Invoke-AzureRmVMRunCommand command displaying wrong output when run in powershell script [duplicate] - azure

This question already has an answer here:
Output file doesn't match Write-Host
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying to run the below powershell script
The below script is being used to list local users in a VM
$subscriptions=Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId "##################"
foreach ($subscription in $subscriptions){
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscription.SubscriptionId
$instances=Get-AzVM -Status | Select-Object Name,PowerState,ResourceGroupName ,#{l='osType';e={$\_.StorageProfile.osDisk.osType}}
foreach ($instance in $instances){
Write-Host $instance.Name.Name
Write-Host $instance.osType
if($instance.osType -eq "Windows"){
Write-Host "Windows server"
if($instance.PowerState -eq "VM running"){
$users=Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $instance.ResourceGroupName -Name $instance.Name -CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' -ScriptPath 'C:\Users\tushar.raichand\Desktop\sample.ps1'
Write-Host $users
Write-Host "####################################################"
foreach($user in $users){
Write-Host $user
if($instance.PowerState -eq "running"){
Write-Host "Linux server"
Sample.ps1 is as below
$output = Get-LocalUser
Write-Output $output
The output i am getting for Invoke-AzVMRunCommand is
Where as when i just run this command in console
Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $instance.ResourceGroupName -Name $instance.Name -CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' -ScriptPath 'C:\Users\tushar.raichand\Desktop\sample.ps1'
I am getting the users list.

Well, I can reproduce your issue. The issue was caused by Write-Host $users, you need to change it to Write-Output $users.
$users=Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $instance.ResourceGroupName -Name $instance.Name -CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' -ScriptPath 'C:\Users\joyw\Desktop\sample.ps1'
Write-Output $users
Besides, your script has some small mistakes, e={$\_.StorageProfile.osDisk.osType} should be e={$_.StorageProfile.osDisk.osType}. Write-Host $instance.Name.Name should be Write-Host $instance.Name, it is enough.


Powershell script to get list of Running VM's and stop them

Am using this script, but its gathering all the vms and stopping it one by one even when the VM is already in stopped state
$vm = Get-Azvm
foreach($vms in $vm)
$resource = Get-Azvm | where {$_.Statuses -eq "Running"}
if($resource -ne $null)
Write-Output "Stopping virtual machine..." + $vms
Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $resource.ResourceGroupName -Name $vms -Force
Write-output "Virtual machine not found:" + $vms
Based on the above shared requirement , we have modified the PowerShell script to check the virtual machines status ( whether it is running or not ), if virtual Machine is running you need to stop it using stop-Azvm cmdlet.
Checked the below script(while testing we passed resource group flag to the Get-Azvm ) in our local environment which is working fine.
$vm = Get-Azvm -Status
foreach($vms in $vm)
$statuscheck = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $vms.ResourceGroupName -Name $vms.Name -Status
if($statuscheck.Statuses.DisplayStatus[1] -eq "VM running")
Write-Output "Stopping virtual machine...$($vms.Name)"
Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $vms.ResourceGroupName -Name $vms.Name -Force
Write-output "Virtual machine $($vms.Name) is already in stopped state"
Here is the sample output for reference:

Lock azure resource with PowerShell

I've been trying to run a script to create a lock on azure resource to prevent resources being deleted inadvertently.
I get an error message and I can't figure out why it's showing me this error message.
#Sign in to Azure account
#Select the subscription you want to work on
Select-AzSubscription -Subscription "test.subscription"
#Get All Resources in a resource group
$Resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName dummy_rg | Format-Table
# Create lock "delete" on each Resource if it doesn't exist
foreach($Resource in $Resources) {
$ResourceName = $Resource.Name
$lck = Get-AzResourceLock -ResourceGroupName $Resource.ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $ResourceName -ResourceType $Resource.ResourceType
if ($null -eq $lck)
Write-Host "$ResourceName has no lock"
New-AzResourceLock -resourceGroupName $rg -ResourceName $ResourceName -ResourceType $Resource.ResourceType -LockName "$ResourceName-lck" -LockLevel CanNotDelete -Force
Write-Host "$ResourceName has been locked"
Write-host "$ResourceName already locked"
Error message:
Gaurav request result:
#Start logging
Start-Transcript -Path "C:\Windows\Logs\Lock - $(((get-date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss")).log" -Force
#Connect to Azure account
#Select Azure subscription
Set-AzContext -Subscription "subscription_id_numbers"
#Deny rule on Azure Data Factory and Azure Machine Learning
$Resources = Get-AzResource | Where-Object {$_.Name -NotLike '*adf*' -and $_.Name -NotLike '*aml*'}
# Create lock "delete" on each Resource if it doesn't exist
foreach($Resource in $Resources) {
$ResourceName = $Resource.Name
$lck = Get-AzResourceLock -ResourceGroupName $Resource.ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $ResourceName -ResourceType $Resource.ResourceType
if ($lck -eq $null)
Write-Host "$ResourceName has no lock"
Set-AzResourceLock -ResourceGroupName $Resource.ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $ResourceName -ResourceType $Resource.ResourceType -LockName "$ResourceName-lck" -LockLevel CanNotDelete -Force
Write-Host "$ResourceName has been locked"
Write-host "$ResourceName already locked"
#Stop Logging
This will loop on every ressources except azure data factory in the tenant and create a "delete" type lock to make sure resources aren't deleted inadvertently.
Read comments in each section to understand the code.

Azure Automation Runbook Workflow looses AzContext

I have written the following runbook workflow, but from time to time I see the error when it try's to start or stop a VM:
Start-AzVM : Your Azure credentials have not been set up or have expired, please run Connect-AzAccount to set up your
Azure credentials.
At StartStopVmByTag:46 char:46
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Start-AzVM], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.StartAzureVMCommand
I have tried passing the $azContext variable in, but I still get this issue, how can I further investigate?
workflow StartStopVmByTag {
$connectionName = "AzRunAsConnection2042";
try {
# Get the connection "AzureRunAsConnection "
$servicePrincipalConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $connectionName
Write-Output "Logging in to Azure..."
$null = Add-AzAccount `
-ServicePrincipal `
-TenantId $servicePrincipalConnection.TenantId `
-ApplicationId $servicePrincipalConnection.ApplicationId `
-CertificateThumbprint $servicePrincipalConnection.CertificateThumbprint
catch {
if (!$servicePrincipalConnection) {
$ErrorMessage = "Connection $connectionName not found."
throw $ErrorMessage
else {
Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
throw $_.Exception
[DateTime]$now = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId((Get-Date), 'GMT Standard Time')
$startTag = 'Start Schedule'
Write-Output "*** $now - Runbook Started ***"
# Get Subscriptions
$Subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
ForEach ($Subscription in $Subscriptions) {
$azContext = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $Subscription.Id
# Get all VM's with a Start or Stop Schedule
Write-Output "$($Subscription.Name): Getting VM's..."
[Array]$taggedVms = Get-AzResource -TagName $startTag -ResourceType 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
$taggedVms = $taggedVms | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique
# For each VM, check if start schedule is valid for now
Foreach -Parallel ($taggedVm in $taggedVms) {
Write-Output "$($Subscription.Name): Found Tagged VM: $($taggedVm.Name), $($startTag): $($taggedVm.Tags.$startTag -replace '\s', '')"
$WORKFLOW:null = Start-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $taggedVm.ResourceGroupName -Name $taggedVm.Name -DefaultProfile $azContext -NoWait
I have been struggling with this issue for a while, and I've tried dozens of different workarounds and nothing has worked. I finally resolved it with these registry settings that force .NET applications to use TLS 1.2. I find it very strange that this solution works, but possibly because the TLS 1.2 set as part of any parent task doesn't get passed on to the job.
They probably aren't all required, but it seems to be a best practice these days anyway.
set-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727" -name SystemDefaultTlsVersions -value 1 -Type DWord
set-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319" -name SchUseStrongCrypto -value 1 -Type DWord
set-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727" -name SystemDefaultTlsVersions -value 1 -Type DWord
set-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319" -name SchUseStrongCrypto -value 1 -Type DWord

Azure Automation Runbook missing mandatory parameters

I'm trying to set a Tag on all virtual machines in my subscription but I keep getting errors when running the Runbook.
The error is the following:
Get-AzureRmVM : Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: ResourceGroupName. At line:30
Here is my Runbook:
$azureConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'AzureRunAsConnection'
try {
Clear-Variable -Name params -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$params = #{
ServicePrincipal = $true
Tenant = $azureConnection.TenantID
ApplicationId = $azureConnection.ApplicationID
CertificateThumbprint = $azureConnection.CertificateThumbprint
$null = Add-AzureRmAccount #params
catch {
$errorMessage = $_
Throw "Unable to authenticate with error: $errorMessage"
# Discovery of all Azure VM's in the current subscription.
$azurevms = Get-AzureRmVM | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Write-Host "Discovering Azure VM's in the following subscription $SubscriptionID Please hold...."
Write-Host "The following VM's have been discovered in subscription $SubscriptionID"
foreach ($azurevm in $azurevms) {
Write-Host "Checking for tag $vmtagname on $azurevm"
$tagRGname = Get-AzureRmVM -Name $azurevm | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResourceGroupName
$tags = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $tagRGname -Name $azurevm).Tags
If ($tags.UpdateWindow){
Write-Host "$azurevm already has the tag $vmtagname."
Write-Host "Creating Tag $vmtagname and Value $tagvalue for $azurevm"
Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $tagRGname -ResourceName $azurevm -ResourceType Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines -Tag $tags -Force `
Write-Host "All tagging is done"
I tried importing the right modules but this doesn't seem to affect the outcome.
Running the same commands in Cloud Shell does work correctly.
I can reproduce your issue, the error was caused by this part Get-AzureRmVM -Name $azurevm, when running this command, the -ResourceGroupName is needed.
You need to use the Az command Get-AzVM -Name $azurevm, it will work.
Running the same commands in Cloud Shell does work correctly.
In Cloud shell, azure essentially uses the new Az module to run your command, you can understand it runs the Enable-AzureRmAlias before the command, you could check that via debug mode.
Get-AzureRmVM -Name joyWindowsVM -debug
To solve your issue completely, I recommend you to use the new Az module, because the AzureRM module was deprecated and will not be updated.
Please follow the steps below.
1.Navigate to your automation account in the portal -> Modules, check if you have imported the modules Az.Accounts, Az.Compute, Az.Resources, if not, go to Browse Gallery -> search and import them.
2.After import successfully, change your script to the one like below, then it should work fine.
$azureConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'AzureRunAsConnection'
try {
Clear-Variable -Name params -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$params = #{
ServicePrincipal = $true
Tenant = $azureConnection.TenantID
ApplicationId = $azureConnection.ApplicationID
CertificateThumbprint = $azureConnection.CertificateThumbprint
$null = Connect-AzAccount #params
catch {
$errorMessage = $_
Throw "Unable to authenticate with error: $errorMessage"
# Discovery of all Azure VM's in the current subscription.
$azurevms = Get-AzVM | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Write-Host "Discovering Azure VM's in the following subscription $SubscriptionID Please hold...."
Write-Host "The following VM's have been discovered in subscription $SubscriptionID"
foreach ($azurevm in $azurevms) {
Write-Host "Checking for tag $vmtagname on $azurevm"
$tagRGname = Get-AzVM -Name $azurevm | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResourceGroupName
$tags = (Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $tagRGname -Name $azurevm).Tags
If ($tags.UpdateWindow){
Write-Host "$azurevm already has the tag $vmtagname."
Write-Host "Creating Tag $vmtagname and Value $tagvalue for $azurevm"
Set-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $tagRGname -ResourceName $azurevm -ResourceType Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines -Tag $tags -Force `
Write-Host "All tagging is done"

How to use PowerShell parameter in Jenkins

I am using PowerShell to automate VM start/stop in Azure. However, when I set the $OPTION parameter it doesn't do anything. I have if/elseif/else statements.
See code below:
Add-AzureRmAccount -Credential $psCred -TenantId <removed> -ServicePrincipal
Get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName "<removed>"
#Get VMs using Tags
$vms = (Find-AzureRmResource | Where-Object {($_.tags.Project -eq "DevOps") -And ($_.tags.Test -eq "ernest")} | Select Name, ResourceGroupName)
Write-Output "Number of Virtual Machines: $($vms.Name.Count)"
foreach($VM in $vms)
if ($OPTION -eq "start" -And $VM.ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines")
Write-Output "Starting :- $VM.Name in $VM.ResourceGroupName"
Start-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Name $VM.Name -Verbose
Write-Output $VM.Name "has started successfully"
Write-Output "Writing output to workspace"
Get-AzureRmVM -Status | Where-Object {($_.tags.Project -eq "DevOps") -And ($_.tags.Test -eq "ernest")} | Select Name, ResourceGroupName, PowerState > VM_Start_Info-$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).tsv
elseif ($OPTION -eq "stop" -And $VM.ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines")
Write-Output "Deallocating :- $VM.Name in $VM.ResourceGroupName"
Stop-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Name $VM.Name -Force -Verbose
Write-Output $VM.Name "has been deallocated successfully"
Write-Output "Writing output to workspace"
Get-AzureRmVM -Status | Where-Object {($_.tags.Project -eq "DevOps") -And ($_.tags.Test -eq "ernest")} | Select Name, ResourceGroupName, PowerState > VM_Stopped_Info-$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).tsv
Write-Output "No option selected, select an option"
Write-Output "Script complete"
I had to add the $env:OPTION parameter to the Execute Powershell window. It works now
