Q: NetSuite E-Commerce - Source Custom Entity Fields to Reference Checkout - reference

I have a custom entity field placed inside NetSuite, now I have to source the value of this field to my Reference Checkout as I'll use the value as a condition for which payment method to show on the shop.
Any ideas how to do this? I've searched the SuiteAnswers and got no significant help there.
Thank you!
I've looked into using view.model.get('customfield ID here') but it has not worked. I've also already defined the field on models.js. Just not sure if I placed it properly.
Render function of Order Wizard Payment Method Selector
, render: function()
if (this.wizard.hidePayment())
if (!this.selectedModule)
var selected_payment = this.model.get('paymentmethods').findWhere({primary: true})
, selected_type;
var creditlevelhold = this.wizard.model.get('creditlevelhold'); < -- this is the custom field
selected_type = selected_payment.get('type');
else if(this.wizard.options.profile.get('paymentterms') && creditlevelhold === ''){
selected_type = 'invoice';

Should be available like:


SuiteScript SCA - Validating a form field

I am attempting to validate a form field for an SCA (mont-blanc) site.
As I am not versed in SuiteScript code, but know Java, I simply need to know how to retrieve the POST value of a form field, so that I can do a check on the submission before submitting the form.
The below is not working - simply because I don't know the function / method to call to get the email address that is being submitted.
name: 'ContactUs',
create: function create( data ) {
try {
url = '<the-url>';
var email = nlapiGetContext.getEmail();
if (email.indexOf("qq.com") === -1) {
response = nlapiRequestURL(url, data);
responseCode = parseInt(respons...
To validate any field data you need to use client-script on the said record and based on your code and requirement, I think you want to validate Suitelet data(right?).
You can deploy client script on any record/suitelet and validate field data in saveRecord method. You can find client script help doc here.
Detecting the value in a data field in a submitted form is as simple as data['field_name']
In the above example - it would be:
name: 'ContactUs',
create: function create( data ) {
try {
url = '<the-url>';
**var email = data['email'];**
if (email.indexOf("qq.com") === -1) {
response = nlapiRequestURL(url, data);
responseCode = parseInt(respons...

How to override template file item-list.html.twig for field_slider_images in Drupal 8?

I want to override the item listing template file core/themes/classy/templates/dataset/item-list.html.twig for listing the fields field_slider_images as well as field_blog_tags respectively of their's multiple values of the field.
I have selected "Unordered List" in the view.
Please do check the attached image.
I have created following files :
But, this is not rendered for the listing of the fields.
When I have created item-list.html.twig then only it will access.
However, both fields have different data to style and I am not able to get the current field name which is loading it's data in item-list.html.twig.
Had a brief look at this and it doesn't seem that 'item-list' to have suggestions, which is quite unfortunate.
In this situation there are two options:
Create your own suggestion which would accomplish exactly what you need.
You'll have to do something like this:
/*add new variable to theme with suggestion name*/
function hook_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$theme_registry['item_list']['variables']['suggestion'] = '';
//send a value to newly added variable to use it build the suggestion
function hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view(array &$build, $entity, $display, $view_mode) {
//add condition here if field exists or whatever, do the same for other field
$build['field_slider_images']['#suggestion'] = 'field_slider_images';
//use newly added variable to build suggestion
function hook_theme_suggestions_THEME_HOOK(array $variables) {//THEME_HOOK=item_list
$suggestions = array();
$suggestions[] = 'item_list__' . $variables['suggestion'];
return $suggestions;
Now you should be able to use item-list--field-slider-images.html.twig
Second option is to do what others in core did: use a new theme
function hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view(array &$build, $entity, $display, $view_mode) {
//add condition here if field exists or whatever, do the same for other field
$build['field_slider_images']['#theme'] = array(

NetSuite SuiteScript Client Side drop down validation

I have a custom form where, in a subtab, I have a dropdown that I need to find out the selected value on the client side after the user selects to perform some validation. I created the script and tied it to the on change event of the dropdown. I cannot seem to find the code to get the selected value on the client side. I have found code to read the value on the server side from a submit event. I need this on the client side on change. I am going to use the ID to look up a record and check a value on that record and if applicable popup a warning to the user. Either SS1 or SS2 is good, whatever would be better I have both available. Any help with this would be great. thanks
In a client script, you can use nlapiGetFieldValue() to retrieve the results.
function fieldchanged(type, name, linenum) {
if(name == 'dropdownid') {
var value = nlapiGetFieldValue('dropdownid');
OK the nlapiGetFieldValue, did not do the trick, what did was the following
function ValidateField( type, field, linenum ) {
if ( field === 'recordid' ) {
var vendorid = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue(type,field,linenum);
var vendorRecord = nlapiLoadRecord('vendor',vendorid);
return true;
thanks for your help

Write the plugin when Selecting the lookup flied and according to filed selection Show/Hide Address filed in form.....?

We Have Contact Entities in contact Entitie one lookup filed company Name in that lookup having two values 1.Account and 2.Contact . When we are selecting contact show the address filed when we select account hide the address filed we needs to write the plugin to Execute that works. Kindly any one help me on the same.
Rajesh Singh
First, if you need to make change on a form, you can't use plug-ins. Plug-ins are made for bussinees logics, like Update another record when the first one is created, make complex logic, etc...
What you need it is a javascript that executes on the OnLoad of the form and OnChange event in that OptionSet.
The lines you are looking for are:
function ShowField()
// The field is present on the form so we can access to its methods
var optionSet = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("custom_attribute");
if (optionSet == undefined)
// The control is present on the form so we can access to its methods
var controlAddress = Xrm.Page.getControl("custom_address");
if (controlAddress == undefined)
var valueOptionSet = optionSet.getValue(); // This is the value you set creating the OptionSet
switch (valueOptionSet)
case 0: // Your account value, show
case 1: // Your contact value, hide
You need to register a web resource and register the event, if you need more information about the code or why this stuff is here and why this not just tell me.

CRM form. Preset Field is not saved on after Clicking Save button

I am working on CRM 2011.
On Form_onLoad event I am presetting the value of a field.
but after clicking on save button my field address1_line1 is blank.
To check I put a alert on Form_onsave function.
alert("address =" + (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("address1_line1").getValue()));
In alert,I get the value of address1_line1 field but finally address1_line1 is blank.
mdg.PresetField function is as follows
mdg.PreSetField = function(attributeName, value) {
var attribute;
if (attributeName.setSubmitMode) {
attribute = attributeName;
else {
attribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(attributeName);
attribute.addOnChange(function() {
I solved it..
in my custom mdg.PresetField function earlier code was
I changed never to always and now it is working..
This code is not part of the CRM JavaScript API so I assume it's a custom library? Have you added this script to the list of webresources available on the form? Also make sure it comes before the script you are trying to use it in.
