I'm using a passport-jwt auth strategy in my nestJS app (with authGuard), how to get access to the token payload in my controller? - node.js

I'm trying to get access to the jwt payload in a route that is protected by an AuthGuard.
I'm using passport-jwt and the token payload is the email of the user.
I could achieve this by runing the code bellow:
import {
} from '#nestjs/common';
import { JwtService } from '#nestjs/jwt';
import { AuthGuard } from '#nestjs/passport';
async create(#Headers() headers: any) {
Logger.log(this.jwtService.decode(headers.authorization.split(' ')[1]));
I want to know if there's a better way to do it?

Your JwtStrategy has a validate method. Here you have access to the JwtPayload. The return value of this method will be attached to the request (by default under the property user). So you can return whatever you need from the payload here:
async validate(payload: JwtPayload) {
// You can fetch additional information if needed
const user = await this.userService.findUser(payload);
if (!user) {
throw new UnauthorizedException();
return {user, email: payload.email};
And then access it in you controller by injecting the request:
async create(#Req() request) {
You can make this more convenient by creating a custom decorator:
import { createParamDecorator } from '#nestjs/common';
export const User = createParamDecorator((data, req) => {
return req.user;
and then inject #User instead of #Req.


Nestjs Passport google Oauth2 with custom JWT

What I need to achieve -
I need to have a dynamic redirect URL (not google's refer Current Flow last step) based on the query param sent by Frontend.
I need to send my custom JWT token instead of google token which can have roles and permission in it. (Not sure if we can add claims to google token as well)
In my app, I have 2 roles - candidate, and recruiter. I need to use Gmail auth and create a user in my DB according to roles, which again I could achieve via query param pass by Frontend.
Current Flow -
Frontend calls google/login -> GoogleAuthGaurd -> GoogleStrategy -> google/redirect -> Generate custom JWT token -> redirect to frontend with access token and refresh token in URL.
Problem -
In Passport, we have GoogleAuthGaurd, and GoogleStrategy. I have read somewhere that Auth Gaurd decides which strategy to be used and it internally calls the strategy and further execution.
If I pass query param to google/login it totally ignores it and redirects to strategy. We can access contecxt (ExecutionContext) in AuthGaurd, so we can get query param there but how to pass it to strategy? or may be invoke custom strategy from auth guard not sure if we can.
Is there any way I could pass the query param to strategy then I could write a logic to update the redirect URI or roles?
import { TokenResponsePayload } from '#identity/payloads/responses/token-response.payload';
import { Controller, Get, Inject, Req, Res, UseGuards } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ApiTags } from '#nestjs/swagger';
import { Request, Response } from 'express';
import {
} from '../interfaces/services/auth-service.interface';
import { AccessTokenGaurd } from '../utils/access-token.guard';
import { GoogleAuthGaurd } from '../utils/google-auth-guard';
import { RefreshTokenGuard } from '../utils/refresh-token.guard';
export class AuthController {
private authService: AuthServiceInterface,
) {}
handleGoogleLogin() {}
async handleGoogleRedirect(#Req() req, #Res() res: Response) {
const tokens = await this.authService.signInWithGoogle(req);
async remove(#Req() req: Request): Promise<void> {
return this.authService.removeSession(req.user['sessionId']);
async refreshToken(#Req() req: Request): Promise<TokenResponsePayload> {
const sessionId = req.user['sessionId'];
const refreshToken = req.user['refreshToken'];
return this.authService.refreshTokens(sessionId, refreshToken);
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common'; import { AuthGuard } from '#nestjs/passport';
#Injectable() export class GoogleAuthGaurd extends AuthGuard('google') {}
import { CalConfigService, ConfigEnum } from '#cawstudios/calibrate.common';
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { PassportStrategy } from '#nestjs/passport';
import { Profile, Strategy } from 'passport-google-oauth20';
import { VerifiedCallback } from 'passport-jwt';
const configService = new CalConfigService();
export class GoogleStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy) {
constructor() {
clientID: configService.get(ConfigEnum.CLIENT_ID),
clientSecret: configService.get(ConfigEnum.CLIENT_SECRET),
callbackURL: configService.get('CALLBACK_URL'),
scope: ['profile', 'email'],
async validate(
accessToken: string,
refreshToken: string,
profile: Profile,
done: VerifiedCallback,
): Promise<any> {
const email = profile.emails[0].value;
done(null, email);

How to validate dto with class-validator before passing to passportjs AuthGuard

How to validate dto with class-validator before passing to passport AuthGuard? I wanna use class-validator for validating incoming dto, but I see "unathorized" instead of bad request exception because pipes are being evaluated after guards in nestjs. How can I change this behaviour or I have to validate dto right in auth guard?
It's not very in NestJS way, but probably the single option to use is validate DTO inside strategy, that your guard is using:
import { PassportStrategy } from '#nestjs/passport';
import { Strategy } from 'passport-strategy';
import { validate } from 'class-validator';
import { BadRequestException } from '#nestjs/common';
class YourStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy) {
authenticate(req, options) {
const errors = validate(req.body);
if (errors) {
throw new BadRequestException({ errors });
super.authenticate(req, options);

How to check session in angular 8

I have created login form with angular 8 and node js. I have set the session using node js in back end. i couldnt check session set or not in angular for avoid access dashboard without logged in. Kindly suggest the way to use login system using angular 8 and node js. Thanks.....
A very popular method is to use JWT (JSON Web Tokens) npm package to authenticate.
The process would be:
Send credentials to the server
Server generates and sends back JWT or a Bearer Token
FrontEnd would store it in browser cookies or localStorage
localStorage.setItem('TOKEN', tokenReceivedFromServer);
In subsequent Api Calls the token would be sent to the server in a Header (Authorization).
Authorization: `JWT ${localStorage.getItem('TOKEN')}`
FYI: JWT keyword is removed from string on the server before parsing token
The frontend can check if the token is set in storage to show login page / dashboard
First we need to check the login credentials valid or not in application.
In angular application component typescript file, we have send the data service in argument, the service send the values to backend using httpclient. If credentials valid we set the value in localstorage.
this.LoginService.loginData(data).subscribe(data =>{
if(data.body.status_code == 404)
icon: 'warning',
title: 'Invalid E-Mail/Password!',
}else if(data.body.status_code ==200)
icon: 'error',
title: 'Process Failed!',
In service.ts file make sure about those packages import
import { HttpClient } from '#angular/common/http';
import { Observable, throwError } from 'rxjs';
import {Login} from './login';
in loginData function
url = "http://localhost:3000/loginCheck";
return this.http.post(this.url,Login,{observe: 'response'});
in backend i have used node.js
in file app.js
first install jsonwebtoken package and include in the file.
npm install jsonwebtoken
then set the jsonwebtoken when where condition satisfies
let payload = {subject:employee_id}
let token = jwt.sign(payload,'secretKey')
var response = {
'token': token,
Whenever we use the login in angular we must use the authguard routing its helps to access dashboard without logged in.
ng generate guard auth
in auth.guard.ts file we must include the package and service
import { CanActivate, Router } from '#angular/router';
import {LoginService} from './login.service';
export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
constructor(private LoginService:LoginService,private router:Router) {}
canActivate(): boolean
return true
return false;
In this file we just checking the localstorage value set or not in boolean datatype.
in service file
add the following code for get and return in boolean type
return !!localStorage.getItem('user_id')
return localStorage.getItem('user_id')
if its returns true we can access the dasboard, else its redirected to login page.
We must use this canActive function in routing otherwise it will not working
In app-routing.module.ts file
import { AuthGuard } from './auth.guard';
const routes: Routes = [
It will helpus to access dashboard without loggedin but we need to check the token valid or not in backend, we can do that using angular interceptors
we should create the new service with interceptors name
ng g service token-interceptor
In interceptor file we need to import the following
import { Injectable,Injector } from '#angular/core';
import { HttpInterceptor } from '#angular/common/http';
import { LoginService } from './login.service';
In interceptors services inject in different way compared to component.
export class TokenInterceptorService implements HttpInterceptor{
constructor(private Injector:Injector) { }
let loginService = this.Injector.get(LoginService);
let tokenzedReq = req.clone({
Authorization: `Bearer ${loginService.getToken()}`
return next.handle(tokenzedReq)
we need to create a function in interceptors with the name intercept, then we need to inject the service as per injector.
In backend we need to create the helper function to verify the jsonwebtoken
if the authorization not set we can send the response 401 not found and can redirected to login page
function verifyToken(req,res,next)
return res.status(401).send('Unauthorized request');
var token = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1];
return res.status(401).send('Unauthorized request');
if(token === 'null')
return res.status(401).send('Unauthorized request');
//let payload = jwt.verify(token,'secretKey');
let payload = jwt.decode(token,'secretKey');
return res.status(401).send('Unauthorized request');
req.userId = payload.subject;
then we can use this middleware function wherever we need
for example
let events = [];
In dashboard component ts file
if(err instanceof HttpErrorResponse)
in dashboard service ts file
url = "http://localhost:3000/dashboard";
return this.http.get<any>(this.url);
in app.module.ts file
import { AuthGuard } from './auth.guard';
import { ReciptComponentComponent } from './recipt-component/recipt-component.component';
import { HttpClientModule, HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '#angular/common/http';
import { TokenInterceptorService } from './token-interceptor.service';
import { DashboardServiceService } from './dashboard-service.service';
in providers
providers: [AuthGuard,{provide:HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,useClass:TokenInterceptorService,multi:true},DashboardServiceService],

facebook-passport with NestJS

I have looked into both passport-facebook and passport-facebook-token integration with NestJS. The problem is that NestJS abstracts passport implementation with its own utilities such as AuthGuard.
Because of this, ExpressJS style implementation that's documented will not work with NestJS. This for instance is not compliant with the #nestjs/passport package:
var FacebookTokenStrategy = require('passport-facebook-token');
passport.use(new FacebookTokenStrategy({
}, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
User.findOrCreate({facebookId: profile.id}, function (error, user) {
return done(error, user);
This blog post shows one strategy for implementing passport-facebook-token using an unfamiliar interface that isn't compliant with AuthGuard.
export class FacebookStrategy {
private readonly userService: UserService,
) {
init() {
new FacebookTokenStrategy(
fbGraphVersion: 'v3.0',
async (
accessToken: string,
refreshToken: string,
profile: any,
done: any,
) => {
const user = await this.userService.findOrCreate(
return done(null, user);
The problem here is that this seems to be completely unconventional to how NestJS expects you to handle a passport strategy. It is hacked together. It could break in future NestJS updates as well. There's also no exception handling here; I have no way to capture exceptions such as InternalOAuthError which gets thrown by passport-facebook-token because of the callback nature that's being utilized.
Is there a clean way to implement either one of passport-facebook or passport-facebook-token so that it'll use #nestjs/passport's validate() method? From the documentation: For each strategy, Passport will call the verify function (implemented with the validate() method in #nestjs/passport). There should be a way to pass a clientId, clientSecret in the constructor and then put the rest of the logic into the validate() method.
I would imagine the final result to look something similar to the following (this does not work):
import { Injectable } from "#nestjs/common";
import { PassportStrategy } from "#nestjs/passport";
import FacebookTokenStrategy from "passport-facebook-token";
export class FacebookStrategy extends PassportStrategy(FacebookTokenStrategy, 'facebook')
clientID : 'anid', // <- Replace this with your client id
clientSecret: 'secret', // <- Replace this with your client secret
async validate(request: any, accessToken: string, refreshToken: string, profile: any, done: Function)
console.log(`hey we got a profile: `, profile);
const jwt: string = 'placeholderJWT'
const user =
done(null, user);
console.log(`got an error: `, err)
done(err, false);
In my particular case, I am not interested in callbackURL. I am just validating an access token that the client has forwarded to the server. I just put the above to be explicit.
Also if you are curious, the code above produces an InternalOAuthError but I have no way of capturing the exception in the strategy to see what the real problem is because it isn't implemented correctly. I know that in this particular case the access_token I am passing is invalid, if I pass a valid one, the code works. With a proper implementation though I would be able to capture the exception, inspect the error, and be able to bubble up a proper exception to the user, in this case an HTTP 401.
InternalOAuthError: Failed to fetch user profile
It seems clear that the exception is being thrown outside of the validate() method, and that's why our try/catch block is not capturing the InternalOAuthError. Handling this exception is critical for normal user experience and I am not sure what the NestJS way of handling it is in this implementation or how error handling should be done.
You're on the right track with the Strategy using extends PassportStrategy() class setup you have going. In order to catch the error from passport, you can extend the AuthGuard('facebook') and add some custom logic to handleRequest(). You can read more about it here, or take a look at this snippet from the docs:
import {
} from '#nestjs/common';
import { AuthGuard } from '#nestjs/passport';
export class JwtAuthGuard extends AuthGuard('jwt') {
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext) {
// Add your custom authentication logic here
// for example, call super.logIn(request) to establish a session.
return super.canActivate(context);
handleRequest(err, user, info) {
// You can throw an exception based on either "info" or "err" arguments
if (err || !user) {
throw err || new UnauthorizedException();
return user;
Yes, this is using JWT instead of Facebook, but the underlying logic and handler are the same so it should still work for you.
In my case, I used to use the passport-facebook-token with older version of nest. To upgrade, the adjustment of the strategy was needed. I am also not interested in the callback url.
This is a working version with passport-facebook-token that uses nest conventions and benefits from dependency injection:
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common'
import { PassportStrategy } from '#nestjs/passport'
import * as FacebookTokenStrategy from 'passport-facebook-token'
import { UserService } from '../user/user.service'
import { FacebookUser } from './types'
export class FacebookStrategy extends PassportStrategy(FacebookTokenStrategy, 'facebook-token') {
constructor(private userService: UserService) {
clientID: process.env.FB_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.FB_CLIENT_SECRET,
async validate(
accessToken: string,
refreshToken: string,
profile: FacebookTokenStrategy.Profile,
done: (err: any, user: any, info?: any) => void,
): Promise<any> {
const userToInsert: FacebookUser = {
try {
const user = await this.userService.findOrCreateWithFacebook(userToInsert)
return done(null, user.id) // whatever should get to your controller
} catch (e) {
return done('error', null)
This creates the facebook-token that can be used in the controller.

Nestjs + Passport: Prevent user 1 to access information of user 2

How can I prevent user 1 to access information of user 2 using passport in a Nesjs app ?
I already have 2 strategies:
the local strategy which validate a user with email/password. The route protected by this strategy return a jwt token.
the jwt strategy which validate the given jwt token.
Now, I want to restrict access to routes such as users/:id to jwt token which actually have the same userId encrypted.
How to do that ?
I was mixing Authentication and Authorization: what I want to achieve is about authorization, once the user has been authenticated.
I had to use Guard:
export class OwnGuard implements CanActivate {
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): boolean {
const req = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
return req.user.id === req.params.id;
Then use it in my route:
async get(#Param('id') id: string) {
return await this.usersService.get(id);
What I did was to create a third strategy based on the jwt one:
export class OwnStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy, 'own') {
constructor() {
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
secretOrKey: SECRET,
passReqToCallback: true
async validate(req: Request, payload: { sub: string }) {
if (req.params.id !== payload.sub) {
throw new UnauthorizedException();
return { userId: payload.sub };
Note how I pass the custom name 'own' as second parameter of PassportStrategy to differentiate it from the 'jwt' one. Its guard:
export class OwnAuthGuard extends AuthGuard('own') {}
This works but I wonder if it is the good way of doing it...
What if later I want to able user modification for admin users ?
Should I create a forth strategy which check if role === Role.ADMIN || req.params.id === payload.sub ?
I think I'm missing something. There should be a way to create a strategy which validate only the jwt, another one only the userId, another one only the role, and combine them as I want when applying guards to my routes.
same case. you can use handleRequest method in guard.
here you can access user auth and req, then doing validation for resource appropriate. check out my code
export class JwtAuthGuard extends AuthGuard('jwt') {
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext) {
return super.canActivate(context);
handleRequest(err, user, info, context: ExecutionContext) {
const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest<Request>();
const params = request.params;
if (user.id !== +params.id) {
throw new ForbiddenException();
return user;
look more here https://docs.nestjs.com/security/authentication#extending-guards
