I am new to Coq, and was hoping that someone with more experience could help me with a problem I am facing.
I have defined a relation to represent the evaluation of a program in an imaginary programming language. The goal of the language is unify function calls and a constrained subset of macro invocations under a single semantics. Here is the definition of the relation, with its first constructor (I am omitting the rest to save space and avoid unnecessary details).
Inductive EvalExpr:
store -> (* Store, mapping L-values to R-values *)
environment -> (* Local environment, mapping function-local variables names to L-values *)
environment -> (* Global environment, mapping global variables names to L-values *)
function_table ->(* Mapping function names to function definitions *)
macro_table -> (* Mapping macro names to macro definitions *)
expr -> (* The expression to evaluate *)
Z -> (* The value the expression terminates to *)
store -> (* The final state of the program store after evaluation *)
Prop :=
(* Numerals evaluate to their integer representation and do not
change the store *)
| E_Num : forall S E G F M z,
EvalExpr S E G F M (Num z) z S
The mappings are defined as follows:
Module Import NatMap := FMapList.Make(OrderedTypeEx.Nat_as_OT).
Module Import StringMap := FMapList.Make(OrderedTypeEx.String_as_OT).
Definition store : Type := NatMap.t Z.
Definition environment : Type := StringMap.t nat.
Definition function_table : Type := StringMap.t function_definition.
Definition macro_table : Type := StringMap.t macro_definition.
I do not think the definitions of the other types are relevant to this question, but I can add them if needed.
Now when trying to prove the following lemma, which seems intuitively obvious, I get stuck:
Lemma S_Equal_EvalExpr_EvalExpr : forall S1 S2,
NatMap.Equal S1 S2 ->
forall E G F M e v S',
EvalExpr S1 E G F M e v S' <-> EvalExpr S2 E G F M e v S'.
intros. split.
(* -> *)
- intros. induction H0.
+ (* Num *)
Fail constructor.
If I were able to rewrite S2 for S1 in the goal, the proof would be trivial; however, if I try to do this, I get the following error:
H : NatMap.Equal S S2
(* Other premises *)
EvalExpr S2 E G F M (Num z) z S
rewrite <- H.
Found no subterm matching "NatMap.find (elt:=Z) ?M2433 S2" in the current goal.
I think this has to do with finite mappings being abstract types, and thus not being rewritable like concrete types are. However, I noticed that I can rewrite mappings within other equations/relations found in Coq.FSets.FMapFacts. How would I tell Coq to let me rewrite mapping types inside my EvalExpr relation?
Update: Here is a gist containing a minimal working example of my problem. The definitions of some of the mapping types have been altered for brevity, but the problem is the same.
The issue here is that the relation NatMap.Equal, which says that two maps have the same bindings, is not the same as the notion of equality in Coq's logic, =. While it is always possible to rewrite with =, rewriting with some other relation R is only possible if you can prove that the property you are trying to show is compatible with it. This is already done for the relations in FMap, which is why rewriting there works.
You have two options:
Replace FMap with an implementation for which the intended map equality coincides with =, a property usually known as extensionality. There are many libraries that provide such data structures, including my own extructures, but also finmap and std++. Then, you never need to worry about a custom equality relation; all the important properties of maps work with =.
Keep FMap, but use the generalized rewriting mechanism to allow rewriting with FMap.Equal. To do this, you probably need to modify the definition of your execution relation so that it is compatible with FMap.Equal. Unfortunately, I believe the only way to do this is by explicitly adding equality hypotheses everywhere, e.g.
Definition EvalExpr' S E G F M e v S' :=
exists S0 S0', NatMap.Equal S S0 /\
NatMap.Equal S' S0' /\
EvalExpr S0 E G F M e v S0'.
Since this will pollute your definitions, I would not recommend this approach.
Arthur's answer explains the problem very well.
One other (?) way to do it could be to modify your Inductive definition of EvalExpr to explicitly use the equality that you care about (NatMap.Equal instead of Eq). You will have to say in each rule that it is enough for two maps to be Equal.
For example:
| E_Num : forall S E G F M z,
EvalExpr S E G F M (Num z) z S
| E_Num : forall S1 S2 E G F M z,
NatMap.Equal S1 S2 ->
EvalExpr S1 E G F M (Num z) z S2
Then when you want to prove your Lemma and apply the constructor, you will have to provide a proof that S1 and S2 are equal. (you'll have to reason a little using that NatMap.Equal is an equivalence relation).
Can I provide a refined implementation (aka. override in OOP) of a method in a class instance, when the type is in another class, too? Or at least, if that other class is a subclass.
I have a class C with method m, a subclass S of C with method s and a type T a so there are instantiations
class C a where m :: [a] -> Bool
class C a => S a where s :: a -> a -> Bool
instance C a => C (T a) where m = ...
instance S a => S (T a) where s = ...
as usual.
Now it happens to be that when T a is in the subclass (which I cannot know as it depends on a), method m could be implemented much more efficient (quadratic vs. exponential time) using s.
I tried 'overriding' m in the implementation
instance S a => S (T a) where
s = ...
m = (all . uncurry) (=^=) . pairs -- override C.m
but the compiler errors basically because, m is not a public method of S. Well, it is not, but it's inherited in the OO sense.
For the specific purpose, the specialized version of m can be used for all instances; it's not a default to be overridden anywhere.
Edit: Because requested, the concrete code with a bit of explanation.
I have a class Model which has (among others) a method con that checks a list for consistency.
class Model a where
con :: [a] -> Bool
Two models can form an arrow model.
data Arrow a b = [a] :->: b
lhs w = [ a | (u :->: _) <- w, a <- u ]
rhs w = [ b | (_ :->: b) <- w ]
For the specific instance Model (Arrow a b), the general con implementation is very expensive (note powerset in the definition).
instance (Model a, Model b) => Model (Arrow a b) where
con w = all (\w' -> con (lhs w') `implies` con (rhs w')) (powerset w)
There is a subclass CoherentModel of Model which has a method (=^=) that checks consistency for two objects. The condition for coherent models is that a list is consistent iff all pairs are.
class Model a => CoherentModel a where
(=^=) :: a -> a -> Bool
a =^= b = con [a, b]
The class CoherentModel is at this point more documentation than a feature.
So, given that a model is coherent, consistency is much more efficient to check.
instance (Model a, CoherentModel b) => CoherentModel (Arrow a b) where
(u :->: a) =^= (v :->: b) = con (u ++ v) `implies` a =^= b
And in this case, con can be implemented using
con = (all . uncurry) (=^=) . pairs
pairs :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
pairs [] = []
pairs [_] = []
pairs [x,y] = [(x,y)]
pairs (x:xs) = map ((,) x) xs ++ pairs xs
but I find no way to specify this. It's not only for Arrow, it's relevant for all models with parameter. I chose Arrow because the improvement is significant.
It's a good question. One thing to remember is that whether a data type is an instance of a typeclass is compile-time only information -- i.e. we are always able to choose which instance to use using statically available information at the use site, and polymorphism comes from being able to choose an instance from the context. In general, if you ask "is a a member of typeclass B?", the only answers you can get are "yes" and "compile error". (This second observation is changed a bit by OverlappingInstances, but it doesn't seem to help in your case)
So the answer to your immediate question is no. You can't make a decision about a type's membership in a type class unless you are a method of that type class. What we can do is add this decision as a method (using the constraints package)
import Data.Constraint
class Model a where
con :: [a] -> Bool
isCoherent :: Maybe (Dict (CoherentModel a))
isCoherent = Nothing
Which you can define trivially for any type you have instantiated CoherentModel at:
instance Model Foo where
con = ...
isCoherent = Just Dict
Now you can implement your decision like this (w/ extensions ScopedTypeVariables and TypeApplications):
instance (Model a, Model b) => Model (Arrow a b) where
con | Just Dict <- isCoherent #b = -- efficient implementation
| otherwise = -- inefficient implementation
In the body of the first case we will have a local CoherentModel b in the context. It's kind of cool.
Too bad we have a sort of expression problem here where all the different implementations of con need to be collected up into one place. Also too bad isCoherent needs to be implemented manually on each coherent Model instance, separate from where its CoherentModel instance is.
There is a lot to explore here but I have to go. Good luck!
I have function f, which I want to augment with function g, resulting in function named h.
By "augment", in the general case, I mean: transform either input (one or more arguments) or output (return value) of function f.
By "augment", in the specific case, (specific to my current situation) I mean: transform only the output (return value) of function f while leaving all the arguments intact.
By "transparent", in the context of "augmentation", (both the general case and the specific case) I mean: To couple g's implementation as loosely to f's implementation as possible.
Specific case
In my current situation, this is what I need to do:
h a b c = g $ f a b c
I am interested in rewriting it to something like this:
h = g . f -- Doesn't type-check.
Because from the perspective of h and g, it doesn't matter what arguments f take, they only care about the return value, hence it would be tight coupling to mention the arguments in any way. For instance, if f's argument count changes in the future, h will also need to be changed.
So far
I asked lambdabot on the #haskell IRC channel: #pl h a b c = g $ f a b c to which I got the response:
h = ((g .) .) . f
Which is still not good enough since the number of (.)'s is dependent on the number of f's arguments.
General case
I haven't done much research in this direction, but erisco on #haskell pointed me towards which hints to me that a solution for the general case could be possible.
So far
Using the functions defined by Luke Palmer in the above article this seems to be an equivalent of what we have discussed so far:
h = f $. id ~> id ~> id ~> g
However, it seems that this method sadly also suffers from being dependent on the number of arguments of f if we want to transform the return value of f -- just as the previous methods.
Working example
In JavaScript, for instance, it is possible to achieve transparent augmentation like this:
function h () { return g(f.apply(this, arguments)) }
How can a function be "transparently augmented" in Haskell?
I am mainly interested in the specific case, but it would be also nice to know how to handle the general case.
You can sort-of do it, but since there is no way to specify a behavior for everything that isn't a function, you'll need a lot of trivial instances for all the other types you care about.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DefaultSignatures #-}
class Augment a where
type Result a
type Result a = a
type Augmented a r
type Augmented a r = r
augment :: (Result a -> r) -> a -> Augmented a r
default augment :: (a -> r) -> a -> r
augment g x = g x
instance Augment b => Augment (a -> b) where
type Result (a -> b) = Result b
type Augmented (a -> b) r = a -> Augmented b r
augment g f x = augment g (f x)
instance Augment Bool
instance Augment Char
instance Augment Integer
instance Augment [a]
-- and so on for every result type of every function you want to augment...
> let g n x ys = replicate n x ++ ys
> g 2 'a' "bc"
> let g' = augment length g
> g' 2 'a' "bc"
> :t g
g :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
> :t g'
g' :: Int -> a -> [a] -> Int
Well, technically, with just enough IncoherentInstances you can do pretty much anything:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies,
FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
class Augment a b f h where
augment :: (a -> b) -> f -> h
instance (a ~ c, h ~ b) => Augment a b c h where
augment = ($)
instance (Augment a b d h', h ~ (c -> h')) => Augment a b (c -> d) h where
augment g f = augment g . f
-- Usage
t1 = augment not not
r1 = t1 True
t2 = augment (+1) (+)
r2 = t2 2 3
t3 = augment (+1) foldr
r3 = t3 (+) 0 [2,3]
The problem is that the real return value of something like a -> b -> c isn't
c, but b -> c. What you want require some kind of test that tells you if a type isn't
a function type. You could enumerate the types you are interested in, but that's not so
nice. I think HList solve this problem somehow, look at the paper. I managed to understand a bit of the solution with overlapping instances, but the rest goes a bit over my head I'm afraid.
JavaScript works, because its arguments are a sequence, or a list, so there is just one argument, really. In that sense it is the same as a curried version of the functions with a tuple representing the collection of arguments.
In a strongly typed language you need a lot more information to do that "transparently" for a function type - for example, dependent types can express this idea, but require the functions to be of specific types, not a arbitrary function type.
I think I saw a workaround in Haskell that can do this, too, but, again, that works only for specific types, which capture the arity of the function, not any function.
I was somewhat undecided as to whether this was a math.SE question or an SO one, but I suspect that mathematicians in general are fairly unlikely to know or care much about this category in particular, whereas Haskell programmers might well do.
So, we know that Hask has products, more or less (I'm working with idealised-Hask, here, of course). I'm interested in whether or not it has equalisers (in which case it would have all finite limits).
Intuitively it seems not, since you can't do separation like you can on sets, and so subobjects seem hard to construct in general. But for any specific case you'd like to come up with, it seems like you'd be able to hack it by working out the equaliser in Set and counting it (since after all, every Haskell type is countable and every countable set is isomorphic either to a finite type or the naturals, both of which Haskell has). So I can't see how I'd go about finding a counterexample.
Now, Agda seems a bit more promising: there it is relatively easy to form subobjects. Is the obvious sigma type Σ A (λ x → f x == g x) an equaliser? If the details don't work, is it morally an equaliser?
tl;dr the proposed candidate is not quite an equaliser, but its irrelevant counterpart is
The candidate for an equaliser in Agda looks good. So let's just try it. We'll need some basic kit. Here are my refusenik ASCII dependent pair type and homogeneous intensional equality.
record Sg (S : Set)(T : S -> Set) : Set where
constructor _,_
fst : S
snd : T fst
open Sg
data _==_ {X : Set}(x : X) : X -> Set where
refl : x == x
Here's your candidate for an equaliser for two functions
Q : {S T : Set}(f g : S -> T) -> Set
Q {S}{T} f g = Sg S \ s -> f s == g s
with the fst projection sending Q f g into S.
What it says: an element of Q f g is an element s of the source type, together with a proof that f s == g s. But is this an equaliser? Let's try to make it so.
To say what an equaliser is, I should define function composition.
_o_ : {R S T : Set} -> (S -> T) -> (R -> S) -> R -> T
(f o g) x = f (g x)
So now I need to show that any h : R -> S which identifies f o h and g o h must factor through the candidate fst : Q f g -> S. I need to deliver both the other component, u : R -> Q f g and the proof that indeed h factors as fst o u. Here's the picture: (Q f g , fst) is an equalizer if whenever the diagram commutes without u, there is a unique way to add u with the diagram still commuting.
Here goes existence of the mediating u.
mediator : {R S T : Set}(f g : S -> T)(h : R -> S) ->
(q : (f o h) == (g o h)) ->
Sg (R -> Q f g) \ u -> h == (fst o u)
Clearly, I should pick the same element of S that h picks.
mediator f g h q = (\ r -> (h r , ?0)) , ?1
leaving me with two proof obligations
?0 : f (h r) == g (h r)
?1 : h == (\ r -> h r)
Now, ?1 can just be refl as Agda's definitional equality has the eta-law for functions. For ?0, we are blessed by q. Equal functions respect application
funq : {S T : Set}{f g : S -> T} -> f == g -> (s : S) -> f s == g s
funq refl s = refl
so we may take ?0 = funq q r.
But let us not celebrate prematurely, for the existence of a mediating morphism is not sufficient. We require also its uniqueness. And here the wheel is likely to go wonky, because == is intensional, so uniqueness means there's only ever one way to implement the mediating map. But then, our assumptions are also intensional...
Here's our proof obligation. We must show that any other mediating morphism is equal to the one chosen by mediator.
mediatorUnique :
{R S T : Set}(f g : S -> T)(h : R -> S) ->
(qh : (f o h) == (g o h)) ->
(m : R -> Q f g) ->
(qm : h == (fst o m)) ->
m == fst (mediator f g h qh)
We can immediately substitute via qm and get
mediatorUnique f g .(fst o m) qh m refl = ?
? : m == (\ r -> (fst (m r) , funq qh r))
which looks good, because Agda has eta laws for records, so we know that
m == (\ r -> (fst (m r) , snd (m r)))
but when we try to make ? = refl, we get the complaint
snd (m _) != funq qh _ of type f (fst (m _)) == g (fst (m _))
which is annoying, because identity proofs are unique (in the standard configuration). Now, you can get out of this by postulating extensionality and using a few other facts about equality
postulate ext : {S T : Set}{f g : S -> T} -> ((s : S) -> f s == g s) -> f == g
sndq : {S : Set}{T : S -> Set}{s : S}{t t' : T s} ->
t == t' -> _==_ {Sg S T} (s , t) (s , t')
sndq refl = refl
uip : {X : Set}{x y : X}{q q' : x == y} -> q == q'
uip {q = refl}{q' = refl} = refl
? = ext (\ s -> sndq uip)
but that's overkill, because the only problem is the annoying equality proof mismatch: the computable parts of the implementations match on the nose. So the fix is to work with irrelevance. I replace Sg by the Existential quantifier, whose second component is marked as irrelevant with a dot. Now it matters not which proof we use that the witness is good.
record Ex (S : Set)(T : S -> Set) : Set where
constructor _,_
fst : S
.snd : T fst
open Ex
and the new candidate equaliser is
Q : {S T : Set}(f g : S -> T) -> Set
Q {S}{T} f g = Ex S \ s -> f s == g s
The entire construction goes through as before, except that in the last obligation
? = refl
is accepted!
So yes, even in the intensional setting, eta laws and the ability to mark fields as irrelevant give us equalisers.
No undecidable typechecking was involved in this construction.
Hask doesn't have equalizers. An important thing to remember is that thinking about a type (or the objects in any category) and their isomorphism classes really requires thinking about the arrows. What you say about the underlying sets is true, but types with isomorphic underlying sets certainly aren't necessarily isomorphic. One difference between Hask and Set as that Hask's arrows must be computable, and in fact for idealized Hask, they must be total.
I spent a while trying to come up with a real defensible counterexample, and found some references suggesting it cannot be done, but without proofs. However, I do have some "moral" counterexamples if you will; I cannot prove that no equalizer exists in Haskell, but it certainly seems impossible!
Example 1
f, g: ([Int], Int) -> Int
f (p,v) = treat p as a polynomial with given coefficients, and evaluate p(v).
g _ = 0
The equalizer "should" be the type of all pairs (p,n) where p(n) = 0, along with a function injecting these pairs into ([Int], Int). By Hilbert's 10th problem, this set is undecidable. It seems to me that this should exclude the possibility of it being a Haskell type, but I can't prove that (is it possible that there's some bizarre way to construct this type that nobody has discovered?). It maybe I haven't connected a dot or two -- perhaps proving this is impossible isn't hard?
Example 2
Say you have a programing language. You have a compiler that takes the source code and an input and produces a function, for which the fixed point of the function is the output. (While we don't have compilers like this, specifying semantics sort of like this isn't unheard of). So, you have
compiler : String -> Int -> (Int -> Int)
(Un)curry that into a function
compiler' : (String, Int, Int) -> Int
and add a function
id' : (String, Int, Int) -> Int
id' (_,_,x) = x
Then the equalizer of compiler', id' would be the collection of triplets of source program, input, output -- and this is uncomputable because the programing language is fully general.
More Examples
Pick your favorite undecidable problem: it generally involves deciding if an object is the member of some set. You often have a total function that can be used to check this property for a particular object. You can use this function to create an equalizer where the type should be all the items in your undecidable set. That's where the first two examples came from, and there are tons more.
I'm not as familiar with Agda. My intuition is that your sigma-type should be an equalizer: you can write the type down, along with the necessary injection function, and it looks like it satisfies the definition entirely. However, as someone who doesn't use Agda, I don't think I'm really qualified to check the details.
The real practical issue though is that typechecking that sigma type won't always be computable, so it's not always useful to do this. In all the examples above, you can write down the Sigma type you provided, but you won't be able to readily check if something is a member of that type without a proof.
Incidentally, this is why Haskell shouldn't be able to have equalizers: if it did, the typechecking would be undecidable! Dependent types is what makes everything tick. They should be able to express interesting mathematical structures in its types, while Haskell can't since its typesystem is decideable. So, I would naturally expect idealized Agda to have all finite limits (I would be disappointed otherwise). The same goes for other dependently typed languages; Coq, for example, should definitely have all limits.
I'm trying to implement some kind of message parser in Haskell, so I decided to use types for message types, not constructors:
data DebugMsg = DebugMsg String
data UpdateMsg = UpdateMsg [String]
.. and so on. I belive it is more useful to me, because I can define typeclass, say, Msg for message with all information/parsers/actions related to this message.
But I have problem here. When I try to write parsing function using case:
parseMsg :: (Msg a) => Int -> Get a
parseMsg code =
case code of
1 -> (parse :: Get DebugMsg)
2 -> (parse :: Get UpdateMsg)
..type of case result should be same in all branches. Is there any solution? And does it even possible specifiy only typeclass for function result and expect it to be fully polymorphic?
Yes, all the right hand sides of all your subcases must have the exact same type; and this type must be the same as the type of the whole case expression. This is a feature; it's required for the language to be able to guarantee at compilation time that there cannot be any type errors at runtime.
Some of the comments on your question mention that the simplest solution is to use a sum (a.k.a. variant) type:
data ParserMsg = DebugMsg String | UpdateMsg [String]
A consequence of this is that the set of alternative results is defined ahead of time. This is sometimes an upside (your code can be certain that there are no unhandled subcases), sometimes a downside (there is a finite number of subcases and they are determined at compilation time).
A more advanced solution in some cases—which you might not need, but I'll just throw it in—is to refactor the code to use functions as data. The idea is that you create a datatype that has functions (or monadic actions) as its fields, and then different behaviors = different functions as record fields.
Compare these two styles with this example. First, specifying different cases as a sum (this uses GADTs, but should be simple enough to understand):
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
type Size = Int
type Index = Int
-- | A 'Frame' translates between a set of values and consecutive array
-- indexes. (Note: this simplified implementation doesn't handle duplicate
-- values.)
data Frame p where
-- | A 'SimpleFrame' is backed by just a 'Vector'
SimpleFrame :: Vector p -> Frame p
-- | A 'ProductFrame' is a pair of 'Frame's.
ProductFrame :: Frame p -> Frame q -> Frame (p, q)
getSize :: Frame p -> Size
getSize (SimpleFrame v) = V.length v
getSize (ProductFrame f g) = getSize f * getSize g
getIndex :: Frame p -> Index -> p
getIndex (SimpleFrame v) i = v!i
getIndex (ProductFrame f g) ij =
let (i, j) = splitIndex (getSize f, getSize g) ij
in (getIndex f i, getIndex g j)
pointIndex :: Eq p => Frame p -> p -> Maybe Index
pointIndex (SimpleFrame v) p = V.elemIndex v p
pointIndex (ProductFrame f g) (p, q) =
joinIndexes (getSize f, getSize g) (pointIndex f p) (pointIndex g q)
joinIndexes :: (Size, Size) -> Index -> Index -> Index
joinIndexes (_, rsize) i j = i * rsize + j
splitIndex :: (Size, Size) -> Index -> (Index, Index)
splitIndex (_, rsize) ij = (ij `div` rsize, ij `mod` rsize)
In this first example, a Frame can only ever be either a SimpleFrame or a ProductFrame, and every Frame function must be defined to handle both cases.
Second, datatype with function members (I elide code common to both examples):
data Frame p = Frame { getSize :: Size
, getIndex :: Index -> p
, pointIndex :: p -> Maybe Index }
simpleFrame :: Eq p => Vector p -> Frame p
simpleFrame v = Frame (V.length v) (v!) (V.elemIndex v)
productFrame :: Frame p -> Frame q -> Frame (p, q)
productFrame f g = Frame newSize getI pointI
where newSize = getSize f * getSize g
getI ij = let (i, j) = splitIndex (getSize f, getSize g) ij
in (getIndex f i, getIndex g j)
pointI (p, q) = joinIndexes (getSize f, getSize g)
(pointIndex f p)
(pointIndex g q)
Here the Frame type takes the getIndex and pointIndex operations as data members of the Frame itself. There isn't a fixed compile-time set of subcases, because the behavior of a Frame is determined by its element functions, which are supplied at runtime. So without having to touch those definitions, we could add:
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
concatFrame :: Frame p -> Frame p -> Frame p
concatFrame f g = Frame newSize getI pointI
where newSize = getSize f + getSize g
getI ij | ij < getSize f = ij
| otherwise = ij - getSize f
pointI p = getPoint f p <|> fmap (+(getSize f)) (getPoint g p)
I call this second style "behavioral types," but that really is just me.
Note that type classes in GHC are implemented similarly to this—there is a hidden "dictionary" argument passed around, and this dictionary is a record whose members are implementations for the class methods:
data ShowDictionary a { primitiveShow :: a -> String }
stringShowDictionary :: ShowDictionary String
stringShowDictionary = ShowDictionary { primitiveShow = ... }
-- show "whatever"
-- ---> primitiveShow stringShowDictionary "whatever"
You could accomplish something like this with existential types, however it wouldn't work how you want it to, so you really shouldn't.
Doing it with normal polymorphism, as you have in your example, won't work at all. What your type says is that the function is valid for all a--that is, the caller gets to choose what kind of message to receive. However, you have to choose the message based on the numeric code, so this clearly won't do.
To clarify: all standard Haskell type variables are universally quantified by default. You can read your type signature as ∀a. Msg a => Int -> Get a. What this says is that the function is define for every value of a, regardless of what the argument may be. This means that it has to be able to return whatever particular a the caller wants, regardless of what argument it gets.
What you really want is something like ∃a. Msg a => Int -> Get a. This is why I said you could do it with existential types. However, this is relatively complicated in Haskell (you can't quite write a type signature like that) and will not actually solve your problem correctly; it's just something to keep in mind for the future.
Fundamentally, using classes and types like this is not very idiomatic in Haskell, because that's not what classes are meant to do. You would be much better off sticking to a normal algebraic data type for your messages.
I would have a single type like this:
data Message = DebugMsg String
| UpdateMsg [String]
So instead of having a parse function per type, just do the parsing in the parseMsg function as appropriate:
parseMsg :: Int -> String -> Message
parseMsg n msg = case n of
1 -> DebugMsg msg
2 -> UpdateMsg [msg]
(Obviously fill in whatever logic you actually have there.)
Essentially, this is the classical use for normal algebraic data types. There is no reason to have different types for the different kinds of messages, and life is much easier if they have the same type.
It looks like you're trying to emulate sub-typing from other languages. As a rule of thumb, you use algebraic data types in place of most of the uses of sub-types in other languages. This is certainly one of those cases.