Emulator is not detected automatically unable to connect to device - android-studio

I have a Dell device and suddenly I cannot connect the Android studio to the emulator. I get the following error message:
unable to open connection to: localhost/, due to:
java.net.connectexception: connection refused: connect
Any Idea how to fix it ?

Try Manually Starting the Server.
Location to your ADB.exe Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe start-server

I had the same problem after some unknown operations with my Windows 10. I tried many different ways, and finally solved it with the following steps:
open Command Prompt with Adminstrator privilege. (If you don't know how to, please google.)
"netstat -ao" to find which process takes the port of FOr example, something like
TCP mypcname:0 LISTENING 15752
Here the culprit PID is 15752.
"taskkill /PID /F PID" to kill the process. Replace PID with your number, e.g., 15752.
retry adb. If it works, you may sometimes have to proceed with the following steps.
If it is a Windows service that is using the port, it may start automatically, and blocks adb subsequently. You could specify another adb server port for environment variable ANDROID_ADB_SERVER_PORT.
If the Windows service is LogsAndAlerts (which is the common case for many), you can disable or delete it with:
sc config "LogsAndAlerts" start= disabled
sc delete "LogsAndAlerts"

Download this and extract it to in my case
It worked for me.


VS Code SSH Remote Connection issues

I have been using VS Code and connecting remotely from home on my MacBookPro to work on a college project for the past month and for some reason it will not connect to the Computer Lab Server anymore. No idea why this is happening but it just stopped working today. I tried re-installing vs code and also installed it on my wife's computer but it still wont connect through remote ssh. No idea why this is happening but now I have no way to debug my code and have to just edit everything using emacs through the terminal app on my mac. I didn't make any changes from last night to this morning.. I can still ssh into the Computer Lab server from terminal fine. Bellow is some of the log that seems to repeat itself while it is trying to connect using the extension: remote ssh.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, or are there other IDE's that are somewhat easy to connect remotely through ssh available for Mac?
17:09:21.150] Log Level: 2
[17:09:21.152] remote-ssh#0.55.0
[17:09:21.152] darwin x64
[17:09:21.153] SSH Resolver called for "ssh- remote+7b22686f73744e616d65223a226c696e75782e63732e75736d2e6d61696e652e656475222c2275736572223a22746b7766c6b227d", attempt 1
[17:09:21.154] SSH Resolver called for host: tkwilk#linux.cs.usm.maine.edu
[17:09:21.154] Setting up SSH remote "linux.cs.usm.maine.edu"
[17:09:21.158] Acquiring local install lock: /var/folders/9y/scfwvr0577qfgs_l_c5ym13m0000gq/T/vscode-remote-ssh-tkwilk#linux.cs.usm.maine.edu-install.lock
[17:09:21.192] Looking for existing server data file at /Users/twilk31888 1/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh/vscode-ssh-host-tkwilk#linux.cs.usm.maine.edu-93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3-0.55.0/data.json
[17:09:21.194] Using commit id "93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3" and quality "stable" for server
[17:09:21.195] Install and start server if needed
[17:09:21.220] Checking ssh with "ssh -V"
[17:09:21.233] > OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
[17:09:21.249] askpass server listening on /var/folders/9y/scfwvr0577qfgs_l_c5ym13m0000gq/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-a45a56dcf061823c964fa6ae7ff720ac39d2477f.sock
[17:09:21.249] Spawning local server with {"ipcHandlePath":"/var/folders/9y/scfwvr0577qfgs_l_c5ym13m0000gq/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-c1cf58194111018972f9cf0cd413a94b7293bda9.sock","sshCommand":"ssh","sshArgs":["-v","-T","-D","54601","-o","ConnectTimeout=15","tkwilk#linux.cs.usm.maine.edu"],"dataFilePath":"/Users/twilk31888 1/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh/vscode-ssh-host-tkwilk#linux.cs.usm.maine.edu-93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3-0.55.0/data.json"}
[17:09:21.249] Local server env: {"DISPLAY":"1","ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE":"1","SSH_ASKPASS":"/Users/twilk31888 1/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/local-server/askpass.sh","VSCODE_SSH_ASKPASS_NODE":"/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Frameworks/Code Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/Code Helper (Renderer)","VSCODE_SSH_ASKPASS_MAIN":"/Users/twilk31888 1/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/askpass-main.js","VSCODE_SSH_ASKPASS_HANDLE":"/var/folders/9y/scfwvr0577qfgs_l_c5ym13m0000gq/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-a45a56dcf061823c964fa6ae7ff720ac39d2477f.sock"}
[17:09:21.262] Spawned 4239
[17:09:21.373] > local-server> Spawned ssh: 4240
[17:09:21.379] stderr> OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
[17:09:21.756] stderr> debug1: Server host key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 SHA256:wny4SU/uVC6y9cUUH5kJnRe5SVWpBhWGABpWSYzMNG0
[17:09:22.132] stderr> Authenticated to linux.cs.usm.maine.edu ([]:22).
[17:09:22.490] > ready: 946b80caa0f2
[17:09:22.553] > Linux 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020
[17:09:22.554] Platform: linux
[17:09:22.685] > 946b80caa0f2: running
[17:09:22.713] > Acquiring lock on /home/students/tkwilk/.vscode-server/bin/93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3/vscode-remote-lock.tkwilk.93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3
> Installation already in progress...
> 946b80caa0f2##24##
[17:09:22.714] Received install output: 946b80caa0f2##24##
[17:09:22.714] Server installation process already in progress - waiting and retrying
[17:09:22.714] Terminating local server
[17:09:22.740] Local server exit: 15
The key info is provided at the line
[17:09:22.713] > Acquiring lock on /home/students/tkwilk/.vscode-server/bin/93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3/vscode-remote-lock.tkwilk.93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3
If you could ssh into the server and remove the file by
rm -rf /home/students/tkwilk/.vscode-server/bin/93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3/vscode-remote-lock.tkwilk.93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3
then reboot the vscode and try to connect, things should be fine.
Encountered the same problem on two servers with two different causes:
One problem is solved by referring to this issue: #2805
Command Palette -> Select "Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host..."
Remove the directory of "~/.vscode-server" on remote server.
The other problems, is caused by running out of storage quota on that server. And the issue was automatically solved when the quota was increased.
Most of the microsoft/vscode-remote-release I see, like issue 2901, are about a failed symlink on the target server.
If you can ssh in command line, try and rename /home/students/tkwilk/.vscode-server in order to force a complete re-installation of the SSH remote plugin by VSCode.
mv ~/.vscode-server ~/.vscode-server-old
Try and connect to that server through VSCode and see if the issue persists, when it tries to redo the complete vscode-server SSH setup.
I found a new reason, but it may be rare:
Before I found this problem, I had updated and modified the linux kernel of the remote virtual machine, and modified the UTS_SYSNAME located in /include/linux/uts.h;
#define UTS_SYSNAME "Linux Clstilmldy-LZM"
// #define UTS_SYSNAME "Linux"
So I met this problem, but I never found a feasible solution;
I carefully looked at the vscode output and found that vscode remote ssh: Unsupported platform: Linux Clstilmldy LZM;
[16:38:25.333] SSH Resolver called for host: Ubuntu
[16:38:25.334] Setting up SSH remote "Ubuntu"
[16:38:35.555] Got password response
[16:38:35.555] "install" wrote data to terminal: "******"
[16:38:35.574] >
[16:38:36.069] > ac25402ecd5f: running
[16:38:36.086] > Unsupported platform: Linux Clstilmldy-LZM
[16:38:36.096] > ac25402ecd5f: start
I guess that vscode remote ssh does not recognize system names other than Linux, Mac, and Windows, so I changed this line back.
I recompile and install the kernel.
okkk, I solve the problem.
Another answer, since none of these worked for me. Try toggling off the following setting in VSCode: remote.SSH.useFlock

Android Studio : adb unable to connect to local host 5037 CreateFileW nul system cannot file specified

I know this is an duplicate question and believe me I have read every thread there is on this post
1) adb: CreateFileW 'null' failed: The system cannot find the specified file
2) Daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * Cannot open 'nul': The system cannot find the file specified
3) ddms: 'adb.exe,start-server' failed — run manually if necessary, Android Studio
I have tried EVERYTHING!!!
a)Uninstalling android studio,its emulators,sdk and deleting every folder saying android in my system
from C:/Users/${HOME}/AddData/Local & Roaming to even C:/Windows/[All System Folders(No adb was found in these folders)},Program Data etc.
b)Uninstalling and Reinstalling Platform Tools from Tools->SDK Manager->SDK Tools after android studio reinstallation
c)Manually going to ${ANDROID_SDK_HOME}/platform-tools folder, opening cmd as administrator and running
->adb start-server[Gives Same Error As Above]
->adb kill-server[Unable to connect to target machine ip xxx.xx.xx connection actively refused]
->adb start-server[Same Error As My Question]
d)Tried to verify if any apps running on port 5037
netstat -aon | findstr 5037
My specs are[No new updates are available for any of the below specifications]
1)Android Studio 3.5.1
2)Platform Tools 29.0.4
3)gradle 5.4.1
4)Windows 10 64 bit
Also i have geny motion installed but with no adb the emulator is not recognized in the device list
I know this issue was posted atleast an year back but i hope some new light has been shed on the issue
plzz help thank u in advanced

Cygwin Error : tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket

My Cygwin installed on Windows 7 was working properly till I try to install a new package. The package installation failed. Then I keep getting this error every time I want to run my Open MPI program. I can successfully compile the program but cannot run it. I even remove and make a new installation without success.
Thanks for any hints. Below is the sample error message.
[Reloaded-PC:03900] [[3921,1],0] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 13 failed: Transport endpoint is not connected (128)
[Reloaded-PC:03900] [[3921,1],0] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 13 failed: Transport endpoint is not connected (128)
[Reloaded-PC:04676] [[3921,1],2] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 13 failed: Transport endpoint is not connected (128)
[Reloaded-PC:04676] [[3921,1],2] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 13 failed: Transport endpoint is not connected (128)
The problem is solved by disabling the unused network adapter in "Control Panel->Network and Internet->Network Connections".
It turned out the unused network adapter tried to get configured by DHCP and an IP address started with "169.254.X.X" was assigned to this adapter when DHCP fails. Somehow openmpi on Cygwin use that invalid IP address for establishing communication between processes.
I figured it out by looking at /tmp/openmpi-sessions-{username}/{PID of orterun}/contact.txt.
I had this same problem on Cygwin with OpenMPI 1.10.4.
Try adding "-report-uri -" to your mpirun command to see what IP address it's trying to use for connection:
mpirun -report-uri - -np 2 a.exe
It should print out a line that looks something like this:
If the first IP address after the "tcp://" is not a current valid address for your machine, that's the problem and things are likely to break (even if the correct IP appears later in the list). Apparently ORTE is not smart enough to order the interfaces based on what is actually enabled and online.
If the wrong IP corresponds to an old/disabled interface, uninstall it (if possible) using the windows network connections control panel.
In my case, the first address was a DHCP address for an old hardware adapter I'd removed and thrown away long ago (but apparently not uninstalled in software). Windows normally hides such removed-but-not-uninstalled interfaces in the control panel, but the settings remain in the registry under:
Search in that registry subkey for the bogus IP address and you are likely to find the problematic interface. I fixed mine by changing the IP address in that registry key to match my current static IP, but uninstalling the interface entirely would probably also work.
I had the same problem with openmpi v 1.8.8 (which is the default version of the package installed by cygwin). Manually going back to version 1.8.6 fixed the issue for me.
I just encountered this problem and in my case I had to disable the "VirtualBox Host-Only Network" adapter (I recently installed virtualbox and have not used openmpi in cygwin after that until today).
1. Open the Cygwin terminal.
mpicc --version
mpirun --version
If not execute, follow the document below and reinstall everything. Document
2. Try turning off Bluetooth and test your program again.
3. Try closing the Wifi and test your program again (you can connect to the wired internete)
4. Open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
add line localhost cygdrive wpad
and test your program again.
5. If you have a virtual network like VirtualBox or similar, turn off the control panel and test your program again.
6. If possible, uninstall VirtualBox completely. Restart your computer and test your program again.
7. Try turning off the Windows Firewall and test your program again.
The above steps solved both the "tcp_peer_send_blocking: send () to socket 12 failed: transport endpoint is not connected" error and the slowness problem in MPI for Windows 10 - Cygwin.

NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED Error in Samba share

So, I tried to set up a public SMB share with Samba on CentOS 7. Now, I have it set up, and I have a headache. But, sweet victory. I'm posting this here for all y'all so that you don't need to waste your time. It's actually easy, you just need to know the hoops you need to jump through. I'll also edit the Samba wiki.
The first problem was that it wouldn't connect at all, except locally:
Remote Connection (my Linux desktop):
[root#my-desktop ~]# smbclient //sambaserver/PublicDocs -N
Error connecting to (No route to host)
Connection to cgybkp01 failed (Error NT_STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE)
On Windows 8, using Windows Explorer, after typing "\\sambaserver" into the address bar, the progress bar would wait, wait, wait, then time out. The error message was:
Remote Connection (my Windows 8 desktop):
Windows cannot access \\sambaserver
Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To
try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.
This ended up being a problem with firewalld. To unblock Samba, I needed to add this line to /etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml :
<service name="samba"/>
Perfect, now I can connect!
But, I was actually mounting an NFS share, so I had one more issue, with SELinux. Now, when I attempt to connect with smbclient...
smbclient //sambaserver/PublicDocs -N
I can connect, but when I try to ls, I get the error: "NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED" in CentOS 7. So, how do I connect?
The first thing everyone recommended that I try was file permissions. If you're not familiar with file permissions in Linux, I'd recommend trying those first. But for me, that didn't work, because SELinux was blocking me.
To see all of the SELinux options for Samba, type:
getsebool -a | grep samba
getsebool -a | grep smb
The one I needed to change was samba_share_nfs, because I was sharing an NFS mounted directory:
setsebool -P samba_share_nfs on
CentOS maintains a list of these booleans here.

How to resolve Failed to connect to IPC Port Error

I am getting one issue in my application Setup USING wix
When i run my setup i got the below exception message:-
Failed to connect to IPC Port System cannot find the file specified:mscorlib.dll
After getting this message i got a windows message
There is a problem with this installer setup.
A program run as a part of system did not finish as expected.
Is there any way to resolve it.
Get to Dos command line then type in
Netsh winhttp show proxy ( Press Enter )
then type in
Reset proxy ( Press Enter )
This will release the Internet Proxy IP settings, restart the PC if needed.
