empty response on detectintent with text - dialogflow-es

I am using a dialog flow bot. The user sends the requests to the bot and the bot sends the response with the fulfillment text. After answering some questions, I quit the bot.
After 15min or so when I call the bot again through the triggering word, it is sending the empty response. Is this due to a session timeout?
Please help me in solving the issue.


Can I get Dialogflow send a request to my webhook when I trigger an event?

I want to trigger an intent/event in Dialogflow [from my webhook/server] and have Dialogflow send a request to my /webhook instead of just responding to the POST request that I made which triggered the event. Is that possible? I want to send the user a message based on their input in our web application, but the response types could vary greatly so I can't define the message and payload in the DF web panel.
edit: [in brackets]
Yes, Dialogflow can send information to a webhook - it refers to this as fulfillment.
Keep in mind that the JSON sent by Dialogflow will be in its format, not yours, and it expects a reply in its format as well. This reply will include the message to be sent back to the user (the response to the original POST request).

i cant visit the message that i sent with getupdates in telegram bot

I can't visit the message that I sent with getupdates in telegram bot
how can I visit the messages that I sent with my telegram bot?
I want to show the messages that send with a bot with sendmessage method but I couldn't find it
I can find my the message_id between sent messages but I can't visit the message that bot sent
From your question I couldn't extract in which language you are coding your telegram bot.
In node.js for example, using this package, every message you sent is automatically written to the console. If you only want to review your message that should already do the trick. If you need to store it permanently you'd need to either try to find where the console.log happens and apply your own code or save the console output to a file (like mentioned here). Later on you could for example apply a regex to filter the needed messages.
Note: If you are not using any programming language yet (and are just sending to the telegram API URLs) you have no easy possibility of reviewing your sent messages apart from intercepting the HTTP packets.

Using API.AI event triggers with Telegram Chat bot

I'm using a node server to trigger an event for an API.AI intent that kicks off a series of questions to a Telegram User. Once the trigger is initiated, the questionnaire doesn't begin until a user directly sends some message from Telegram to the bot. Has anyone had any experience with this? I would ideally like API.AI to commence the questionnaire the moment the trigger hits. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

How to detect bot message/user message?

My FB-NodeJS-API prototype is not working correctly because my webhook is receiving the bot respond which is then sent to API.AI.
I need to set a condition where only a user's message should be received on the webhook request or only user's message should be sent to API.AI.
Can anyone advise me on this?
Can you explain the problem better? Please add the relevant code.
The bot response should go the user, not the webhook. The user input will come to the webhook.
I would suggest getting the bot to work without API.AI first and then adding support. My bot is in node.js so you may just want to jump to the source code.
For more information on setting up a bot see my article Facebook Bots for Fun and Profit
The example bot is DMS Software Bot
The source code is Github fb-robot

Telegram Bot webhook really slow

I've created a telegram bot and set a webhook as described in the docs. For testing purposes I've set it up so once you send the bot a message it replies back with the same message.
Now the issue I am having is that the updates from telegram are coming back really slowly and there are some messages I haven't received yet. Am I missing something or is the webhook method just really slow?
I had the same problem. Turns out I wasn't responding the telegram server after I got the POST request. Due to this, the server wasn't sure if I got the previous updates and was constantly sending my webhook past updates.
I have an express server and I added this bit of line after handling the POST Request.
You can also confirm this by going to this url
You'll see a property called pending_update_count. It should zero or close to it.
