SSL handshake error with some Azure CLI commands - azure

I am using Azure CLI in bash within PowerShell in Windows 10. I sit behind a corporate proxy. My goal is to automate the deployment and setup of Azure resources.
Some of the Azure CLI commands work perfectly fine: I can run az login, change the default subscription, list locations, resource groups, resources within resource groups and I can even run shell scripts to deploy resources like Key Vaults.
However, when I try to list the keys or secrets within a Key Vault, or create keys/secrets I get the following:
Error occurred in request., SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /secrets?api-version=7.0 (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'tls_process_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')],)",),))
The example I am providing here is for a Key Vault, but I am getting the same error with other types of resources, so I don't think the Key Vault is the issue.
When appending the --debug parameter to the command, I can see the error is coming from one of the Python libraries:
urllib3.connectionpool : Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=4, read=4, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'tls_process_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')],)",),)': /secrets?api-version=7.0
I have tried the suggestions provided at:
Working with Azure CLI behind SSL intercepting proxy server,
Including export AZURE_CLI_DISABLE_CONNECTION_VERIFICATION=anycontent to disable certificate check (not recommended) and export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt to make Python requests use the system ca-certificates bundle.
I have also tried:
which is suggested in the following post:
[AzureStack] Handle SSL verification for certs not in Python root CA list #2267
But unfortunately none of the above produced any change in the outcome.
I am using Azure CLI version 2.0.60 and Python 3.

Due to you were using Windows not Linux or MacOS, please try to use set instead of export to set the environment variables in PowerShell, as below, then to run the azure cli command for Key Vault again.
And for the command export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt on Linux, I think you can refer to the SuperUser thread to run a powershell window as administrator (right click on the PowerShell shortcut and select Run as administrator to run).
However, as you said about in bash with PowerShell, it sounds like you open a bash shell session of Windows Subsystem for Linux or like Git Bash from PS: prompt, which described fuzzily that I can not understand for your operations, please post more details about it, and I don't think it's a good practice to use PowerShell with bash nested.

I've updated this with my comment from
#rzand 's process was the only one that worked for me, I'll expand on his solution though as there were extra steps required. All from elevated Shells
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\python" -m pip install --upgrade pip
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Python36_64\Scripts\pip" install python-certifi-win32
Add the Cloud services root CA to cacert.pem exported from the downloaded certificate. I specifically needed Microsoft IT TLS CA 5 and the "Baltimore CyberTrust Root" from that cert. Simply open the certs in text editor and append the contents to the bottom of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\certifi\cacert.pem
Add the Self-signed certificate given to you by the network team. Simply open the cert in text editor and append the contents to the bottom of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\certifi\cacert.pem
Set the system/environment variable in Command prompt setx /m REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\certifi\cacert.pem"
Set the system/environment variable in Powershell $env:REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\certifi\cacert.pem"
Close and open Bash / Command Prompt
FINALLY no errors. I can even retrieve Key Vault secrets

Running just the below two commands, fixed the issue for me
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\python" -m pip install --upgrade pip
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Scripts\pip" install python-certifi-win32
In my case the issue was seen due to invoking a Azure CLI command behind a company proxy.

Peter Pan's set method doesn't work well in PowerShell, use this instead:

Works on WSL Ubuntu 20.04
export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
In order to make Python requests use the system ca-certificates bundle
Solution from Working with Azure CLI behind SSL intercepting proxy server

Having contacted the azure cli team, it appears there is a bug that affects keyvault commands that are run behind a proxy.
Refer to the following github issue that I created with an in-depth explanation of the issue (and a potential workaround):
AZURE_CLI_DISABLE_CONNECTION_VERIFICATION does not have any effect for SSL verification
The above issue is also linked to the following, which appears to be a duplicate:
Az keyvault secret list --vault_name thru proxy is getting Proxy Authentication Required
It is also worth mentioning that this issue happens regardless of the platform the azure cli is running on so it is not an environmental issue or a problem when setting environment variables.

Below worked for me in a corporate firewall and proxy.
Added HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables to the system
Find certifi path for your AZ CLI installation. It was "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\certifi" for me.
Download your company root certificate and append it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages\certifi\cacert.pem"
Done !


silent install of the application fails to install driver if VM Application is used while creating the Azure VM

I am trying to create the Azure VM and use the VM application to silently install the application. Link to the procedure is at
Application fails to install the driver with the error 0x800b0109: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.
It looks like the driver can't be installed since some root CA is missing. And it can't be installed automatically since the user running silent install has no proper rights.
I tried to just create VM and then run silent install from the command prompt, and that works just fine.
Has anyone had problems like that and how was it solved?
I tried to reproduce same in my environment I got the error like below.
This error says root certificate, which is not trusted by the trust provider, as silently install is running sometimes root certificate is not installed automatically it may cause error on application installation.
To resolve this issue, try to download Microsoft Root Certificate
Click Start ->Run , type mmc , and then click OK
Click File -> Add/Remove snap in like below:
Click on certificate -> Add :
Select -> computer name and finish it.
In console1 MMC you can see certificate -> Expand Trusted Root Certification Authorities , like below:
Once the Trusted Root Certification Authorities as imported I can able to install the application successfully

Can't install azure cli extension : Error detail: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443)

Trying to install the Azure Devops CLI Extension
az extension add --name azure-devops
is the command I run
I get the following error message
Error Message I have tried
git config http.sslVerify "false"
I've tried to do multiple azure cli and powershell commands
I've set my context with
Set-AzContext -Subscription "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
I don't understand what the issue is here.
I've tried running the commands with and without the VPN ( I use Pulse VPN for reference)
I've tried setting powershell's execution policy to Undefined
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Undefined -Scope CurrentUser
If someone could please let me know their thoughts on the specific error:
Please ensure you have network connection. Error detail: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /github-production-release-asset-2e65be/107708057/665228bd-d0c3-4865-b029-624cbc247ca1?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20220701%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20220701T163308Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=dd9381d3d71deeb228b151ec41140e8238f425ca9bf2882889c6bc9592c782e6&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&key_id=0&repo_id=107708057&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dazure_devops-0.25.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)')))
Normally, when executing the command line "az extension add --name azure-devops", it will go to the Azure DevOps CLI Extension GitHub Repo to download the latest release of the extension.
You can try to manually open the Azure DevOps CLI Extension GitHub Repo and download the extension on your browser:
If you also cannot manually access the GitHub Repo and download the extension, check whether there is any networking restriction or firewall set on your machine and the current network.
If you can manually access the GitHub Repo and download the extension, try to manually install the extension on your machine.

az login command fails - Azure cli

Installed Azure CLI on windows, ran az login command and running into following error
Version I am running is : 2.0.37
Azure cli 2.0 is written in python, it will verify ssl certificate when setting request. Make sure you don't have any proxy setting. I met same error when fiddler is running.
To work with proxy, we have to set REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE env variable to certificate path. See related issue comment.
Make a complete example of fiddler.
Exported fiddler's certificate to desktop.
Tools -> Options, HTTPS tab, Actions -> Export Root Certificate to Desktop.
Use OpenSSL to convert to .pem file as Python doesn't accept .cer file.
openssl x509 -inform der -in FiddlerRoot.cer -out FiddlerRoot.pem.
Configure env variable in PS: $env:REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE= '{folderpath}\FiddlerRoot.pem'
Then everything should work.
If you are using a command
az login
then it will try to take you though the browser and you have to provider your username and password there only.
If you want to login in the hell only then use
az login -u your_username -p your_password
This should work.
I was getting this with Azure CLI v2.3.2, what worked for me was copying the link it opened into a new incognito Chrome window and logging in as normal

npm install error - unable to get local issuer certificate

I am getting an unable to get local issuer certificate error when performing an npm install:
typings ERR! message Unable to read typings for "es6-shim". You should check the
entry paths in "es6-shim.d.ts" are up to date
typings ERR! caused by Unable to connect to "
typings ERR! caused by unable to get local issuer certificate
I have recently update to node 4 from a much earlier version and it sounds like node is much more strict when these kind of problems arise.
There is an issue discussed here which talks about using ca files, but it's a bit beyond my understanding and I'm unsure what to do about it.
I am behind a corporate firewall, but I can get to the url fine in a browser without any restriction.
Does anyone have any further insight into this issue and what possible solutions there are?
I'm wondering about reverting to node 0.12 in the meantime :(
npm config set strict-ssl false
This is a alternative shared in this url
There is an issue discussed here which talks about using ca files, but it's a bit beyond my understanding and I'm unsure what to do about it.
This isn't too difficult once you know how! For Windows:
Using Chrome go to the root URL NPM is complaining about (so in your case).
Open up dev tools and go to Security-> View Certificate. Check Certification path and make sure your at the top level certificate, if not open that one. Now go to "Details" and export the cert with "Copy to File...".
You need to convert this from DER to PEM. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest way I found was an online tool which should be easy to find with relevant keywords.
Now if you open the key with your favorite text editor you should see
This is the format you need. You can do this for as many keys as you need, and combine them all into one file. I had to do github and the npm registry keys in my case.
Now just edit your .npmrc to point to the file containing your keys like so
I have personally found this to perform significantly better behind our corporate proxy as opposed to the strict-ssl option. YMMV.
This worked for me:
Please refer to the NodeJS documentation for usage and warnings:
Anyone gets this error when 'npm install' is trying to fetch a package from HTTPS server with a self-signed or invalid certificate.
Quick and insecure solution:
npm config set strict-ssl false
Why this solution is insecure?
The above command tells npm to connect and fetch module from server even server do not have valid certificate and server identity is not verified. So if there is a proxy server between npm client and actual server, it provided man in middle attack opportunity to an intruder.
Secure solution:
If any module in your package.json is hosted on a server with self-signed CA certificate then npm is unable to identify that server with an available system CA certificates.
So you need to provide CA certificate for server validation with the explicit configuration in .npmrc.
In .npmrc you need to provide cafile, please refer to more detail about cafile configuration.
In ca-certs file, you can add any number of CA certificates(public) that you required to identify servers. The certificate should be in “Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)(PEM)” format.
For example,
# cat ca-certs.pem
DigiCert Global Root CA
VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
Note: once you provide cafile configuration in .npmrc, npm try to identify all server using CA certificate(s) provided in cafile only, it won't check system CA certificate bundles then.
Here's a well-known public CA authority certificate bundle.
One other situation when you get this error:
If you have mentioned Git URL as a dependency in package.json and git is on invalid/self-signed certificate then also npm throws a similar error.
You can fix it with following configuration for git client
git config --global http.sslVerify false
Typings can be configured with the ~/.typingsrc config file. (~ means your home directory)
After finding this issue on github:, I was able to hack around this issue by creating ~/.typingsrc and setting this configuration:
"proxy": "http://<server>:<port>",
"rejectUnauthorized": false
It also seemed to work without the proxy setting, so maybe it was able to pick that up from the environment somewhere.
This is not a true solution, but was enough for typings to ignore the corporate firewall issues so that I could continue working. I'm sure there is a better solution out there.
If you're on a corporate computer, it likely has custom certificates (note the plural on that). It took a while to figure out, but I've been using this little script to grab everything and configure Node, NPM, Yarn, AWS, and Git (turns out the solution is similar for most tools). Stuff this in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or similar location:
function setup-certs() {
# place to put the combined certs
local cert_path="$HOME/.certs/all.pem"
local cert_dir=$(dirname "${cert_path}")
[[ -d "${cert_dir}" ]] || mkdir -p "${cert_dir}"
# grab all the certs
security find-certificate -a -p /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain > "${cert_path}"
security find-certificate -a -p /Library/Keychains/System.keychain >> "${cert_path}"
# configure env vars for commonly used tools
export GIT_SSL_CAINFO="${cert_path}"
export AWS_CA_BUNDLE="${cert_path}"
export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="${cert_path}"
# add the certs for npm and yarn
# and since we have certs, strict-ssl can be true
npm config set -g cafile "${cert_path}"
npm config set -g strict-ssl true
yarn config set cafile "${cert_path}" -g
yarn config set strict-ssl true -g
You can then, at any time, run setup-certs in your terminal. Note that if you're using Nvm to manage Node versions, you'll need to run this for each version of Node. I've noticed that some corporate certificates get rotated every so often. Simply re-running setup-certs fixes all that.
You'll notice that most answers suggest setting strict-ssl to false. Please don't do that. Instead use the setup-certs solution to use the actual certificates.
My problem was that my company proxy was getting in the way. The solution here was to identify the Root CA / certificate chain of our proxy, (on mac) export it from the keychain in .pem format, then export a variable for node to use.
export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/path/to/your/CA/cert.pem
There are different reason for this issue and workaround is different depends on situation. Listing here few workaround (note: it is insecure workaround so please check your organizational policies before trying).
Step 1: Test and ensure internet is working on machine with command prompt and same url is accessible directly which fails by NPM. There are many tools for this, like curl, wget etc. If you are using windows then try telnet or curl for windows.
Step 2: Set strict ssl to false by using below command
npm -g config set strict-ssl false
Step 3: Set reject unauthorized TLS to no by using below command:
In case of windows (or can use screen to set environment variable):
Step 4: Add unsafe param in installation command e.g.
npm i -g abc-package#1.0 --unsafe-perm true
In case you use yarn:
yarn config set strict-ssl false
Source: Ignore invalid self-signed ssl certificate in node.js with https.request?
I have encountered the same issue. This command didn't work for me either:
npm config set strict-ssl false
After digging deeper, I found out that this link was block by our IT admin.
So if you are facing the same issue, make sure this link is accessible to your browser first.
For anyone coming to this from macOS:
Somehow, npm hasn't picked up correct certificates file location, and I needed to explicitly point to it:
$ echo "cafile=$(brew --prefix)/share/ca-certificates/cacert.pem" >> ~/.npmrc
$ cat ~/.npmrc # for ARM macOS
Well this is not a right answer but can be consider as a quick workaround. Right answer is turn off Strict SSL.
I am having the same error
PhantomJS not found on PATH
Saving to C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Local\Temp\phantomjs\
Error making request.
Error: unable to get local issuer certificate
at TLSSocket. (_tls_wrap.js:1105:38)
at emitNone (events.js:106:13)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:208:7)
at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:639:8)
at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:469:38)
So the after reading the error.
Just downloaded the file manually and placed it on the required path.
This solved my problem.
PhantomJS not found on PATH
Download already available at C:\Users\sam\AppData\Local\Temp\phantomjs\
Verified checksum of previously downloaded file
Extracting zip contents
A disclaimer: This solution is less secure, bad practice, don't do this.
I had a duplicate error message--I'm behind a corporate VPN/firewall. I was able to resolve this issue by adding a .typingsrc file to my user directory (C:\Users\MyUserName\.typingsrc in windows). Of course, anytime you're circumventing SSL you should be yapping to your sys admins to fix the certificate issue.
Change the registry URL from https to http, and as seen in nfiles' answser above, set rejectUnauthorized to false.
.typingsrc (placed in project directory or in user root directory)
"rejectUnauthorized": false,
"registryURL": ""
Optionally add your github token (I didn't find success until I had added this too.)
"rejectUnauthorized": false,
"registryURL": "",
"githubToken": "YourGitHubToken"
See instructions for setting up your github token at
Once you have your certificate (cer or pem file), add it as a system variable like in the screenshot below.
This is the secure way of solving the problem, rather than disabling SSL. You have to tell npm or whatever node tool you're using to use these certificates when establing an SSL connection using the environment variable NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS.
This is common when you're behind a corporate firewall or proxy. You can find the correct certificate by just inspecting the security tab in Chrome when visiting a page while on your company's VPN or proxy and exporting the certificate through the "Manage Computer Certificates" window in Windows.
On FreeBSD, this error can be produced because the cafile path is set to a symlink instead of the absolute path.

How to set a proxy for the azure-cli command line tool?

I'm behind a corporate firewall and cannot connect using the command line interface, which probably doesn't get proxy information from the system configuration, but I cannot find a way to set the correct options.
The environment variables mentioned in the other answer are part of the solution, so you do need to set them by running these commands before az login. Note that (in my case, at least) both URLs start with http, not https.
In PowerShell:
In cmd:
SET HTTP_PROXY http://my-proxy-details
SET HTTPS_PROXY http://my-proxy-details
Or, to set them permanently:
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", "http://my-proxy-details", "Machine")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", "http://my-proxy-details", "Machine")
If that fixes it for you, you can stop reading here. If not, and you see a certificate error, the extra step is to find the Azure CLI's private Python installation, and add your root certificate to its cacert.pem files. While Python itself uses the Windows certificate store, some packages (notably certifi) do not.
You will need your proxy's root certificate in PEM format - that is, as base64 text rather than as a binary. It may well have the .cer extension.
Find the site-packages folder inside Azure CLI's program folder. For me, it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages. Search it for files named cacert.pem. I found three of them. Copy the contents of your certificate and paste it at the bottom of each of these files. Save them and try again.
You could use HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY environment variables to set a proxy.
You need add "=" when set environment variables:
SET HTTP_PROXY=http://my-proxy-details
SET HTTPS_PROXY=http://my-proxy-details
In PowerShell:
