Embed Outlook.com with especific credential user generated by MS Graph access_token - node.js

I can login to Outlook 365 in my web with MS Graph without user action. I'm using simple-oauth2 module and oauth2.ownerPassword.getToken method to generate tokens with username/password from my database.
I'd like embed Outlook.com in my web for each user (with their credentials).
Is there any way to do this?

Why would you do that?
If your application already lets the user login with Azure Ad account, you could use the on-behalf-of flow. Then your web application can request a token for another resource by sending the access token of the user for the current application.
If they aren’t logged in to Azure ad already you could have a look at the client credentials flow. Then your application will just get a token with access to all mailboxes.


Create a custom API to use Microsoft Graph to send emails

I want to develop a custom ASP.NET Web API which can be used to send out emails as a user using the Microsoft Graph API. I think this will be a Multi-tenant application. Below are few ideas I have and some questions:
I have a working ASP.NET MVC web application where different users can login using their unique credentials provided by us.
I have an "Email Setup" section in my web app. Every user will navigate to this section one-time and be redirected to the "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={{client_id}}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={{redirect_uri}}&response_mode=query&scope=offline_access%20user.read%20mail.read&state=12345"
On the consent screen user will sign in using their Microsoft Office 365 credentials and provide consent to my app.
On providing consent, user will be redirected back to my web app and I will get Access token for the code returned and store the access token in a SQL database.
User navigates to a page to send email, fills in the To, Subject, Body, Attachments etc. and clicks on the "Send" button.
On send button, my ASP.NET web app will call our custom Web API to send the email. The API will have an endpoint that knows the user and will get appropriate access token from the SQL database to send email on that user's behalf.
Do I need to register an Azure App with type "Multi-tenant" since I want to support users from different tenants?
What kind of scopes/permissions will be required in order to "Send Email" as the user?
Do I need Delegated/Application permissions on the Azure side?
How can I ensure that the email that is sent, also gets saved to that user's "Sent Items" folder on Outlook?
According to the sending email graph api, we can see it provides the Application api permission, that means you can create an azure ad application and assign the Mail.Send permission to this api and using client credential flow to generate access token to call this api, so it's not necessary to creating a multi-tenant azure ad application via this way.
And certainly, if you insist on auth code flow to generate access token to using delegate permission to call the api, you should creating a multi-tenant application so that users from different tenant can generate access token through this azure ad application.

MS Graph Daemon App - Obtaining Bearer Token

I’m creating a daemon app, e.g. a 'non-user interactive' app, authentication will be performed on behalf of end-users using a ‘service account’. So the no sign in prompt required.
The 'service account' has the relevant Delegated Permissions and Admin Approval is consented for the app, the app permissions are set as 'Application Permissions'.
Company policy forbids the Client Credential flow, so no access to the 'client_secret'. If I try using the ROPC flow with the service account username/password the POST request returns the 'Invalid Grant' error.
I’m confused as to what flow I’d use/can use to obtain a bearer token, that will enable the app to call MS Graph API?
The question is similar to this, though I cannot use Client Flow: Can a MS Graph background/daemon app impersonate a user account without user interaction
To impersonate a user (i.e. delegated access, using delegated permissions) and access Microsoft Graph on behalf of the user, the user must have signed in to the application at some point (or to an upstream application).
The alternative is for the service to authenticate as itself (i.e. using the Client Credentials flow) and access Microsoft Graph directly.
The Microsoft Identity platform does not support impersonation of arbitrary users who have not actually signed in to the app.
In general, using the Resource Owner Password Credential (ROPC) flow to impersonate a user account using that account's username and password is strongly discouraged.

How can I create a Azure Web Application to authenticate User and acquire its Access Token?

I want to create an Azure Web Application that can authenticate an external/internal (from any Organization) user upon opening the Web Application link through Azure AD Credentials and acquire its Access token in return.
I want to use that Access Token to programmatically create an application registration in User's tenant.
First, you need to register an application and set it as a multi-tenant application, then use the auth code flow to authenticate the user and obtain an access token.
Next, you need to use the access token to call the MS graph api to create an application, because you are using the auth code flow to obtain the token, so you need to grant delegation permissions to the application.
see: sample.

Azure B2C login demo user via API and not through login page

How can I login a demo user with azure B2C through a API without using username and password?
I like to give visitors access to a demo account without having to sign up.
Basically my first idea is to provide a azure function or app service which returns a valid user token and/or forwards user to the app with the signed in guest user.
My app uses azure b2c oauth taking the token from url after redirect back to the app, thus it should be easy to provide the token from a second source.
I thought it should be possible to generate a valid user token through a API? Thus the API itself runs under a service user, having the right to generate the token (eg. impersonation).
What's the right approach / B2C APIs to generate this token?
There is no API to access the /authorize or /token endpoint.
Why not just create a dummy user and give people the name and password?
Or a page that kicks off the resource owner password flow with canned credentials.

Azure AD - custom validation in external api

I have 3 applications, one is desktop application and this is my client, second is my Web Api to secure and the last one is api which checks if the user with password exists.
In my case I want to connect this flow with Azure AD.
I think this should work like this:
1.DesktopApplication sending request with clientid,clientsecret, username and password to AZURE
2.Azure sending request with username and password to my api where I can check this user exist if exist I will return "true"(or somthing like this)
3. If api return "true" Azure can return to DesktopApplication token
4. DoesktopApplication will send request ot secure Web Api with token
5.DesktopApplication recive content from secure Web Api
Api in 3 point is not same api in 5 point.
Is it posible to do this flow with Azure AD or not? And if not can I do something with my flow something to secure Web Api by Azure and still store users in my old db(oracle)?
It would be better to use OpenID Connect authentication flows to authenticate the user and acquire a token that way.
The approach you are suggesting has a few downsides:
You are storing a client secret in a desktop application, which can be easily extracted by anyone.
The authentication flow that allows you to do this will not work with users who have MFA enabled / are federated users (on-prem AD/MS account/Guest account) / have expired password.
It trains users to be phished as they really should only enter their password to the actual login page.
So it would be better to use a flow like this:
Your desktop application uses Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL) or Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to authenticate the user, requesting an access token for your API
Desktop app calls API, API validates token signature, issuer, validity time etc.
It will show the user a pop-up window where they can login, and as a result you'll get an Id token (which tells your desktop app who the user is) and an access token for the API.
