Acumatica - Two way update unit price to gross profit percent and back - acumatica

Unable to setup unit price updating gross profit percent and back.
I have successfully created a new field for the sales order line to display gross profit percent, but now the user wants a way to adjust the percentage and update the unit price as well. All my attempts so far have apparently caused an infinite loop.
Attribute added to [UnitPrice] field in the DAC:
[PXFormula(typeof(Switch<Case<Where<SOLineExt.usrGPPercent, Equal<decimal0>>, decimal0>, Mult<SOLineExt.usrGPPercent, SOLine.curyUnitCost>>))]
[UsrGPPercent] field attributes:
[PXUIField(DisplayName="GPPercent", Visible = false)]
[PXFormula(typeof(Switch<Case<Where<SOLine.curyLineAmt, Equal<decimal0>>, decimal0>, Div<SOLineExt.usrTotalProfit, SOLine.curyLineAmt>>))]
[PXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
[UsrGPPct] Field attributes:
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "GP %", Enabled = true)]
[PXFormula(typeof(Mult<SOLineExt.usrGPPercent, decimal100>))]
[PXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
The above all works perfectly and update the GP% as expected.
Attempt #1, added the following attribute to [UsrGCP] (I realize the math is incomplete, just trying to proof-of-concept at this point).
[PXFormula(typeof(Switch<Case<Where<SOLine.curyLineAmt, Equal<decimal0>>, decimal0>, Div<SOLineExt.usrTotalProfit, SOLine.curyLineAmt>>))]
Attempt #2: FieldUpdated handler:
protected void SOLine_UsrGPPct_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e, PXFieldUpdated InvokeBaseHandler)
if(InvokeBaseHandler != null)
InvokeBaseHandler(cache, e);
var row = (SOLine)e.Row;
PX.Objects.SO.SOLineExt soLineExt = PXCache<SOLine>.GetExtension<PX.Objects.SO.SOLineExt>(row);
if (row.OrderType == "SO")
if (soLineExt.UsrGPPct > 0)
row.CuryUnitPrice = row.CuryUnitCost + (soLineExt.UsrGPPct * row.CuryUnitCost);
Both methods apparently resulted in an infinite loop (guessing since the debugger was triggered and IIS had to be reset). The goal is to only update once when either field is updated by the user and ignore updates made by the system. Any ideas?
Based on HB_Acumatica's response I updated the code above to:
protected void SOLine_UsrGPPct_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e, PXFieldUpdated InvokeBaseHandler)
if(InvokeBaseHandler != null)
InvokeBaseHandler(cache, e);
var row = (SOLine)e.Row;
PX.Objects.SO.SOLineExt soLineExt = PXCache<SOLine>.GetExtension<PX.Objects.SO.SOLineExt>(row);
if (e.ExternalCall)
if (soLineExt.UsrGPPct > 0)
if (row.OrderType == "SO")
decimal NewUnitPrice;
decimal GPPercent = soLineExt.UsrGPPct ?? 0;
decimal UnitCost = row.CuryUnitCost ?? 0;
NewUnitPrice = UnitCost + ((GPPercent / (decimal)100) * UnitCost);
row.CuryUnitPrice = NewUnitPrice;
row.UnitPrice = NewUnitPrice;
This almost works. Nothing happens on the screen, but when saved the unit price does indeed update and save properly. Almost there, is there some sort of update step I'm missing?

This is usually fixed with e.ExternalCall in the field updated event handler to prevent recursion:
protected void SOLine_UsrGPPct_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e, PXFieldUpdated InvokeBaseHandler)
if (e.ExternalCall)
// Make sure it gets in here only once when value change in UI
ExternalCall Property (PXRowUpdatingEventArgs)
Gets the value indicating, if it equals true, that the update of the
DAC object has been initiated from the UI or through the Web Service
Besides that, the other case is when two fields attributes are inter-dependent and need each other to compute their value. You can't have field 1 with a formula that depends on field 2 along with field 1 that also has a formula referencing field 2.
With that kind of setup, when asking for field 1 it will first try to evaluate the dependent field 2 in the field 1 formula and since field 2 also depends on field 1 it will start an infinite recursion loop.
There's no way out of this one that I know, you would have to re-design the DAC fields so none are mutually inter-dependent. Or just leave out the DAC attributes and perform the computation in RowSelected events (this has some disadvantages because it requires graph to work).
About fields values not changing in UI. This might happen when some fields need some events to be triggered when their value change (generally FieldUpdated event).
Instead of assigning values like this which doesn't raise any event:
row.Field = value;
You can use SetValueExt instead which raises events like FieldUpdated:
sender.SetValueExt<DAC.field>(row, value);
Sender needs to be cache of DAC type, in your case it should be otherwise it's:
Base.Caches[typeof(DAC)].SetValueExt<DAC.field>(row, value);
Note that a field that has a PXFormula attribute will get it's value re-computed at some point so you shouldn't manually set the value of such fields.
If you still have such an attribute on UnitPrice field you shouldn't manually update the field value:
[PXFormula(typeof(Switch<Case<Where<SOLineExt.usrGPPercent, Equal<decimal0>>, decimal0>, Mult<SOLineExt.usrGPPercent, SOLine.curyUnitCost>>))]
Maybe all you need to do is force the formula to be refreshed when UsrGPPercent changes. If that's the case, instead of setting UnitPrice value try using RaiseFieldDefaulting method to have the formula recalculated:
object dummy;
sender.RaiseFieldDefaulting<SOLine.unitPrice>(e.Row, out dummy);

Thanks so much to HB_ACUMATICA!
Final code is posted below for anyone trying to do something similar. Also cleaned up.
Two fields added to the DAC (and SalesOrder screen):
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "GP %", Enabled = true, Visible = true)]
[PXFormula(typeof(Mult<Switch<Case<Where<SOLine.curyExtCost, Equal<decimal0>>, decimal0>, Div<SOLineExt.usrTotalProfit, SOLine.curyExtCost>>, decimal100>))]
[PXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
Code Extension:
#region Event Handlers
protected void SOLine_UsrGPPercent_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e, PXFieldUpdated InvokeBaseHandler)
if(InvokeBaseHandler != null)
InvokeBaseHandler(cache, e);
var row = (SOLine)e.Row;
PX.Objects.SO.SOLineExt soLineExt = PXCache<SOLine>.GetExtension<PX.Objects.SO.SOLineExt>(row);
if (e.ExternalCall)
if (soLineExt.UsrGPPercent > 0)
if (row.OrderType == "SO")
decimal NewUnitPrice;
decimal GPPercent = soLineExt.UsrGPPercent ?? 0;
decimal UnitCost = row.CuryUnitCost ?? 0;
decimal QtyOrdered = row.OrderQty ?? 0;
NewUnitPrice = (UnitCost + ((GPPercent / (decimal)100) * UnitCost));
soLineExt.UsrTotalProfit = (NewUnitPrice * QtyOrdered) - (UnitCost * QtyOrdered);
row.CuryUnitPrice = NewUnitPrice;
row.UnitPrice = NewUnitPrice;
[PXDBCurrency(typeof(SOLine.curyInfoID), typeof(SOLineExt.usrTotalProfit))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Total Profit", Enabled = false)]
[PXFormula(typeof(Sub<SOLine.curyLineAmt, SOLine.curyExtCost>))]
[PXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]


Force tax recalculation when TaxZoneID is updated inside event handler

I have a graph override for Invoices
public class ARInvoiceEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ARInvoiceEntry>
and in one of the event handlers I am updating TaxZoneID, which works fine. However, the taxes do not get updated or recalculated. I have tried the approach mentioned here
cache.SetValueExt<SOOrder.taxZoneID>(order, branchLoc.VTaxZoneID);
but that doesn't work for me. I have tried it in _FieldUpdating, _FieldUpdated, and even ARInvoice_RowPersisting(PXCache cache, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e, PXRowPersisting InvokeBaseHandler) events. Any ideas on why it doesn't work? The TaxZone and rates are already in the database (we are not using Avatax).
--- edit 1 ---
Here is the code where TaxZoneID is updated
namespace PX.Objects.AR
public class ARInvoiceEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ARInvoiceEntry>
#region Event Handlers
protected void ARShippingAddress_PostalCode_FieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e, PXFieldUpdated del)
// PXTrace.WriteInformation("ARShippingAddress_PostalCode_FieldUpdated");
ARShippingAddress row = e.Row as ARShippingAddress;
if (row != null) {
if (DoChangeTaxZone(row)) {
var invoice = Base.Document.Current;
if (invoice != null) {
invoice.TaxZoneID = GetTaxZoneId(row);
sender.SetValueExt<ARInvoice.taxZoneID>(invoice, invoice.TaxZoneID);
if (del != null)
del(sender, e);
private bool DoChangeTaxZone(ARShippingAddress row)
// logic ...
return true;
private string GetTaxZoneId(ARShippingAddress row)
// logic ...
return "TAX-ZONE-ID";
When you programmatically interact with tax records using the typical methods, the tax total will not refresh properly. The Tax DAC attribute doesn't recalculate the totals by default to improve performance.
To force tax attribute refresh you need to change the tax calc mode.
Tax calc mode NoCalc does not recalculate totals. This is the default mode.
Setting tax calc mode to ManualCalc is necessary to refresh the updated tax.
Code example to update the tax amount field, you can adapt it to update tax zone.
ARInvoiceEntry invoiceMaint = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ARInvoiceEntry>();
TX.TaxAttribute.SetTaxCalc<ARTran.taxCategoryID>(invoiceMaint.Transaction.Cache, null, TX.TaxCalc.ManualCalc);
invoiceMaint.CurrentDocument.Current = invoiceMaint.Document.Search<ARInvoice.refNbr>("AR005452", ARDocType.Invoice).FirstOrDefault();
invoiceMaint.Taxes.Current = invoiceMaint.Taxes.Search<ARTaxTran.taxID>("CAGST").FirstOrDefault();
invoiceMaint.Taxes.Cache.SetValueExt<ARTaxTran.curyTaxAmt>(invoiceMaint.Taxes.Current, 3);

Global Generic Field Update Event

I have 50+ custom paired fields "Inches" and "Centimeters", each enabled and editable. I need to update "Inches" if the user changed the value of "Centimeters" and visa verse. I was able to do this using SetValuePending on one of the paired fields and SetValueExt on the other during the Field Updated Event. My question, is there a way to do this on a higher level without having to do a Field_Updated event for all the 100+ fields. I know that Formulas would create a circular reference so cannot be used. Thanks
Well, you can use one method to handle FieldUpdated events for all fields you need using graph FieldUpdated.AddHandler method in constructor. To get a field name just extend a standard Acumatica FieldUpdated delegate with one additional parameter (name for example) and put it during the FieldUpdated.AddHandler call.
Here is an example with "Invoices and Memos" screen and ARInvoiceEntry graph.
public ARInvoiceEntry()
FieldUpdated.AddHandler(typeof(ARTran), typeof(ARTran.inches).Name, (sender, e) => CommonFieldUpdated(sender, e, typeof(ARTran.inches).Name));
FieldUpdated.AddHandler(typeof(ARTran), typeof(ARTran.centimeters).Name, (sender, e) => CommonFieldUpdated(sender, e, typeof(ARTran.centimeters).Name));
protected virtual void CommonFieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e, string name)
// do something
Moreover, you can add handlers dynamically using fields collection for example
foreach(var field in Caches[typeof(ARTran)].Fields)
// add handler depends on field name
You can do it by PXFormula + ExternalValue BQL expression (the same as PXRowUpdatedEventArgs.ExternalCall for example), which will prevent circular reference between pair fields. The idea is to calculate field only when a related field has been changed by the user from UI (ExternalCall = true) and skip calculation when related field updated by the formula (ExternalCall = false).
public class centimetersInInches : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Constant<centimetersInInches>
public centimetersInInches() : base(2.54m) { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Inches")]
[PXUnboundDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
[PXFormula(typeof(ExternalValue<Div<centimeters, centimetersInInches>>))]
public virtual decimal? Inches { get; set; }
public abstract class inches : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Field<inches> { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Centimeters")]
[PXUnboundDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
[PXFormula(typeof(ExternalValue<Mult<inches, centimetersInInches>>))]
public virtual decimal? Centimeters { get; set; }
public abstract class centimeters : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Field<centimeters> { }
And aspx
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="Inches" CommitChanges="True" />
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="Centimeters" CommitChanges="True" />
You can use the RowUpdated event and compare the old row with the new row to detect which field changed. I agree that keeping all logic in a single method is preferable.
public virtual void DAC_RowUpdated(PXCache sender, PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
DAC row = e.Row as DAC;
DAC oldRow = e.OldRow as DAC;
if (row == null || oldRow == null) return;
// Compare old row with new row to determine which field changed
if (row.Inches != oldRow.Inches)
// Inches field changed, update CM value
row.CM = row.Inches * INCHES_TO_CM_CONSTANT;
// Add more conditions for the other fields
I know that Formulas would create a circular reference so cannot be
Yes I wouldn't recommend it either, you could use the DAC property Setter though.
public string _Inches
public virtual string Inches
return this._Inches;
this._Inches = value;
this.CM = value * INCHES_TO_CM_CONSTANT;
For all solution (except Formula/DAC attributes) I think a condition to stop recursion should be possible if it's absolutely necessary:
if (this.CM != value * INCHES_TO_CM_CONSTANT)
this.CM = value * INCHES_TO_CM_CONSTANT;
Ideally proper use/avoidance of SetValueExt to control when events are raised (Ext method raises events) would be enough to stop infinite loops.

Acumatica Unbound User Fields on SOOrder

I have a user field on an SOOrder DAC extension, which is a sum of some of the lines on the document (based on a field in the SOLine extension). When I add a new line, the total is updating properly. However, when I load the document for the first time, the screen is showing 0.00. I created an SOOrderEntry extension and I put code into the SOLine_RowSelecting event handler. When I load the document, it steps into the code and it looks like it is setting the fields properly, but they don't show on the screen. The same method is called from the SOLine_CuryLineAmt_FieldUpdated, and that works just fine. Here is the code I'm using:
public class SOOrderEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
//Used to prevent recursive calls in RowSelecting
bool _isCalculating = false;
protected virtual void SOLine_RowSelecting(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectingEventArgs e)
var row = e.Row as SOLine;
if (row == null) return;
using (new PXConnectionScope())
if (!_isCalculating)
protected virtual void SOLine_CuryLineAmt_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
if (!_isCalculating)
public void CalcTotals()
SOOrder order = Base.CurrentDocument.Select();
if (order == null) return;
_isCalculating = true;
var orderExt = order.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
orderExt.UsrMyCustomField = 0m;
//Get totals
foreach (SOLine lineSum in Base.Transactions.Select())
var lineSumExt = lineSum.GetExtension<SOLineExt>();
if (lineSumExt.UsrMyCondition)
orderExt.UsrMyCustomField += lineSum.CuryLineAmt;
_isCalculating = false;
RowSelected is called on each callback to select the data. There's no need to re-calculate on FieldUpdated event too because RowSelected will be called when updating records. Therefore consider removing SOLine_CuryLineAmt_FieldUpdated
You have the RowSelected event declared for SOLine DAC. The event then selects all SOLine to compute the totals. This amount to when selecting one of the Detail compute the total of all Detail, that smells lack a recursive pattern. Therefore consider declaring RowSelected on the Master document which is SOOrder in this case and remove all the workarounds you have to break recursion.
There's no null check in computations. Acumatica DAC fields are nullable. With your code you can end up in situation where you add null to a number which would results in type violation at runtime. Therefore consider checking if CuryLineAmt is null before using it's value to compute the total.
You are accumulating the total in the UsrMyCustomField DAC field
using the += addition assignment operator. It works but I would
advise against that. The DAC fields aren't meant as register for
computations or temporary value place-holder. Therefore consider
accumulating the total in a local variable and assign only the final
computed value to the DAC field.
Code to compute a total with all these points considered:
public class SOOrderEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
public void SOOrder_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
SOOrder order = e.Row as SOOrder;
if (order != null)
SOOrderExt orderExt = order.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
if (orderExt != null)
decimal total = 0M;
foreach (SOLine line in Base.Transactions.Select())
total += line.CuryLineAmt.HasValue ? line.CuryLineAmt.Value : 0M;
orderExt.UsrMyCustomField = total;

BQL on custom DAC referencing SOOrder.orderNbr not reflecting current Order Nbr

We have a test DAC called UsrNonRelatedScanField with two fields : OrderNbr and ScanStatus.
Here's our simple query to grab the correct ordernbr and assign it to a SOOrderExt field:
NonRelatedScanField lastScan = PXSelect<NonRelatedScanField,
Equal<Required<SOOrder.orderNbr>>>>.Select(Base, row.OrderNbr);
if(lastScan != null)
rowExt.UsrNonRelatedScanField = lastScan.ScanStatus;
This logic is held in a SOOrder_RowSelecting() method.
Full Method implementation:
protected virtual void SOOrder_RowSelecting(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectingEventArgs e)
SOOrder row = (SOOrder)e.Row;
if (row == null) return;
SOOrderExt rowExt = PXCache<SOOrder>.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>(row);
NonRelatedScanField lastScan = PXSelect<NonRelatedScanField,
Equal<Required<SOOrder.orderNbr>>>>.Select(Base, row.OrderNbr);
if (lastScan != null)
rowExt.UsrNonRelatedScanField = lastScan.ScanStatus;
Expected Results : Get the current Orders scan status from lastScan DAC
Actual Results: Will populate correctly only on the initial order opened. When selecting other orders the old value is persisting unless I manually refresh the page. When manually refreshed the correct data comes in.
I haven't had any issues in the past with BQL queries, this specific query is not behaving as expected.
Thank you

Loading popup value to InventoryID field

with code from Load value from popup to InventoryID field question am able to set the InventoyID from popup to the InventoryID field but the default behavior of Acumatica is missing, like after InventoryID is set from poup, am selecting Item Class then a pop up is firing and asking for confirmation, generally this happen only when we update Item Class for already created Item.
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Generate")]
public IEnumerable GenerateInv(PXAdapter adapter)
string inventoryCD = "ACUMATICA";
InventoryItem item = PXCache<InventoryItem>.CreateCopy(Base.Item.Current);
OrderedDictionary keys = new OrderedDictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
OrderedDictionary vals = new OrderedDictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
typeof(InventoryItem.inventoryCD).Name, inventoryCD
adapter.View.Cache.Update(keys, vals);
if (adapter.Searches != null && adapter.Searches.Length > 0)
adapter.Searches[0] = inventoryCD;
return adapter.Get();
You can try to skip the message window by overriding the Field Verifying on the stock item page for InventoryItem.ItemClassID. You should use some condition to indicate you are running your customer process so the standard message will appear for normal use on the stock items page.
public virtual void InventoryItem_ItemClassID_FieldVerifying(PXCache cache, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e, PXFieldVerifying del)
del?.Invoke(cache, e);
catch (PXDialogRequiredException)
var someSkipMessageWindowCondition = true;
if (someSkipMessageWindowCondition)
Because of the use of the private property doResetDefaultsOnItemClassChange in the Base graph, the process will function as if the message box was answered YES to default the field values from the new item class. If you do not want the values to change using the new class you will need to cancel the field defaultings for the fields found in InventoryItem_ItemClassID_FieldUpdated in the Base graph. This will point out which fields are being updated when doResetDefaultsOnItemClassChange == true.
A better answer to your question would be automatically answering NO which I am unsure how to do. Would be nice to know how do perform that function if someone else knows how to make that call.
