What is similar to Azure "Resource Group" in Oracle Cloud infrastructure? - azure

I'm fairly new to OCI.
What is a similar or close concept in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure similar to Microsoft Azure "Resource Groups"?
In Azure when a resource group is deleted all resources in that group will also be deleted along with it. But "Compartments" in Oracle cloud infrastructure is not the exact same concept, because in order to delete a compartment, each resource should be deleted first and then the compartment should be deleted. Is it possible to delete a compartment along with its resources without deleting resources one by one?

I see two options here:
You may use instance pools. Deleting an instance pool will delete all
of its resources, but that only includes instances, boot volumes and
block volumes. Networking and other resources wouldn't be impacted. Instance Pool only works for compute instances having the same configuration, so this is not a generic solution for your question.
Resource Manager can be used to create a stack with all the resources
you need. When you destroy a stack by launching a destroy job, it will delete all the resources that are part of the stack. But resource manager requires you to
create Terraform config files, which can be applied through the OCI
Console. This also means that you cannot create any components of the stack
manually using the GUI, you have to keep using the Resource Manager even if you would like to update any resources of the stack.

Compartments in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is similar to Azure Resource groups.
As per the doc, It is not possible to delete all the resources in compartment at a time similar to Azure.


Delete azure resource by service type

I want to delete azure resource by service or group type. ( for example delete resource related to Virtual Machine, App Service with Application Insights or Storage etc.)
Planning to build the tool using C# or Power shell script. Please provide recommended reusable approach.
this is too generic. there can be none, best you can do is do filtering based on the resource type (so delete all of the resources of the same type, you can add resource group\tag as a filter). But in essence this is not possible. you would have to create a database where you store relationships between different resources and resource types.
Also, how do you solve conflicts? If you delete 1 thing and another thing depends on it? what if its not a hard dependency? etc.

Azure created DefaultResourceGroup-EAU resource group

Today I am noticing that the Azure Group, I dont know when Azure created the
"DefaultResourceGroup-EAU" resource group, and in this group two item is placed
I am not using any Azure Container Registry service and AKS, should I remove this group because it paying in my invoice, I just only have Azure Web Apps and Azure SQL databases and one VM only, should its impact on my above mentioned services after deletion?
certainly not in terms of how those services function, but monitoring might be impaired if you delete those.
Those resources look like they were created alongside AKS cluster. Doesn't mean that they were only being used for that, but highly likely.

How can you prevent GCP console/cloud shell changes by "Owners" conflicting with the terraform code?

I understand the objective of deploying infrastructure as code and appreciate the benefit of being able to enforce code peer review pre-deployment. From a Security perspective this technical control assures me that changes that are being made to an environment are peer-reviewed.
However, wouldn't it still be possible for someone with relevant permissions (e.g. with the role Owner) to make changes directly on the console/cloud shell? This change then wouldn't be peer reviewed.
Just want to check what, if any, controls there are to prevent this? Of course, i understand that one control would be to restrict IAM permissions on the project or at org-level to prevent changes being made since then only the terraform service account could make changes but i want to understand if there are any other controls.
Nothing will stop a user to create/update/delete a resource manually (by manually I mean here : via Console or Cloud shell) if he has
the IAM permissions to do so.
In the case of a manual resource update : if the resource is managed by Terraform, running terraform plan will alert you that a modification has been made. Indeed, Terraform will see a difference between the resource description in your
.tf file and the reality. If you apply these changes, it will revert modifications made manually by the user.
Running periodic checks to verify if some modifications have been made out of Terraform (on resources managed by Terraform) could be a
good idea to alert you that someone did something manually.
But in case of newly created resources (out of Terraform), unless the resource is imported in Terraform after creation (terraform import),
you'll never know that this resource have been created, and you could not track any modifications on that resource.
The only way to prevent resource creation is by restricting IAM permissions. For example, if nobody (unless Terraform service account) have the permission storage.buckets.create, then nobody (excepted Terraform service account) will be able to create a bucket. The same applies to resources update.
If you want all your resources to be managed by Terraform, remove the create/update IAM permissions to all users except Terraform service account. But be aware that :
you can't create/update all GCP resources with Terraform. Even if Terraform providers grows fast, there will always be some delay between a new GCP product and its implementation in Terraform GCP provider. Some time ago, I remember myself waiting for Cloud Composer resource in Terraform,
which appears in 1.18.0 version on 2018/09/17, though Cloud Composer was available since the 2018/05/01. If I have chosen to create resources with only Terraform, then I should have wait 4 months before starting to use Cloud Composer (this is an example amongst other)
you may sometimes want to create resources outside of Terraform, for testing purpose for example. If Terraform is enforced to create/update all resources across your organization, this will not be possible. Think about non-technical users who want to create temporarily some resources to make some tests : they probably won't learn how to use Terraform, so they'll either give up or ask someone to create resources for them. As your number of users increase, this should become cumbersome
reasoning by the absurd : do you want to manage all resources available using Terraform? If so, then you may want to manage also Storage objects with Terraform, because there is a Terraform resource google_storage_bucket_object. Except some very specific cases, you don't want to manage these kind of resources with Terraform (in Storage objects case, think of huge files)
In conclusion, managing all your resources across your organization using Terraform and restrict only Terraform service account to create/update/delete resources is definitively a goal to aim for, and should be done as much as you can, but in reality, it is not always completely possible. Critical resources must be protected, and so IAM for updating/deleting them must be restricted. Also, owner role is not the only one that allows creating/updating/deleting resources. You will have to be very careful about roles you give to your users to ensure that they won't have such permission, and will probably rely on custom roles because predefined roles are often too broad.

how to list resources over a vm on microsoft azure?

I have a old vm on microsoft azure, that I need to delete. There are a bunch of resources over that vm (vnet, public ip, disk, ...)
As I don't want to have unused resources, is it possibile to list all resources linked to another?
thank so much!
there is nothing built-in in Azure to achieve this, kinda. One way of doing this (if you are not using shared virtual networks, backups, etc) is to put all the resources that logically relate to the vm in the same resource group and just delete the resource group.
an alternative would be to create a script to delete all the related resources along with the vm

Why are Azure Resource Groups associated with a specific region?

I'm new to Azure architecture and am trying to understand why Azure Resource Groups, which are logical deployment buckets for applications built on Azure, are associated with a region when they are defined.
At first I thought it was to provide global distribution for disaster recovery or geographic redundancy, but then I realized that a single Resource Group can contain web apps in different regions, which can provide those features via Traffic Manager. I suppose that using separate Resource Groups would help better identify which resources are in which region, but other than for organizational purposes, I can't understand what the region definition for Resource Groups implies.
(edit: removed general advice query to be more focused)
The main reason for specifying the location of a resource group is to specify a location for data/metadata for the deployment to be stored in... It also makes the API consistent (think of the paths in REST API calls) but the primary reason is storage during deployment.
The location of the resources in the group is independent/not related to the location of the group itself.
When creating a resource group, you need to provide a location for that resource group. You may be wondering, "Why does a resource group need a location? And, if the resources can have different locations than the resource group, why does the resource group location matter at all?" The resource group stores metadata about the resources. Therefore, when you specify a location for the resource group, you are specifying where that metadata is stored. For compliance reasons, you may need to ensure that your data is stored in a particular region.
The meta data (definition) of the Azure resource group needs to be stored somewhere. hence the location. However, resources inside a resource group are location independent and can be placed in a different region\location.
Do note that dependencies between resources can exist. A Virtual machine in West Europe obviously needs a storage account in West Europe as well, but a SQL database in the same resource group can exist in West US.
Resource groups are basically for you to decide which resources in your application you want to manage together and by manage I mean you want to deploy, manage, and monitor them as a group so at a high level you do not see them as separate components.
In general in a big ecosystem, Azure resource groups are the ones that you do not see those components(resources) in them as separate entities, instead you see them as related and interdependent parts of a single entity so you put them in one Resource Group so that using the Azure Resource Group Manager tool You can deploy, update or delete all of the resources for your application in a single, coordinated operation.
You use a template for deployment and that template can work for different environments such as testing, staging and production. You can clarify billing for your organization by viewing the rolled-up costs for the entire group.
You can find more details on Azure Resource Manager here which I believe will help you better understand the idea behind the Azure Resource Groups:
Everything in Azure relates to a physical location/Datacenter, and ARM is no different. A little while ago, not every Datacenter supported ARM, so the reason for choosing made even more sense. Now, like any other Azure resource, the decision is for the user to make, often based on their required proximity to the end user and/or legal geographic requirements.
It appears there is no obvious way to determine what region a resource group is in after it has been created. This has caused me grief per the discussion here, when I ran into problems with CDN metadata conflicts. I had to start over. Now I name my resource groups with the region. e.g.: my-resourcegroup-westus
