swrl rule not returning inferred properties - protege

I need help figuring out why my SWRL rules in Protege are not inferring any property. For instance, I have a rule to calculate the door area for a wall as:
Door(?d) ^ hasHeight(?d, ?h) ^ hasWidth(?d, ?w) ^ swrlb:multiply(?da, ?h, ?w) -> hasDoorArea(?d, ?da) ^ sqwrl:select(?d, ?da)
When I run the rule on SQWRL I get a result however, this result does not show in the ontology. I have enabled inferred object property assertion on the reasoner but it still would not return results.
Any help will be useful please.


Pass Dynamic values to the rules in ANTLR4 grammar

I am newbie to ANTLR4
I want to write a grammar that would parse the syntax using the values which it reads dynamically.
Say my grammar is as follows in image
I need help such the HANDLERID not only takes the values mentioned,but a list of values based on a function call,dynamic values. For example a function return list containing {'ACD','GHY','XYZ' ..}. Not to confuse with identifier,these values are names of some defined set of objects, so writing a grammar for IDENTIFIER is not solution.
Any help is appeciated.
Maybe actions are a viable solution? These are written in the target language and allow to do all kind of processing. Formulated as a predicate (appending a ? to the action block) they can even be used to guide the parser what path to take.
Here's a typical form:
decl: type ID ';' { System.out.println("found a decl"); };
or as a predicate:
HANDLERID: ID { isSpecialWord($ID.text) }?;
which will only be matched for IDs that your internal function isSpecialWord is returning true for. So essentially, you are not passing the lexer rule some values, but you do the evaluation in internal code.

How to express validity?

I am creating an Alloy model of the iCalendar data format.
An iCalendar file contains properties. There are a lot of codependencies among the properties. I want to see if anything breaks when a property is removed (i.e., when the property is constrained to zero occurrences).
I want to write an assert and have the Alloy Analyzer search for counterexamples, but I am struggling with how to write the assert. I want the assert to say something like this:
If property X is removed (i.e., property X is constrained to zero
occurrences), there are no instances that are invalid as a result of
removing X.
In pseudocode, I want this:
assert NoProblemFilteringX {
(no prop: X | prop in iCalendar.properties) => all instances are still valid
Would you provide some guidance on formulating the desired assert, please?
Write your codependency checks in a predicate taking as parameter a
set of properties. The predicate holds iff the codependencies are satisfied amongst those properties given in parameter.
Rewrite your fact ensuring those codependencies so as to call this predicate with the set of all iCalendar properties as parameters.
Call this predicate in the assert while this time giving iCalendar.properties - X as parameter

How to write numbers in cucumber scenarios

I would like to write a number in cucumber page. Please let me know How can I write this.
Scenario Outline: Enter an invalid URL
Given the context "Invalid URL" is open on "Market"
When user is on the error 404 page
Then page not found message is displayed
But I have observed that 404 is taken as a parameter.
Sure, you just have to handle it as a regular expression (regex) in your step definitions. Your step definition could read as following:
#When("^When user is on the error \"(\\d+)\" page$")
public void When_user_is_on_the_error_page(int errorNum) throws Throwable {
That'll handle 1 or more digits. The \d represents a digit and the + sign represents "1 or more".
I personally like wrapping my parameters in double quotes ("") because then the IDE understands it's a parameter and can help you out with autocomplete, etc.
If you want to restrict it to more specific numbers (say only three digits) you can refine your regex to something like [\d]{3}. Oracle have lessons on Java regex here.
When user is on the error 404 page
You could use in the steps:
#When("^When user is on the error (.*) page$")
public void When_user_is_on_the_error_page(int errorNum) {
the (.*) will take whatever is in that slot and use as a variable that will be defined by the type between the (). In this case, the '400' will be converted to a int, thanks to:
(**int** errorNum){ ...}
If you have no practice with regex, it can be really useful since it will make your steps easier to read, since the (.*) doesn't have a pre defined type.

xtext inferrer: multiple entities

I am very new to Xtext/Xtend, therefore apologies in advance if the answer is obvious.
I would like to allow the end-users of my DSL to define a 'filter', that when applied and 'returns' true it means that they want to 'filter out' the given entity of data from consideration.
I want to allow them 2 ways of defining the filter
A) by introspecting the attributes of a given data object and apply basic rules like
if (obj.field1<CURRENT_DATE && obj.field2=="EXPIRED)
{ return true;} else {return false;}
B) by executing a controlled snippet using 'eval' of my host language
In other words, the user would be expected to type into a string/code block a valid
code snippet of the hosting language
I had decided that the easiest way for me support case A) would be to leverage the XBase rules (including expressions/etc)
Therefore I defined filters (mostly copying the ideas from Lorenzo's book)
(FilterDSL | FilterCode);
'filterDSL' (type=JvmTypeReference)? name=ID
'(' (params+=FullJvmFormalParameter (',' params+=FullJvmFormalParameter)*)? ')'
body=XBlockExpression ;
'filterCode' (type=JvmTypeReference)? name=ID
'(' (params+=FullJvmFormalParameter (',' params+=FullJvmFormalParameter)*)? ')'
Now when trying to implement the Java mapping for my DSL, via the inferrer stub in Xtend -- I am running into multiple problems.
All of them likely indicate that I am missing some fundamental understanding
Problem 1) fl.body is not defined. fl Is of type Filter, not FilterDSL or FilterCode
And I do not understand how to check what type a given instance is of, so that I can access the content of a 'body' feature.
Problem 2) I do not understand where 'body' attribute in the inferrer method is defined and why. Is this part of ECore? (I could not find it)
Problem 3) what's the proper way to allow a user to specify a code block? String seems to be not the right thing as it does not allow multiline
Problem 4) How do I correctly convert a code block into something that is accepted by the 'body' such that it ends up in the generated code.
Problem 5) How do I setup multiple inferrers (as I have more than one thing for which I need the code generated (mostly) by xBase code generator)
Appreciate in advance any suggestions, or pointer to code examples solving similar problems.
As a side observation, Inferrer and its interplay with XBase has sofar been the most confusing and difficult thing to understand.
in general: have a look at the xtend docs at xtend-lang.org
You can do a if (x instanceof Type) or a switch statement with Type guards (see domain model example)
i dont get that question. both your FilterDSL and FilterCode EClasses should have a field+getter/setter named body, FilterCode of type String, FilterDSL of type XBlockExpression. The JvmTypesBuilder add extension methods to JvmOperation called setBody(String) and setBody(XExpression), syntax sugar lets you call body = .... instead of setBody(...)
(btw you can do crtl+click to find out where a thing is defined)
strings are actually multiline
is answered by (2)
you dont need multiple inferrers, you can infer multiple stuff e.g. by calling toClass or toField multiple times for the same input

Suggestion to execute rule expressions

We have a situation where the user will define some set of business rules or expressions. That will be look like,
if(riskvalue <= 100) // condition
notifyObservers() // action
remarks = remarkshistory //expression
if(allowedriskvalue <= riskvalue) //child condition
do something //can be expression or action
do some other thing
do some thing
We will plan to parse this and save it as a expression with it's type, like condition, expression and action.
We have some set of operands and functions that can be allowed in the rule definition.
Please suggest me some validation techniques to validate the rule definition.
And, I want suggestion that either,
use expression tree to execute the rule expressions?
use any custom rule parser / evaluator?
build the logic in dynamic class using code dom and execute it?
Thanks in advance!!!
