need to draw dots and empty dots in a plot to show the fixed points. They should look like in the figure below: an empty dot (a circle) and a thick dot.
Is there any way to plot something like that?
If you wish to use the built in point types, there are usually (depending on the terminal) a filled circle and an empty circle. Issuing the test command will show you what is available. For instance, with the wxt terminal, I see
which shows me that I can get a filled circle with point type 7 and an empty one with point type 6 (we don't worry about the different colors as those are inherited from the line type).
Now, the easy way to get our desired plot is to just issue plot datafile with points pt 6 or point type 7. It is trickier if you need it to depend on your data.
Suppose that my data looks like this:
1 3 0
5 8 1
2 6 0
3 2 1
The first two columns are the x and y coordinates and the third tells me if I should use an empty dot (0) or a filled dot (1). Unfortunately, gnuplot does not support a variable point type command (something like plot datafile u 1:2:($3+6) with linespoints pt var), which is exactly what we need here.
In order to plot our data, we will make two passes. The first will plot the lines and the empty circles (for all points), and the second will plot the filled circles (for only the points that should be filled - overwriting the empty circles).
plot datafile u 1:2 with linespoints pt 6, \
datafile u 1:($3==1?$2:1/0) with points pt 7 lt 1
This command will plot the lines and the empty circles first. Next it plots the filled circles only when they are needed. To do this, it computes a conditional y-coordinate. If the third column is 1, it uses the second column as the y-coordinate. If not, it uses the invalid value 1/0, which causes gnuplot to skip the point. In order to keep the colors and everything else the same, we use lt 1 (which was used by default in the first plot command segment).
Note: I have put in a feature request for a pointtype variable option, and it looks like it may work its way into a future version. A preliminary patch is available implementing this under feature request 437.
Updated Note: The pointtype variable option is currently availabe in the development version of gnuplot.

gnuplot gives me strange plot look

I could not describe how the plot looks like so I just use "strange" as I have no idea why gnuplot gives me such a plot. Here is the thing I am trying to do.
I have a data file with two columns, the first column is the file name and the second is the size of each file. Each column is more than 2 million rows. I just want to plot the distribution of file sizes. Here is my code
set terminal postscript landscape enhanced mono dashed lw 2 "Times" 18
outputfile = ""
set output outputfile
binwidth = 0.05
plot [0:3.5][]'sizedist.out' using (bin(log10($2/1024),binwidth)):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes t "Binsize=0.05 dex"
set terminal x11
Ideally, it should be a single Gaussian-like bar plot, but it has many other plots over-layed (see my attachment). Any expert on gnuplot knows why this happened?
This happens if some of your data in the frequency plot does not have well defined values (such as NaN, inf etc.).
Since you are using a logarithmic function in the plot, you have to be careful with data that has values <=0. I guess you have files with size=0. In this cases log10 just gives you NaN and this messes up the counting procedure of the frequency plot.
Include a condition to your plot to fix this. For example:
plot [0:3.5][]'sizedist.out' using ($2>0?bin(log10($2/1024),binwidth):0):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes t "Binsize=0.05 dex"
