Chrome Web Store promotional tile Image has been rejected - google-chrome-extension

I have tried (about a dozen times now) to add promotional tiles to my extension's web store listing.
I am getting this one every single time:
"This small tile image has been rejected due to the following reasons:
Text is too small
Too much detail
Please review the guidelines, upload a new image and republish."
I thought for a while that it's about text, but at my last try it was even without a single character in there and it was still rejected. Also I think the text rule is not that enforced since every single one on the front page has it's name on the tile.
Here is the last one I tried (instantly rejected this time so most likely automatic?)
Another one I tried a few days ago:
Any advice would be appreciated.

The Chrome Webstore Developer support got back to me with the response
"I've checked your item and your promotional image is now fixed"
So it seems like a bug somewhere in their system so if anyone else runs into this don't do what I did and spend months trying to tweak your promotional images over and over, just contact them..
EDIT: For some reason the Developer Support contact form is extremely hard to find. Here it is:
The follow up support emails came from these address: and


Added Small promo tile but it's not appearing on the store even that it has passed review

Added Small promo tile but it's not appearing on the store even that it has passed review, any idea what I am missing...
It came taht google have a review process for those images also,
I had written to their support and after 2 weeks the icons appeared.

Searching for Old YouTube Videos

I'm trying to find all of the YouTube videos created by IGN's channel during the month of February 2014. IGN currently has 118,000+ videos uploaded, so going back through all of them is not possible. I previously used the following Google search string and a custom date range to find them: ignentertainment
This doesn't work anymore for some reason. I'd be much obliged if anyone has any ideas of how to do this. I have no idea what an API is, but if there's a VERY simple way of using that to do what I want that can be explained briefly, I'm willing to go that route.
You can use google to limit the period that it fetches search hits from.
Start by searching using " ignentertainment" or simply "ignentertainment" and then click on the tools button, you now got a new bar between your search bar and the results that can limit time among other things.
Open the time related options and choose to input a specified period and your all done.
Edit: oh and the command ignentertainment sure worked for me.

Kofax Capture 8.0 - Document Separation Problems

I have a batch class (KC8) which is using page/form recognition and separator zones ("Page 1 of" = separator value). It seems like about 50% of the time it will improperly separate the documents, with some not even getting the correct form type, and others breaking off pages 1, 2 and 3 and 4 into 3 separate documents when they should only be one. Of course all of this gets to the Quality Control queue, but when you unreject them they seem to process and release with no problems. Why is this happening? Shouldn't they continuously fail to be recognized and separated properly if they failed the first time? Does anyone have any similar experience or advice for fixing it? Please ask any questions you need to clarify the details of the batch class if you need it.
I solved the separation issue. Part of the problem was a form id zone located in a place on the form that moved around depending on how much information was entered into one of the fields near the top of the page. Obviously pages like that would not be recognized. I picked a different recognition zone (company logo + text image) that did not move around and everything is fine now.

problems testing sharepoint with selenium (timeouts, repeating auth and missed links)

I have some serious problems testing a sharepoint site with selenium/bromine. As I did't find an answer via various searches I hope someone here can point me in the right direction.
I am constantly getting timeouts opening the main page, but the server is definetly fast enough to answer the request and at 90% idle. Nevertheless I just get logs like these:
open http://username:passwd# | Timed out after 90000ms
Test terminated The selenium server did not return OK
The auth popup is popping up at irregular intervals (every 5 to 10 clicks) although every open command uses the http://username:passwd# as prefix
Clicking on elements is sometimes not registered, the logs show a successful
isElementPresent link=myLink
click link=myLink
but the browser doesn't react. These are mainly in-page links which open a new folder or an editing box.
I'm not sure whether I should have posted the in three separate questions, but I didn't want to spam.
Hope someone can help me, as I have these problems now for nearly 3 weeks.
Thanks in advance
For your question number 2: Okay, this is a really late reply. I stumbled on this page looking for the answer myself. Given that I have solved it in the meantime, I figured I'd post my answer for other people stumbling onto this page.
General solution:
You need to create or use a profile that will let firefox automatically forward your credentials to the sharepoint website. You can create the profile manually and call it each time, see for instructions.
Programmer solution: (works in python, should work similarly in Java)
Or you can create a new profile on the fly each time. I did that based on the information in the previously mentioned website. I use python for calling selenium, but this should be rather similar in whatever language you use to call selenium:
sharepointHosts = ',' #have all your sharepoint hosts here in a comma-separated list
ffProfile.set_preference('network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris', sharepointHosts)
ffProfile.set_preference('network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris', sharepointHosts)
ffProfile.set_preference('network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris', sharepointHosts)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=ffProfile)

flickr api by tags or by text results show broken image

I have a question:
for some reason when I do search on flickr either by tags or by text and I receive the results , I try to show them as a small image on my html , although I receive 500 results about 1-3 of them are shown as a broken image the rest are fine.but when I click on the "broken image" it does send me over to the correct Image at the flickr site
(every image is also a link to the original location in and the link works well).
what can be the reason? is it a well known bug ?
This is a bit of a kludge, but if the images are not broken, you can attach an onError event to them and re-load them at that time. It might provoke the broken ones to "fix" themselves.
