Where i can find ftp credentials for azure web app linux? - azure

I would access the content of my linux app on azure using ftp but i dont know where find the ftp credentials.
In the deployment center i cannot find any ftp section, instead i get some informations on git distribution.
Somebody can help me?

It's likely that you previously set Git deployment for this Web App and this is why the UI defaults to Git. If you don't need it anymore, simply click on Disconnect. This way you can select and set FTP deployments again in Deployment Center.
You can also get the FTP URL from the Overview tab but what about the FTP credentials? Simply click on the Get Publish Profile link, they are in the XML file that will be downloaded.


Azure Web App FTP permission is denied and cannot upload files and cannot create folders

I'm managing small web app, deploying with (always) FTP. My teammate requested me to upload a folder including small teaser website. As usual routine, I opened the Azure Web App Deployment Center FTP dashboard and copied server address and credentials and pasted them into FileZilla(latest version). Login went well and I could see file list and folders. However, when I tried to upload files, remove existing files, all of the writing attempts failed with 550 Access is denied error. What could be the cause of this?
On the other hands, I could remove existing files on KUDU debug console.
I check the ftp link the deployment center provide, looks like the portal provides a read-only ftp link. So go to your web app, click Get publish profile, choose the publishUrl under tag profileName=<yourwebname-FTP>.

Is it possible to access Azure App Service Log Files on Windows 10 File Share?

I currently access my WebLog files via Cloud Explorer in Visual Studio 2017 which I currently access via FTPS
The ones I am after are, off my App Service website is:
Log Files
Is it possible to create some form of mapped drive in windows 10 onto this Azure Log folder?
EDIT : These logs are not in Azure Storage, but are stored as a WebLog file within the website under "Log Files"
EDIT2 : Struggling to get this work with FTPS.
As for I know, there is not a way to map the folder directly on Win 10.
However, you could map the ftp server on win 10 ,maybe this could help you.
Firstly, you need going to Deployment Center and choose FTP way, then get the ftps endpoint, username and password.
Then choose Map network drive on your Windows, and choose "connect to a web site....." like the pic shows.
Click next and choose "Choose a custom network location",next input the ftps endpoint. But in here you need to change ftps to ftp and click next.
Then follow the steps as you like.
The result folder in your Windows will be site/wwwroot/, it doesn't matter, you could click to the root folder then choose LogFiles.
Update: change FTPS to FTP ,what you need to do just delete "s".Like ftps://xxxxx.ftp.p.azurewebsites.windows.net/site/wwwroot change it to ftp://xxxxx.ftp.p.azurewebsites.windows.net/site/wwwroot.

adding a file/styles/extention in phpBB from azure gallery

i'm new to azure, and just deploying phpBB from the app gallery
is there any way to add new styles/extention to it?
When you use the Gallery, you are just creating a web service and automatically uploading whatever software into that service.
To modify your web app, you can FTP into it. First, you need to create an FTP login:
In the blade for your web app, click All settings:
Click Deployment credentials.
Enter a user name and password.
Click Save.
The full FTP user name is “app\username” where app is the name of your web app. The username is listed in the web app blade, under Essentials.
Then follow this phpBB guide for installing styles: https://www.phpbb.com/support/docs/en/3.1/kb/article/how-to-install-styles-on-phpbb3/
When it comes to the FTP steps, use the info you see on your web app and the login you just created.
Extensions are installed a similar way.
Alternatively, you could also set up a git repo with a copy phpbb in it, then push that repo onto your web app. But that is more complicated, FTP is your most direct bet to modifying your phpBB web app.

Is there any way download source code from "cloud services" in Windows Azure?

I don't have the latest version of the code deployed in the company's Windows Azure account, and I need to provide a fix to it. I know this can be done with "Azure Web Sites", but I'm not sure it's possible with "Azure Cloud Services".
Can anyone help?
If you did git deployment of the cloud service, you could fetch from the remote the same way you could with Windows Azure Web Sites. You may have updated the cloud service by uploading the package to blob storage first, in which case you could get the package. But, the package is not source code.
From a process perspective, you should label your deployments with a tag that can be matched in source control. You never know when a "hotfix" needs to be added to a branch off of the current production code.
In Windows Azure Cloud Services, instances are uploaded in the form of .cspkg packages.
According to the documentation, the Get Package operation retrieves a cloud service package for a deployment and stores the package files in Windows Azure Blob storage.
You could then download and extract this package (it is in ZIP file format) to retrieve its content. See this answer for more details.
In the case of ASP.NET applications, that will be a mixture of text files and binary assemblies (.DLLs). In the case of Java, it will be .jar files. You could use the appropriate decompiler to retrieve an approximation of the original source code. But it probably wouldn't be safe to change this reverse-engineered source code and upload it back into production, at least not without extensive testing.
yes. you can download it with an ftp client.
Ggo to dashboard of your site on https://manage.windowsazure.com.
Get credentials (username , password, host) and connect with you preferred ftp client.
Well, Azure now had a new portal and things are bit different. I had to retrieve the code for one of my websites.
To download the code,
go to App Service. In Overview panel, download publisher profile.
Now go to Deployment credentials panel. Enter the username for FTP and choose a password.
To connect to ftp, you need the URL from publishing profile (example.PublishSettings).
Now fire up your FTP client (FileZilla in my case) and put the FTP address and put the username like sitename\ftpusername (example\ftp-exmaple-user for me) and put in the password you choose in Deployment credentials panel.
wwwroot contains your code!
I realize it's an old question, in case anyone else needs it... I use the Cloud Explorer in Visual Studio 2017. In the Cloud explorer, you can drill down Subscription -> Resource Group -> App Service -> Files. Then, at the bottom of the Cloud Explorer, click "Download Files as a Zip."

download azure diagnostic logs?

Does anyone know how to download the Azure diagnostic logs? From the control panel, it shows me an ftp link for the logs, but when I click it it prompts me for a username/password. Any username/password I try just results in a "530 User Cannot Login" error.
It looks like the same address that Vis Studio does it's publishing to, and that had a '$' before my username. I tried that as well, but no-go.
Just curious how to get the logs when you start having errors pop up in the application, or is there something else I should be doing to prepare my app for going on Azure?
You would need to use FTP client application to access to files instead of using the Webpage as it is designed to use a client app to display the files.
I have configured FileZilla as below to access my Windows Azure websites to access Diagnostics Logs as well as use the same client application to upload/download site specific files:
In my blog Windows Azure Website: Uploading/Downloading files over FTP and collecting Diagnostics logs, I have described all the steps.
As an update as of December 2015 (New Azure Portal)
Apparently the FTP Username and Password is not set by your publish settings or anything else that I can find.
The steps to first set up your FTP credentials are to go to your web app on the new portal. Click the settings icon at the top of the "blade". There's like 25-30 different links to settings there. The one we want is under Publishing and then Deployment Credentials.
I thought I had already set these up with my publish profile but those were not working. You should have the opportunity to enter your desired username and password now for FTP and git specifically.
Now go to the blade for Diagnostics (It was right above the publishing section) and you can copy the ftp url. I just copied the first one (ftp not ftps), went to FileZilla and used the ftp url, my new username and password, and port 21 and I was able to see all log files as expected.
This does NOT mess up or affect your publishing credentials in any way that I can see.
On the new Azure Portal there's a new concept of site extensions there you can find an extension called Azure Website Log Browser which makes it extremly easy for you to access your website's logs (viewing and downloading them).
You can read more about it here.
Just to clarify the process, for me it was:
Setup APP server properly (Deployment -> Deployment Credentials ... set username and password
Read correct username at Monitoring -> Diagnostic Logs ... there's a label with SERVERNAME\USERNAME (this whole is username!)
Use WinSCP for SFTP connection and configure it properly. Then I was able to connect.
I had the same problem but your image helped solve my problem. I wasn't using the [sitename][username] (I say sitename but perhaps I should call it hostname/domain)
I don't know if this will help you, and you may have already tried it, but the username I used was my Windows Live ID. (I did not use the dollar $ign)
Oh and one other thing and I don't know if this matters or not as far as accessing the ftp site where logs are stored but make sure you have enabled them under Websites | [select your website] | Configure - Then scroll down to Diagnostics and click "ON" for the logs you want turned on.
I added that last part because I don't know if your ftp.[sitename].azurewebsites.windows.net/LogFiles/ directory has been created and since this is where I am dropped off at (/LogFiles) after signing in, if it doesn't exist you might not be able to log on.. just an after thought.
Good luck!
Make sure that you set up deployment credentials for the application. This is needed by FTP. (Example user name: MyFtpUserName)
Then, when browsing to that provided ftp link, remember to qualify the user id with the domain. (Example qualified user name: MyWebSiteName\MyFtpUserName)
