Require vs refer to JS script in Electron's render process - node.js

I'm new to Electron. I'm writting an application that uses several client-side UI library, such as jQuery, mask-plugin and d3.js.
Considering perfomance, I would like to know if there is any difference between requireing a JS library in the Renderer process instead of directly refering in a script src tag. Precisely, are require calls more costly than simple scripts src tag in the Render process?
For instance (a very minimal and simple example), which one is faster?
"use strict"
window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery');
window.Tether = require('tether');
window.Bootstrap = require('bootstrap');
or refer to the min script directly in the src tag:
<script src="js/core/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/core/popper.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/core/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/plugins/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>

This is a matter of taste and style than performance I believe. For me personally, I prefer to call libraries from code with require (or import in newer JS) than to add additional scripts to the page.
This allows me to have better visibility of what is being called when working on the code, rather than jumping from source to view.


Polymer override script loaded by HTML import

Is it possible to access a (Polymer) web component's dependency (also a component) which the only thing it does is load a js script, and override that with another (newer version in my case) script?
Concrete problem: I'm using various Polymer elements (say paper-dialog for example) which use neon-animation whose different animations all import the web-animations HTML which loads the script I want to override.
In other words I would like to perform something like what the /deep/ combinator does for CSS to penetrate into this specific HTML 'component' and add a newer version of the web-animations-next-lite.min.js script.
As for the why: the idea is to use a Chrome extension to perform this since remote update is not an option (internet connectivity limitations). I need to do this since with Chrome v54 our app "broke" (since we use an older web-animations version) by fixing the WebAnimations API so these errors broke animations and with that functionality (popups not appearing).
I already tried injecting the newer version script in my main HTML body with Chrome extension's content script but didn't have any luck there..
Thanks in advance for any ideas!
I know its a bit of a hack, but can't you just put your own version of the web-animations script in bower_components. The problem with trying to alter the polymer element in place is that it will have already loaded the script before you can get at it.
Listen to the load event on you HTML Imports <link>, then add a <script> element with the right src attribute.
It's this last downloaded (and parsed) script that will be taken in account.
function loaded() {
//file.html loaded
document.write( '<script src="new-file.js"></script>' )
<link rel=import href="file.html" onload="loaded()">

merge javascript files in directory with node uglify + watch?

I am trying to build an effortless workflow for client side templating development.
Doc Root:
We start in /views/uncompiled/
This is where I can build stuff out, like /views/uncompiled/index.html for example.
Im building dust.js templates, so I am using dusterjs too listen for changes in my /views/uncompiled/ directory, and automatically render compiled *.js counterparts in my /static/js/compiled/ directory.
So /views/uncompiled/index.html renders out /static/js/compiled/index.js anytime a change is saved.
My layout.html is growing bigger. I need to include a new *.js script everytime I add another template:
<script src='/static/js/compiled/index.js'></script>
<script src='/static/js/compiled/header.js'></script>
<script src='/static/js/compiled/footer.js'></script>
<script src='/static/js/compiled/baconstrips.js'></script>
Use another watch on the /static/js/compiled/ folder too automatically concat *.js into a single app.js that will always be included in my <head> anytime the contents of that folder changes:
<script src='/static/js/app.js'></script>
I would like to use a concatonation tool like Uglify.js that also does compression.
Are there any node packages that automate the solution above?
Is there a native function of Uglify.js that already does this?
Use grunt.js. It has the ability to watch/concentate/minify your files through various contributed modules. Takes a little getting used to (I still am myself) but you will end up with a custom build process that works the way that you want it to work, which is priceless.

how to use dustjs-linkedin as client side templating?

I get the idea of server and client side templating, but dust.js confuses me a little bit.
In order to use dust.js for client side templating, you need three steps:
complie the template
load the template
render the template
But where do the templates come from? I saw two different methods:
1. <script> template <script>
2. <div> template </div>
... Both of them are in the DOM. Which is correct?
I also notice that you can load the template via ajax, so the template won't be seen in the DOM, but I don't know how to do that.
Also, I'm currently using jade as express view engine. Is it necessary to switch to dust.js? What is the advantage?
This is LinkedIn Dust JS wiki page that can answer your questions and has very good examples:
But to answer your questions here:
Yes you need to compile your dust template which becomes a JavaScript file that you can add to your page by <script> tag and then call dust.render method to render your template. Here is an example:
write following code in a template file and save it as
<p>Hi {firstName} {lastName}</p>
compile to sample.js by dustc in command line or use dust.compile("your_template_code", "template_name") to compile the template and save the output in a JavaScript file (sample.js) or you use duster.js to watch and compile templates by nodejs:
add sample.js in your html:
<script type="text/javascript" src="sample.js"></script>
this will also register your template to dust.cache.
in your JavaScript:
var your_json = {firstName:'James', lastName:'Smith'};
dust.render('sample', your_json, function(err, out){
your_dom_element.innerHTML = out;
The result of above dust.render method will be <p>Hi James Smith</p>
So you need to pass 3 arguments to dust.render: dust.render(template_name, json, callback)
As the wiki say, you can use dust in the client or in the server. If you use it in the client you should get the template (for example with an ajax request), compile it an render in the browser. You will have to include the dust scripts file in your page.
By the other hand you can use dust in the server, (using rhino or nodejs). In this case you are going to compile and render the template in the server so the browser will receive html.

AMD / RequireJs add decency on specific pages

Is there a way to have a main script that act like a "global" script for all pages of a site while still have specific page script when using requiere.js.
This would be called on all pages
<script data-main="resources/js/main" src="resources/js/libs/require.js"></script>
and on other page i would like to add other dependencies without having to create a different main.js script.
Is there any way to do so ?
EDIT: Just found a way that seems to be working pretty well so far:
<script> require.config({ deps : ['register'] }) </script>
Any other ideas?
You can implement a global main and a page main scripts, something like this (the data-start is not part of the requirejs, is hand-made as described on the link below):
<script data-main="globalmain.js" data-start="page/main" src="require.js"/>
More details here: How to use RequireJS build profile + r.js in a multi-page project

How I do create a animated loading indicator spotify apps

How I do use the loading_indicator.png provided in the design resources folder to make it act like an ajax loader?
This is how I display a loading indicator when starting my app, taken from the 'home' application (What's New). In your index.html:
<div class="loading">
<div class="throbber"><div></div></div>
In you app.css:
#import url("sp://import/css/eve.css");
adam.css being the dark Spotify theme and eve.css the light. Then, when your application is finished loading, just remove the element. You can do it with the dom methods in the spotify dom.js. In your app.js:
var dom = sp.require('sp://import/scripts/dom');
var loadingEl = dom.queryOne('.loading');
I don't know if the dom.js will be in the official API or not. Otherwise you can remove it any other way (standard dom methods, other js libraries you're using, etc):
var loadingEl = document.querySelector('.loading');
Note that the above example does not necessarily use the loading_indicator.png but whatever images that are used by the adam.css and eve.css themes.
If you wan't to use the loader as a normal ajax loading indicator inside your app, then all the normal rules of web apps apply. Display loader when initiating ajax call, hide it in completed-callback, position it with css.
I realize this is an old topic, but with the 1.X API there is an easier way to do this by using the Throbber class which allows you to instantiate and hide fairly simply via JS.
var tracks = document.getElementById('tracks');
var throbber = Throbber.forElement(tracks);
// (wait for tracks to load and render)
Just make sure to include the Throbber class at the beginning of your JS:
], function (Throbber) {
