What are the algorithms used in the pROC package for ROC analysis? - proc-r-package

I am trying to figure out what algorithms are used within the pROC package to conduct ROC analysis. For instance what algorithm corresponds to the condition 'algorithm==2'? I only recently started using R in conjunction with Python because of the ease of finding CI estimates, significance test results etc. My Python code uses Linear Discriminant Analysis to get results on a binary classification problem. When using the pROC package to compute confidence interval estimates for AUC, sensitivity, specificity, etc., all I have to do is load my data and run the package. The AUC I get when using pROC is the same as the AUC that is returned by my Python code that uses Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). In order to be able to report consistent results I am trying to find out if LDA is one of the algorithm choices within pROC? Any ideas on this or how to go about figuring this out would be very helpful. Where can I access the source code for pROC?

The core algorithms of pROC are described in a 2011 BMC Bioinformatics paper. Some algorithms added later are described in the PDF manual. As every CRAN package, the source code is available from the CRAN package page. As many R packages these days it is also on GitHub.
To answer your question specifically, unfortunately I don't have a good reference for the algorithm to calculate the points of the ROC curve with algorithm 2. By looking at it you will realize it is ultimately equivalent to the standard ROC curve algorithm, albeit more efficient when the number of thresholds increases, as I tried to explain in this answer to a question on Cross Validated. But you have to trust me (and most packages calculating ROC curves) on it.
Which binary classifier you use, whether LDA or other, is irrelevant to ROC analysis, and outside the scope of pROC. ROC analysis is a generic way to assesses predictions, scores, or more generally signal coming out of a binary classifier. It doesn't assess the binary classifier itself, or the signal detector, only the signal itself. This makes it very easy to compare different classification methods, and is instrumental to the success of ROC analysis in general.


Is there any functional form or module to test which distribution fits better

I have a distribution of data as shown in the figure. This distribution can be fitted with linear or power-law or polynomial. My question is there any module or functional form which looks at the distribution and suggests the best fitting distribution. these can be done by calculating the chi-square goodness fit value. but, is there any other method to work on this.data distribution

Decision Trees - Scikit, Python

I am trying to create a decision tree based on some training data. I have never created a decision tree before, but have completed a few linear regression models. I have 3 questions:
With linear regression I find it fairly easy to plot graphs, fit models, group factor levels, check P statistics etc. in an iterative fashion until I end up with a good predictive model. I have no idea how to evaluate a decision tree. Is there a way to get a summary of the model, (for example, .summary() function in statsmodels)? Should this be an iterative process where I decide whether a factor is significant - if so how can I tell?
I have been very unsuccessful in visualising the decision tree. On the various different ways I have tried, the code seems to run without any errors, yet nothing appears / plots. The only thing I can do successfully is tree.export_text(model), which just states feature_1, feature_2, and so on. I don't know what any of the features actually are. Has anybody come across these difficulties with visualising / have a simple solution?
The confusion matrix that I have generated is as follows:
[[ 0 395]
[ 0 3319]]
i.e. the model is predicting all rows to the same outcome. Does anyone know why this might be?
Scikit-learn is a library designed to build predictive models, so there are no tests of significance, confidence intervals, etc. You can always build your own statistics, but this is a tedious process. In scikit-learn, you can eliminate features recursively using RFE, RFECV, etc. You can find a list of feature selection algorithms here. For the most part, these algorithms get rid off the least important feature in each loop according to feature_importances (where the importance of each feature is defined as its contribution to the reduction in entropy, gini, etc.).
The most straight forward way to visualize a tree is tree.plot_tree(). In particular, you should try passing the names of the features to feature_names. Please show us what you have tried so far if you want a more specific answer.
Try another criterion, set a higher max_depth, etc. Sometimes datasets have unidentifiable records. For example, two observations with the exact same values in all features, but different target labels. Is this the case in your dataset?

Random Forest Regressor using a custom objective/ loss function (Python/ Sklearn)

I want to build a Random Forest Regressor to model count data (Poisson distribution). The default 'mse' loss function is not suited to this problem. Is there a way to define a custom loss function and pass it to the random forest regressor in Python (Sklearn, etc..)?
Is there any implementation to fit count data in Python in any packages?
In sklearn this is currently not supported. See discussion in the corresponding issue here, or this for another class, where they discuss reasons for that a bit more in detail (mainly the large computational overhead for calling a Python function).
So it could be done as discussed within the issues, by forking sklearn, implementing the cost function in Cython and then adding it to the list of available 'criterion'.
If the problem is that the counts c_i arise from different exposure times t_i, then indeed one cannot fit the counts, but one can still fit the rates r_i = c_i/t_i using MSE loss function, where one should, however, use weights proportional to the exposures, w_i = t_i.
For a true Random Forest Poisson regression, I've seen that in R there is the rpart library for building a single CART tree, which has a Poisson regression option. I wish this kind of algorithm would have been imported to scikit-learn.
In R, writing a custom objective function is fairly simple.
randomForestSRC package in R has provision for writing your own custom split rule. The custom split rule, however has to be written in pure C language.
All you have to do is, write your own custom split rule, register the split rule, compile and install the package.
The custom split rule has to be defined in the file called splitCustom.c in randomForestSRC source code.
You can find more info
The file in which you define the split rule is

Python AUC Calculation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection (Isolation Forest, Elliptic Envelope, ...)

I am currently working in anomaly detection algorithms. I read papers comparing unsupervised anomaly algorithms based on AUC values. For example i have anomaly scores and anomaly classes from Elliptic Envelope and Isolation Forest. How can i compare these two algorithms based on AUC values.
I am looking for a python code example.
Problem solved. Steps i done so far;
1) Gathering class and score after anomaly function
2) Converting anomaly score to 0 - 100 scale for better compare with different algorihtms
3) Auc requires this variables to be arrays. My mistake was to use them like Data Frame column which returns "nan" all the time.
Python Script:
#outlier_class and outlier_score must be array
Seçkin Dinç
Although you already solved your problem, my 2 cents :)
Once you've decided which algorithmic method to use to compare them (your "evaluation protocol", so to say), then you might be interested in ways to run your challengers on actual datasets.
This tutorial explains how to do it, based on an example (comparing polynomial fitting algorithms on several datasets).
(I'm the author, feel free to provide feedback on the github page!)

Modelling probabilities in a regularized (logistic?) regression model in python

I would like to fit a regression model to probabilities. I am aware that linear regression is often used for this purpose, but I have several probabilities at or near 0.0 and 1.0 and would like to fit a regression model where the output is constrained to lie between 0.0 and 1.0. I want to be able to specify a regularization norm and strength for the model and ideally do this in python (but an R implementation would be helpful as well). All the logistic regression packages I've found seem to be only suited for classification whereas this is a regression problem (albeit one where I want to use the logit link function). I use scikits-learn for my classification and regression needs so if this regression model can be implemented in scikits-learn, that would be fantastic (it seemed to me that this is not possible), but I'd be happy about any solution in python and/or R.
The question has two issues, penalized estimation and fractional or proportions data as dependent variable. I worked on each separately but never tried the combination.
Statsmodels has had L1 regularized Logit and other discrete models like Poisson for some time. In recent months there has been a lot of effort to support more penalization but it is not in statsmodels yet. Elastic net for linear and Generalized Linear Model (GLM) is in a pull request and will be merged soon. More penalized GLM like L2 penalization for GAM and splines or SCAD penalization will follow over the next months based on pull requests that still need work.
Two examples for the current L1 fit_regularized for Logit are here
Difference in SGD classifier results and statsmodels results for logistic with l1 and https://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels/blob/master/statsmodels/examples/l1_demo/short_demo.py
Note, the penalization weight alpha can be a vector with zeros for coefficients like the constant if they should not be penalized.
Fractional models
Binary and binomial models in statsmodels do not impose that the dependent variable is binary and work as long as the dependent variable is in the [0,1] interval.
Fractions or proportions can be estimated with Logit as Quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. The estimates are consistent if the mean function, logistic, cumulative normal or similar link function, is correctly specified but we should use robust sandwich covariance for proper inference. Robust standard errors can be obtained in statsmodels through a fit keyword cov_type='HC0'.
Best documentation is for Stata http://www.stata.com/manuals14/rfracreg.pdf and the references therein. I went through those references before Stata had fracreg, and it works correctly with at least Logit and Probit which were my test cases. (I don't find my scripts or test cases right now.)
The bad news for inference is that robust covariance matrices have not been added to fit_regularized, so the correct sandwich covariance is not directly available. The standard covariance matrix and standard errors of the parameter estimates are derived under the assumption that the model, i.e. the likelihood function, is correctly specified, which will not be the case if the data are fractions and not binary.
Besides using Quasi-Maximum Likelihood with binary models, it is also possible to use a likelihood that is defined for fractional data in (0, 1). A popular model is Beta regression, which is also waiting in a pull request for statsmodels and is expected to be merged within the next months.
