How to hook up Android Studio emulator from IDEA? - android-studio

I was running into some issues with stage height in Android devices with notches, specifically the Xiaomi Note Pro 6. So since I don't have that device I wanted to emulate it using Android Studio.
How can I launch an app made in IDEA (Air app) that runs in the emulator?, so I can get the debug info from stage sizes and all the jazz, cant find a way.

You can use Help | Find Action | AVD Manager, configure and start Android emulator from IntelliJ IDEA, then in the Flash run/debug configuration use the Android device option. It should see the running emulator (it has to be x86).


How to run Android Studio emulator on M1 Mac?

I'm having a devil of a time using the Android Emulator on my new M1 Mac. My Android project compiles fine, and I can run it on a hardware device. But I'm not able to run it on the Emulator.
I followed instructions carefully, and set up an arm64-based emulator running API 31. When I press the "Run" button in Android Studio, the emulator opens and boots normally. However, Android Studio is never able to launch my app on it. I see a message "Waiting for all target devices to come online", and that's it.
I have of course tried restarting the emulator, restarting Android Studio, rebooting my computer, and wiping the data from the emulator. I have also made sure that Developer mode is enabled in the emulated Android environment and "USB Debugging" is turned on.
Another suggestion I saw was to un-check "Enable ADB Integration" in Android Studio. This option doesn't exist in my copy of Android Studio, although I did some further research and found that it is now called "Use libusb backend" instead. It is unchecked by default. I tried checking it anyway, and that didn't help.
I'm at a loss as to what to do next. I really need to be able to test my app in the emulator as my inventory of physical devices is fairly limited.
Download Android Studio Preview, create emulator (API 30 or S), now you can use emulator on both preview or stable Android Studio.

android studio emulator not selectable

I want to start coding with flutter, so i decided to download android studio.I created an avd called "Pixel 2 API 28" with android pie. When i want to select the pixel 2 as the avd device, the programme tells me that theres no avd, but on the right i can see the avd i created. When i put my cursor on it, it says "not applicable for the main.dart configuration". i have HAXM installed and Hyper-V is disabled, but i also tried it with both being active. I used the default code, which appears when you launch android studio.
Please help!!!
I somehow managed to select it now, but i get this error: Running multiple emulators with the same AVD is an experimental feature. Please use -read-only flag to enable this feature.
Try starting the emulator from avd and then check if the device is showing up there if not try running
flutter devices
If the device shows there you can try running
flutter run -d <your-device-name>
You can also check whether the android sdk is configured with flutter try running
flutter config --android-sdk /path/andriod/sdk
hope it helps
Close Android Studio and Run again as Administrator
This is Only the solution i got after working hard for 3 days.

Android Studio. Not deploy/run app to emulator 4.3

Android Studio 2.3.2
Emulator 4.3
In prompt show list devices:
adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
But when I try to run app from Android Studio I get black screen on emulator (Android 4.3) and nothing happened. Here screen:
On another emulator (e.g. 7.1) I success deploy and run app.
Here my sdk settings:
I suggest using other emulators like Genymotion or Memu, or on an actual device[best], for running apps built on AndroidStudio if you are working in Windows. The default emulator is very very slow in my experience, you need a PC with some real high specification.
Well you do have the APIS and other things necessary, so I think your emulator is just too slow to load, or not compatible with your PC , so its not loading.

Why Android Studio does not run App in Android mobiles after gradle update?

When I start running my app, it was loading and running on mobile phone normally.
but after installing android SDK Build-tools 23.0.1 and google USB driver I can't run the app at all.
I mean when I press Run Icon from Android Studio no thing happened or load to my mobile.
Just all process are shown in attached image.
It looks like you've ran the Gradle help task.
You need to run one of the install tasks.

Android Studio selects wrong target device: always runs app on first selected one

How can I debug other than the first device in Android Studio?
I have two Genymotion devices Nexus 5 and Nexus 6, I can run both successfully but when I try to run/debug app from android studio no matter what device I choose it always runs first selected device.
Initially I thought it is genymotion issue but, it was not the case because same happens if I connect real device. Even though device appears in device chooser dialog but it looks like android studio internally doesn't see it.
Stopping debugging for current device before selecting new device helped me. (Red square)
Here is the solution
First: Go to run configuration in android studio
Then: Select the emulator you want
Finally: Run it
It's a bug in Android Studio, supossedly fixed in 1.5.1 but I have 1.5.1 and the bug is still present. Suggested workaround from Google dev is to "close the debug tab once it is done":
