My Template contains evice Property, type: Toggle.
I have set Property value = true
I see toggle in ON mode on the device properties page, but on Device Set Greeds this value is always OFF.
How to fix this issue?
Device properties page (ON):
Device Set Greed (OFF):
I am trying to bind a view model variable with label's enabled property but it crashes the app
bindings.Add(this.SetBinding(() => this.Vm.IsEnabled, () => this.lblDate.Enabled, BindingMode.TwoWay));
The crash is always reproducible in release mode.
Here is the crash report
It looks like the Enabled property of lblDate doesn't have a public setter, but being a control I am almost sure it has. I found on this page that one solution would be to add the [Preserve] attribute to your property in view-model
I have a managed action with returns bool when a button is pressed.
Depending on if true / false is returned I want to be able to change the properties of controls on the dialog. Not limited to just the text value.
Is this possible, for example the visibility, etc?
It is possible, however you will have to make sure there is a set-property control event (after your managed code custom action do-event) that touches a property related to anything you want the UI to update. If you change a property value within the managed code, or via the wrapper InstallShield provides, the Windows Installer UI doesn't track the change and update in response.
So, for example, you could wire your return value to the property RETURNVALUE, and then add a control event that sets better named properties like MYCONTROLTEXT or SHOWMYCONTROL; the control or its conditions would be wired to those better named properties.
I created a custom control with a custom property. The property type is String and the Editor is Control Picker.
When I place the CC on an xPage and try to set the property the editor displays just fine, the only issue is that it seems to only list the controls on the CC and none of the controls on the xPage.
Is anyone else seeing this issue?
There is another editor in the list called the 'XPage Control ID Picker' this editor will list all the controls in the higher level XPage that the custom control is on.
I have a one condition. There is a SDK in my Project.who change activity orientation when it requires the performing an operation. But after its operation i have to set activity orientation according to the device orientation.
I used following method to set screen orientation back to previous orientation. But when i set it. Next time if i rotate my device my activity is not changing orientation according to the device.
Can anyone suggest me the proper solution to make my activity flexible again. Or solving this situation. Thanks In advance.
if(this.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation !=Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)
When device rotates the your activity will take take it's orientation according to the device but if set it's orientation then it will not change with device orientation.
refer this blog:
i have threee controls and this is wat i need to accomplish
ctrl1 - dep property isvisible - bound to - visible property in VM
ctrl2 - same dep property -same binding
ctrl3 - same dep property - same binding
at run time i need to pass the name of this control to the property and then decide whether it needs to be visible or not in the VM property. how do i do it ?
Each and every control must have a name property.Suppose you have not change the name property the they automatically set the name property as that controls name.(e.g. text box1 control is there then their default name property is name text1, text box2 have text2 and your given name property is txtrno.) At the time of setting the name property we must to give name with short form of that controls. g.e. for command = cmd, labe=lbl.
In project for for understanding of about the controls the name property is must.