JsfCaptcha : show correct captcha value - jsf

I am using JsfCaptcha in an attempt to process offline captcha validation. While there is a method to validate "what the user entered matches what the captcha image has shown", I am having a hard time actually printing out what the server states is the right solution. I anticipated this being fairly easy to complete, but for the life of me, cannot figure it out. Here is how I am using the library:
import botdetect.web.jsf.JsfCaptcha;
public class MySampleBean implements Serializable {
private JsfCaptcha captcha;
private String captchaCode;
getters for above two fields
setters for above two fields
public boolean checkInputMatches() {
if (!this.captcha.validate(captchaCode)) {
return true;
return false;
The method checkInputMatches() demonstrates how the library validates that the user has entered in the right captcha solution. What I'd want to do now is, for debugging purposes, is to log out what the solution was ( In the event that the user entered in the wrong value ). Potentially, something like this:
final String solution = captcha.getCorrectSolutionToCaptcha();
At first, I've taken a look through all of the public getters, but none of them are blatant in providing me the data I need. After trying all of them, I went down the jdgui route, where I decompiled the libraries and tried to hunt my way around to a solution / method that would give me this data.
Sadly, the JsfCaptcha class goes under 5-6 levels of base class extending, with a multitude of protected / private methods. Obviously, a very tedious and unnecessary hunt for something very simple.
Is it possible to print out the actual JsfCaptcha value that is being validated against?

I finally managed to solve the problem with javassist, by modifying the generated bytecode of the Botdetect library. I did this because I was unable to find any getter method for accessing the actual captcha solution. Obviously, this is not a clean solution, but it is a solution given that you just want to debug your code to determine why the code you entered does not match the code that the backend server has. For now, I'll consider this as a solution until there is a cleaner alternative requiring no bytecode manipulation. Here are the details on the version that I played with and got this to work:
When the checkInputMatches() method executes to validate the captcha, this structure is executed on the backend with respect to the mentioned jars:
Step 1: ( botdetect-jsf20-4.0.beta3.5.jar )
com.captcha.botdetect.web.jsf.JsfCaptcha ->
public boolean validate(String paramString)
Step 2: ( botdetect-servlet-4.0.beta3.5.jar )
com.captcha.botdetect.web.servlet.Captcha ->
public boolean validate(String paramString)
Step 3: ( botdetect-jsf20-4.0.beta3.5.jar )
com.captcha.botdetect.internal.core.CaptchaBase ->
public boolean validate(String paramString1, String paramString2, ValidationAttemptOrigin paramValidationAttemptOrigin, boolean paramBoolean)
Step 4: ( botdetect-jsf20-4.0.beta3.5.jar )
com.captcha.botdetect.internal.core.captchacode.CodeCollection ->
public final boolean a(String paramString1, String paramString2, Integer paramInteger, boolean paramBoolean, ValidationAttemptOrigin paramValidationAttemptOrigin)
Step 5: Observe $3 ( third argument from Step 4 ) to show the actual code.
Here is a photo using jdgui, through which I came to this conclusion:
With that in mind, here is how you can go about printing that value out when that code is executed using javassits ( I am using javassist-3.18.1-GA.jar , on Tomcat ) :
#ManagedBean(eager = true)
public class CustomBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3121378662264771535L;
private static Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(CustomBean.class.getName());
public void initialize() {
try {
final ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool(ClassPool.getDefault());
classPool.insertClassPath(new ClassClassPath(this.getClass()));
classPool.insertClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()));
final CtClass codeCollectionClass = classPool
if (!codeCollectionClass.isFrozen()) {
final CtMethod aMethod = codeCollectionClass.getDeclaredMethod("a",
new CtClass[] { classPool.get("java.lang.String"), classPool.get("java.lang.String"),
classPool.get("java.lang.Integer"), classPool.get("boolean"),
+ "captchacode.validation.ValidationAttemptOrigin") });
aMethod.insertAfter("System.out.println(\"Botdetect-DEBUG: entered-captcha: \" + "
+ "$1 + \"; expected-captcha: \" + $3 + \";\" );");
} else {
LOG.error("Frozen class : Unable to re-compile BotDetect for debugging.");
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOG.error("unable to modify the bot detect java code", e);
Given this input and challenge:
You get a message like this in your logs:
Botdetect-DEBUG: entered-captcha: U33aZ; expected-captcha: U49a6;


Micronaut controller with pagination using Pageable

I am trying to use a Micronaut controller with pagination. Micronaut-Data has this Spring inspired way to access the repositories using the Pageable class and returning a Page
The problem comes when you want to show this paginated data. I have not been able create a call the controller with pagination. Here I have a simple controller:
public class PageableController {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageableController.class);
#Get(produces = APPLICATION_JSON, value = "/test{?pageable}")
public Page<String> getNames(#Nullable Pageable pageable) {
LOGGER.info("pageable {}", pageable);
if( pageable == null){
return Page.of(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"), Pageable.UNPAGED, 2);
return Page.of(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"), pageable, 2);
I would expect to be able to call it with something like this. But currently the logger shows that pageable is always null:
class PageableControllerTest {
private RxHttpClient client;
void callsWithPageable() {
String uri = "/test?size=20&number=2";
String orders = client.toBlocking().retrieve(HttpRequest.GET(uri));
//TODO, assert orders and pagination
It would be even better if we could test it with something like:
void callsWithPageableParsingJson() {
String uri = "/test?size=20&number=2";
//This fails to parse as it can't build pages.
Page<String> pages = client.toBlocking().retrieve(HttpRequest.GET(uri), pageOf(String.class));
assertThat(pages.getSize(), is(2));
assertThat(pages.getContent(), contains("foo", "bar"));
// Inspired by Argument.listOf
private static <T> Argument<Page<T>> pageOf(Class<T> type) {
return Argument.of((Class<Page<T>>) ((Class) Page.class), type);
And this Micronaut bug shows that the right way to paginate is with Micronaut Data
The problem was solved by adding the following dependecy:
My controller layer had access to the micronaut-data-model but this jar contains the important class PageableRequestArgumentBinder. Just by being i the classpath it will automatically be injected as a binder with no need for extra configuration.
And yes, Free See was right and now I can remove the pageable argument from the path and the argument from the method does not need to be #Nullable :
public class PageableController {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageableController.class);
#Get(produces = APPLICATION_JSON, value = "/test")
public Page<String> getNames(Pageable pageable) {
LOGGER.info("pageable {}", pageable);
return Page.of(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "baz"), pageable, 3);
To call it we new to use the standard parameters names defined in DataConfiguration.PageableConfiguration.
If you want to use different parameters you can change it with properties:
max-page-size: 500
And you can test it with
void callsWithPageable() {
String uri = "/test?page=1&size=2";
Page<String> pages = client.toBlocking().retrieve(HttpRequest.GET(uri), pageOf(String.class));
assertThat(pages.getPageNumber(), is(1));
assertThat(pages.getTotalPages(), is(2));
assertThat(pages.getSize(), is(2));
assertThat(pages.getContent(), contains("foo", "bar", "baz"));
And, to make things even better, the client can convert the result to a page using the pageOf method that returns Argument>
In my application, I accept Pageable as well and I dont have any issues with it. The difference between mine and yours are:
My path is just #Get("/test") i.e. no {pageable} part.
I dont make my Pageable as #Nullable. From what I can trace from the micronaut code, it does not treat Pageable like any other object. It has special handling for it (like testing if the argument type is Pageable and if it is, then do certain things).
Can you try those two things?
"/test{?pageable}" Means to bind to a single query value called pageable
"/test{?pageable*}" Means to bind all query values to an argument called pageable
You want the latter

How can I run code in JUnit before Spring starts?

How can I run code in my #RunWith(SpringRunner.class) #SpringBootTest(classes = {...}) JUnit test before Spring starts?
This question has been asked several times (e.g. 1, 2) but was always "solved" by some configuration recommendation or other, never with a universal answer. Kindly don't question what I am about to do in that code but simply suggest a clean way to do it.
Tried so far and failed:
Extend SpringJUnit4ClassRunner to get a class whose constructor can run custom code before initializing Spring. Failed because super(testClass) must be called first thing and already does a whole lot of things that get in the way.
Extend Runner to get a class that delegates to SpringRunner instead of inheriting it. This class could run custom code in its constructor before actually instantiating the SpringRunner. However, this setup fails with obscure error messages like java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/SessionCookieConfig. "Obscure" because my test has no web config and thus shouldn't meddle with sessions and cookies.
Adding an ApplicationContextInitializer that is triggered before Spring loads its context. These things are easy to add to the actual #SpringApplication, but hard to add in Junit. They are also quite late in the process, and a lot of Spring has already started.
One way to do it is to leave out SpringRunner and use the equivalent combination of SpringClassRule and SpringMethodRule instead. Then you can wrap the SpringClassRule and do your stuff before it kicks in:
public class SomeSpringTest {
public static final TestRule TestRule = new TestRule() {
private final SpringClassRule springClassRule =
new SpringClassRule();
public Statement apply(Statement statement, Description description) {
System.out.println("Before everything Spring does");
return springClassRule.apply(statement, description);
public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();
public void test() {
// ...
(Tested with 5.1.4.RELEASE Spring verison)
I don't think you can get more "before" than that. As for other options you could also check out #BootstrapWith and #TestExecutionListeners annotations.
Complementing jannis' comment on the question, the option to create an alternative JUnit runner and let it delegate to the SpringRunner does work:
public class AlternativeSpringRunner extends Runner {
private SpringRunner springRunner;
public AlternativeSpringRunner(Class testClass) {
springRunner = new SpringRunner(testClass);
private doSomethingBeforeSpringStarts() {
// whatever
public Description getDescription() {
return springRunner.getDescription();
public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {
Being based on spring-test 4.3.9.RELEASE, I had to override spring-core and spring-tx, plus javax.servlet's servlet-api with higher versions to make this work.

Managed Java bean gets re-initialized at EVERY complete refresh or page reload

In my XPages application, I use a managed Java bean (scope = application) for translating strings:
public class Translator extends HashMap<String,String> implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public String language = "en";
public Translator() { super(); this.init(null); }
public Translator(String language) { super(); this.init(language); }
public boolean init(String language) {
try {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
if (language!=null) this.language=language;
Properties data = new Properties();
// load translation strings from properties file in WEB-INF
data.load(new InputStreamReader(context.getExternalContext().getResourceAsStream("WEB-INF/translations_"+this.language+".properties"),"UTF-8"));
super.putAll(new HashMap<String,String>((Map) data));
// serializing the bean to a file on disk > this part of the code is just here to easily test how often the bean is initialized
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("C:\\dump\\Translator_"+this.language+"_"+new Date().getTime()+".ser"));
return true;
catch (Exception e) { return false; }
public String getLanguage() { return this.language; }
public boolean setLanguage(String language) { return this.init(language); }
// special get function which is more tolerant than HashMap.get
public String get(Object key) {
String s = (String) key;
if (super.containsKey(s)) return super.get(s);
if (super.containsKey(s.toLowerCase())) return super.get(s.toLowerCase());
String s1 = s.substring(0,1);
if (s1.toLowerCase().equals(s1)) {
if (s1!=null) return s1.substring(0,1).toLowerCase()+s1.substring(1);
} else {
if (s1!=null) return s1.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+s1.substring(1);
return s;
I use "extends HashMap" because in this way i only have to write "${myTranslatorBean['someText']}" (expression language) to get the translations into my XPage. The problem is that the bean is re-initialized at EVERY complete refresh or page reload. I tested this by serializing the bean to a unique file on the disk at the end of every initialisiation. In my other managed Java beans (which do not use "extends HashMap") this problem does not occur. Can anybody tell me what's wrong with my code? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: The entry for the managed Java bean in the faces-config.xml looks like this:
I concur with David about the faces-config entry - if you could post it, that could shine some light on it.
In its absence, I'll take a stab at it: are you using a managed property to set the "language" value for the app. If you are, I suspect that there's a high chance that the runtime calls the setLanguage(...) method excessively. Since you call this.init(...) in that method, that would re-run that method repeatedly as well.
As a point of code style you are free to ignore, over time I (in part due to reading others' opinions) have moved away from extending collection classes directly for this kind of use. What I do instead in this situation is create an object that implements the DataObject interface and then uses a HashMap internally to store cached values. That's part of a larger industry preference called "Composition over inheritance": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_over_inheritance
Just to make sure nothings weird - I suggest you post your faces-config. I use beans all the time but haven't extended HashMap in any of them. You can add a map and still use EL.
Assuming you have a map getter like "getMyMap()" then EL might be:
Truth be told I don't typically use that syntax but I BELIEVE that works. I gave it a quick test and it didn't work as I expected so I'm missing something. I tried something like:
I THINK it didn't work for me because my bean doesn't IMPLEMENT Map. I notice you're EXTENDING HashMap. You might want to try implementing it. I found an interesting post here: http://blog.defrog.nl/2012/04/settings-bean-parameterized-method-call.html
Usually I do still use SSJS to pass Parameters in. It's really not the end of the would using SSJS for that. And I use EL for everything else.
This is an example of passing an object to a custom control and return a TreeSet with EL.
Regarding the bigger issue of the bean re-initializing.. That is odd.. I don't do a ton with ApplicationScope. But I suggest you play with the constructor. I'm not sure what you get by calling super() there. I would suggest use a boolean to only run any init code of the boolean wasn't already set. Obviously you then set it in the init code. See what that does.

Mockito implemetation for formhandlers in ATG

I am new to Mockito as a concept. Can you please help me understand using Mockito for formhandlers in ATG. Some examples will be appreciated.
There is a good answer (related to ATG) for other similar question: using-mockito-for-writing-atg-test-case. Please review if it includes what you need.
Many of ATG-specific components (and form handlers particularly) are known to be "less testable" (in comparison to components developed using TDD/BDD approach), b/c design of OOTB components (including reference application) doesn't always adhere to the principle of having "Low Coupling and High Cohesion"
But still the generic approach is applicable for writing unit-tests for all ATG components.
Below is a framework we've used for testing ATG FormHandlers with Mockito. Obviously you'll need to put in all the proper bits of the test but this should get you started.
public class AcmeFormHandlerTest {
#Spy #InjectMocks private AcmeFormHandler testObj;
#Mock private Validator<AcmeInterface> acmeValidatorMock;
#Mock private DynamoHttpServletRequest requestMock;
#Mock private DynamoHttpServletResponse responseMock;
private static final String ERROR1_KEY = "error1";
private static final String ERROR1_VALUE = "error1value";
#BeforeMethod(groups = { "unit" })
public void setUp() throws Exception {
testObj = new AcmeFormHandler();
//Test the happy path scenario
#Test(groups = { "unit" })
public void testWithValidData() throws Exception {
testObj.handleUpdate(requestMock, responseMock);
//Assume your formhandler calls a helper method, then ensure the helper method is called once. You verify the working of your helper method as you would do any Unit test
Mockito.verify(testObj).update(Matchers.refEq(requestMock), Matchers.refEq(responseMock), Mockito.anyString(), (AcmeBean) Mockito.anyObject());
//Test a validation exception
#Test(groups = { "unit" })
public void testWithInvalidData() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> validationMessages = new HashMap<String, String>();
validationMessages.put(ERROR1_KEY, ERROR1_VALUE);
when(acmeValidatorMock.validate((AcmeInterface) Mockito.any())).thenReturn(validationMessages);
testObj.handleUpdate(requestMock, responseMock);
assertEquals(1, testObj.getFormExceptions().size());
DropletFormException exception = (DropletFormException) testObj.getFormExceptions().get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(exception.getMessage(), ERROR1_VALUE);
//Test a runtime exception
#Test(groups = { "unit" })
public void testWithRunProcessException() throws Exception {
doThrow(new RunProcessException("")).when(testObj).update(Matchers.refEq(requestMock), Matchers.refEq(responseMock), Mockito.anyString(), (AcmeBean) Mockito.anyObject());
testObj.handleAddGiftCardToCart(requestMock, responseMock);
assertEquals(1, testObj.getFormExceptions().size());
DropletFormException exception = (DropletFormException) testObj.getFormExceptions().get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(exception.getMessage(), GENERAL_ERROR_KEY);
Obviously the above is just a framework that fit in nicely with the way in which we developed our FormHandlers. You can also add validation for redirects and stuff like that if you choose:
Mockito.verify(responseMock, Mockito.times(1)).sendLocalRedirect(SUCCESS_URL, requestMock);
Ultimately the caveats of testing other people's code still applies.
Here's what I do when I unit test a form handler (at least until I manage to release a major update for AtgDust). Note that I don't use wildcard imports, so I'm not sure if this causes any namespace conflicts.
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations.initMocks;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import atg.servlet.*;
import some.form.handler.FormHandler;
public class FormHandlerTest {
#Mock DynamoHttpServletRequest request;
#Mock DynamoHttpServletResponse response;
FormHandler handler;
public void setup() {
handler = new FormHandler();
public void testSubmitHandlerRedirects() {
handler.handleSubmit(request, response);
verify(response).sendLocalRedirect(eq("/success.jsp"), eq(request));
assertThat(handler.getFormError(), is(false));
The basic idea is to set up custom behavior for mocks/stubs using when() on the mock object method invocation to return some test value or throw an exception, then verify() mock objects were invoked an exact number of times (in the default case, once), and do any assertions on data that's been changed in the form handler. Essentially, you'll want to use when() to emulate any sort of method calls that need to return other mock objects. When do you need to do this? The easiest way to tell is when you get NPEs or other runtime exceptions due to working with nulls, zeros, empty strings, etc.
In an integration test, ideally, you'd be able to use a sort of in-between mock/test servlet that pretends to work like a full application server that performs minimal request/session/global scope management. This is a good use for Arquillian as far as I know, but I haven't gotten around to trying that out yet.

Problem binding a bean property to an element in JSF

I have an input (JSF) that should be bound to a property in my bean. This property represents another bean and has an auxiliar method that checks if it's null (I use this method a lot).
The problem is that the binding is failing to get the proper getter and setter. Instead of reading the method that returns the bean, it reads the one that return a boolean value.
The property name is guest. The methods are:
isGuest (checks if guest is null).
JSF is trying to bind the object to isGuest and setGuest, instead of getGuest and setGuest.
I cannot rename isGuest to guestIsNull or something, because that would'nt make to much sense (see the class below).
Finally, my question is: how can I bind this property to the object without renaming my methods? Is it possible?
I also accept suggestions of a better method name (but the meaning must be the same).
public class Passenger {
private Employee employee;
private Guest guest;
public Passenger() {
public boolean isEmployee() {
return null != this.employee;
public boolean isGuest() {
return null != this.guest;
public Employee getEmployee() {
return this.employee;
public void setEmployee(Employee employee) {
this.employee = employee;
public Guest getGuest() {
return this.guest;
public void setGuest(Guest guest) {
this.guest = guest;
<h:inputText value="#{passenger.employee}" />
<h:inputText value="#{passenger.guest}" />
Change the method name to isGuestNull.
The problem you're seeing is due to the fact that the EL lets you use getFoo or isFoo as the naming style for getter methods that return booleans.
No, that's not possible. You've to rename them.
Another way is to add a single getter returning an enum which covers all cases.
public enum Type {
public Type getType() {
return guest != null ? Type.GUEST
: employee != null ? Type.EMPLOYEE
: null;
<h:something rendered="#{passenger.type == 'GUEST'}">
Binding to any property using any method is possible and quite easy if you create your custom ELResolver (apidocs). elresolvers are registered in faces config, and they are responsible, given an Object and a String defining a property, for determining the value and type of the given properties (and, as the need arises, to change it).
You could easily write your own ELResolver that would only work for your chosen, single type, and use (for example in a switch statement) the specific methods you need to write and read properties. And for other types it would delegate resolving up the resolver chain. It's really easy to do, much easier than it sounds.
But don't do it. The standard naming pattern of properties predates EL by many years. It is part of the JavaBeans™ standard - one of the very few undisputed standards in Javaland, working everywhere - from ant scripts, through spring configuration files to JSF. Seeing methods isPerson and getPerson in one class actually makes me fill uneasy, as it breaks something I always take for granted and can always count on.
If you like DDD and want to have your method's names pure, use an adapter. It's easy, fun, and gives a couple of additional lines, which is not something to sneer at if you get paid for the ammount of code produced:
public class MyNotReallyBean {
public String checkName() { ... }
public String lookUpLastName() { ... }
public String carefullyAskAboutAge() { ... }
public class BeanAdapter {
public String getName() { return checkName(); }
public String getLastName() { return lookUpLastName(); }
public String getAge() { return carefullyAskAboutAge(); }
private static BeanAdapter beanAdapter = new BeanAdapter();
private BeanAdapter getBeanAdapter(){ return beanAdapter; }
